Class XtceAliasSet

    • Constructor Detail

      • XtceAliasSet

        public XtceAliasSet()
    • Method Detail

      • addAlias

        public void addAlias​(String namespace,
                             String alias)
        Add alias name, only one name per namespace is possible
        namespace - Namespace the alias adheres to
        alias - name in the given namespace
      • getAlias

        public String getAlias​(String nameSpace)
        Returns the name of the object in the given namespace
        nameSpace - Namespace the name should be from
        Name of the object in the given namespace, can be null
      • getNamespaces

        public Set<String> getNamespaces()
      • getAliases

        public Map<String,​String> getAliases()
        Returns a readonly map, mapping namespace to alias
      • size

        public int size()