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ABS - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
absolute value (x1 -- abs(x1))
AbsoluteTimeArgumentType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
AbsoluteTimeArgumentType(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeArgumentType
AbsoluteTimeArgumentType(AbsoluteTimeArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeArgumentType
Copy constructor
AbsoluteTimeArgumentType(AbsoluteTimeArgumentType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeArgumentType
AbsoluteTimeArgumentType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
AbsoluteTimeDataType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Used to contain an absolute time.
AbsoluteTimeDataType(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType
AbsoluteTimeDataType(AbsoluteTimeDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType
AbsoluteTimeDataType(AbsoluteTimeDataType.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType
AbsoluteTimeDataType.Builder<T extends AbsoluteTimeDataType.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
AbsoluteTimeParameterType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
AbsoluteTimeParameterType(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeParameterType
AbsoluteTimeParameterType(AbsoluteTimeParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeParameterType
Creates a shallow copy of the parameter type, giving it a new name.
AbsoluteTimeParameterType(AbsoluteTimeParameterType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeParameterType
AbsoluteTimeParameterType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
ACOS - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
arccosine (x -- acos\(x)) radians
ACOSH - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
hyperbolic arccosine (x -- acosh\(x))
actions - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference
add(T) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NamedDescriptionIndex
addAlarm(String, AlarmLevels) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationAlarm
addAlarm(MatchCriteria, String, AlarmLevels) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType.Builder
Adds a new contextual alarm for the specified value
addAlarmRange(MatchCriteria, DoubleRange, AlarmLevels) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
Adds a new, or unions with an existing range for the specified context and level
addAlarmRange(MatchCriteria, DoubleRange, AlarmLevels) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
Adds a new, or unions with an existing range for the specified context and level
addAlgorithm(Algorithm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
addAlias(String, String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
addAlias(String, String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceAliasSet
Add alias name, only one name per namespace is possible
addAliases(XtceAliasSet) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
Adds all aliases to the existing aliases.
addAllUnits(Collection<UnitType>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType.Builder
addAncillaryData(AncillaryData) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
Stores the given ancillary data.
addAncillaryData(AncillaryData) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
addArgument(Argument) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
Adds an argument to the command.
addArgumentAssignment(ArgumentAssignment) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
addArgumentType(ArgumentType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
addCommandContainer(CommandContainer) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
addComparison(Comparison) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ComparisonList
addConditionExpression(BooleanExpression) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ExpressionList
addContextAlarm(EnumerationContextAlarm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType.Builder
addContextAlarm(NumericContextAlarm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
addContextAlarm(NumericContextAlarm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
addContextAlarms(Collection<NumericContextAlarm>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
addContextAlarms(Collection<NumericContextAlarm>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
addCriticalAlarmRange(MatchCriteria, DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
Adds a new, or unions with an existing critical range for the specified context
addCriticalAlarmRange(MatchCriteria, DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
Adds a new, or unions with an existing critical range for the specified context
addCriticalRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
addDistressAlarmRange(MatchCriteria, DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
Adds a new, or unions with an existing distress range for the specified context
addDistressAlarmRange(MatchCriteria, DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
Adds a new, or unions with an existing distress range for the specified context
addDistressRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
addEntry(SequenceEntry) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandContainer
addEntry(SequenceEntry) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
addEntry(SequenceEntry) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
Add single entry to list of entries
addEnumerationRange(ValueEnumerationRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType.Builder
addEnumerationValue(long, String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType.Builder
addEnumerationValue(ValueEnumeration) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType.Builder
addHistory(History) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Header
addInput(InputParameter) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
addMember(Member) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType.Builder
addMembers(List<Member>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType.Builder
addMetaCommand(MetaCommand) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
addMetaCommand(MetaCommand) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Adds a new command definition to the XTCE db.
addNonStandardData(NonStandardData) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
Add non-standard data to this SpaceSystem.
addOnParameterUpdateTrigger(OnParameterUpdateTrigger) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.TriggerSetType
addOnPeriodicRateTrigger(OnPeriodicRateTrigger) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.TriggerSetType
addOutput(OutputParameter) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
addParameter(Parameter) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
addParameter(Parameter, boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Adds a new parameter to the XTCE db.
addParameterType(ParameterType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
addParameterType(ParameterType, boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Adds a new parameter type to the XTCE db.
addRange(DoubleRange, AlarmLevels) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
addReference(NameReference) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.IncompleteType
addResolvedAction(ArgumentReference.ArgumentResolvedAction) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ArgumentReference
addResolvedAction(NameReference.ResolvedAction) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference
Adds an action to the list to be executed when the reference is resolved and returns this.
addResolvedAction(ParameterReference.ParameterResolvedAction) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ParameterReference
addSequenceContainer(SequenceContainer) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
Register the container
addSevereAlarmRange(MatchCriteria, DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
Adds a new, or unions with an existing severe range for the specified context
addSevereAlarmRange(MatchCriteria, DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
Adds a new, or unions with an existing severe range for the specified context
addSevereRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
addSpaceSystem(SpaceSystem) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
addSpaceSystem(SpaceSystem) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Adds a new SpaceSystem to the XTCE database.
addSystemParameterType(ParameterType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Adds a parameter type to the MDB.
addTransmissionConstrain(TransmissionConstraint) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
addUnit(UnitType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType.Builder
addUnresolvedReference(NameReference) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
tries to resolve the reference immediately in the current system; if it cannot, add it to the list of unresolved references - the reference will be resolved when all parts are available
addVerifier(CommandVerifier) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
addWarningAlarmRange(MatchCriteria, DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
Adds a new, or unions with an existing warning range for the specified context
addWarningAlarmRange(MatchCriteria, DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
Adds a new, or unions with an existing warning range for the specified context
addWarningRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
addWatchAlarmRange(MatchCriteria, DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
Adds a new, or unions with an existing watch range for the specified context
addWatchAlarmRange(MatchCriteria, DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
Adds a new, or unions with an existing watch range for the specified context
addWatchRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
AggregateArgumentType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
AggregateArgumentType(AggregateArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateArgumentType
AggregateArgumentType(AggregateArgumentType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateArgumentType
AggregateArgumentType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
AggregateDataType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
AggregateDataType(AggregateDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
AggregateDataType(AggregateDataType.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
AggregateDataType.Builder<T extends AggregateDataType.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
AggregateMemberNames - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.util
Represents a list of aggregate member names.
AggregateParameterType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
AggegateParameters are analogous to a C struct, they are an aggregation of related data items.
AggregateParameterType(AggregateParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateParameterType
AggregateParameterType(AggregateParameterType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateParameterType
AggregateParameterType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
AggregateTypeUtil - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.util
operations to aggregates or arrays
AggregateTypeUtil() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateTypeUtil
AlarmLevels - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
An enumerated list of the possible alarm levels
AlarmRanges - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Contains five ranges: Watch, Warning, Distress, Critical, and Severe each in increasing severity.
AlarmRanges() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
AlarmReportType - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
Allow control over when alarms are reported.
AlarmType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Base type for alarms
AlarmType() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmType
Algorithm - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Abstract algorithm - defines the inputs, outputs and triggers
Algorithm(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
ALGORITHM - org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier.Type
an algorithm runs to decide if the verifier succeeds or fails
ALGORITHM - org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference.Type
Algorithm.Scope - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
ancillaryData - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
Escape hatch for storing any type of information
AncillaryData - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Used for any other data associated with each named object.
AncillaryData(String, String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AncillaryData
ANDedConditions - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
ANDedConditions() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ANDedConditions
apply(long, long) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ComparisonOperatorType
Argument - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Describe the name of an Argument its NameReference to an ArgumentType in ArgumentTypeSet
Argument(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Argument
ARGUMENT - org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference.Type
ARGUMENT_TYPE - org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference.Type
ArgumentAssignment - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
ArgumentAssignment(String, String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentAssignment
ArgumentEntry - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
An entry that is a single Argument
ArgumentEntry(int, SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentEntry
Constructor for an unresolved ArgumentEntry.
ArgumentEntry(int, SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType, Argument) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentEntry
ArgumentEntry(Argument) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentEntry
ArgumentInstanceRef - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
A reference to a command argument or to a member of an argument of type aggregate
ArgumentInstanceRef() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentInstanceRef
Constructor to be used when the parameter is not yet known.
ArgumentInstanceRef(Argument) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentInstanceRef
ArgumentInstanceRef(Argument, boolean) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentInstanceRef
ArgumentInstanceRef(Argument, PathElement[]) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentInstanceRef
ArgumentReference - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.util
Argument references are used in algorithms or match criteria expressions part of transmission constraints or command verifiers.
ArgumentReference(MetaCommand, String, PathElement[]) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ArgumentReference
ArgumentReference(MetaCommand, Argument, PathElement[]) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ArgumentReference
ArgumentReference.ArgumentResolvedAction - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce.util
ArgumentType - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
Interface to be implemented by all the argument types
ArgumentType.Builder<T extends ArgumentType.Builder<T>> - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
ArrayArgumentType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Describe an array parameter type.
ArrayArgumentType(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayArgumentType
ArrayArgumentType(String, int) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayArgumentType
ArrayArgumentType(ArrayArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayArgumentType
ArrayArgumentType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
ArrayDataType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
An array of values of the type referenced in ArrayDataType.type and have the number of array dimensions as specified in ArrayDataType.numberOfDimensions
ArrayDataType(String, int) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
ArrayDataType(ArrayDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
ArrayDataType(ArrayDataType.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
ArrayDataType.Builder<T extends ArrayDataType.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
ArrayParameterEntry - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Describe an entry that is an array parameter.
ArrayParameterEntry(int, SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterEntry
ArrayParameterEntry(int, SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType, Parameter) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterEntry
ArrayParameterType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Describe an array parameter type.
ArrayParameterType(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType
ArrayParameterType(String, int) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType
ArrayParameterType(ArrayParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType
ArrayParameterType(ArrayParameterType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType
ArrayParameterType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
arrayToHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
ASIN - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
arcsine (x -- asin\(x)) radians
ASINH - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
hyperbolic arcsine (x -- asinh\(x))
ATAN - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
arctangent (x -- atan\(x)) radians
ATANH - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
hyperbolic arctangent (x -- atanh\(x))
ATTR_ENCODING - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ATTR_INITIAL_VALUE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ATTR_PARAMETER_REF - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ATTR_SHORT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ATTR_SIZE_IN_BITS - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants


baseContainer - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
BaseDataType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Base class for all simple XTCE types - tha is all types except AggregateDataType and ArrayDataType
BaseDataType(BaseDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType
creates a shallow copy of t
BaseDataType.Builder<T extends BaseDataType.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BaseTimeDataType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BaseTimeDataType(BaseTimeDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseTimeDataType
creates a shallow copy of t
BaseTimeDataType.Builder<T extends BaseTimeDataType.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
baseType - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType.Builder
BinaryArgumentType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BinaryArgumentType(BinaryArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryArgumentType
BinaryArgumentType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BinaryDataEncoding - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Although XTCE suggests that this class could be used to encode/decode integer/float/string data, In Yamcs this is used just for encoding binary data (i.e. binary to binary).
BinaryDataEncoding(BinaryDataEncoding) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
copy constructor
BinaryDataEncoding(BinaryDataEncoding.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
BinaryDataEncoding.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BinaryDataEncoding.Type - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
BinaryDataType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BinaryDataType(BinaryDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
BinaryDataType(BinaryDataType.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
BinaryDataType.Builder<T extends BinaryDataType.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BinaryParameterType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BinaryParameterType(BinaryParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryParameterType
BinaryParameterType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BITWISE_AND - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
bitwise and (x1 x2 -- x1 & x2)
BITWISE_OR - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
bitwise or (x1 x2 -- x1 | x2)
BooleanArgumentType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BooleanArgumentType(BooleanArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanArgumentType
Creates a shallow copy of the parameter type
BooleanArgumentType(BooleanArgumentType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanArgumentType
BooleanArgumentType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BooleanDataEncoding - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
For boolean data.
BooleanDataEncoding(BooleanDataEncoding.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataEncoding
BooleanDataEncoding.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BooleanDataType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BooleanDataType(BooleanDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType
BooleanDataType(BooleanDataType.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType
BooleanDataType.Builder<T extends BooleanDataType.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BooleanExpression - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
BooleanParameterType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
BooleanParameterType(BooleanParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanParameterType
Creates a shallow copy of the parameter type
BooleanParameterType(BooleanParameterType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanParameterType
BooleanParameterType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeArgumentType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeParameterType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateArgumentType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateParameterType.Builder
build() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayArgumentType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryArgumentType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryParameterType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanArgumentType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataEncoding.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanParameterType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding.Builder
build() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedArgumentType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatArgumentType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerArgumentType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
build() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericParameterType.Builder
build() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringArgumentType.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.Builder
build() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringParameterType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeArgumentType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeParameterType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateArgumentType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateParameterType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayArgumentType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseTimeDataType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryArgumentType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryParameterType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanArgumentType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataEncoding.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanParameterType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedArgumentType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatArgumentType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerArgumentType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.NumericDataType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringArgumentType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataType.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringParameterType.Builder
Builder(AbsoluteTimeArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeArgumentType.Builder
Builder(AbsoluteTimeDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType.Builder
Builder(AbsoluteTimeParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeParameterType.Builder
Builder(AggregateArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateArgumentType.Builder
Builder(AggregateDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType.Builder
Builder(AggregateParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateParameterType.Builder
Builder(ArrayArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayArgumentType.Builder
Builder(ArrayDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType.Builder
Builder(ArrayParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType.Builder
Builder(BaseDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType.Builder
Builder(BaseTimeDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseTimeDataType.Builder
Builder(BinaryArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryArgumentType.Builder
Builder(BinaryDataEncoding) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Builder
Builder(BinaryDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType.Builder
Builder(BinaryParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryParameterType.Builder
Builder(BooleanArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanArgumentType.Builder
Builder(BooleanDataEncoding) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataEncoding.Builder
Builder(BooleanDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType.Builder
Builder(BooleanParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanParameterType.Builder
Builder(DataEncoding) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding.Builder
Builder(EnumeratedArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedArgumentType.Builder
Builder(EnumeratedDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType.Builder
Builder(EnumeratedParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType.Builder
Builder(FloatArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatArgumentType.Builder
Builder(FloatDataEncoding) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Builder
Builder(FloatDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType.Builder
Builder(FloatParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
Builder(IntegerArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerArgumentType.Builder
Builder(IntegerDataEncoding) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Builder
Builder(IntegerDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType.Builder
Builder(IntegerParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
Builder(NameDescription) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription.Builder
Builder(StringArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringArgumentType.Builder
Builder(StringDataEncoding) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.Builder
Builder(StringDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataType.Builder
Builder(StringParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringParameterType.Builder
buildIndexMaps() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Called after the database has been populated to build the maps for quickly finding things


calibrate(long) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
Calibrator - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
CheckWindow - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
From XTCE: Holds a time to stop checking and optional time to start checking and whether window is relative to command release or last verifier.
CheckWindow(long, long, CheckWindow.TimeWindowIsRelativeToType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow
CheckWindow.TimeWindowIsRelativeToType - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
COMMAND - org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource
parameters used in the context of command verifiers
COMMAND_CONTAINER - org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference.Type
COMMAND_HISTORY - org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource
special parameters created on the fly and instantiated in the context of command verifiers
COMMAND_RELEASE - org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow.TimeWindowIsRelativeToType
COMMAND_VERIFICATION - org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm.Scope
CommandContainer - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
CommandContainer(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandContainer
CommandVerifier - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
XTCE: A command verifier is used to check that the command has been successfully executed.
CommandVerifier(CommandVerifier) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
CommandVerifier(CommandVerifier.Type, String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
CommandVerifier(CommandVerifier.Type, String, CheckWindow) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
CommandVerifier.TerminationAction - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
what can happen when the verification finishes XTCE does not specify very well, just that each verifier returns true or false.
CommandVerifier.Type - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
compareTo(History) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.History
compareTo(SequenceEntry) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
compareTo(SplinePoint) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SplinePoint
Comparison - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
This corresponds to XTCE Comparison or ArgumentComparison
Comparison(ArgumentInstanceRef, String, OperatorType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Comparison
Comparison(ParameterInstanceRef, String, OperatorType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Comparison
Makes a new comparison with a generic stringValue at this step the paraRef could be pointing to an unknown parameter. resolveValueType can(should) be called later to create the correct value if it's not string
ComparisonList - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
All comparisons must be true.
ComparisonList() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ComparisonList
ComparisonOperatorType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Condition - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
The Condition is XTCE overlaps with the Comparison.
Condition(OperatorType, ParameterOrArgumentRef, String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Condition
Condition(OperatorType, ParameterOrArgumentRef, ParameterOrArgumentRef) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Condition
CONSTANT - org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource
constants in the XtceDb - cannot be changed
Constants - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.xml
Constants() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
container - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
Container - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
An abstract block of data; used as the base type for more specific container types
CONTAINER - org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier.Type
verifier succeeds if a container is received
CONTAINER_PROCESSING - org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm.Scope
CONTAINER_START - org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType
ContainerEntry - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Entry from a container that makes reference to another container.
ContainerEntry(int, SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ContainerEntry
ContainerEntry(int, SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType, SequenceContainer) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ContainerEntry
containsNamespace(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
ContextCalibrator - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Context calibrations are applied when the ContextMatch is true.
ContextCalibrator(MatchCriteria, Calibrator) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ContextCalibrator
convertType(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType
convertType(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
Parse the initial value as a JSON string.
convertType(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
Parse an initial value specified as an json array.
convertType(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
parse the hexadecimal stringValue into byte[]
convertType(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType
convertType(Object) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType
Converts to the canonical (boxed) java representation of this type.
convertType(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
convertType(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType
convertType(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType
In case the provided value is a String, it is parsed to a Long Base 10 (decimal) form unless: if preceded by a 0b or 0B, value is in base two (binary form) if preceded by a 0o or 0O, values is in base 8 (octal) form if preceded by a 0x or 0X, value is in base 16 (hex) form. Underscores (_) are allowed in the string and ignored.
convertType(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataType
copy() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
copy() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataEncoding
copy() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CustomAlgorithm
return a shallow copy of the algorithm
copy() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
Create a shallow copy of the data encoding
copy() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
copy() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
copy() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
COS - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
cosine (x -- cos\(x)) radians
COSH - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
hyperbolic cosine (x -- cosh\(x))
createOrGetAlarm(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType.Builder
createOrGetAlarm(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
createOrGetAlarm(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
createOrGetAlarm(MatchCriteria) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericParameterType.Builder
createSystemParameter(String, ParameterType, String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Creates and returns a system parameter with the given qualified name.
CRITICAL - org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmLevels
CRITICAL - org.yamcs.xtce.Significance.Levels
ISO 14490: telecommand that, if executed at the wrong time or in the wrong configuration, could cause irreversible loss or damage for the mission (i.e. endanger the achievement of the primary mission objectives)
CUSTOM - org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Type
CUSTOM - org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.SizeType
DataEncoding.getFromBinaryTransformAlgorithm() will be used to decode the data
CustomAlgorithm - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Algorithm implemented in a specific language.
CustomAlgorithm(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.CustomAlgorithm
CustomAlgorithm(CustomAlgorithm) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.CustomAlgorithm


DataEncoding - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Describes how a particular piece of data is sent or received from some non-native, off-platform device.
DataEncoding.Builder<T extends DataEncoding.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
DataSource - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
The data source is associated to a Parameter and specifies the source of the values for that parameter.
DataType - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
Interface for all XTCE data types.
DataType.Builder<T extends DataType.Builder<T>> - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
DataTypeUtil - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.util
DataTypeUtil() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DataTypeUtil
decalibrate(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedArgumentType
DEFAULT_REPORT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmType
DERIVED - org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource
parameters set by the algorithm manager
DISTRESS - org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmLevels
DISTRESS - org.yamcs.xtce.Significance.Levels
ISO 14490: telecommand that is not a critical telecommand but is essential to the success of the mission and, if sent at the wrong time, could cause momentary loss of the mission
DIV - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
division (x1 x2 -- x1/x2) An undefined condition exists if x2 is zero
DoubleRange - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.util
A range of numbers [min, max) where both min and max can be inclusive or exclusive.
DoubleRange(double, double) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
DoubleRange(double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
DoubleRange(DoubleRange) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
DROP - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
Remove top item from the stack (x -- )
DUP - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
Duplicate top item on the stack (x -- x x)
DYNAMIC - org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Type
DynamicIntegerValue - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Uses a parameter instance to obtain the value.
DynamicIntegerValue(ParameterOrArgumentRef) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.DynamicIntegerValue
dynamicSize - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
For variable-sized parameters or arguments, a reference to the parameter or argument containing the size.


ELEM_ABSOLUTE_TIME_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ABSOLUTE_TIME_PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_AGGREGATE_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_AGGREGATE_PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ALGORITHM_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ALGORITHM_TEXT - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ALIAS - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ALIAS_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ANCILLARY_DATA - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ANCILLARY_DATA_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_AND_CONDITIONS - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT_LIST - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ARGUMENT_INSTANCE_REF - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ARGUMENT_LIST - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ARGUMENT_REF_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ARGUMENT_TYPE_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ARRAY_ARGUMENT_REF_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ARRAY_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ARRAY_PARAMETER_REF_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ARRAY_PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_AUTHOR_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_BASE_CONTAINER - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_BASE_META_COMMAND - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_BINARY_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_BINARY_DATA_ENCODING - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_BINARY_ENCODING - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_BINARY_PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_BOOLEAN_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_BOOLEAN_PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CALIBRATOR - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CHANGE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CHECK_WINDOW - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_COMMAND_CONTAINER - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_COMMAND_CONTAINER_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_COMMAND_MEATA_DATA - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_COMPARISON - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_COMPARISON_LIST - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_COMPARISON_OPERATOR - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CONDITION - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CONSTANT - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CONTAINER_REF - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CONTAINER_REF_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CONTAINER_SEGMENT_REF_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CONTAINER_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CONTEXT_ALARM - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CONTEXT_ALARM_LIST - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CONTEXT_CALIBRATOR - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CONTEXT_CALIBRATOR_LIST - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CONTEXT_MATCH - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_COUNT - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_CUSTOM_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_DEFAULT_ALARM - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_DEFAULT_CALIBRATOR - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_DEFAULT_RATE_IN_STREAM - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_DEFAULT_SIGNIFICANCE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_DIMENSION - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_DIMENSION_LIST - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_DISCRETE_LOOKUP_LIST - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_DYNAMIC_VALUE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ENCODING - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ENDING_INDEX - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ENTRY_LIST - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ENUMERATED_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ENUMERATED_PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ENUMERATION - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_ENUMERATION_LIST - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_EPOCH - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_FIXED - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_FIXED_VALUE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_FIXED_VALUE_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_FLOAT_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_FLOAT_DATA_ENCODING - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_FLOAT_PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_HEADER - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_HISTORY_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_INCLUDE_CONDITION - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_INDIRECT_PARAMETER_REF_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_INPUT_ARGUMENT_INSTANCE_REF - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_INPUT_PARAMETER_INSTANCE_REF - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_INPUT_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_INTEGER_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_INTEGER_DATA_ENCODING - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_INTEGER_PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_LEADING_SIZE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_LINEAR_ADJUSTMENT - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_LOCATION_IN_CONTAINER_IN_BITS - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_LONG_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_MATH_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_MATH_OPERATION - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_MATH_OPERATION_CALIBRATOR - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_MEMBER - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_MEMBER_LIST - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_MESSAGE_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_META_COMMAND - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_META_COMMAND_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_NOTE_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_OFFSET_FROM - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_OR_CONDITIONS - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_OUTPUT_PARAMETER_REF - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_OUTPUT_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_PARAMETER_INSTANCE_REF - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_PARAMETER_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_PARAMETER_REF - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_PARAMETER_REF_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_PARAMETER_SEGMENT_REF_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_PARAMETER_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_PARAMETER_TYPE_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_PARAMETER_VALUE_CHANGE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_POLYNOMIAL_CALIBRATOR - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_RANGE_ENUMERATION - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_REFERENCE_TIME - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_RELATIVE_TIME_PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_REPEAT_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_RESTRICTION_CRITERIA - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_RETURN_PARAM_REF - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_SEQUENCE_CONTAINER - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_SIZE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_SIZE_IN_BITS - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_SPACE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_SPLINE_CALIBRATOR - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_SPLINE_POINT - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_STARTING_INDEX - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_STATIC_ALARM_RANGES - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_STREAM_SEGMENT_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_STREAM_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_STRING_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_STRING_DATA_ENCODING - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_STRING_PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_SYSTEM_NAME - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_TELEMTRY_META_DATA - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_TERM - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_TERMINATION_CHAR - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_TIME_ASSOCIATION - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_TRANSMISSION_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_TRANSMISSION_CONSTRAINT_LIST - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_TRIGGER_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_UNIT - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_UNIT_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_VALID_RANGE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_VALID_RANGE_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_VALIDITY_CONDITION - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_VALUE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_VALUE_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_VARIABLE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
ELEM_VERIFIER_SET - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.Constants
Element() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.Element
Element(double) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.Element
Element(MathOperation.ElementType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.Element
Element(MathOperator) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.Element
Element(ParameterInstanceRef) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.Element
encoding - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType
EnumeratedArgumentType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
EnumeratedArgumentType(EnumeratedArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedArgumentType
Copy constructor
EnumeratedArgumentType(EnumeratedArgumentType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedArgumentType
EnumeratedArgumentType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
EnumeratedDataType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
EnumeratedDataType(EnumeratedDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
performs a shallow copy of this object into t
EnumeratedDataType.Builder<T extends EnumeratedDataType.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
EnumeratedParameterType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
EnumeratedParameterType(EnumeratedParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType
Copy constructor
EnumeratedParameterType(EnumeratedParameterType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType
EnumeratedParameterType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
enumeration - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
EnumerationAlarm - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Alarm conditions for Enumerations An additional check needs to be performed to ensure that the enumeration values in the alarms are legal enumeration values for the Parameter
EnumerationAlarm() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationAlarm
EnumerationAlarm.EnumerationAlarmItem - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
EnumerationAlarmItem(String, AlarmLevels) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationAlarm.EnumerationAlarmItem
EnumerationContextAlarm - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Context alarms are applied when the ContextMatch is true.
EnumerationContextAlarm() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationContextAlarm
enumerationList - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType.Builder
enumerationList - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
enumValue(Long) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType.Builder
enumValue(Long) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
enumValue(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType.Builder
enumValue(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
EQUALITY - org.yamcs.xtce.OperatorType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SplinePoint
equals(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateMemberNames
equals(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
EXP - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
exponentiation (x -- exp(x))
ExpressionList - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
This class does not have an equivalence in the XTCE standard Created as a base-class for ORedConditions and ANDedConditions
ExpressionList() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ExpressionList
expressions - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.ExpressionList
EXTERNAL1 - org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource
external parameters are like local parameters (can be set by the client) but maintained outside Yamcs.
EXTERNAL2 - org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource
EXTERNAL3 - org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource


FACT - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
factorial (x -- x!)
FAIL - org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier.TerminationAction
failOnFirstFailedMatch() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
findAliasReference(SpaceSystem, NameReference, SpaceSystem) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder
searches for aliases in the parent hierarchy
findArgumentReference(ArgumentReference) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder
findParameterReference(SpaceSystem, String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder
findReference(SpaceSystem, NameReference) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder
find reference starting at startSs and looking through the SpaceSystem path
findReference(SpaceSystem, NameReference, SpaceSystem) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder
find the reference nr mentioned in the space system ss by looking either in root (if absolute reference) or in the parent hierarchy if relative reference
findSeparator(String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateTypeUtil
finds the first occurrence of . or [ after the last /
findSeparator(String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder
FIXED - org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.SizeType
fixed size has to be specified in the DataEncoding.getSizeInBits()
FIXED_SIZE - org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Type
FixedIntegerValue - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
A simple long value
FixedIntegerValue(long) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FixedIntegerValue
FixedValueEntry - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Holds an optional attributes name, bitOrder, byteOrderList, required attributes binaryValue, sizeInBits and optional LocationInContainerInBits, RepeatEntry and IncludeCondition.
FixedValueEntry(int, SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType, String, byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FixedValueEntry
FixedValueEntry(String, byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FixedValueEntry
FloatArgumentType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Represent aspects of an float, probably using IntegerDataEncoding with a calibrator or FloatDataEncoding.
FloatArgumentType(FloatArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatArgumentType
Creates a shallow copy.
FloatArgumentType(FloatArgumentType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatArgumentType
FloatArgumentType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
FloatDataEncoding - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
For common encodings of floating point data.
FloatDataEncoding(FloatDataEncoding) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
copy constructor
FloatDataEncoding(FloatDataEncoding.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
FloatDataEncoding.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
FloatDataEncoding.Encoding - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
FloatDataType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
FloatDataType(FloatDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType
FloatDataType(FloatDataType.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType
FloatDataType.Builder<T extends FloatDataType.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
FloatParameterType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
FloatParameterType(FloatParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType
Creates a shallow copy.
FloatParameterType(FloatParameterType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType
FloatParameterType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
FloatValidRange - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Holds the min/max of a ValidRange for floating point.
FloatValidRange(double, double) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatValidRange
FloatValidRange(DoubleRange) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatValidRange
FoundReference(Argument, PathElement[]) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder.FoundReference
FoundReference(NameDescription) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder.FoundReference
FoundReference(Parameter, PathElement[]) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder.FoundReference
fromBinaryTransformAlgorithm - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.PathElement
Creates a path element from a string like
fromString(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.Significance.Levels
fromSymbol(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.OperatorType
fromXls(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow.TimeWindowIsRelativeToType
fromXtce(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmLevels
fromXtce(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow.TimeWindowIsRelativeToType
fromXtceComplement(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
Returns a range from the XTCE float range used for alarms which is in fact a union of two ranges
fromXtceName(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator


get(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateMemberNames
get(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NamedDescriptionIndex
returns the object based on its qualified name
get(String[]) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateMemberNames
Factory method that returns the unique object corresponding to the list of names.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NamedDescriptionIndex
returns the object in namespace
getAggregateMemberPath() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder.FoundReference
getAlarmLevel() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationAlarm.EnumerationAlarmItem
getAlarmList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationAlarm
getAlarmReportType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmType
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
getAlgorithm(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getAlgorithm(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getAlgorithm(String, String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getAlgorithm(Yamcs.NamedObjectId) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getAlgorithmCount(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getAlgorithms() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getAlgorithms() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getAlgorithmText() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CustomAlgorithm
getAlias(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
getAlias(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceAliasSet
Returns the name of the object in the given namespace
getAliases() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceAliasSet
Returns a readonly map, mapping namespace to alias
getAliasNameSpace() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IndirectParameterRefEntry
getAliasSet() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
getAncillaryData() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
getArgName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ArgumentReference
getArgument() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentEntry
getArgument() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentInstanceRef
getArgument(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
returns an argument based on name or null if it doesn't exist
getArgumentAssignmentList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
returns the argument assignment list in relation to the inheritance - this is the list of arguments of the parent(s) which are assigned when the inheritance takes place returns null if there is no such argument
getArgumentList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
returns the list of arguments of this command can be empty if the command doesn't have arguments
getArgumentName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentAssignment
getArgumentRef() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.InputParameter
getArgumentType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Argument
getArgumentType(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getArgumentTypes() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getArgumentValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentAssignment
getArity() - Method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
getAuthor() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.History
getBaseContainer() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
getBaseContainer() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
getBaseMetaCommand() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
getBinaryValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FixedValueEntry
getByteOrder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
getCalibrated() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SplinePoint
getCalibrationDescription() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedArgumentType
getCalibrationDescription() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType
getCalibrator() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ContextCalibrator
getCheckWindow() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
getCoefficient() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceTerm
getCoefficients() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.PolynomialCalibrator
getCommandContainer() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
getCommandContainer(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getCommandContainers() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getCommandVerifiers() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
getCommonEpoch() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.TimeEpoch
getComparisonList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ComparisonList
getComparisonOperator() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Comparison
getComparisonOperator() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Condition
getConsequenceLevel() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Significance
getContainer() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
getContainerEntries(SequenceContainer) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getContainerRef() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
getContextAlarm(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType.Builder
getContextAlarm(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType
getContextAlarmList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType
getContextAlarmList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType
getContextAlarmList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType
getContextCalibratorList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
getContextCalibratorList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
getContextCalibratorList() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericDataEncoding
getContextMatch() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ContextCalibrator
getContextMatch() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationContextAlarm
getContextMatch() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NumericContextAlarm
getCount() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Repeat
getCriticalRange() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
getDataSource() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter
getDataType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentInstanceRef
getDataType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef
getDataType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterOrArgumentRef
getDate() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Header
getDate() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.History
getDateTime() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.TimeEpoch
getDefaultAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType.Builder
getDefaultAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType
getDefaultAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
getDefaultAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType
getDefaultAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
getDefaultAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType
getDefaultAlarm() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericParameterType
getDefaultAlarmLevel() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationAlarm
getDefaultCalibrator() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
getDefaultCalibrator() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
getDefaultCalibrator() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericDataEncoding
getDefaultSignificance() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
getDelta() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterValueChange
getDependentParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeParameterType
getDependentParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
getDependentParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Comparison
getDependentParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ComparisonList
getDependentParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Condition
getDependentParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
getDependentParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType
getDependentParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ExpressionList
getDependentParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
getDependentParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType
getDependentParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
getDependentParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType
getDependentParameters() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.MatchCriteria
Return the set of parameters which are required in order to evaluate the match criteria.
getDependentParameters() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterType
getDescription() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.UnitType
getDescription() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ValueEnumeration
getDescription() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ValueEnumerationRange
getDimension(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
Get the size of the nth dimension
getDistressRange() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
getDynamicBufferSize() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
getDynamicInstanceRef() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DynamicIntegerValue
getDynamicSize() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Builder
getDynamicSize() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
getEffectiveArgument(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
Same as MetaCommand.getArgument(String) but looks up the argument also in the parent
getEffectiveArgumentAssignmentList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
getEffectiveArgumentList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
returns the list of all arguments including those inherited from the parent
getEffectiveDefaultSignificance() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
returns the command significance either directly defined or inherited from the parent
getEffectiveInputName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.InputParameter
Returns the name of the input to be used in the algorithm.
getEffectiveOutputName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.OutputParameter
getElementList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation
getElementType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
returns the type of the elements of the array
getEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateArgumentType.Builder
getEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateParameterType
getEncoding() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentType.Builder
getEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayArgumentType.Builder
getEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType
getEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType.Builder
getEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType
getEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
getEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Builder
getEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
getEncoding() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericParameterType.Builder
getEncoding() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericParameterType
getEncoding() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterType
Get the data encoding for the parameter type.
getEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
getEntryForArgument(Argument) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandContainer
looks up in the argumentEntry list the first one that is linked to the passed on argument
getEntryList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandContainer
returns the list of entries
getEntryList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
getEntryList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
Returns the list of the entries in the sequence container.
getEnumerationLabel() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationAlarm.EnumerationAlarmItem
getEpoch() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ReferenceTime
getExponent() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceTerm
getExpressionList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ExpressionList
getFactor() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.UnitType
getFireRate() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.OnPeriodicRateTrigger
getFixedSize() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
If ArrayDataType.isFixedSize() returns true, this method can be used to get the array flat size
getFloatEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Builder
getForFullyQualifiedName(String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SystemParameter
getFormula() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.JavaExpressionCalibrator
getFromBinaryTransformAlgorithm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
getHeader() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getHistoryList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Header
getHref() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AncillaryData
getIncludeCondition() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
getIndex() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.PathElement
getIndex() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
getIndirectParameterRefEntries(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Retrieve the list of IndirectParameterRefEntry for a given alias namespace.
getInheritingContainers(SequenceContainer) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Get the list of containers inheriting from the given container
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Argument
returns the initial value of this argument which would be better called default value returns null if no initial value has been set
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType
getInitialValue() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType
Get the initial value if any
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Member
Get the initial value of the member.
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataType
getInputList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
Returns the list of input parameters
getInputName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.InputParameter
getInputSet() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
same as Algorithm.getInputList(), although it's a list this method calls it Set due to XTCE terminology.
getInstance() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef
A positive value for instance is forward in time, a negative value for count is backward in time, a 0 value for count means use the current value of the parameter or the first value in a container.
getIntercept() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DynamicIntegerValue
getIntercept() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.LinearAdjusment
getLabel() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ValueEnumeration
getLabel() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ValueEnumerationRange
getLanguage() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CustomAlgorithm
getLeftRef() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Condition
getLocationInContainerInBits() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
getLongDescription() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType
getLongDescription() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
getMatchCriteria() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
getMatchCriteria() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.TransmissionConstraint
getMax() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
getMaxInclusive() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerRange
getMaxInterval() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.RateInStream
getMaxSizeInBytes() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
getMember(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
getMember(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
Returns a member on the given name.
getMember(String[]) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
Returns a member in a hierarchical aggregate.
getMemberList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType.Builder
getMemberList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
getMemberNames() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
getMemberPath() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterOrArgumentRef
If the parameter or argument is an aggregate or an array (or a nested structure of these), return the path to the referenced member inside the structure.
getMemberType(DataType, PathElement[]) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DataTypeUtil
traverses the type hierarchy to retrieve the type referenced by path
getMemberType(ParameterType, PathElement[]) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateTypeUtil
getMessage() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.History
getMetaCommand() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ArgumentReference
getMetaCommand(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getMetaCommand(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Returns a meta command by fully qualified name.
getMetaCommand(String, String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Returns a command based on a name in a namespace
getMetaCommand(Yamcs.NamedObjectId) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getMetaCommandByAlias(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getMetaCommandCount(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getMetaCommands() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getMetaCommands() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Returns the list of MetaCommmands in the XTCE database
getMimeType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AncillaryData
getMin() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
getMinInclusive() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerRange
getMinInterval() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.RateInStream
getMinViolations() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmType
getName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AncillaryData
getName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentInstanceRef
getName() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentType
getName() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType.Builder
getName() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType
getName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FixedValueEntry
getName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription.Builder
getName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
Returns the non qualified name of the item
getName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef
getName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterOrArgumentRef
getName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.PathElement
getName(String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
returns the last component of the fully qualified name
getNameDescription() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder.FoundReference
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceAliasSet
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getNonStandardData() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getNonStandardData() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getNonStandardDataOfType(Class<T>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getNonStandardDataOfType(Class<T>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getNumberOfDimensions() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
getNumericContextAlarm(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
getNumericContextAlarm(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
getObjects() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NamedDescriptionIndex
returns a collection of all the objects (parameters) in the index
getOffset() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseTimeDataType
getOffsetFrom() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ReferenceTime
getOffsetSizeInBits() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Repeat
getOneStringValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType
getOnFail() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
getOnParameterUpdateTriggers() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.TriggerSetType
getOnPeriodicRateTriggers() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.TriggerSetType
getOnSuccess() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
getOnTimeout() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
getOperation() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MathAlgorithm
getOperator() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.Element
getOpsName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
OPS name, in XTCE defined as alias for namespace "MDB:OPS Name"
getOutputList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
getOutputName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.OutputParameter
Returns the name of the output to be used in the algorithm.
getOutputSet() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
same as Algorithm.getOutputList(), although it's a list this method calls it Set due to XTCE terminology.
getParameter() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterEntry
getParameter() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.OnParameterUpdateTrigger
getParameter() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.OutputParameter
getParameter() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterEntry
getParameter() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef
getParameter(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getParameter(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getParameter(String, String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getParameter(Yamcs.NamedObjectId) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getParameterByAlias(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
Searches through all namespaces for a parameter with the given alias.
getParameterCount(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getParameterEntries(Parameter) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getParameterInstance() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.InputParameter
getParameterInstanceRef() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DynamicIntegerValue
getParameterInstanceRef() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.Element
getParameterNames() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getParameterRef() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IndirectParameterRefEntry
getParameterRef() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterValueChange
getParameterReference(SpaceSystem, String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceStaxReader
getParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
Returns the direct sub parameters of this space system
getParameters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getParameters(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
Returns the parameters defined in this space system, or under any of its sub space systems
getParameterType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter
getParameterType(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getParameterType(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getParameterType(String, String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getParameterType(Yamcs.NamedObjectId) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getParameterTypes() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getParameterTypes() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getParameterValueChange() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
getParent() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getPath() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ArgumentReference
getPoints() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SplineCalibrator
getPower() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.UnitType
getQualifiedName() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType
getQualifiedName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
Returns the fully qualified name.
getRateInStream() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
getRaw() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SplinePoint
getReasonForWarning() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Significance
getRecordingGroup() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter
getRef() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Comparison
getRef() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.InputParameter
getRefContainer() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ContainerEntry
getReference() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference
getReference(MetaCommand, String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ArgumentReference
getReferenceLocation() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
getReferenceTime() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType.Builder
getReferenceTime() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType
getRepeatEntry() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
getRestrictionCriteria() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
restriction criteria related to inheritance from the base container
getRestrictionCriteria() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
getReturnParameter() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
getRightRef() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Condition
getRightValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Condition
getRootSequenceContainer() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getRootSequenceContainer() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getRootSpaceSystem() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getScale() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseTimeDataType
getScope() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
getSequenceContainer() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
getSequenceContainer(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getSequenceContainer(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getSequenceContainer(String, String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getSequenceContainer(Yamcs.NamedObjectId) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getSequenceContainerByAlias(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getSequenceContainerCount(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getSequenceContainers() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getSequenceContainers() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getSevereRange() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
getShortDescription() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType
getShortDescription() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
getSize() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
Return the dimension list (defined as from XTCE 1.2).
getSize() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterEntry
getSizeInBits() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
getSizeInBits() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding.Builder
getSizeInBits() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
Returns the size in bits of data encoded according to this encoding.
getSizeInBits() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FixedValueEntry
getSizeInBits() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType
getSizeInBits() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType
getSizeInBitsOfSizeTag() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
getSizeInBitsOfSizeTag() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
getSizeInBytesOfSizeTag() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
getSizeRangeInBytes() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
getSizeRangeInCharacters() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataType
getSizeType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.Builder
getSizeType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
getSlope() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DynamicIntegerValue
getSlope() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.LinearAdjusment
getSpaceSystem(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getSpaceSystem(String, String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getSpaceSystem(Yamcs.NamedObjectId) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
getSpaceSystems() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Returns a collection of all the SpaceSystem objects in the XTCE database.
getStage() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
getStaticAlarmRanges() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NumericAlarm
getStringDataEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
getStringEncoding() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
getStringValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Comparison
getSubsystem(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getSubsystemName() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
getSubsystemName(String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
returns the subsystem fully qualified name where this name is valid (i.e. the full path of the directory name if it were a filesystem)
getSubSystems() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getSymbol() - Method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.OperatorType
getTerminationChar() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
getTimeout() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.TransmissionConstraint
getTimeToStartChecking() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow
getTimeToStopChecking() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow
getTimeWindowIsRelativeTo() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow
getToBinaryTransformAlgorithm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
getTransmissionConstraintList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
getTriggerSet() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
getType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
getType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
getType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.Element
getType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Member
getType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
getTypeAsString() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentType
String which represents the type.
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayArgumentType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryArgumentType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryParameterType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanArgumentType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType
getTypeAsString() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType
String which represents the type.
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedArgumentType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatArgumentType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerArgumentType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringArgumentType
getTypeAsString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataType
getTypeBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.IncompleteType
getUnit() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.UnitType
getUnitSet() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeArgumentType
getUnitSet() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeParameterType
getUnitSet() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateArgumentType
getUnitSet() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentType
getUnitSet() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayArgumentType
getUnitSet() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType
getUnresolvedReferences() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
getValidRange() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType
getValidRange() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType
returns the range for the values of this type to be valid or null if there is no range set (meaning that all values are valid)
getValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AncillaryData
getValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FixedIntegerValue
getValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ValueEnumeration
getValueEnumerationList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
getValueEnumerationRangeList() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
getValueType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType
getValueType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
getValueType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
getValueType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
getValueType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType
getValueType() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType
Return the expected Value type of an engineering value conforming to this XTCE data type
getValueType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
getValueType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType
getValueType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType
getValueType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataType
getVersion() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Header
getVersion() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.History
getWarningRange() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
getWatchRange() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
getZeroStringValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType
GLOBAL - org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm.Scope
GPS - org.yamcs.xtce.TimeEpoch.CommonEpochs
GROUND - org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource
According to XTCE, a ground parameter is generated by an asset which is not the spacecraft.


hasAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeParameterType
hasAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateParameterType
hasAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType
hasAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryParameterType
hasAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanParameterType
hasAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType
hasAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType
hasAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType
hasAlarm() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterType
Whether this ParameterType has any alarms associated
hasAlarm() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringParameterType
hasCommandVerifiers() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
hashCode() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SplinePoint
hashCode() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateMemberNames
hashCode() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
hasLabel(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType.Builder
hasLabel(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
hasStart() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow
hasTransmissionConstraints() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
Header - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
A header contains general information about the system or subsystem.
Header() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Header
hex(byte[]) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.HexUtils
hexStringToArray(String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
Converts a hex string into a byte array.
HexUtils - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.util
HexUtils() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.HexUtils
History - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Capture creation or change history of document.
History(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.History


IEEE754_1985 - org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Encoding
IGNORED_DYNAMIC_VALUE - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceStaxReader
IncompleteType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.util
Stores an incomplete type together with some references which if all resolved, will make the type complete.
IncompleteType(SpaceSystem, DataType.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.IncompleteType
Creates a new incomplete type together with the SpaceSystem where it should add once it is complete.
indexOf(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateMemberNames
IndirectParameterRefEntry - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
An entry whose name is given by the value of a ParamameterInstance.
IndirectParameterRefEntry(int, SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType, ParameterInstanceRef, String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IndirectParameterRefEntry
INEQUALITY - org.yamcs.xtce.OperatorType
initialValue - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType.Builder
InputParameter - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Input parameters for algorithms.
InputParameter(ArgumentInstanceRef, String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.InputParameter
InputParameter(ParameterInstanceRef) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.InputParameter
InputParameter(ParameterInstanceRef, String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.InputParameter
inRange(double) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
Checks if the value is in range.
insertEntry(int, SequenceEntry) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
Insert the given entry in position idx.
IntegerArgumentType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
IntegerArgumentType(IntegerArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerArgumentType
Creates a shallow copy of the parameter type, giving it a new name.
IntegerArgumentType(IntegerArgumentType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerArgumentType
IntegerArgumentType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
IntegerDataEncoding - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
For all major encodings of integer data
IntegerDataEncoding(IntegerDataEncoding) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
IntegerDataEncoding(IntegerDataEncoding.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
IntegerDataEncoding.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
IntegerDataEncoding.Encoding - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
IntegerDataType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Contains an integral value.
IntegerDataType(IntegerDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType
IntegerDataType(IntegerDataType.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType
IntegerDataType.Builder<T extends IntegerDataType.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
IntegerParameterType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
IntegerParameterType(IntegerParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType
Creates a shallow copy of the parameter type, giving it a new name.
IntegerParameterType(IntegerParameterType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType
IntegerParameterType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
IntegerRange - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
An integral range of numbers.
IntegerRange(long, long) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerRange
IntegerRange(IntegerRange) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerRange
copy constructor
IntegerValidRange - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
XTCE: Holds an integer range and flag denoting whether the range is calculated on the value using the source data type or the destination data type.
IntegerValidRange(long, long) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerValidRange
IntegerValidRange(IntegerRange) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerValidRange
IntegerValue - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
IntegerValue() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerValue
intersectWith(IntegerRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerRange
E.g. a low limit of ]-Infinity, -22] and a high limit of [40, +Infinity[ intersect to [-22, 40] (which for practical purposes is actually the range inside of which pvals are _not_ out of limits)
intersectWith(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
E.g. a low limit of ]-Infinity, -22] and a high limit of [40, +Infinity[ intersect to [-22, 40] (which for practical purposes is actually the range inside of which pvals are _not_ out of limits)
INV - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
inversion (x -- 1/x) An undefined condition exists if x is zero
isAbsolute() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference
isAbstract() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
isAutoAck() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmType
isAutoPartition() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
isCommandParameter() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter
Return true if this parameter is used/valid in a commanding context: that is if the data source is DataSource.COMMAND or DataSource.COMMAND_HISTORY
isComplete() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder.FoundReference
References to Parameters or Arguments are complete when their types are known.
isFixedSize() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
isLatching() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmType
Latching means that the alarm will stay triggered even when the parameter is back within limits.
isMandatory() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.InputParameter
isMaxInclusive() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
isMinInclusive() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
isMoreSevere(Significance.Levels) - Method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.Significance.Levels
isResolved() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType.Builder
isResolved() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference
isSigned() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType.Builder
isSigned() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType
isSystemParameter(String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Checks if a fully qualified name is the name of a system parameter.
isSystemParameter(Yamcs.NamedObjectId) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
Checks if the named object refers to a system parameter: either the namespace starts with XtceDb.YAMCS_SPACESYSTEM_NAME or there is no namespace and the fully qualified name starts with XtceDb.YAMCS_SPACESYSTEM_NAME
isValidRangeAppliesToCalibrated() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatValidRange
isValidRangeAppliesToCalibrated() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerValidRange
isValueInRange(long) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ValueEnumerationRange
isVariableSize() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
isYamcs() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AncillaryData
iterator() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NamedDescriptionIndex


J2000 - org.yamcs.xtce.TimeEpoch.CommonEpochs
JavaExpressionCalibrator - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
JavaExpressionCalibrator(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.JavaExpressionCalibrator


KEY_ALGO_MANDATORY_INPUT - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.AncillaryData
Used to specifies that certain inputs for an algorithm are mandatory (the algorithm won't be started if they are not there)
KEY_YAMCS - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.AncillaryData


LARGEROREQUALTHAN - org.yamcs.xtce.OperatorType
LARGERTHAN - org.yamcs.xtce.OperatorType
LAST_VERIFIER - org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow.TimeWindowIsRelativeToType
LEADING_SIZE - org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Type
LEADING_SIZE - org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.SizeType
Like PASCAL strings, the size of the string is given as an integer at the start of the string.
LEFT_SHIFT - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
bitwise right shift (x1 x2 -- x1 >> x2)
LinearAdjusment - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
LinearAdjusment(double, double) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.LinearAdjusment
LN - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
natural (base e) logarithm (x -- ln(x)) An undefined condition exists if x is less than or equal to zero
LOCAL - org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource
software parameters maintained by Yamcs and that can be set by client
locationInContainerInBits - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
if the referenceLocation is containerStart, then this is number of bits from the start for previousEntry, this is the number of bits from where the previous entry ends
LOG - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
base-10 logarithm (x-- log(x)) An undefined condition exists if x is less than or equal to zero


makeParameterReference(SpaceSystem, String, ParameterReference.ParameterResolvedAction) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceStaxReader
MATCH_CRITERIA - org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier.Type
succeeds when some conditions are met
MatchCriteria - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
MathAlgorithm - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
MathAlgorithm(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.MathAlgorithm
MathOperation - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Postfix (aka Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)) notation is used to describe mathematical equations.
MathOperation(List<MathOperation.Element>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation
MathOperation.Element - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
MathOperation.ElementType - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
MathOperationCalibrator - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
MathOperationCalibrator(List<MathOperation.Element>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperationCalibrator
MathOperator - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
Mathematical operators used in the math operation.
Member - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Describe a member field in an AggregateDataType.
Member(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Member
Member(String, DataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Member
mergeWithChild(T) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NonStandardData
Merges non-standard data of one SpaceSystem with that of one of its direct sub-SpaceSystems
META_COMMAND - org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference.Type
MetaCommand - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
The MetaCommand is the base type for a tele-command.
MetaCommand(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
MILSTD_1750A - org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Encoding
MINUS - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
subtraction (x1 x2 -- x1-x2)
MODULO - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
unsigned mod (x1 x2 -- x3) Divide x1 by x2, giving the remainder x3; an undefined condition exists if x2 is zero


name - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
Name of the object
NamedDescriptionIndex<T extends NameDescription> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Keeps a list of NameDescription objects with corresponding indexes to be able to retrieve them in any namespace.
NamedDescriptionIndex() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.NamedDescriptionIndex
NameDescription - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
The type definition used by most elements that require a name with optional descriptions.
NameDescription(NameDescription) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
NameDescription(NameDescription.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
NameDescription.Builder<T extends NameDescription.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
NameReference - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.util
Used when referencing a directory style "NameType".
NameReference(String, NameReference.Type) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference
NameReference.ResolvedAction - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce.util
NameReference.Type - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce.util
needsScaling() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseTimeDataType
NO_ALIAS - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceAliasSet
NONE - org.yamcs.xtce.Significance.Levels
All commands which are not in a category below
NonStandardData<T extends NonStandardData<T>> - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
NORMAL - org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmLevels
NumericAlarm - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Alarms associated with numeric data types
NumericAlarm() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.NumericAlarm
NumericContextAlarm - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Context alarms are applied when the ContextMatch is true.
NumericContextAlarm() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.NumericContextAlarm
NumericDataEncoding - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
Interface that makes it easier to work with either of FloatDataEncoding or IntegerDataEncoding
NumericDataEncoding.Builder<T extends NumericDataEncoding.Builder<T>> - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
NumericDataType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
NumericDataType(BaseDataType.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.NumericDataType
NumericDataType(NumericDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.NumericDataType
NumericDataType.Builder<T extends NumericDataType.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
NumericParameterType - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
NumericParameterType.Builder<T extends NumericParameterType.Builder<T>> - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
numMembers() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType


ON_SEVERITY_CHANGE - org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmReportType
ON_VALUE_CHANGE - org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmReportType
ONES_COMPLEMENT - org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Encoding
OnParameterUpdateTrigger - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Names a parameter that upon change will start the execution of the algorithm.
OnParameterUpdateTrigger() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.OnParameterUpdateTrigger
OnParameterUpdateTrigger(Parameter) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.OnParameterUpdateTrigger
OnPeriodicRateTrigger - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
OnPeriodicRateTrigger(long) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.OnPeriodicRateTrigger
OPERATOR - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.ElementType
All operators utilize operands on the top values in the stack and leaving the result on the top of the stack.
OperatorType - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
ORedConditions - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
ORedConditions() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ORedConditions
org.yamcs.xtce - package org.yamcs.xtce
org.yamcs.xtce.util - package org.yamcs.xtce.util
org.yamcs.xtce.xml - package org.yamcs.xtce.xml
OutputParameter - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
OutputParameter() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.OutputParameter
OutputParameter(Parameter) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.OutputParameter
OutputParameter(Parameter, String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.OutputParameter
OVER - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
Duplicate second item to the top of the stack (x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1)


Parameter - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
A Parameter is a description of something that can have a value; it is not the value itself.
Parameter(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter
PARAMETER - org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference.Type
PARAMETER_INSTANCE_REF_OPERAND - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.ElementType
This element is used to reference the last received/assigned value of any Parameter in this math operation.
PARAMETER_TYPE - org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference.Type
PARAMETER_VALUE_CHANGE - org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier.Type
succeeds when a parameter changes with a delta above a threshold
ParameterEntry - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
An entry that is a single Parameter
ParameterEntry(int, SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterEntry
Constructor for an unresolved ParameterEntry.
ParameterEntry(int, SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType, Parameter) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterEntry
Constructor for parameter entry.
ParameterInstanceRef - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
A reference to an instance of a Parameter.
ParameterInstanceRef() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef
Constructor to be used when the parameter is not yet known.
ParameterInstanceRef(boolean) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef
ParameterInstanceRef(Parameter) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef
ParameterInstanceRef(Parameter, boolean) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef
ParameterInstanceRef(Parameter, PathElement[]) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef
ParameterOrArgumentRef - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
ParameterOrArgumentRef() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterOrArgumentRef
ParameterReference - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.util
ParameterReference(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ParameterReference
ParameterReference.ParameterResolvedAction - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce.util
ParameterType - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
Interface implemented by all the parameters types.
ParameterType.Builder<T extends ParameterType.Builder<T>> - Interface in org.yamcs.xtce
ParameterValueChange - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
XTCE: A parameter change in value or specified delta change in value
ParameterValueChange() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterValueChange
parseReference(String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateTypeUtil
parses a reference of shape
parseReference(String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder
parseString(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
parseString(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataEncoding
parseString(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
parses the string into a java object of the correct type Has to match the DataEncodingDecoder (so probably it should be moved there somehow: TODO)
parseString(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
parseString(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
parseString(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
parseStringForRawValue(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
parseStringForRawValue(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
parseStringForRawValue(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType
parseStringForRawValue(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseTimeDataType
parseStringForRawValue(String) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType
parses the string into a java object according to the parameter encoding
path - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterOrArgumentRef
PATH_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
path separator used in the fully qualified names
PathElement - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Describes an element from an aggregate/array member access path For example, the third element from this path :
name = "d"
index = [0, 5]
PathElement(String, int[]) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.PathElement
pathToString(PathElement[]) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.PathElement
Transforms the path into a string like
PLUS - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
addition (x1 x2 -- x1+x2)
PolynomialCalibrator - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
A calibration type where a curve in a raw vs calibrated plane is described using a set of polynomial coefficients.
PolynomialCalibrator(double[]) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.PolynomialCalibrator
POW - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
power function (x1 x2 -- x1**x2)
PREVIOUS_ENTRY - org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType
print(PrintStream) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
print(PrintStream) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandContainer
print(PrintStream) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
print(PrintStream) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
print(PrintStream) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
printExpressionReference(ParameterOrArgumentRef) - Static method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.MatchCriteria
printExpressionValue(Object) - Static method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.MatchCriteria
printParsedMatchCriteria(Logger, MatchCriteria, String) - Static method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.MatchCriteria
For debugging purpose
PROP_USE_AS_ARCHIVING_PARTITION - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.AncillaryData
Used to configure the SequenceContainers to be used to partition the archive data.


qualifiedName - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
fully qualified name (i.e. space system name+"/"+name
qualifiedName(String, String...) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
Concatenates the root with the subsystems and returns a qualified name


ranges - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType.Builder
ranges - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
RateInStream - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
XTCE doc: Used in packaging to define the expected rate that any individual container will be in a Stream DIFFERS_FROM_XTCE XTCE defines two types: perSecond and perContainerUpdate.
RateInStream(long, long) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.RateInStream
readXmlDocument(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceStaxReader
Reading of the XML XTCE file
ref - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference
ReferenceFinder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.util
ReferenceFinder(Consumer<String>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder
ReferenceFinder.FoundReference - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.util
ReferenceTime - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Most time values are relative to another time e.g. seconds are relative to minutes, minutes are relative to hours.
ReferenceTime() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ReferenceTime
ReferenceTime(ParameterInstanceRef) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ReferenceTime
ReferenceTime(TimeEpoch) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ReferenceTime
removeParameter(Parameter) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
remove parameter from SpaceSystem - only used during loading or from XtceDb XtceDb has several maps pointing to these parameters.
removeParameterType(ParameterType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
Repeat - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Hold a structure that can be repeated X times, where X is the Count
Repeat(IntegerValue) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Repeat
Repeat(IntegerValue, int) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Repeat
resolved(Argument, PathElement[]) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.util.ArgumentReference.ArgumentResolvedAction
resolved(Argument, PathElement[]) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ArgumentReference
resolved(NameDescription) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.util.ArgumentReference.ArgumentResolvedAction
resolved(NameDescription) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference
Execute all the actions (if not already executed).
resolved(NameDescription) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference.ResolvedAction
pushes the NameDescription through and returns true if the name reference is resolved and false otherwise false can be returned in case the NameDescription refers to something which is not itself fully resolved
resolved(NameDescription) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.util.ParameterReference.ParameterResolvedAction
resolved(Parameter, PathElement[]) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.util.ParameterReference.ParameterResolvedAction
pushes the NameDescription through and returns true if the name reference is resolved and false otherwise false can be returned in case the NameDescription refers to something which is not itself fully resolved if path is not null, it means that the reference has been resolved to a path inside an aggregate parameter
resolved(Parameter, PathElement[]) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ParameterReference
resolved(NameReference) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder.FoundReference
restrictionCriteria - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
result - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference
reverse(long) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DynamicIntegerValue
REVPOW - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
reverse power function (x1 x2 -- x2**x1)
RIGHT_SHIFT - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
bitwise left shift (x1 x2 -- x1 << x2)


scheduleCompletion() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.IncompleteType
Schedule the addition of the type to the SpaceSystem after all references are resolved
self() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding.Builder
self() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription.Builder
SEQUENCE_CONTAINER - org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference.Type
SequenceContainer - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
A list of raw parameters, parameter segments, stream segments, containers, or container segments.
SequenceContainer(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
SequenceEntry - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
An abstract type used by sequence containers.
SequenceEntry() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
SequenceEntry(int, SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
The location may be relative to the start of the container (containerStart), or relative to the end of the previous entry (previousEntry)
setAbstract(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
Set the command as abstract or non abstract.
setAlarmList(List<EnumerationAlarm.EnumerationAlarmItem>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationAlarm
setAlarmReportType(AlarmReportType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmType
setAlgorithm(Algorithm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
setAlgorithmText(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CustomAlgorithm
setAliasNameSpace(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IndirectParameterRefEntry
setAliasSet(XtceAliasSet) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription.Builder
setAliasSet(XtceAliasSet) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
Assign set of aliases with the object.
setAncillaryData(List<AncillaryData>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType.Builder
setAncillaryData(List<AncillaryData>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription.Builder
setAncillaryData(List<AncillaryData>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
setAncillaryData(List<AncillaryData>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
setArgument(Argument) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentEntry
setArgument(Argument) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentInstanceRef
setArgumentAssignmentList(List<ArgumentAssignment>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
setArgumentType(ArgumentType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Argument
setAutoPartition(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
setBaseContainer(Container) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
setBaseContainer(Container) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
setBaseMetaCommand(MetaCommand) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
setBaseType(BaseDataType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType.Builder
setByteOrder(ByteOrder) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding.Builder
setByteOrder(ByteOrder) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Builder
setCalibrator(Calibrator) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ContextCalibrator
setCheckWindow(CheckWindow) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
setCommandContainer(CommandContainer) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
setContainerRef(SequenceContainer) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
setContext(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ContextCalibrator
setContextAlarmList(List<EnumerationContextAlarm>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType.Builder
setContextAlarmList(List<EnumerationContextAlarm>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType
setContextAlarmList(List<NumericContextAlarm>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
setContextAlarmList(List<NumericContextAlarm>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
setContextAlarmList(List<NumericContextAlarm>) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericParameterType.Builder
Sets the contextual alarm list overriding any other contextual alarm if already set.
setContextCalibratorList(List<ContextCalibrator>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Builder
setContextCalibratorList(List<ContextCalibrator>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
setContextCalibratorList(List<ContextCalibrator>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Builder
setContextCalibratorList(List<ContextCalibrator>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
setContextCalibratorList(List<ContextCalibrator>) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericDataEncoding.Builder
setContextCalibratorList(List<ContextCalibrator>) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericDataEncoding
setContextMatch(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationContextAlarm
setContextMatch(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NumericContextAlarm
setCount(IntegerValue) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Repeat
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter
setDataType(DataType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Member
setDate(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Header
setDefaultAlarm(EnumerationAlarm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType.Builder
setDefaultAlarm(EnumerationAlarm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType
Override the default alarm from MDB
setDefaultAlarm(NumericAlarm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
setDefaultAlarm(NumericAlarm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType
setDefaultAlarm(NumericAlarm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
setDefaultAlarm(NumericAlarm) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericParameterType.Builder
setDefaultAlarmLevel(AlarmLevels) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationAlarm
setDefaultCalibrator(Calibrator) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Builder
setDefaultCalibrator(Calibrator) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
setDefaultCalibrator(Calibrator) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Builder
setDefaultCalibrator(Calibrator) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
setDefaultCalibrator(Calibrator) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericDataEncoding.Builder
setDefaultCalibrator(Calibrator) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericDataEncoding
setDefaultCriticalAlarmRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
setDefaultCriticalAlarmRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
setDefaultDistressAlarmRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
setDefaultDistressAlarmRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
setDefaultSevereAlarmRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
setDefaultSevereAlarmRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
setDefaultSignificance(Significance) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MetaCommand
setDefaultWarningAlarmRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
setDefaultWarningAlarmRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
setDefaultWatchAlarmRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType.Builder
setDefaultWatchAlarmRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
setDelta(double) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterValueChange
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.UnitType
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ValueEnumeration
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ValueEnumerationRange
setDynamicBufferSize(DynamicIntegerValue) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.Builder
setDynamicSize(DynamicIntegerValue) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Builder
setElementType(DataType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType.Builder
Sets the type of the elements of the array
setEncoding(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.Builder
setEncoding(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
setEncoding(DataEncoding.Builder<?>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateArgumentType.Builder
setEncoding(DataEncoding.Builder<?>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateParameterType.Builder
setEncoding(DataEncoding.Builder<?>) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentType.Builder
setEncoding(DataEncoding.Builder<?>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayArgumentType.Builder
setEncoding(DataEncoding.Builder<?>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType.Builder
setEncoding(DataEncoding.Builder<?>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType.Builder
setEncoding(DataEncoding.Builder<?>) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericParameterType.Builder
setEncoding(DataEncoding.Builder<?>) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterType.Builder
setEncoding(IntegerDataEncoding.Encoding) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Builder
setEncoding(IntegerDataEncoding.Encoding) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
setEntryList(List<SequenceEntry>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
setEpoch(TimeEpoch) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ReferenceTime
setExcludedContainers(Set<String>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceStaxReader
setFactor(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.UnitType
setFloatEncoding(FloatDataEncoding.Encoding) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Builder
setFromBinaryTransformAlgorithm(Algorithm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Builder
setFromBinaryTransformAlgorithm(Algorithm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding.Builder
setFromBinaryTransformAlgorithm(Algorithm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
setHeader(Header) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
setHref(URI) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AncillaryData
setIncludeCondition(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
setInitialValue(byte[]) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType.Builder
setInitialValue(double) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType.Builder
setInitialValue(Long) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType
setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType
sets the initial value in UTC ISO 8860 string
setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Argument
setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType
setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType
setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedDataType
setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType
setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType
setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Member
Used to set the initial calibrated values of Parameters.
setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter
Sets the initial value for the parameter (if any).
setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataType
setInitialValue(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType.Builder
setInitialValue(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType.Builder
setInitialValue(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType.Builder
setInitialValue(String) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType.Builder
setInitialValue(BaseDataType.Builder<?>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType
setInputList(List<InputParameter>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
setInputName(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.InputParameter
setInputSet(List<InputParameter>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
setInstance(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef
setIntercept(long) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DynamicIntegerValue
setLanguage(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CustomAlgorithm
setLocation(SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType, int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
Set the location of this entry in the container.
setLocationInContainerInBits(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
setLongDescription(String) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType.Builder
setLongDescription(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription.Builder
setLongDescription(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
setMandatory(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.InputParameter
setMatchCriteria(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
setMathOperation(TriggeredMathOperation) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MathAlgorithm
setMaxSizeInBits(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.Builder
setMemberPath(PathElement[]) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterOrArgumentRef
setMimeType(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AncillaryData
setMinViolations(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmType
setName(String) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
setNumberOfDimensions(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType.Builder
setNumericContextAlarmList(List<NumericContextAlarm>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType.Builder
setOffsetFrom(ParameterInstanceRef) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ReferenceTime
setOffsetSizeInBits(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Repeat
setOneStringValue(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType.Builder
setOnFail(CommandVerifier.TerminationAction) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
setOnSuccess(CommandVerifier.TerminationAction) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
setOnTimeout(CommandVerifier.TerminationAction) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
setOutputList(List<OutputParameter>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
setOutputName(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.OutputParameter
setOutputSet(List<OutputParameter>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
setParameter(Parameter) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterEntry
setParameter(Parameter) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.OnParameterUpdateTrigger
setParameter(Parameter) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.OutputParameter
setParameter(Parameter) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterEntry
setParameter(Parameter) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef
setParameterInstance(ParameterInstanceRef) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.Element
setParameterRef(ParameterInstanceRef) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IndirectParameterRefEntry
setParameterRef(ParameterInstanceRef) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterValueChange
setParameterType(ParameterType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter
setParameterValueChange(ParameterValueChange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
setParent(SpaceSystem) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
setPower(double) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.UnitType
setQualifiedName(String) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType.Builder
setQualifiedName(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription.Builder
setQualifiedName(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
setRateInStream(RateInStream) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
setRecordingGroup(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter
setRefContainer(SequenceContainer) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ContainerEntry
setReferenceLocation(SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
setReferenceTime(ReferenceTime) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeDataType.Builder
setRepeatEntry(Repeat) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry
setRestrictionCriteria(MatchCriteria) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
setReturnParameter(Parameter) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
setRootSequenceContainer(SequenceContainer) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
setScaling(double, double) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseTimeDataType.Builder
setScaling(double, double) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseTimeDataType
Scale and offset are used in a y = m*x + b type relationship (m is the scale and b is the offset) to make adjustments to the encoded value so that it matches the time units.
setScope(Algorithm.Scope) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
setShortDescription(String) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType.Builder
setShortDescription(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription.Builder
setShortDescription(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
setSigned(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType.Builder
setSize(List<IntegerValue>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType.Builder
setSize(List<IntegerValue>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterEntry
sets the sizes of the extracted array.
setSizeInBits(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
setSizeInBits(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
setSizeInBits(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType.Builder
setSizeInBits(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType.Builder
setSizeInBits(Integer) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding.Builder
setSizeInBits(Integer) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.Builder
setSizeInBitsOfSizeTag(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Builder
setSizeInBitsOfSizeTag(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
setSizeInBitsOfSizeTag(int) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.Builder
setSizeRangeInBytes(IntegerRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType.Builder
setSizeRangeInBytes(IntegerRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
setSizeRangeInCharacters(IntegerRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataType.Builder
setSizeType(BinaryDataEncoding.Type) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
setSizeType(StringDataEncoding.SizeType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.Builder
setSizeType(StringDataEncoding.SizeType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
setSlope(long) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DynamicIntegerValue
setSpaceSystemQualifiedName(String) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NonStandardData
Sets the qualified name of the space system this non-standard data belongs to.
setStaticAlarmRanges(AlarmRanges) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NumericAlarm
setStringEncoding(StringDataEncoding) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Builder
setStringEncoding(StringDataEncoding) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Builder
setTerminationChar(byte) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.Builder
setTerminationChar(byte) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
setToBinaryTransformAlgorithm(Algorithm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Builder
setToBinaryTransformAlgorithm(Algorithm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding.Builder
setToBinaryTransformAlgorithm(Algorithm) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
setTriggerSet(TriggerSetType) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm
setType(BinaryDataEncoding.Type) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Builder
setUnitSet(List<UnitType>) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType
setUseCalibratedValue(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterOrArgumentRef
setValidRange(FloatValidRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataType.Builder
setValidRange(IntegerValidRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType.Builder
setValidRangeAppliesToCalibrated(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatValidRange
setValidRangeAppliesToCalibrated(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerValidRange
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Header
setWarningRange(DoubleRange) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
setZeroStringValue(String) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType.Builder
SEVERE - org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmLevels
SEVERE - org.yamcs.xtce.Significance.Levels
ISO 14490: telecommand that is not expected to be used for nominal or foreseeable contingency operations, that is included for unforeseen contingency operations, and that could cause irreversible damage if executed at the wrong time or in the wrong configuration
SIGN_MAGNITUDE - org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Encoding
signed - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataType
Significance - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
XTCE: Significance provides some cautionary information about the potential consequence of each MetaCommand.
Significance(Significance.Levels, String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.Significance
Significance.Levels - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
The XTCE aliases given to the Levels are from XTCE 1.2 and they correspond to ISO 14950 as well as the description found here.
SIN - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
sine (x -- sin\(x)) radians
SINH - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
hyperbolic sine (x -- sinh\(x))
size() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NamedDescriptionIndex
size() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateMemberNames
size() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceAliasSet
sizeInBits - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.Container
sizeInBits - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding.Builder
sizeInBits - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
size in bits if known.
SMALLEROREQUALTHAN - org.yamcs.xtce.OperatorType
SMALLERTHAN - org.yamcs.xtce.OperatorType
SpaceSystem - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
SpaceSystem is a collection of SpaceSystem(s) including space assets, ground assets, multi-satellite systems and sub-systems.
SpaceSystem(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
SplineCalibrator - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
A calibration type where a segmented line in a raw vs calibrated plane is described using a set of points.
SplineCalibrator(List<SplinePoint>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.SplineCalibrator
SplinePoint - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
a spline is a set on points from which a curve may be drawn to interpolate raw to calibrated values
SplinePoint(double, double) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.SplinePoint
STAR - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
multiplication (x1 x2 -- x1*x2)
STRING - org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Encoding
STRING - org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Encoding
StringArgumentType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
StringArgumentType(StringArgumentType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringArgumentType
Creates a shallow copy of the parameter type, giving it a new name.
StringArgumentType(StringArgumentType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringArgumentType
StringArgumentType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
StringDataEncoding - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
For common encodings of string data.
StringDataEncoding(StringDataEncoding.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
StringDataEncoding.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
StringDataEncoding.SizeType - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
StringDataType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
StringDataType(StringDataType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataType
StringDataType(StringDataType.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataType
StringDataType.Builder<T extends StringDataType.Builder<T>> - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
StringParameterType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
StringParameterType(StringParameterType) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringParameterType
Creates a shallow copy of the parameter type, giving it a new name.
StringParameterType(StringParameterType.Builder) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.StringParameterType
StringParameterType.Builder - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
SUCCESS - org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier.TerminationAction
SWAP - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
swap the top two stack items (x1 x2 -- x2 x1)
SYSTEM - org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource
parameters giving internal yamcs state -created on the fly
SystemParameter - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Parameters made on the fly.


TAI - org.yamcs.xtce.TimeEpoch.CommonEpochs
TAN - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
tangent (x -- tan\(x)) radians
TANH - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
hyperbolic tangent (x -- tanh(x))
TELEMETERED - org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource
used for data acquired from outside, parameters of this type cannot be changed
TERMINATION_CHAR - org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.SizeType
Like C strings, they are terminated with a special string, usually a null character.
THIS_PARAMETER_OPERAND - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.ElementType
>Use the value of this parameter in the calculation.
TimeEpoch - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
TimeEpoch(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.TimeEpoch
TimeEpoch(TimeEpoch.CommonEpochs) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.TimeEpoch
TimeEpoch.CommonEpochs - Enum in org.yamcs.xtce
toBinaryTransformAlgorithm - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeArgumentType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeParameterType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateArgumentType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateParameterType
toBuilder() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentType
Create a shallow copy of the data type - the object itself (and the primitive fields) are new but the other fields reference to the same object like the original
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayArgumentType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryArgumentType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryParameterType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanArgumentType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataEncoding
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanParameterType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedArgumentType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatArgumentType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerArgumentType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType
toBuilder() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.NumericParameterType
toBuilder() - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterType
Create a builder that can be used to make shallow copy of the parameter type
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringArgumentType
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
toBuilder() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringParameterType
toNamedObjectId(String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeArgumentType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AbsoluteTimeParameterType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmRanges
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AncillaryData
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Argument
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentAssignment
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentEntry
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentInstanceRef
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterEntry
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayParameterType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryArgumentType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanArgumentType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataEncoding
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Comparison
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ComparisonList
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Condition
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ContainerEntry
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ContextCalibrator
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.CustomAlgorithm
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DynamicIntegerValue
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedArgumentType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumeratedParameterType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationAlarm.EnumerationAlarmItem
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationAlarm
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.EnumerationContextAlarm
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ExpressionList
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FixedIntegerValue
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FixedValueEntry
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatArgumentType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.FloatParameterType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Header
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.History
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.InputParameter
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerArgumentType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerParameterType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerRange
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.JavaExpressionCalibrator
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.Element
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NumericAlarm
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.NumericContextAlarm
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.OnParameterUpdateTrigger
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.OnPeriodicRateTrigger
toString() - Method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.OperatorType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.OutputParameter
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterEntry
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.PathElement
Encodes the path element into a string like
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.PolynomialCalibrator
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.RateInStream
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ReferenceTime
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Repeat
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Significance
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SpaceSystem
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SplineCalibrator
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SplinePoint
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringArgumentType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.StringParameterType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SystemParameter
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.TimeEpoch
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.TransmissionConstraint
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.TriggerSetType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.UnitType
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateMemberNames
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.DoubleRange
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder.FoundReference
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ValueEnumeration
toString() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceAliasSet
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerRange
toString(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.AggregateDataType
toString(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ArrayDataType
toString(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BaseDataType
toString(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataType
toString(Object) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataType
toString(Object) - Method in interface org.yamcs.xtce.DataType
Converts a value to a string.
toString(PathElement[]) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateTypeUtil
toXtce() - Method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow.TimeWindowIsRelativeToType
transform(long) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.DynamicIntegerValue
Transform the value with the intercept and slope.
TransmissionConstraint - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
A CommandTransmission constraint is used to check that the command can be run in the current operating mode and may block the transmission of the command if the constraint condition is true.
TransmissionConstraint(MatchCriteria, long) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.TransmissionConstraint
TriggeredMathOperation - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
TriggeredMathOperation(List<MathOperation.Element>) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.TriggeredMathOperation
TriggerSetType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
A trigger is used to initiate the processing of some algorithm.
TriggerSetType() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.TriggerSetType
TWOS_COMPLEMENT - org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Encoding
type - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference


unhex(String) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.HexUtils
Convert a hex string into a byte array.
UnitType - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
Used to hold the unit(s) plus possibly the exponent and factor for the units
UnitType(String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.UnitType
UNIX - org.yamcs.xtce.TimeEpoch.CommonEpochs
UNSIGNED - org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Encoding
useAsArchivePartition() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
useAsArchivePartition(boolean) - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer
If set to true, the XtceTmRecorder will set the qualified name of this container as the "pname" (packet name) column in the tm table.
useCalibratedValue - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterOrArgumentRef
useCalibratedValue() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterOrArgumentRef


validateValueType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Comparison
Called when the type of the parameter used for comparison is known, so we have to find the value from stringValue that we can compare to it
validateValueType() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.Condition
If the type of the parameter used for comparison is known, can parse the stringValue to see if it can be compared with the type
value() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.ComparisonOperatorType
VALUE_OPERAND - org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.ElementType
Use a constant in the calculation.
ValueEnumeration - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
ValueEnumeration(long, String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ValueEnumeration
ValueEnumerationRange - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
ValueEnumerationRange(double, double, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.ValueEnumerationRange
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmLevels
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmReportType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm.Scope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow.TimeWindowIsRelativeToType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier.TerminationAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Encoding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Encoding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.ElementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.OperatorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.Significance.Levels
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.SizeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.TimeEpoch.CommonEpochs
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmLevels
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmReportType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.Algorithm.Scope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.CheckWindow.TimeWindowIsRelativeToType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier.TerminationAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.CommandVerifier.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding.Encoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Encoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperation.ElementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.OperatorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceEntry.ReferenceLocationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.Significance.Levels
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.SizeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.TimeEpoch.CommonEpochs
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.util.NameReference.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyPath(DataType, PathElement[]) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.ReferenceFinder
verifyPath(ParameterType, PathElement[]) - Static method in class org.yamcs.xtce.util.AggregateTypeUtil
Verify that the path exists in the parameter type


WARNING - org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmLevels
WARNING - org.yamcs.xtce.Significance.Levels
Mission specific
WATCH - org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmLevels
WATCH - org.yamcs.xtce.Significance.Levels
Mission specific
writeStatistics() - Method in class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceStaxReader
Write statistics.


xtceAlias() - Method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.Significance.Levels
xtceAliasSet - Variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.NameDescription
Set of aliases
XtceAliasSet - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.xml
XtceAliasSet() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceAliasSet
XtceDb - Class in org.yamcs.xtce
XtceDB database It contains a SpaceSystem as defined in the Xtce schema and has lots of hashes to help find things quickly
XtceDb(SpaceSystem) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
XtceLoadException - Exception in org.yamcs.xtce.xml
unchecked exception thrown from the XTCE loader.
XtceLoadException(String, Location, String) - Constructor for exception org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceLoadException
xtceName - Variable in enum org.yamcs.xtce.AlarmLevels
xtceName() - Method in enum org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator
XtceNotImplemented - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.xml
Class substituting not implemented XTCE classes
XtceNotImplemented() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceNotImplemented
XtceParameterProperties - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.xml
XtceParameterProperties() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceParameterProperties
XtceStaxReader - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.xml
This class reads the XTCE XML files.
XtceStaxReader() - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceStaxReader
XtceTerm - Class in org.yamcs.xtce.xml
XtceTerm(int, double) - Constructor for class org.yamcs.xtce.xml.XtceTerm


YAMCS_CMD_SPACESYSTEM_NAME - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
YAMCS_CMDARG_SPACESYSTEM_NAME - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
YAMCS_CMDHIST_SPACESYSTEM_NAME - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
YAMCS_SPACESYSTEM_NAME - Static variable in class org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb
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