Class Comparison

    • Constructor Detail

      • Comparison

        public Comparison​(ParameterInstanceRef paraRef,
                          String stringValue,
                          OperatorType op)
        Makes a new comparison with a generic stringValue at this step the paraRef could be pointing to an unknown parameter. resolveValueType can(should) be called later to create the correct value if it's not string
        paraRef -
        stringValue -
        op -
    • Method Detail

      • validateValueType

        public void validateValueType()
        Called when the type of the parameter used for comparison is known, so we have to find the value from stringValue that we can compare to it
      • getComparisonOperator

        public OperatorType getComparisonOperator()
      • getDependentParameters

        public Set<Parameter> getDependentParameters()
        Description copied from interface: MatchCriteria
        Return the set of parameters which are required in order to evaluate the match criteria. If no parameter is required, return an empty set.
        Specified by:
        getDependentParameters in interface MatchCriteria
      • getStringValue

        public String getStringValue()