Class ComponentInfo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, NodeInfo, Condition
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ComponentInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents a component instance defined in a ZUML page.

    Though serializable, we can restore NodeInfo.getPageDefinition() correctly after deserialized.

    Note:it is not thread-safe.

    It is serializable.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComponentInfo

        public ComponentInfo​(NodeInfo parent,
                             ComponentDefinition compdef,
                             java.lang.String tag)
        Constructs the information about how to create component.
        parent - the parent; never null.
        compdef - the component definition; never null
        tag - the tag name; Note: if component implements DynamicTag, this argument must be specified. If DynamicTag is not implemented, this argument is optional.
    • Method Detail

      • getComponentDefinition

        public ComponentDefinition getComponentDefinition()
        Returns the component definition, or null if it is PageDefinition.
      • appendChild

        public void appendChild​(NodeInfo child)
        Adds a child.
        Specified by:
        appendChild in interface NodeInfo
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this is not an instance of NativeInfo and the child is TextInfo.
      • getTag

        public java.lang.String getTag()
        Returns the tag name, or null if no tag name.
      • isChildAllowedInTextAs

        public boolean isChildAllowedInTextAs()
        Returns if a child is allowed in the text-as area. It is meaningful only if getTextAs() is not null. If true, the text enclosed within the element is considered as text only if there is no other XML element.

        For example, <div> in the following example won't be considered as text. Rather, a div component will be created.


        Default: the same as ComponentDefinition.isChildAllowedInTextAs().

        See Also:
      • isBlankPreserved

        public boolean isBlankPreserved()
        Returns whether to preserve the blank text. If false, the blank text (a non-empty string consisting of whitespaces) are ignored. If true, they are converted to a label child.

        Default: false.

      • getReplaceableText

        public java.lang.String getReplaceableText()
        Returns the replaceable text, nor null if it cannot be replaced with a text.

        By replaceable text we mean the component can be replaced by a text (a.k.a., string). ZK uses it to optimize the output by generating some content directly.

        The replaceable text must be a string consisting of whitespaces only.

        See Also:
      • setReplaceableText

        public void setReplaceableText​(java.lang.String text)
        Sets the replaceable text.
        text - the text that can be used to replace the component being generated by this info. If null, it means no way to replace it with text.
        See Also:
      • getFulfill

        public java.lang.String getFulfill()
        Returns the fulfill condition that controls when to create the child components, or null if the child components are created at the time when the page is loaded.

        Default: null.

        There are several forms:
        "eventName", "targetId.evetName", "id1/id2.evetName", and "${elExpr}.eventName".

        Since 3.0.2, you can specify a list of fulfill conditions by separating them with comma. For example:
        "id1.event1, id2/id3.event2"

        If not null, the child components specified in getChildren() are created, when the event specified in the fulfill condition is received at the first time.

        It is the value specified in the fulfill attribute.

      • setFulfill

        public void setFulfill​(java.lang.String fulfill)
        Sets the fulfill condition that controls when to create the child components.

        If not null, the child components specified in getChildren() are created, when the event specified in the fulfill condition is received at the first time.

        fulfill - the fulfill condition. There are several forms:
        "eventName", "targetId.evetName", "id1/id2.evetName", and "${elExpr}.eventName".

        Since 3.0.2, you can specify a list of fulfill conditions by separating them with comma. For example:
        "id1.event1, id2/id3.event2"

        Since 3.5.0, you can specify the URI to fulfill with. For example:

      • resolveComposer

        public Composer resolveComposer​(Page page,
                                        Component comp)
        Returns the composer for this info, or null if not available.
        comp - the component used as the self variable to resolve EL expressions, if any. Notice that UI engine uses the parent component for this argument. If comp is null, the page is used as the parent component. If comp is not null, it is used as the self variable.
        See Also:
      • setApply

        public void setApply​(java.lang.String apply)
        Sets the apply attribute that is is a list of Composer class or EL expressions returning classes, class names or composer instances.
        apply - the attribute this is a list of Composer class or EL expressions El expressions are allowed, but self means the parent, if available; or page, if no parent at all. (Note: the component is not created yet when the apply attribute is evaluated).
      • getForward

        public java.lang.String getForward()
        Returns the forward condition that controls how to forward an event, that is received by the component created by this info, to another component.

        Default: null.

        If not null, when the component created by this info receives the event specified in the forward condition, it will forward it to the target component, which is also specified in the forward condition.

        See Also:
      • setForward

        public void setForward​(java.lang.String forward)
        Sets the forward condition that controls when to forward an event receiving by this component to another component.

        The basic format:

        It means when onEvent1 is received, onEvent2 will be posted to the component with the specified path (id1/id2).

        If onEvent1 is omitted, it is assumed to be onClick (and the equal sign need not to be specified. If the path is omitted, it is assumed to be the space owner Component.getSpaceOwner().

        For example, "onOK" means "onClick=onOK".

        You can specify several forward conditions by separating them with comma as follows:


        forward - the forward condition. There are several forms: "onEvent1", "target.onEvent1" and "onEvent1(target.onEvent2)", where target could be "id", "id1/id2" or "${elExpr}". The EL expression must return either a path or a reference to a component.
      • getProperties

        public java.util.List<Property> getProperties()
        Returns a readonly list of properties (Property) (never null).
      • addProperty

        public void addProperty​(java.lang.String name,
                                java.lang.String value,
                                ConditionImpl cond)
        Adds a property initializer. It will initialize a component when created with this info.
        name - the member name. The component must have a valid setter for it.
        value - the value. It might contain expressions (${}).
      • addProperty

        public void addProperty​(java.lang.String name,
                                NativeInfo value,
                                ConditionImpl cond)
        Adds a property initializer based on the native content. The native content is a XML fragment represented by NativeInfo.
        value - the property value represented by NativeInfo.
      • addEventHandler

        public void addEventHandler​(java.lang.String name,
                                    ZScript zscript,
                                    ConditionImpl cond)
        Adds an event handler.
        name - the event name.
        zscript - the script.
      • addWidgetListener

        public void addWidgetListener​(java.lang.String name,
                                      java.lang.String script,
                                      ConditionImpl cond)
        Adds an event listener for the peer widget.
      • addWidgetOverride

        public void addWidgetOverride​(java.lang.String name,
                                      java.lang.String script,
                                      ConditionImpl cond)
        Adds a method or a value to the peer widget. If there was a method with the same name, it will be renamed to $name so can you access it for callback purpose.
        <label w:setValue="function (value) {
          this.$setValue(value); //old method
        script - the client side script. EL expressions are allowed.
        See Also:
        addWidgetAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.ConditionImpl)
      • setWidgetClass

        public void setWidgetClass​(java.lang.String wgtcls)
        Sets the widget class.
        wgtcls - the widget class (at the client side). EL expressions are allowed.
      • getWidgetClass

        public java.lang.String getWidgetClass()
        Returns the widget class (might contain EL expressions), or null if not available.
      • resolveWidgetClass

        public java.lang.String resolveWidgetClass​(Component comp)
        Resolves the widget class, or null if the default is expected. It will evaluate EL expressions if any.

        You rarely need to invoke this method since it is called automatically when applyProperties(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component) is called.

        comp - the component that the widget class represents at the client.
      • setImplementation

        public void setImplementation​(java.lang.String expr)
        Sets the string that implements the component.
        expr - the class name, or an expression returning a class instance, a class name, or a component instance.
      • newInstance

        public Component newInstance​(Page page)
        Creates an component based on this info (never null). It is the same as newInstance(page, null).

        If the implementation class (getImplementation()) doesn't have any EL expression, or its EL expression doesn't have reference to the self variable, the result is the same.

        This method is preserved for backward compatibility. It is better to use newInstance(Page, Component).

      • resolveImplementationClass

        public java.lang.Class resolveImplementationClass​(Page page,
                                                          Component parent)
                                                   throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
        Resolves and returns the class for the component represented by this info (never null).

        Unlike getImplementation(), this method will resolve a class name (String) to a class (Class), if necessary.

        page - the page to check whether the class is defined in the page (such as interpreters). Ignored if null. This method will search the class loader of the current thread. If not found, it will search the interpreters of the specified page (Page.getLoadedInterpreters()). Note: this method won't attach the component to the specified page.
        java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - if the class not found
      • resolveImplementationClass

        public java.lang.Class resolveImplementationClass​(Page page)
                                                   throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
        Resolves and returns the class for the component represented by this info (never null). It is the same as resolveImplementationClass(page, null).

        If the implementation class (getImplementation()) doesn't have any EL expression, or its EL expression doesn't have reference to the self variable, the result is the same.

        This method is preserved for backward compatibility. It is better to use resolveImplementationClass(Page, Component).

      • getAnnotationMap

        public AnnotationMap getAnnotationMap()
        Returns the annotation map defined in this info, or null if no annotation is ever defined.
      • addAnnotation

        public void addAnnotation​(java.lang.String propName,
                                  java.lang.String annotName,
                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String[]> annotAttrs,
                                  org.zkoss.util.resource.Location loc)
        Adds an annotation to the specified property of this component info.
        propName - the property name. If null, the annotation is associated with the whole component rather than a particular property.
        annotName - the annotation name (never null, nor empty).
        annotAttrs - a map of attributes, or null if no attribute at all. The attribute must be in a pair of strings (String name, String value), or (String name, String[] value).
        loc - the location information of the annotation in the document, or null if not available.
      • duplicate

        public ComponentInfo duplicate()
        Duplicates the specified component info but retaining the same but virtual parent-child relationship. It is designed to use with ComposerExt.doBeforeCompose(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component, org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.ComponentInfo) to override some properties of the default component info.

        Unlike Object.clone(), the parent-child relation is duplicated but it is 'virtual'. By virtual we mean all the children's parent doesn't reference to the duplicated info (the returned instance). Rather, they reference to the original info being duplicated.

        Since the parent-children relation of the returned info is 'virtual', you can not call appendChild(org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.NodeInfo) or others to change it. If you need to change the parent-children relation, use Object.clone() instead, and then clone the required children.

        Notice, we actually copy the values to the returned info so any change to the original one doesn't affect the duplicated info.

        See Also:
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • hasBindingAnnotation

        public boolean hasBindingAnnotation()
      • enableBindingAnnotation

        public void enableBindingAnnotation()
      • disableBindingAnnotation

        public void disableBindingAnnotation()
      • resolveForEach

        public ForEach resolveForEach​(Page page,
                                      Component comp)
        Returns the forEach object if the forEach attribute is defined (or setForEach(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) is called).

        If comp is not null, both pagedef and page are ignored. If comp is null, page must be specified.

        page - the page. It is used only if comp is null.
        comp - the component.
        the forEach object to iterate this info multiple times, or null if this info shall be interpreted only once.
      • setForEach

        public void setForEach​(java.lang.String expr,
                               java.lang.String begin,
                               java.lang.String end)
        Sets the forEach attribute, which is usually an expression.
        expr - the expression to return a collection of objects, or null/empty to denote no iteration.
      • setForEach

        public void setForEach​(java.lang.String expr,
                               java.lang.String begin,
                               java.lang.String end,
                               java.lang.String step)
        Sets the forEach attribute, which is usually an expression.
        expr - the expression to return a collection of objects, or null/empty to denote no iteration.
      • withForEach

        public boolean withForEach()
        Returns whether the forEach condition is defined.
      • getCondition

        public ConditionImpl getCondition()
        Returns the effectiveness condition.
      • setCondition

        public void setCondition​(ConditionImpl cond)
        Sets the effectiveness condition.
      • withCondition

        public boolean withCondition()
        Tests if the condition is set
      • isEffective

        public boolean isEffective​(Component comp)
        Description copied from interface: Condition
        Used to evaluate whether it is effective.
        Specified by:
        isEffective in interface Condition
        comp - used as the self variable. Ignored if null.
      • isEffective

        public boolean isEffective​(Page page)
        Description copied from interface: Condition
        Used to evaluate whether it is effective.
        Specified by:
        isEffective in interface Condition
        page - used as the self variable. Ignored if null.
      • getPageDefinition

        public PageDefinition getPageDefinition()
        Description copied from interface: NodeInfo
        Returns the page definition, i.e., the root node, or null if not available.
        Specified by:
        getPageDefinition in interface NodeInfo
      • getParent

        public NodeInfo getParent()
        Description copied from interface: NodeInfo
        Returns the parent, or null if it has no parent.
        Specified by:
        getParent in interface NodeInfo