Class PercentEscaper

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PercentEscaper
extends UnicodeEscaper

A UnicodeEscaper that escapes some set of Java characters using the URI percent encoding scheme. The set of safe characters (those which remain unescaped) can be specified on construction.

For details on escaping URIs for use in web pages, see section 2.4 of RFC 3986.

In most cases this class should not need to be used directly. If you have no special requirements for escaping your URIs, you should use either CharEscapers#uriEscaper() or CharEscapers#uriEscaper(boolean).

When encoding a String, the following rules apply:

RFC 2396 specifies the set of unreserved characters as "-", "_", ".", "!", "~", "*", "'", "(" and ")". It goes on to state:

Unreserved characters can be escaped without changing the semantics of the URI, but this should not be done unless the URI is being used in a context that does not allow the unescaped character to appear.

For performance reasons the only currently supported character encoding of this class is UTF-8.

Note: This escaper produces uppercase hexidecimal sequences. From RFC 3986:
"URI producers and normalizers should use uppercase hexadecimal digits for all percent-encodings."

Field Summary
          A string of safe characters that mimics the behavior of URLEncoder.
          A string of characters that do not need to be encoded when used in URI path segments, as specified in RFC 3986.
          A string of characters that do not need to be encoded when used in URI query strings, as specified in RFC 3986.
Constructor Summary
PercentEscaper(String safeChars, boolean plusForSpace)
          Constructs a URI escaper with the specified safe characters and optional handling of the space character.
Method Summary
protected  char[] escape(int cp)
          Escapes the given Unicode code point in UTF-8.
 String escape(String s)
          Returns the escaped form of a given literal string.
protected  int nextEscapeIndex(CharSequence csq, int index, int end)
          Scans a sub-sequence of characters from a given CharSequence, returning the index of the next character that requires escaping.
Methods inherited from class
codePointAt, escape, escapeSlow
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String SAFECHARS_URLENCODER
A string of safe characters that mimics the behavior of URLEncoder.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SAFEPATHCHARS_URLENCODER
A string of characters that do not need to be encoded when used in URI path segments, as specified in RFC 3986. Note that some of these characters do need to be escaped when used in other parts of the URI.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


A string of characters that do not need to be encoded when used in URI query strings, as specified in RFC 3986. Note that some of these characters do need to be escaped when used in other parts of the URI.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public PercentEscaper(String safeChars,
                      boolean plusForSpace)
Constructs a URI escaper with the specified safe characters and optional handling of the space character.

safeChars - a non null string specifying additional safe characters for this escaper (the ranges 0..9, a..z and A..Z are always safe and should not be specified here)
plusForSpace - true if ASCII space should be escaped to + rather than %20
IllegalArgumentException - if any of the parameters were invalid
Method Detail


protected int nextEscapeIndex(CharSequence csq,
                              int index,
                              int end)
Description copied from class: UnicodeEscaper
Scans a sub-sequence of characters from a given CharSequence, returning the index of the next character that requires escaping.

Note: When implementing an escaper, it is a good idea to override this method for efficiency. The base class implementation determines successive Unicode code points and invokes UnicodeEscaper.escape(int) for each of them. If the semantics of your escaper are such that code points in the supplementary range are either all escaped or all unescaped, this method can be implemented more efficiently using CharSequence.charAt(int).

Note however that if your escaper does not escape characters in the supplementary range, you should either continue to validate the correctness of any surrogate characters encountered or provide a clear warning to users that your escaper does not validate its input.

See PercentEscaper for an example.

nextEscapeIndex in class UnicodeEscaper
csq - a sequence of characters
index - the index of the first character to be scanned
end - the index immediately after the last character to be scanned


public String escape(String s)
Description copied from class: UnicodeEscaper
Returns the escaped form of a given literal string.

If you are escaping input in arbitrary successive chunks, then it is not generally safe to use this method. If an input string ends with an unmatched high surrogate character, then this method will throw IllegalArgumentException. You should either ensure your input is valid UTF-16 before calling this method or use an escaped Appendable (as returned by UnicodeEscaper.escape(Appendable)) which can cope with arbitrarily split input.

Note: When implementing an escaper it is a good idea to override this method for efficiency by inlining the implementation of UnicodeEscaper.nextEscapeIndex(CharSequence, int, int) directly. Doing this for PercentEscaper more than doubled the performance for unescaped strings (as measured by CharEscapersBenchmark).

Specified by:
escape in interface Escaper
escape in class UnicodeEscaper
s - the literal string to be escaped
the escaped form of string


protected char[] escape(int cp)
Escapes the given Unicode code point in UTF-8.

Specified by:
escape in class UnicodeEscaper
cp - the Unicode code point to escape if necessary
the replacement characters, or null if no escaping was needed

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