
trait Hasher extends OutputStream
class OutputStream
trait Flushable
trait Closeable
trait AutoCloseable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def done(out: Array[Byte]): Unit

Calculate a hash into specified byte array

Calculate a hash into specified byte array

def done(out: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): Unit

Calculate a hash into specified part of array

Calculate a hash into specified part of array

def done(): Byte

Calculate a hash as single byte

Calculate a hash as single byte

def done(out: OutputStream, len: Int): Unit

Calculate a hash into specified OutputStream with specified output length in bytes

Calculate a hash into specified OutputStream with specified output length in bytes

def done(out: ByteBuffer, len: Int): Unit

Calculate a hash into specified ByteBuffer with specified output length in bytes

Calculate a hash into specified ByteBuffer with specified output length in bytes

def doneInt(): Int

Calculate a hash as single int

Calculate a hash as single int

def doneLong(): Long

Calculate a hash as single long

Calculate a hash as single long

def doneShort(): Short

Calculate a hash as single short

Calculate a hash as single short

def doneXor(out: Array[Byte]): Unit

Calculate a hash into specified byte array and apply it as XOR to existed value

Calculate a hash into specified byte array and apply it as XOR to existed value

def doneXor(in: Array[Byte], inOff: Int, out: Array[Byte], outOff: Int, len: Int): Unit

Calculate a hash into specified part of array and apply it as XOR with specified part of existed values

Calculate a hash into specified part of array and apply it as XOR with specified part of existed values

def doneXor(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream, len: Int): Unit

Calculate a hash into specified OutputStream with specified output length in bytes and and apply it as XOR with specified part of existed values

Calculate a hash into specified OutputStream with specified output length in bytes and and apply it as XOR with specified part of existed values

def doneXor(in: ByteBuffer, out: ByteBuffer, len: Int): Unit

Calculate a hash into specified ByteBuffer with specified output length in bytes and and apply it as XOR with specified part of existed values

Calculate a hash into specified ByteBuffer with specified output length in bytes and and apply it as XOR with specified part of existed values

def update(input: Array[Byte]): Hasher

Updates a hasher by provided bytes, returns the same hasher

Updates a hasher by provided bytes, returns the same hasher

def update(input: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): Hasher

Updates a hasher by specified part of provided bytes, returns the same hasher

Updates a hasher by specified part of provided bytes, returns the same hasher

def update(input: Byte): Hasher

Updates a hasher by specified byte, returns the same hasher

Updates a hasher by specified byte, returns the same hasher

def update(input: Short): Hasher

Updates a hasher by specified short, returns the same hasher

Updates a hasher by specified short, returns the same hasher

def update(input: Int): Hasher

Updates a hasher by specified short, returns the same hasher

Updates a hasher by specified short, returns the same hasher

def update(input: Long): Hasher

Updates a hasher by specified short, returns the same hasher

Updates a hasher by specified short, returns the same hasher

def update(input: String): Hasher

Updates a hasher by specified string, returns the same hasher

Updates a hasher by specified string, returns the same hasher

def update(input: InputStream, len: Int): Hasher

Updates a hasher from specified InputStream, returns the same hasher

Updates a hasher from specified InputStream, returns the same hasher

It reads input until it returns -1 or it reads len bytes

def update(input: ByteBuffer, len: Int): Hasher

Updates a hasher from specified ByteBuffer with no more than len bytes, returns the same hasher

Updates a hasher from specified ByteBuffer with no more than len bytes, returns the same hasher

Concrete methods

def done(len: Int): Array[Byte]

Create a new byte array of specified length and calculate a hash into this array

Create a new byte array of specified length and calculate a hash into this array

def done(out: ByteBuffer): Unit

Calculate a hash into specified ByteBuffer until the end of ByteBuffer

Calculate a hash into specified ByteBuffer until the end of ByteBuffer

def doneBase16(len: Int): String

Create a base16 representative of calculated hash for specified length

Create a base16 representative of calculated hash for specified length

def doneBase32(len: Int): String

Create a base32 representative of calculated hash for specified length

Create a base32 representative of calculated hash for specified length

def doneBase32Hex(len: Int): String

Create a base32 hex-compatibly representative of calculated hash for specified length

Create a base32 hex-compatibly representative of calculated hash for specified length

def doneBase64(len: Int): String

Create a base64 representative of calculated hash for specified length

Create a base64 representative of calculated hash for specified length

def doneBase64Url(len: Int): String

Create a base64 URL-safe representative of calculated hash for specified length

Create a base64 URL-safe representative of calculated hash for specified length

def doneBigInt(bitLength: Int): BigInt

Calculate a hash and return it as positive BigInt with specified length in bits

Calculate a hash and return it as positive BigInt with specified length in bits

def doneBigInt(N: BigInt): BigInt

Calculate a hash and return it as positive BigInt (mod N)

Calculate a hash and return it as positive BigInt (mod N)

def doneHex(resultLength: Int): String

Calculate a hash and return as hex encoded string with specified output length in characters

Calculate a hash and return as hex encoded string with specified output length in characters

def update(input: InputStream): Hasher

Updates a hasher from specified InputStream, returns the same hasher

Updates a hasher from specified InputStream, returns the same hasher

It reads input until it returns -1

def update(input: ByteBuffer): Hasher

Updates a hasher from specified ByteBuffer until the end, returns the same hasher

Updates a hasher from specified ByteBuffer until the end, returns the same hasher

override def write(b: Int): Unit

Update hash as OutputStream.

Update hash as OutputStream.

Definition Classes
override def write(b: Array[Byte]): Unit

Update hash as OutputStream.

Update hash as OutputStream.

Definition Classes
override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit

Update hash as OutputStream.

Update hash as OutputStream.

Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def close(): Unit
Inherited from:
def flush(): Unit
Inherited from: