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AbortedTransactionException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
This will be removed in next major release.
AbortedTransactionException(String) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.AbortedTransactionException
AbortedTransactionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.AbortedTransactionException
AbortedTransactionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.AbortedTransactionException
absTtl() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.RestoreParams
ACCESS_CONTROL_LOG_ENTRY_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
Create an Access Control Log Entry Result of ACL LOG command
ACCESS_CONTROL_USER - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
Create a AccessControlUser object from the ACL GETUSER reply.
AccessControlLogBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
This class provides the interfaces necessary to interact with Access Control Lists (ACLs) within redis.
AccessControlLogCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
This class provides the interfaces necessary to interact with Access Control Lists (ACLs) within redis.
AccessControlLogEntry - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
This class holds information about an Access Control Log entry (returned by ACL LOG command) They can be access via getters.
AccessControlLogEntry(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
AccessControlUser - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
AccessControlUser() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
aclCat(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Show the available ACLs for a given category.
aclCat() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Show the available ACL categories.
aclCat(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Show the available ACLs for a given category.
aclCat(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclCat() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclCat(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclCatBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Show the available ACL categories.
aclCatBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclDelUser(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Delete the specified user, from the ACL.
aclDelUser(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Delete the specified users, from the ACL.
aclDelUser(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Delete the specified user, from the ACL.
aclDelUser(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Delete the specified users, from the ACL.
aclDelUser(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclDelUser(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclDelUser(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclDelUser(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclDryRun(String, String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
aclDryRun(String, CommandArguments) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
aclDryRun(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclDryRun(String, CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclDryRunBinary(byte[], byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
aclDryRunBinary(byte[], CommandArguments) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
aclDryRunBinary(byte[], byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclDryRunBinary(byte[], CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclGenPass() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Generate a random password
aclGenPass(int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Generate a random password
aclGenPass() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclGenPass(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclGenPassBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Generate a random password
aclGenPassBinary(int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Generate a random password
aclGenPassBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclGenPassBinary(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclGetUser(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
The command returns all the rules defined for an existing ACL user.
aclGetUser(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
The command returns all the rules defined for an existing ACL user.
aclGetUser(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclGetUser(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclList() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Returns the currently active ACL rules on the Redis Server
aclList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclListBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Returns the currently active ACL rules on the Redis Server
aclListBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclLoad() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
This function tells Redis to reload its external ACL rules, when Redis is configured with an external ACL file
aclLoad() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
This function tells Redis to reload its external ACL rules, when Redis is configured with an external ACL file
aclLoad() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclLog() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Shows the recent ACL security events.
aclLog(int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Shows the recent limit ACL security events.
aclLog() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclLog(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclLogBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Shows the recent ACL security events.
aclLogBinary(int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Shows the recent limit ACL security events.
aclLogBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclLogBinary(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclLogReset() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Reset the script event log
aclLogReset() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Reset the script event log
aclLogReset() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclSave() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Save the currently defined in-memory ACL to disk.
aclSave() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Save the currently defined in-memory ACL to disk.
aclSave() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclSetUser(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Create an ACL for the specified user with the default rules.
aclSetUser(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Create an ACL for the specified user, while specifying the rules.
aclSetUser(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Create an ACL for the specified user with the default rules.
aclSetUser(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Create an ACL for the specified user, while specifying the rules.
aclSetUser(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclSetUser(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclSetUser(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclSetUser(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclUsers() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Shows a list of all usernames currently configured with access control lists (ACL).
aclUsers() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclUsersBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Shows a list of all usernames currently configured with access control lists (ACL).
aclUsersBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclWhoAmI() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogCommands
Returns the username used to authenticate the current connection.
aclWhoAmI() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
aclWhoAmIBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.AccessControlLogBinaryCommands
Returns the username used to authenticate the current connection.
aclWhoAmIBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
activateObject(PooledObject<Connection>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionFactory
activateObject(PooledObject<Jedis>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
ACTIVE_TIME - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumerFullInfo
add(E) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
add(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
add(String, Value...) - Method in class
Add a match criteria to this node
add(String, String...) - Method in class
Convenience method to add a list of string values
add(String, Collection<Value>) - Method in class
Add a list of values from a collection
add(Node...) - Method in class
Add children nodes to this node.
addArgs(List<String>) - Method in class
addArgs(List<String>) - Method in class
addArgs(List<String>) - Method in class
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class
addChannel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
addChannels(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
addCommandArguments(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addCommandBinaryArguments(List<byte[]>) - Method in class
addCommandEncodedArguments(List<String>) - Method in class
addField(Schema.Field) - Method in class
addFilter(Query.Filter) - Method in class
Add a filter to the query's filter list
addFlag(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
addFlatVectorField(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
addGeoField(String) - Method in class
Add a geo filtering field to the schema.
addHNSWVectorField(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
addKey(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
addKeys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
addLabel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Node
addNumericField(String) - Method in class
Add a numeric field to the schema
addObjects(Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
addObjects(Collection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
addObjects(int[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
addObjects(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.Pool
addParam(String, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
addParam(String, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.Params
addParam(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.Params
addParam(String, Object) - Method in class
Parameters can be referenced in the query string by a $ , followed by the parameter name, e.g., $user , and each such reference in the search query to a parameter name is substituted by the corresponding parameter value.
addParam(String, Object) - Method in class
Parameters can be referenced in the query string by a $ , followed by the parameter name, e.g., $user , and each such reference in the search query to a parameter name is substituted by the corresponding parameter value.
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFInsertParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFReserveParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.CFInsertParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.CFReserveParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.TDigestMergeParams
addParams(IParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonSetParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.BitPosParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.CommandListFilterByParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.FailoverParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoAddParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusParam
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusStoreParam
WARNING: In Redis, if STOREDIST exists, store will be ignored.
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GetExParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.params.IParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LCSParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LolwutParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LPosParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.MigrateParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ModuleLoadExParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.RestoreParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ScanParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SetParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ShutdownParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.StrAlgoLCSParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAutoClaimParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XClaimParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XReadGroupParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XReadParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XTrimParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZAddParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZIncrByParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZRangeParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSAlterParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSCreateParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSGetParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMGetParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
addParams(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
addPassword(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
addPrefix(String) - Method in class
This method can be chained to add multiple prefixes.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
Adds a property to the entity, by composing name, type and value to a property object
addProperty(Property) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
Add a property to the entity
addr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams
addr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams
addr(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams
addReply(HostAndPort, Object) - Method in exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisBroadcastException
addSortableNumericField(String) - Method in class
addSortableTagField(String, String) - Method in class
addSortableTagField(String, boolean) - Method in class
addSortableTagField(String, String, boolean) - Method in class
addSortableTextField(String, double) - Method in class
Add a text field that can be sorted on
addTagField(String) - Method in class
addTagField(String, String) - Method in class
addTagField(String, boolean) - Method in class
addTagField(String, String, boolean) - Method in class
addTextField(String, double) - Method in class
Add a text field to the schema with a given weight
addTypeArgs(CommandArguments) - Method in class
Subclasses should override this method.
addTypeArgs(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addTypeArgs(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addTypeArgs(CommandArguments) - Method in class
addVectorField(String, Schema.VectorField.VectorAlgo, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
AGE_SECONDS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
aggregate(ZParams.Aggregate) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZParams
aggregation(AggregationType, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
aggregation(AggregationType, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
AggregationBuilder - Class in
AggregationBuilder(String) - Constructor for class
AggregationBuilder() - Constructor for class
AggregationResult - Class in
AggregationResult(Object, long) - Constructor for class
AggregationResult(Object) - Constructor for class
AggregationType - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
algorithm(VectorField.VectorAlgorithm) - Method in class
align(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
align(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
alignEnd() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
alignEnd() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
alignStart() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
alignStart() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
alpha() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
Sort lexicographicaly.
alterParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSAlterParams
append(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
append(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
append(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
append(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
Append Command If the key already exists and is a string, this command appends the provided value at the end of the string.
append(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
append(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
append(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
If the key already exists and is a string, this command appends the provided value at the end of the string.
append(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
If the key already exists and is a string, this command appends the provided value at the end of the string.
append(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
append(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
append(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
append(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
append(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
append(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
append(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
append(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
appendCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
appendCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
appendCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
appendFrom(StringBuilder, boolean) - Method in class
appendFrom(StringBuilder, boolean) - Method in class
appendFrom(StringBuilder, boolean) - Method in class
appendTo(StringBuilder, boolean) - Method in class
appendTo(StringBuilder, boolean) - Method in class
appendTo(StringBuilder, boolean) - Method in class
apply(String, String) - Method in class
approximateTrimming() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
approximateTrimming() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XTrimParams
arg(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ModuleLoadExParams
args(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LolwutParams
as(String) - Method in class
as(String) - Method in class
as(String) - Method in class
Chain as name to the last filed added to the schema
as(String) - Method in class
as(String) - Method in class
as(String) - Method in class
as(String) - Method in class
as(String) - Method in class
as(String) - Method in class
as(String) - Method in class
as(String) - Method in class
as(String) - Method in class
asc() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
asc() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
Get the Sorting in Ascending Order.
asc(String) - Static method in class
asking() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
asking() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
assignSlotsToNode(List<Integer>, HostAndPort) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
assignSlotToNode(int, HostAndPort) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
ASTERISK_BYTE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
attributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
auth(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
Request for authentication in a password-protected Redis server.
auth(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
Request for authentication with username and password, based on the ACL feature introduced in Redis 6.0 see
auth(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Request for authentication in a password protected Redis server.
auth(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Request for authentication with a Redis Server that is using ACL where user are authenticated with username and password.
auth(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.MigrateParams
auth2(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.MigrateParams
avg(String) - Static method in class


between(double, double) - Static method in class
between(int, int) - Static method in class
bfAdd(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterCommands
BF.ADD {key} {item}
bfAdd(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterPipelineCommands
bfAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bfAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bfAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bfAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bfAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bfCard(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterCommands
bfCard(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterPipelineCommands
bfCard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bfCard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bfCard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bfCard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bfCard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bfExists(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterCommands
BF.EXISTS {key} {item}
bfExists(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterPipelineCommands
bfExists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bfExists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bfExists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bfExists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bfExists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bfInfo(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterCommands
bfInfo(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterPipelineCommands
bfInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bfInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bfInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bfInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bfInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bfInsert(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterCommands
BF.INSERT {key} ITEMS {item ...}
bfInsert(String, BFInsertParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterCommands
BF.INSERT {key} [CAPACITY {cap}] [ERROR {error}] [EXPANSION {expansion}] [NOCREATE] [NONSCALING] ITEMS {item ...}
bfInsert(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterPipelineCommands
bfInsert(String, BFInsertParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterPipelineCommands
bfInsert(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bfInsert(String, BFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bfInsert(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bfInsert(String, BFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bfInsert(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bfInsert(String, BFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bfInsert(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bfInsert(String, BFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bfInsert(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bfInsert(String, BFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
BFInsertParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.bloom
BFInsertParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFInsertParams
bfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterCommands
BF.LOADCHUNK {key} {iterator} {data}
bfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterPipelineCommands
bfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bfMAdd(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterCommands
BF.MADD {key} {item ...}
bfMAdd(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterPipelineCommands
bfMAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bfMAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bfMAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bfMAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bfMAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bfMExists(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterCommands
BF.MEXISTS {key} {item ...}
bfMExists(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterPipelineCommands
bfMExists(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bfMExists(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bfMExists(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bfMExists(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bfMExists(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bfReserve(String, double, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterCommands
BF.RESERVE {key} {error_rate} {capacity}
bfReserve(String, double, long, BFReserveParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterCommands
BF.RESERVE {key} {error_rate} {capacity} [EXPANSION {expansion}] [NONSCALING]
bfReserve(String, double, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterPipelineCommands
bfReserve(String, double, long, BFReserveParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterPipelineCommands
bfReserve(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bfReserve(String, double, long, BFReserveParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bfReserve(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bfReserve(String, double, long, BFReserveParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bfReserve(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bfReserve(String, double, long, BFReserveParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bfReserve(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bfReserve(String, double, long, BFReserveParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bfReserve(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bfReserve(String, double, long, BFReserveParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
BFReserveParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.bloom
BFReserveParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFReserveParams
bfScanDump(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterCommands
BF.SCANDUMP {key} {iterator}
bfScanDump(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.BloomFilterPipelineCommands
bfScanDump(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bfScanDump(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bfScanDump(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bfScanDump(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bfScanDump(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bgrewriteaof() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
Instruct Redis to start an Append Only File rewrite process.
bgrewriteaof() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Rewrite the append only file in background when it gets too big.
bgsave() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
Save the DB in background.
bgsave() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Asynchronously save the DB on disk.
bgsaveSchedule() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
bgsaveSchedule() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
BINARY - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
BINARY_KEYED_TUPLE_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
BINARY_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
BINARY_MAP - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
BINARY_SET - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
BinaryJedisPubSub - Class in redis.clients.jedis
BinaryJedisPubSub() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
binaryMatch() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ScanParams
BitBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
BitCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
bitcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitcount(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitcount(String, long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitcount(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitcount(byte[], long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitcount(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitBinaryCommands
bitcount(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitBinaryCommands
bitcount(byte[], long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitBinaryCommands
bitcount(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitCommands
Bitcount Command Count the number of set bits (population counting) in a string.
bitcount(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitCommands
Bitcount Command Count the number of set bits (population counting) in a string only in an interval start and end.
bitcount(String, long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitCommands
bitcount(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineBinaryCommands
bitcount(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineBinaryCommands
bitcount(byte[], long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineBinaryCommands
bitcount(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineCommands
bitcount(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineCommands
bitcount(String, long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineCommands
bitcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitcount(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitcount(byte[], long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitcount(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitcount(String, long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitcount(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitcount(String, long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitcount(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitcount(byte[], long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitcount(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitcount(String, long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitcount(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitcount(byte[], long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitcount(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitcount(String, long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitcount(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitcount(byte[], long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bitcount(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bitcount(String, long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bitcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bitcount(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bitcount(byte[], long, long, BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
BitCountOption - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
The options for BITCOUNT command.
bitfield(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitfield(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitfield(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitBinaryCommands
bitfield(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitCommands
Bitfield Command The command treats a Redis string as an array of bits, and is capable of addressing specific integer fields of varying bit widths and arbitrary non (necessary) aligned offset.
bitfield(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineBinaryCommands
bitfield(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineCommands
bitfield(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitfield(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitfield(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitfield(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitfield(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitfield(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitfield(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitfield(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitfield(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bitfield(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bitfieldReadonly(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitfieldReadonly(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitfieldReadonly(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitBinaryCommands
bitfieldReadonly(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitCommands
The readonly version of BITFIELD
bitfieldReadonly(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineBinaryCommands
bitfieldReadonly(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineCommands
bitfieldReadonly(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitfieldReadonly(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitfieldReadonly(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitfieldReadonly(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitfieldReadonly(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitfieldReadonly(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitfieldReadonly(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitfieldReadonly(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitfieldReadonly(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bitfieldReadonly(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
BitOP - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
Bit operations for BITOP command.
bitop(BitOP, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitop(BitOP, byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitop(BitOP, byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitBinaryCommands
bitop(BitOP, String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitCommands
Bitop Command Perform a bitwise operation between multiple keys (containing string values) and store the result in the destKey.
bitop(BitOP, byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineBinaryCommands
bitop(BitOP, String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineCommands
bitop(BitOP, byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitop(BitOP, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitop(BitOP, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitop(BitOP, byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitop(BitOP, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitop(BitOP, byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitop(BitOP, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitop(BitOP, byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitop(BitOP, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bitop(BitOP, byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
BitPipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
BitPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
bitpos(String, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitpos(String, boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitpos(byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitpos(byte[], boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bitpos(byte[], boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitBinaryCommands
bitpos(byte[], boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitBinaryCommands
bitpos(String, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitCommands
Bitpos Command Return the position of the first bit set to 1 or 0 in a string.
bitpos(String, boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitCommands
Bitpos Command Return the position of the first bit set to 1 or 0 in a string.
bitpos(byte[], boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineBinaryCommands
bitpos(byte[], boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineBinaryCommands
bitpos(String, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineCommands
bitpos(String, boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineCommands
bitpos(byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitpos(byte[], boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitpos(String, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitpos(String, boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bitpos(String, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitpos(String, boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitpos(byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitpos(byte[], boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bitpos(String, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitpos(String, boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitpos(byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitpos(byte[], boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bitpos(String, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitpos(String, boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitpos(byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitpos(byte[], boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bitpos(String, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bitpos(String, boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bitpos(byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bitpos(byte[], boolean, BitPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
BitPosParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
BitPosParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.BitPosParams
BitPosParams(long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.BitPosParams
BitPosParams(long, long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.BitPosParams
bitPosParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.BitPosParams
blmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
blmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
blmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
blmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available
blmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
blmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
blmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available
blmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
blmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
blmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
blmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
blmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
blmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
blmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
blmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
blmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
blmpop(long, ListDirection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
blmpop(long, ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
blmpop(long, ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
blmpop(long, ListDirection, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
blmpop(long, ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
blmpop(long, ListDirection, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
blmpop(long, ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
blmpop(long, ListDirection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
blmpop(long, ListDirection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
blmpop(long, ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
blmpop(long, ListDirection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
blmpop(long, ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
blmpop(long, ListDirection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
blmpop(long, ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
blmpop(long, ListDirection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
blmpop(long, ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
blmpop(long, ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
block(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XReadGroupParams
block(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XReadParams
blocking() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
blockingSocketTimeoutMillis(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
BloomFilterCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
BloomFilterPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
blpop(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
blpop(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
blpop(double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
blpop(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
blpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
blpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
blpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
blpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
blpop(int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
The blocking version of ListCommands.lpop(String) LPOP} because it blocks the connection when there are no elements to pop from any of the given lists.
blpop(int, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
blpop(double, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
The blocking version of ListCommands.lpop(String) LPOP} because it blocks the connection when there are no elements to pop from any of the given lists.
blpop(double, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
blpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
blpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
blpop(int, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
blpop(double, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
blpop(int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
blpop(double, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
blpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
BLPOP (and BRPOP) is a blocking list pop primitive.
blpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
blpop(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
BLPOP (and BRPOP) is a blocking list pop primitive.
blpop(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
blpop(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
blpop(double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
blpop(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
blpop(double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
blpop(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
blpop(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
blpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
blpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
blpop(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
blpop(double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
blpop(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
blpop(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
blpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
blpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
blpop(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
blpop(double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
blpop(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
blpop(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
blpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
blpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
blpop(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
blpop(double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
blpop(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
blpop(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
blpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
blpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
BOOLEAN_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
BOOLEAN_WITH_ERROR_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
broadcastCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.ClusterCommandExecutor
broadcastCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.executors.CommandExecutor
broadcastCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
brpop(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
brpop(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
brpop(double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
brpop(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
brpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
brpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
brpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
brpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
brpop(int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
The blocking version of ListCommands.rpop(String) RPOP} because it blocks the connection when there are no elements to pop from any of the given lists.
brpop(int, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
brpop(double, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
The blocking version of ListCommands.rpop(String) RPOP} because it blocks the connection when there are no elements to pop from any of the given lists.
brpop(double, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
brpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
brpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
brpop(int, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
brpop(double, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
brpop(int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
brpop(double, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
brpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
BLPOP (and BRPOP) is a blocking list pop primitive.
brpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
brpop(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
BLPOP (and BRPOP) is a blocking list pop primitive.
brpop(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
brpop(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
brpop(double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
brpop(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
brpop(double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
brpop(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
brpop(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
brpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
brpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
brpop(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
brpop(double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
brpop(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
brpop(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
brpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
brpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
brpop(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
brpop(double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
brpop(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
brpop(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
brpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
brpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
brpop(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
brpop(double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
brpop(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
brpop(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
brpop(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
brpop(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
brpoplpush(String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
brpoplpush(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
brpoplpush(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
brpoplpush(String, String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
brpoplpush(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
brpoplpush(String, String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
brpoplpush(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available
brpoplpush(String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available
brpoplpush(String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
brpoplpush(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
brpoplpush(String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
brpoplpush(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
brpoplpush(String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
brpoplpush(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
brpoplpush(String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
brpoplpush(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bucketSize(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.CFReserveParams
bucketTimestamp(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
bucketTimestamp(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
bucketTimestampHigh() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
bucketTimestampHigh() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
bucketTimestampLow() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
bucketTimestampLow() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
bucketTimestampMid() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
bucketTimestampMid() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
buf - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisInputStream
buf - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisOutputStream
build(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Builder
build() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class
build(Object) - Method in class
Builder<T> - Class in redis.clients.jedis
Builder() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Builder
builder() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
builder() - Static method in class
BuilderFactory - Class in redis.clients.jedis
BuilderFactory.SetFromList<E> - Class in redis.clients.jedis
A decorator to implement Set from List.
by(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
Sort by weight in keys.
by(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
Sort by weight in keys.
byBox(double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
byRadius(double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
BYTE_ARRAY_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
ByteArrayComparator - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
BYTES_ASTERISK - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
BYTES_EQUAL - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
BYTES_FALSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
BYTES_TILDE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
BYTES_TRUE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bzmpop(long, SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bzpopmax(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bzpopmax(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bzpopmax(double, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
bzpopmax(double, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
The blocking version of ZPOPMAX
bzpopmax(double, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
bzpopmax(double, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
bzpopmax(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bzpopmax(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bzpopmax(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bzpopmax(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bzpopmax(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bzpopmax(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bzpopmax(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bzpopmax(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bzpopmax(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bzpopmax(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bzpopmin(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bzpopmin(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
bzpopmin(double, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
bzpopmin(double, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
The blocking version of ZPOPMIN
bzpopmin(double, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
bzpopmin(double, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
bzpopmin(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bzpopmin(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
bzpopmin(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bzpopmin(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
bzpopmin(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bzpopmin(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
bzpopmin(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bzpopmin(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
bzpopmin(double, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
bzpopmin(double, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis


cache - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
cachedExecution() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Statistics
capacity(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFInsertParams
capacity(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.CFInsertParams
caseSensitive() - Method in class
Keeps the original letter cases of the tags.
cfAdd(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.ADD Adds an item to the cuckoo filter, creating the filter if it does not exist
cfAdd(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cfAddNx(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.ADDNX Adds an item to the cuckoo filter, only if it does not exist yet
cfAddNx(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfAddNx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfAddNx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfAddNx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfAddNx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfAddNx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cfCount(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.COUNT Returns the number of times an item may be in the filter.
cfCount(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfCount(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfCount(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfCount(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfCount(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfCount(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cfDel(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.DEL Deletes an item once from the filter.
cfDel(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfDel(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfDel(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfDel(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfDel(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfDel(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cfExists(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.EXISTS Check if an item exists in a Cuckoo Filter
cfExists(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfExists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfExists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfExists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfExists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfExists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cfInfo(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.INFO Return information about filter
cfInfo(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cfInsert(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.INSERT Adds one or more items to a cuckoo filter, creating it if it does not exist yet.
cfInsert(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.INSERT Adds one or more items to a cuckoo filter, using the passed options
cfInsert(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfInsert(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfInsert(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfInsert(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfInsert(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfInsert(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfInsert(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfInsert(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfInsert(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfInsert(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfInsert(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cfInsert(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cfInsertNx(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.INSERTNX Adds one or more items to a cuckoo filter, only if it does not exist yet
cfInsertNx(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.INSERTNX Adds one or more items to a cuckoo filter, using the passed options
cfInsertNx(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfInsertNx(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfInsertNx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfInsertNx(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfInsertNx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfInsertNx(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfInsertNx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfInsertNx(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfInsertNx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfInsertNx(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfInsertNx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cfInsertNx(String, CFInsertParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
CFInsertParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.bloom
CFInsertParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.CFInsertParams
cfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.LOADCHUNK Restores a filter previously saved using SCANDUMP.
cfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfLoadChunk(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cfMExists(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.MEXISTS {key} {item ...}
cfMExists(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfMExists(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cfReserve(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.RESERVE Creates a Cuckoo Filter under key with the given parameters
cfReserve(String, long, CFReserveParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.RESERVE Creates a Cuckoo Filter under key with the given parameters
cfReserve(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfReserve(String, long, CFReserveParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfReserve(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfReserve(String, long, CFReserveParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfReserve(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfReserve(String, long, CFReserveParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfReserve(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfReserve(String, long, CFReserveParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfReserve(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfReserve(String, long, CFReserveParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfReserve(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cfReserve(String, long, CFReserveParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
CFReserveParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.bloom
CFReserveParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.CFReserveParams
cfScanDump(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterCommands
CF.SCANDUMP Begins an incremental save of the cuckoo filter.
cfScanDump(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CuckooFilterPipelineCommands
cfScanDump(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cfScanDump(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cfScanDump(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cfScanDump(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cfScanDump(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ch() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoAddParams
Modify the return value from the number of new elements added, to the total number of elements changed
ch() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZAddParams
Modify the return value from the number of new elements added to the total number of elements changed
CHARSET - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
checkIsInMultiOrPipeline() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
chunkSize(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSAlterParams
chunkSize(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSCreateParams
clean() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Queable
cleanUp() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.RedisCredentialsProvider
Clean up credentials (e.g.
clear() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
clear() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
clear() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
client - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisMonitor
CLIENT_INFO - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
ClientAttributeOption - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
CLIENT SETINFO command attr option since redis 7.2
ClientBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
The interface contain all the commands about client.
ClientCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
The interface contain all the commands about client.
clientGetname() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Returns the name of the current connection as set by CLIENT SETNAME
clientGetname() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientGetnameBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Returns the name of the current connection as set by CLIENT SETNAME
clientGetnameBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientId() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Returns the ID of the current connection.
clientId() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Returns the ID of the current connection.
clientId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientInfo() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Returns information and statistics about the current client connection in a mostly human readable format.
clientInfo() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientInfoBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Returns information and statistics about the current client connection in a mostly human readable format.
clientInfoBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientKill(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Close a given client connection.
clientKill(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Close a given client connection.
clientKill(ClientKillParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Close a given client connection.
clientKill(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Close a given client connection.
clientKill(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Close a given client connection.
clientKill(ClientKillParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Close a given client connection.
clientKill(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientKill(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientKill(ClientKillParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientKill(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
ClientKillParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
ClientKillParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams
clientKillParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams
ClientKillParams.SkipMe - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.params
clientList() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Returns information and statistics about the client connections server in a mostly human readable format.
clientList(ClientType) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Returns information and statistics about the client connections server in a mostly human readable format filter by client type.
clientList(long...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Returns information and statistics about the client connections server in a mostly human readable format filter by client ids.
clientList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientList(ClientType) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientList(long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientListBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Returns information and statistics about the client connections server in a mostly human readable format.
clientListBinary(ClientType) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Returns information and statistics about the client connections server in a mostly human readable format filter by client type.
clientListBinary(long...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Returns information and statistics about the client connections server in a mostly human readable format filter by client ids.
clientListBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientListBinary(ClientType) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientListBinary(long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientName(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
clientNoEvictOff() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Turn off the client eviction mode for the current connection.
clientNoEvictOff() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Turn off the client eviction mode for the current connection.
clientNoEvictOff() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientNoEvictOn() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Turn on the client eviction mode for the current connection.
clientNoEvictOn() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Turn on the client eviction mode for the current connection.
clientNoEvictOn() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientNoTouchOff() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
clientNoTouchOff() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientNoTouchOn() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
clientNoTouchOn() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientPause(long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
A connections control command able to suspend all the Redis clients for the specified amount of time (in milliseconds)
clientPause(long, ClientPauseMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
A connections control command able to suspend all the Redis clients for the specified amount of time (in milliseconds)
clientPause(long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
A connections control command able to suspend all the Redis clients for the specified amount of time (in milliseconds)
clientPause(long, ClientPauseMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
A connections control command able to suspend all the Redis clients for the specified amount of time (in milliseconds)
clientPause(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientPause(long, ClientPauseMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
ClientPauseMode - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
Client pause supported modes.
clientSetInfo(ClientAttributeOption, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
client set info command Since redis 7.2
clientSetInfo(ClientAttributeOption, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
client set info command Since redis 7.2
clientSetInfo(ClientAttributeOption, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientSetInfo(ClientAttributeOption, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
ClientSetInfoConfig - Class in redis.clients.jedis
ClientSetInfoConfig() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ClientSetInfoConfig
ClientSetInfoConfig(boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ClientSetInfoConfig
ClientSetInfoConfig(String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ClientSetInfoConfig
clientSetInfoConfig(ClientSetInfoConfig) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
clientSetname(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Assigns a name to the current connection.
clientSetname(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Assigns a name to the current connection.
clientSetname(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clientSetname(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
ClientType - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
clientUnblock(long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Unblock from a different connection, a client blocked in a blocking operation, such as for instance BRPOP or XREAD or WAIT.
clientUnblock(long, UnblockType) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
Unblock from a different connection, a client blocked in a blocking operation, such as for instance BRPOP or XREAD or WAIT.
clientUnblock(long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Unblock from a different connection, a client blocked in a blocking operation, such as for instance BRPOP or XREAD or WAIT.
clientUnblock(long, UnblockType) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
Unblock from a different connection, a client blocked in a blocking operation, such as for instance BRPOP or XREAD or WAIT.
clientUnblock(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Unblock a connection blocked in a blocking command from a different connection.
clientUnblock(long, UnblockType) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Unblock a connection blocked in a blocking command from a different connection.
clientUnpause() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientBinaryCommands
CLIENT UNPAUSE is used to resume command processing for all clients that were paused by CLIENT PAUSE.
clientUnpause() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClientCommands
CLIENT UNPAUSE is used to resume command processing for all clients that were paused by CLIENT PAUSE.
clientUnpause() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterPipeline
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.ClusterCommandExecutor
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.DefaultCommandExecutor
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.RetryableCommandExecutor
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.SimpleCommandExecutor
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ManagedConnectionProvider
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.PooledConnectionProvider
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ShardedConnectionProvider
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedPipeline
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
close() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.Pool
closeQuietly(Socket) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.IOUtils
closeQuietly(AutoCloseable) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.IOUtils
CLUSTER_HASHSLOTS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
clusterAddSlots(int...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterAddSlots(int...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterAddSlotsRange(int...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
Takes a list of slot ranges (specified by start and end slots) to assign to the node
clusterAddSlotsRange(int...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterBumpEpoch() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
Advance the cluster config epoch.
clusterBumpEpoch() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
ClusterCommandArguments - Class in redis.clients.jedis
ClusterCommandArguments(ProtocolCommand) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandArguments
ClusterCommandExecutor - Class in redis.clients.jedis.executors
ClusterCommandExecutor(ClusterConnectionProvider, int, Duration) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.executors.ClusterCommandExecutor
ClusterCommandObjects - Class in redis.clients.jedis
ClusterCommandObjects() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
ClusterCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
ClusterConnectionProvider - Class in redis.clients.jedis.providers
ClusterConnectionProvider(Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
ClusterConnectionProvider(Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
clusterCountFailureReports(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterCountFailureReports(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterCountKeysInSlot(int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterCountKeysInSlot(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterDelSlots(int...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterDelSlots(int...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterDelSlotsRange(int...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
Takes a list of slot ranges (specified by start and end slots) to remove to the node.
clusterDelSlotsRange(int...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterFailover() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterFailover(ClusterFailoverOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterFailover() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterFailover(ClusterFailoverOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
ClusterFailoverOption - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
Enumeration of cluster failover options.
clusterFlushSlots() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterFlushSlots() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterForget(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterForget(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterGetKeysInSlot(int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterGetKeysInSlot(int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterGetKeysInSlotBinary(int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterGetKeysInSlotBinary(int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterInfo() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterInfo() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterKeySlot(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterKeySlot(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterLinks() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
return the information of all such peer links as an array, where each array element is a map that contains attributes and their values for an individual link.
clusterLinks() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterMeet(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterMeet(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterMyId() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterMyId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterMyShardId() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterMyShardId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterNodes() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterNodes() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
ClusterPipeline - Class in redis.clients.jedis
ClusterPipeline(Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterPipeline
ClusterPipeline(Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterPipeline
ClusterPipeline(ClusterConnectionProvider) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterPipeline
clusterReplicas(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterReplicas(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterReplicate(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterReplicate(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterReset() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterReset(ClusterResetType) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
resetType can be null for default behavior.
clusterReset() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterReset(ClusterResetType) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
ClusterResetType - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
Reset type for command cluster reset.
clusterSaveConfig() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterSaveConfig() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterSetConfigEpoch(long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
Set a specific config epoch in a fresh node.
clusterSetConfigEpoch(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterSetSlotImporting(int, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterSetSlotImporting(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterSetSlotMigrating(int, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterSetSlotMigrating(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterSetSlotNode(int, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterSetSlotNode(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterSetSlotStable(int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterSetSlotStable(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterSlaves(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterSlaves(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
clusterSlots() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
clusterSlots() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
cmsIncrBy(String, String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchCommands
CMS.INCRBY Increases the count of item by increment
cmsIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchCommands
CMS.INCRBY Increases the count of one or more item.
cmsIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchPipelineCommands
cmsIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cmsIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cmsIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cmsIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cmsIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cmsInfo(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchCommands
CMS.INFO Returns width, depth and total count of the sketch.
cmsInfo(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchPipelineCommands
cmsInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cmsInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cmsInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cmsInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cmsInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cmsInitByDim(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchCommands
CMS.INITBYDIM Initializes a Count-Min Sketch to dimensions specified by user.
cmsInitByDim(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchPipelineCommands
cmsInitByDim(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cmsInitByDim(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cmsInitByDim(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cmsInitByDim(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cmsInitByDim(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cmsInitByProb(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchCommands
CMS.INITBYPROB Initializes a Count-Min Sketch to accommodate requested capacity.
cmsInitByProb(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchPipelineCommands
cmsInitByProb(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cmsInitByProb(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cmsInitByProb(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cmsInitByProb(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cmsInitByProb(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cmsMerge(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchCommands
CMS.MERGE Merges several sketches into one sketch.
cmsMerge(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchCommands
CMS.MERGE Merges several sketches into one sketch.
cmsMerge(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchPipelineCommands
cmsMerge(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchPipelineCommands
cmsMerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cmsMerge(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cmsMerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cmsMerge(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cmsMerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cmsMerge(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cmsMerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cmsMerge(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cmsMerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cmsMerge(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
cmsQuery(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchCommands
CMS.QUERY Returns count for item.
cmsQuery(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.CountMinSketchPipelineCommands
cmsQuery(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
cmsQuery(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
cmsQuery(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
cmsQuery(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
cmsQuery(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
collect(Collection<D>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisCommandIterationBase
COLON_BYTE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
COMMAND_DOCS_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
COMMAND_DOCUMENT_BUILDER - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandDocument
COMMAND_INFO_BUILDER - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandInfo
COMMAND_INFO_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
commandArguments(ProtocolCommand) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
CommandArguments - Class in redis.clients.jedis
CommandArguments(ProtocolCommand) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
commandArguments(ProtocolCommand) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
commandArguments(ProtocolCommand) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
CommandCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
commandCount() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.CommandCommands
The number of total commands in this Redis server
commandCount() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
commandDocs(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.CommandCommands
Return documentary information about commands.
commandDocs(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
CommandDocument - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
CommandDocument(String, String, String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandDocument
CommandExecutor - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.executors
commandGetKeys(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.CommandCommands
Return list of keys from a full Redis command
commandGetKeys(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
commandGetKeysAndFlags(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.CommandCommands
Return list of keys from a full Redis command and their usage flags
commandGetKeysAndFlags(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
commandInfo(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.CommandCommands
Return details about multiple Redis commands
commandInfo(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
CommandInfo - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
CommandInfo(long, List<String>, long, long, long, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandInfo
commandList() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.CommandCommands
Return a list of the server's command names
commandList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
commandListFilterBy(CommandListFilterByParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.CommandCommands
Return a list of the server's command names filtered by module's name, ACL category or pattern
commandListFilterBy(CommandListFilterByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
CommandListFilterByParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
CommandListFilterByParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.CommandListFilterByParams
commandListFilterByParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.CommandListFilterByParams
CommandObject<T> - Class in redis.clients.jedis
CommandObject(CommandArguments, Builder<T>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObject
CommandObjects - Class in redis.clients.jedis
CommandObjects() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
COMPACT_STRING - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphQueryUtil
compare(Tuple, Tuple) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Tuple
compare(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.ByteArrayComparator
compareTo(Tuple) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Tuple
compareTo(StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
compressed() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSCreateParams
compression(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.TDigestMergeParams
config(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ModuleLoadExParams
ConfigCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
The interface about managing configuration parameters of Redis server.
configGet(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ConfigCommands
Used to read the configuration parameters of Redis server.
configGet(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ConfigCommands
Used to read the configuration parameters of Redis server.
configGet(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ConfigCommands
Used to read the configuration parameters of Redis server.
configGet(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ConfigCommands
Used to read the configuration parameters of Redis server.
configGet(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Retrieve the configuration of a running Redis server.
configGet(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
configGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Retrieve the configuration of a running Redis server.
configGet(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
configResetStat() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ConfigCommands
Resets the statistics reported by Redis using the INFO command.
configResetStat() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Reset the stats returned by INFO
configRewrite() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ConfigCommands
Rewrites the redis.conf file the server was started with, applying the minimal changes needed to make it reflect the configuration currently used by the server, which may be different compared to the original one because of the use of the CONFIG SET command.
configRewrite() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
The CONFIG REWRITE command rewrites the redis.conf file the server was started with, applying the minimal changes needed to make it reflect the configuration currently used by the server, which may be different compared to the original one because of the use of the CONFIG SET command.
configSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
configSet(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ConfigCommands
Used in order to reconfigure the Redis server at run time without the need to restart.
configSet(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ConfigCommands
configSet(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ConfigCommands
Used in order to reconfigure the Redis server at run time without the need to restart.
configSet(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ConfigCommands
configSet(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Alter the configuration of a running Redis server.
configSet(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
configSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Alter the configuration of a running Redis server.
configSet(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
configSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
connect() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
connect() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Connection - Class in redis.clients.jedis
Connection() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
Connection(String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
Connection(HostAndPort) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
Connection(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
Connection(JedisSocketFactory, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
Connection(JedisSocketFactory) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
connection - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.SimpleCommandExecutor
connection - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
connection - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
connection - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ConnectionFactory - Class in redis.clients.jedis
PoolableObjectFactory custom impl.
ConnectionFactory(HostAndPort) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionFactory
ConnectionFactory(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionFactory
ConnectionFactory(JedisSocketFactory, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionFactory
ConnectionPool - Class in redis.clients.jedis
ConnectionPool(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionPool
ConnectionPool(PooledObjectFactory<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionPool
ConnectionPool(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionPool
ConnectionPool(PooledObjectFactory<Connection>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionPool
ConnectionPoolConfig - Class in redis.clients.jedis
ConnectionPoolConfig() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionPoolConfig
ConnectionProvider - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.providers
connectionTimeoutMillis(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
consumer(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
consumer(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
CONSUMERS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupFullInfo
CONSUMERS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupInfo
contains(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
contains(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.Params
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
containsKey(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Record
Check if the record header contains the given key
containsKey(String) - Method in class
containsKey(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
CONTEXT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
ControlBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
The interface about Redis management command
ControlCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
The interface about Redis management command
convert(String...) - Static method in class
convertBatchToData(ScanResult<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ScanIteration
convertBatchToData(AggregationResult) - Method in class
convertBatchToData(SearchResult) - Method in class
convertBatchToData(B) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisCommandIterationBase
copy(String, String, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
copy(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
copy(String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
copy(byte[], byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
copy(String, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
Copy the value stored at the source key to the destination key.
copy(byte[], byte[], int, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
Binary version of COPY.
copy(String, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabasePipelineCommands
Copy the value stored at the source key to the destination key.
copy(byte[], byte[], int, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabasePipelineCommands
Binary version of COPY.
copy(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
copy(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Copy Command Copy the value stored at the source key to the destination key.
copy(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
copy(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
copy(byte[], byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
COPY source destination [DB destination-db] [REPLACE]
copy(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
COPY source destination [DB destination-db] [REPLACE]
copy(String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
COPY source destination [DB destination-db] [REPLACE]
copy(String, String, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
COPY source destination [REPLACE]
copy(String, String, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
copy(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
copy() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.MigrateParams
copy(String, String, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
copy(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
copy(String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
copy(byte[], byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
copy(String, String, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
copy(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
copy(String, String, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
copy(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
copyConfig(JedisClientConfig) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
count(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusParam
count(int, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusParam
count(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
count(int, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
count(Integer) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ScanParams
count(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAutoClaimParams
Set the count of stream entries/ids to return as part of the command output.
count(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
count(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XReadGroupParams
count(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XReadParams
COUNT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
count() - Static method in class
count(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
count(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
count - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisInputStream
count - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisOutputStream
count_distinct(String) - Static method in class
count_distinctish(String) - Static method in class
CountMinSketchCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
Interface for RedisBloom Count-Min Sketch Commands
CountMinSketchPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
create(int, int, int, String, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier, HostAndPortMapper) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
createParams() - Static method in class
createParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSCreateParams
createSocket() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisSocketFactory
createSocket() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisSocketFactory
credentials(RedisCredentials) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
credentialsProvider(Supplier<RedisCredentials>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
CuckooFilterCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
Interface for RedisBloom Cuckoo Filter Commands
CuckooFilterPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
cursor(int, long) - Method in class


database(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
DatabaseCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
DatabasePipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
dbSize() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
dbSize() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
dbSize() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
Return the number of keys in the currently-selected database.
dbSize() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabasePipelineCommands
Return the number of keys in the currently-selected database.
dbSize() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the number of keys in the currently selected database.
dbSize() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
dbSize() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
dbSize() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
decr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
decr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
decr(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
decr(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
Decr Command Decrement the number stored at key by one.
decr(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
decr(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
decr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Decrement the number stored at key by one.
decr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Decrement the number stored at key by one.
decr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
decr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
decr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
decr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
decr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
decr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
decr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
decr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
decrBy(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
decrBy(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
decrBy(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
decrBy(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
DecrBy Command DECRBY work just like DECR but instead to decrement by 1 the decrement is integer.
decrBy(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
decrBy(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
decrBy(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
DECRBY work just like DECR but instead to decrement by 1 the decrement is integer.
decrBy(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
IDECRBY work just like INCR but instead to decrement by 1 the decrement is integer.
decrBy(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
decrBy(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
decrBy(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
decrBy(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
decrBy(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
decrBy(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
decrBy(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
decrBy(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
DEFAULT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.ClientSetInfoConfig
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.util.SafeEncoder
DEFAULT_DATABASE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_HOST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
DEFAULT_HOST_AND_PORT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisSocketFactory
DEFAULT_KEY_TAG_PATTERN - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSharding
DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
DEFAULT_SENTINEL_PORT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBE_RETRY_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
Default timeout in milliseconds.
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
DefaultCommandExecutor - Class in redis.clients.jedis.executors
DefaultCommandExecutor(ConnectionProvider) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.executors.DefaultCommandExecutor
DefaultGsonObjectMapper - Class in redis.clients.jedis.json
Use the default Gson configuration for serialization and deserialization JSON operations.
DefaultGsonObjectMapper() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.json.DefaultGsonObjectMapper
DefaultJedisClientConfig - Class in redis.clients.jedis
DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder - Class in redis.clients.jedis
DefaultJedisSocketFactory - Class in redis.clients.jedis
DefaultJedisSocketFactory() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisSocketFactory
DefaultJedisSocketFactory(HostAndPort) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisSocketFactory
DefaultJedisSocketFactory(JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisSocketFactory
DefaultJedisSocketFactory(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisSocketFactory
defaultOptions() - Static method in class
The default indexing options - use term offsets and keep fields flags
DefaultRedisCredentials - Class in redis.clients.jedis
DefaultRedisCredentials(String, char[]) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultRedisCredentials
DefaultRedisCredentials(String, CharSequence) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultRedisCredentials
DefaultRedisCredentialsProvider - Class in redis.clients.jedis
DefaultRedisCredentialsProvider(RedisCredentials) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultRedisCredentialsProvider
del(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
del(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
del(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
del(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
del(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
del(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
del(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Del Command Remove the specified key.
del(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Remove the specified keys.
del(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
del(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
del(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
del(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
del(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove the specified keys.
del(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
del(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove the specified keys.
del(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
del(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
del(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
del(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
del(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
del(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
del(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
del(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
del(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
del(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
del(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
del(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
del(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
del(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
del(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
del(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
del(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
desc() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
desc() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
Get the Sorting in Descending Order.
desc(String) - Static method in class
destroy() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
destroy() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.Pool
destroyObject(PooledObject<Connection>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionFactory
destroyObject(PooledObject<Jedis>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
dialect(int) - Method in class
dialect(int) - Method in class
Set the dialect version to execute the query accordingly
dialect(int) - Method in class
Selects the dialect version under which to execute the query.
dialect(int) - Method in class
Set the dialect version to execute the query accordingly
DISABLED - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.ClientSetInfoConfig
discard() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ReliableTransaction
discard() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Transaction
discard() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
disconnect() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
Close the socket and disconnect the server.
disconnect() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Closing the socket will disconnect the server connection.
discoverClusterNodesAndSlots(Connection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
disjunct(Node...) - Static method in class
Create a disjunct node.
disjunct(String, Value...) - Static method in class
Create a disjunct node using one or more values.
disjunct(String, String...) - Static method in class
Create a disjunct node using one or more values.
DisjunctNode - Class in
A disjunct node.
DisjunctNode() - Constructor for class
disjunctUnion(Node...) - Static method in class
Create a disjunct union node.
disjunctUnion(String, Value...) - Static method in class
disjunctUnion(String, String...) - Static method in class
DisjunctUnionNode - Class in
A disjunct union node is the inverse of a UnionNode.
DisjunctUnionNode() - Constructor for class
distance(int) - Method in class
Maximum Levenshtein distance for spelling suggestions (default: 1, max: 4).
Document - Class in
Document represents a single indexed document or entity in the engine
Document(String, double) - Constructor for class
Document(String) - Constructor for class
Document(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
Document(String, Map<String, Object>, double) - Constructor for class
Document(String, Map<String, Object>, double, byte[]) - Constructor for class
DOLLAR_BYTE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
DOUBLE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
DOUBLE_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
DoublePrecision - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
DoubleRangeValue - Class in
DoubleRangeValue(double, double) - Constructor for class
DUMMY_ARRAY - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
DUMMY_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphQueryUtil
DUMMY_MAP - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphQueryUtil
dump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
dump(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
dump(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
dump(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Dump Command Serialize the value stored at key in a Redis-specific format and return it to the user.
dump(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
dump(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
dump(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
dump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
dump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
dump(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
dump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
dump(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
dump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
dump(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
dump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
dump(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
DuplicatePolicy - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
Policy that will define handling of duplicate samples.
duplicatePolicy(DuplicatePolicy) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSAlterParams
duplicatePolicy(DuplicatePolicy) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSCreateParams


echo(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
echo(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
echo(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
echo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Edge - Class in redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities
A class represent an edge (graph entity).
Edge() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Edge
Edge(int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Edge
Use this constructor to reduce memory allocations when properties are added to the edge
empty() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
empty() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
This requires AGGREGATION.
encode(String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.SafeEncoder
encode(byte[]) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.SafeEncoder
ENCODED_OBJECT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
ENCODED_OBJECT_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
ENCODED_OBJECT_LIST_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
ENCODED_OBJECT_MAP - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
encodeMany(String...) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.SafeEncoder
encodeObject(Object) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.SafeEncoder
This method takes an object and will convert all bytes[] and list of byte[] and will encode the object in a recursive way.
end(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.BitPosParams
end(StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
enqueResponse(Builder<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Queable
ENTRIES - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
ENTRY_ID - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
entrySet() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
eq(double) - Static method in class
eq(int) - Static method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.GeoCoordinate
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Edge
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Node
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Path
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Point
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Property
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.HostAndPort
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.Path
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.Path2
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Module
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.GeoRadiusResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.KeyedZSetElement
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Tuple
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
equals(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSElement
error(double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFInsertParams
escape(String) - Static method in class
escape(String, boolean) - Static method in class
escapeQuery(String) - Static method in class
eval(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
eval(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
eval(String, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
eval(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
eval(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
eval(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
eval(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
eval(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
eval(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedCommands
eval(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedPipelineCommands
eval(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedCommands
eval(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedPipelineCommands
eval(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyBinaryCommands
eval(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyBinaryCommands
eval(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyBinaryCommands
eval(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyCommands
Eval Command Use to evaluate scripts using the Lua interpreter built into Redis starting from version 2.6.0.
eval(String, int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyCommands
Eval Command Use to evaluate scripts using the Lua interpreter built into Redis starting from version 2.6.0.
eval(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyCommands
Eval Command Use to evaluate scripts using the Lua interpreter built into Redis starting from version 2.6.0.
eval(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineBinaryCommands
eval(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineBinaryCommands
eval(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineBinaryCommands
eval(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineCommands
eval(String, int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineCommands
eval(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineCommands
eval(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Evaluates scripts using the Lua interpreter built into Redis starting from version 2.6.0.
eval(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
eval(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
eval(String, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
eval(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
eval(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
eval(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
eval(String, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
eval(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
eval(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
eval(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
eval(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
eval(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
eval(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
eval(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
eval(String, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
eval(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
eval(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
eval(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
eval(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
eval(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
eval(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
eval(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
eval(String, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
eval(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
eval(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
eval(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
eval(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
eval(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
eval(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
eval(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
eval(String, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
eval(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
eval(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
eval(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
eval(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
eval(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
eval(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
evalReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
evalReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
evalReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyBinaryCommands
evalReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyCommands
Readonly version of EVAL
evalReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineBinaryCommands
evalReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineCommands
evalReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
evalReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
evalReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
evalReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
evalReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
evalReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
evalReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
evalReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
evalReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
evalReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
evalsha(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
evalsha(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
evalsha(String, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
evalsha(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
evalsha(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
evalsha(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
evalsha(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
evalsha(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
evalsha(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedCommands
evalsha(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedPipelineCommands
evalsha(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedCommands
evalsha(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedPipelineCommands
evalsha(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyBinaryCommands
evalsha(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyBinaryCommands
evalsha(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyBinaryCommands
evalsha(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyCommands
EvalSha Command Similar to EVAL, but the script cached on the server side by its SHA1 digest.
evalsha(String, int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyCommands
EvalSha Command Similar to ScriptingKeyCommands.eval(String, int, String...) EVAL}, but the script cached on the server side by its SHA1 digest.
evalsha(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyCommands
EvalSha Command Similar to ScriptingKeyCommands.eval(String, List, List) EVAL}, but the script cached on the server side by its SHA1 digest.
evalsha(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineBinaryCommands
evalsha(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineBinaryCommands
evalsha(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineBinaryCommands
evalsha(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineCommands
evalsha(String, int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineCommands
evalsha(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineCommands
evalsha(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
evalsha(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
evalsha(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
evalsha(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
evalsha(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
evalsha(String, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
evalsha(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
evalsha(String, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
evalsha(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
evalsha(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
evalsha(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
evalsha(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
evalsha(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
evalsha(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
evalsha(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
evalsha(String, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
evalsha(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
evalsha(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
evalsha(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
evalsha(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
evalsha(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
evalsha(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
evalsha(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
evalsha(String, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
evalsha(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
evalsha(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
evalsha(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
evalsha(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
evalsha(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
evalsha(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
evalsha(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
evalsha(String, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
evalsha(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
evalsha(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
evalsha(byte[], int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
evalsha(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
evalsha(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
evalsha(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
evalshaReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
evalshaReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
evalshaReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyBinaryCommands
evalshaReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyCommands
Readonly version of EVAL
evalshaReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineBinaryCommands
evalshaReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingKeyPipelineCommands
evalshaReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
evalshaReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
evalshaReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
evalshaReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
evalshaReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
evalshaReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
evalshaReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
evalshaReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
evalshaReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
evalshaReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ex(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GetExParams
Set the specified expire time, in seconds.
ex(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SetParams
Set the specified expire time, in seconds.
exactTrimming() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
exactTrimming() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XTrimParams
exAt(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GetExParams
Set the specified Unix time at which the key will expire, in seconds.
exAt(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SetParams
Set the specified Unix time at which the key will expire, in seconds.
exception - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Response
excludeTerm(String) - Method in class
Specifies an exclusion (EXCLUDE) of a custom dictionary.
exec() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ReliableTransaction
exec() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Transaction
exec() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
execute(Connection, CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.ClusterCommandExecutor
WARNING: This method is accessible for the purpose of testing.
execute(Connection, CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.RetryableCommandExecutor
WARNING: This method is accessible for the purpose of testing.
executeCommand(ProtocolCommand) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
executeCommand(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
executeCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
executeCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.ClusterCommandExecutor
executeCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.executors.CommandExecutor
executeCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.DefaultCommandExecutor
executeCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.RetryableCommandExecutor
executeCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.SimpleCommandExecutor
executeCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
executeCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
executeCommand(CommandObject<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
executeCommand(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
executor - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
exists(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
exists(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
exists(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
exists(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
exists(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
exists(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
exists(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Exists Command Test if the specified key exist.
exists(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Exists Command Test if the specified keys exist.
exists(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
exists(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
exists(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
exists(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
exists(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Test if the specified keys exist.
exists(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Test if the specified key exists.
exists(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Test if the specified keys exist.
exists(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Test if the specified key exists.
exists(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
exists(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
exists(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
exists(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
exists(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
exists(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
exists(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
exists(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
exists(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
exists(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
exists(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
exists(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
exists(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
exists(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
exists(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
exists(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
expansion(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFInsertParams
expansion(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFReserveParams
expansion(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.CFReserveParams
expire(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
expire(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
expire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
expire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
expire(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
expire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
expire(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Expire Command Set a timeout on the specified key.
expire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Similar to EXPIRE but with optional expiry setting.
expire(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
expire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
expire(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
expire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
expire(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set a timeout on the specified key.
expire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
expire(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set a timeout on the specified key.
expire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Similar to EXPIRE but with optional expiry setting.
expire(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
expire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
expire(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
expire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
expire(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
expire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
expire(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
expire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
expire(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
expire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
expire(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
expire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
expire(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
expire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
expire(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
expire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
expireAt(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
expireAt(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
expireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
expireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
expireAt(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
expireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
expireAt(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
ExpireAt Command EXPIREAT works exactly like EXPIRE but instead to get the number of seconds representing the Time To Live of the key as a second argument (that is a relative way of specifying the TTL), it takes an absolute one in the form of a UNIX timestamp (Number of seconds elapsed since 1 Gen 1970).
expireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
ExpireAt Command Similar to EXPIREAT but with ExpiryOption.
expireAt(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
expireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
expireAt(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
expireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
expireAt(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
EXPIREAT works exactly like EXPIRE but instead to get the number of seconds representing the Time To Live of the key as a second argument (that is a relative way of specifying the TTL), it takes an absolute one in the form of a UNIX timestamp (Number of seconds elapsed since 1 Gen 1970).
expireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
expireAt(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
EXPIREAT works exactly like EXPIRE but instead to get the number of seconds representing the Time To Live of the key as a second argument (that is a relative way of specifying the TTL), it takes an absolute one in the form of a UNIX timestamp (Number of seconds elapsed since 1 Gen 1970).
expireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Similar to EXPIREAT but with ExpiryOption.
expireAt(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
expireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
expireAt(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
expireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
expireAt(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
expireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
expireAt(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
expireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
expireAt(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
expireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
expireAt(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
expireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
expireAt(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
expireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
expireAt(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
expireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
expireTime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
expireTime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
expireTime(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
expireTime(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
ExpireTime Command Returns the absolute Unix timestamp (since January 1, 1970) in seconds at which the given key will expire.
expireTime(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
expireTime(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
expireTime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
expireTime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns the absolute Unix timestamp (since January 1, 1970) in seconds at which the given key will expire.
expireTime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
expireTime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
expireTime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
expireTime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
expireTime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
expireTime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
expireTime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
expireTime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ExpiryOption - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
Enumeration of setting expiration.


failover() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GenericControlCommands
failover(FailoverParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GenericControlCommands
failover() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
failover(FailoverParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
failoverAbort() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GenericControlCommands
failoverAbort() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
FailoverParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
FailoverParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.FailoverParams
failoverParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.FailoverParams
fcall(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
fcall(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
fcall(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Invoke a function.
fcall(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Invoke a function.
fcall(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
fcall(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
fcall(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
fcall(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
fcall(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
fcall(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
fcall(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
fcall(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
fcall(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
fcall(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
fcall(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
fcall(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
fcallReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
fcallReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
fcallReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
fcallReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
This is a read-only variant of the FCALL command that cannot execute commands that modify data.
fcallReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
fcallReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
fcallReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
fcallReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
fcallReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
fcallReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
fcallReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
fcallReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
fcallReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
fcallReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
fcallReadonly(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
fcallReadonly(byte[], List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
FEET - Static variable in class
Field(String, Schema.FieldType) - Constructor for class
Field(String, Schema.FieldType, boolean) - Constructor for class
Field(String, Schema.FieldType, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Field(FieldName, Schema.FieldType) - Constructor for class
Field(FieldName, Schema.FieldType, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
FieldName - Class in
FieldName(String) - Constructor for class
FieldName(String, String) - Constructor for class
fieldName - Variable in class
fieldName - Variable in class
fieldName(String) - Method in class
fieldName(FieldName) - Method in class
fields(String) - Method in class
fields(Collection<String>) - Method in class
fields(String...) - Method in class
fields(Collection<String>) - Method in class
fields - Variable in class
filter(String) - Method in class
filter(String) - Method in class
A filter expression with the full RediSearch aggregation expression language.
filter(String, double, double) - Method in class
filter(String, double, boolean, double, boolean) - Method in class
filter(FTSearchParams.NumericFilter) - Method in class
Filter(String) - Constructor for class
filter(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
filterByAclCat(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.CommandListFilterByParams
filterByModule(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.CommandListFilterByParams
filterByPattern(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.CommandListFilterByParams
filterByTS(long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
filterByTS(long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
filterByValues(double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
filterByValues(double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
FIRST_ENTRY - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
first_value(String, SortedField) - Static method in class
REDUCE FIRST_VALUE {nargs} {property} [BY {property} [ASC|DESC]]
first_value(String) - Static method in class
firstNode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Path
Returns the first node in the path.
flush() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
flush() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisOutputStream
flushAll() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
flushAll() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
Delete all the keys of all the existing databases, not just the currently selected one.
flushAll(FlushMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
Delete all the keys of all the existing databases, not just the currently selected one.
flushAll() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Delete all the keys of all the existing databases, not just the currently selected one.
flushAll(FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Delete all the keys of all the existing databases, not just the currently selected one.
flushAll() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
flushDB() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
flushDB() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
Delete all the keys of the currently selected DB.
flushDB(FlushMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
Delete all the keys of the currently selected DB.
flushDB() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
Delete all the keys of the currently selected DB.
flushDB(FlushMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
Delete all the keys of the currently selected DB.
flushDB() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Delete all the keys of the currently selected DB.
flushDB(FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Delete all the keys of the currently selected DB.
flushDB() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
FlushMode - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
Enum object describing flushing mode.
force() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.FailoverParams
WARNING: FORCE option can be used only if both TO and TIMEOUT options are specified.
force() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ShutdownParams
force() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XClaimParams
Creates the pending message entry in the PEL even if certain specified IDs are not already in the PEL assigned to a different client.
fragSize(int) - Method in class
fragsNum(int) - Method in class
frequency(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.RestoreParams
from(int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.args.RawableFactory
Get a Rawable from an int.
from(double) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.args.RawableFactory
Get a Rawable from a double.
from(byte[]) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.args.RawableFactory
Get a Rawable from a byte array.
from(String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.args.RawableFactory
Get a Rawable from a String.
from(String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.HostAndPort
Creates HostAndPort with unconverted host.
from(List<Object>) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Slowlog
from(Schema.Field...) - Static method in class
fromJson(String, Class<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.DefaultGsonObjectMapper
fromJson(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonObjectMapper
Perform deserialization from JSON format string to the given type object as argument.
fromLonLat(double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
fromLonLat(GeoCoordinate) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
fromMember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
fromTimestamp(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
fromTimestamp(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
ftAggregate(String, AggregationBuilder) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftAggregate(String, AggregationBuilder) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftAggregate(String, AggregationBuilder) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftAggregate(String, AggregationBuilder) - Method in interface
ftAggregate(String, AggregationBuilder) - Method in interface
ftAggregate(String, AggregationBuilder) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftAggregate(String, AggregationBuilder) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
FtAggregateIteration - Class in
FtAggregateIteration(ConnectionProvider, String, AggregationBuilder) - Constructor for class
CURSOR must be set.
ftAggregateIteration(String, AggregationBuilder) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
CURSOR must be set.
ftAliasAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftAliasAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftAliasAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftAliasAdd(String, String) - Method in interface
ftAliasAdd(String, String) - Method in interface
ftAliasAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftAliasAdd(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftAliasDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftAliasDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftAliasDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftAliasDel(String) - Method in interface
ftAliasDel(String) - Method in interface
ftAliasDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftAliasDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftAliasUpdate(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftAliasUpdate(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftAliasUpdate(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftAliasUpdate(String, String) - Method in interface
ftAliasUpdate(String, String) - Method in interface
ftAliasUpdate(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftAliasUpdate(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftAlter(String, Schema) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftAlter(String, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftAlter(String, Schema) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftAlter(String, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftAlter(String, Schema) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftAlter(String, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftAlter(String, Schema.Field...) - Method in interface
ftAlter(String, Schema) - Method in interface
ftAlter(String, SchemaField...) - Method in interface
ftAlter(String, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in interface
ftAlter(String, Schema.Field...) - Method in interface
ftAlter(String, Schema) - Method in interface
ftAlter(String, SchemaField...) - Method in interface
ftAlter(String, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in interface
ftAlter(String, Schema) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftAlter(String, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftAlter(String, Schema) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftAlter(String, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftConfigGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftConfigGet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftConfigGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftConfigGet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftConfigGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftConfigGet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftConfigGet(String) - Method in interface
ftConfigGet(String, String) - Method in interface
ftConfigGet(String) - Method in interface
ftConfigGet(String, String) - Method in interface
ftConfigGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftConfigGet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftConfigGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftConfigGet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftConfigSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftConfigSet(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftConfigSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftConfigSet(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftConfigSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftConfigSet(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftConfigSet(String, String) - Method in interface
ftConfigSet(String, String, String) - Method in interface
ftConfigSet(String, String) - Method in interface
ftConfigSet(String, String, String) - Method in interface
ftConfigSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftConfigSet(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftConfigSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftConfigSet(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftCreate(String, IndexOptions, Schema) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftCreate(String, FTCreateParams, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftCreate(String, IndexOptions, Schema) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftCreate(String, FTCreateParams, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftCreate(String, IndexOptions, Schema) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftCreate(String, FTCreateParams, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftCreate(String, IndexOptions, Schema) - Method in interface
ftCreate(String, SchemaField...) - Method in interface
ftCreate(String, FTCreateParams, SchemaField...) - Method in interface
ftCreate(String, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in interface
ftCreate(String, FTCreateParams, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in interface
ftCreate(String, IndexOptions, Schema) - Method in interface
ftCreate(String, SchemaField...) - Method in interface
ftCreate(String, FTCreateParams, SchemaField...) - Method in interface
ftCreate(String, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in interface
ftCreate(String, FTCreateParams, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in interface
ftCreate(String, IndexOptions, Schema) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftCreate(String, FTCreateParams, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftCreate(String, IndexOptions, Schema) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftCreate(String, FTCreateParams, Iterable<SchemaField>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
FTCreateParams - Class in
FTCreateParams() - Constructor for class
ftCursorDel(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftCursorDel(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftCursorDel(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftCursorDel(String, long) - Method in interface
ftCursorDel(String, long) - Method in interface
ftCursorDel(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftCursorDel(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftCursorRead(String, long, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftCursorRead(String, long, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftCursorRead(String, long, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftCursorRead(String, long, int) - Method in interface
ftCursorRead(String, long, int) - Method in interface
ftCursorRead(String, long, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftCursorRead(String, long, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftDictAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftDictAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftDictAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftDictAdd(String, String...) - Method in interface
ftDictAdd(String, String...) - Method in interface
ftDictAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftDictAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftDictAddBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftDictAddBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftDictAddBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftDictAddBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in interface
ftDictAddBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in interface
ftDictAddBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftDictAddBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftDictDel(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftDictDel(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftDictDel(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftDictDel(String, String...) - Method in interface
ftDictDel(String, String...) - Method in interface
ftDictDel(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftDictDel(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftDictDelBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftDictDelBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftDictDelBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftDictDelBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in interface
ftDictDelBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in interface
ftDictDelBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftDictDelBySampleKey(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftDictDump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftDictDump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftDictDump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftDictDump(String) - Method in interface
ftDictDump(String) - Method in interface
ftDictDump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftDictDump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftDictDumpBySampleKey(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftDictDumpBySampleKey(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftDictDumpBySampleKey(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftDictDumpBySampleKey(String, String) - Method in interface
ftDictDumpBySampleKey(String, String) - Method in interface
ftDictDumpBySampleKey(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftDictDumpBySampleKey(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftDropIndex(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftDropIndex(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftDropIndex(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftDropIndex(String) - Method in interface
ftDropIndex(String) - Method in interface
ftDropIndex(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftDropIndex(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftDropIndexDD(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftDropIndexDD(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftDropIndexDD(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftDropIndexDD(String) - Method in interface
ftDropIndexDD(String) - Method in interface
ftDropIndexDD(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftDropIndexDD(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftExplain(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftExplain(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftExplain(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftExplain(String, Query) - Method in interface
ftExplain(String, Query) - Method in interface
ftExplain(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftExplain(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftExplainCLI(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftExplainCLI(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftExplainCLI(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftExplainCLI(String, Query) - Method in interface
ftExplainCLI(String, Query) - Method in interface
ftExplainCLI(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftExplainCLI(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftInfo(String) - Method in interface
ftInfo(String) - Method in interface
ftInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftList() - Method in interface
ftList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftProfileAggregate(String, FTProfileParams, AggregationBuilder) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftProfileAggregate(String, FTProfileParams, AggregationBuilder) - Method in interface
ftProfileAggregate(String, FTProfileParams, AggregationBuilder) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
FTProfileParams - Class in
FTProfileParams() - Constructor for class
ftProfileSearch(String, FTProfileParams, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftProfileSearch(String, FTProfileParams, String, FTSearchParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftProfileSearch(String, FTProfileParams, Query) - Method in interface
ftProfileSearch(String, FTProfileParams, String, FTSearchParams) - Method in interface
ftProfileSearch(String, FTProfileParams, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftProfileSearch(String, FTProfileParams, String, FTSearchParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSearch(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSearch(String, String, FTSearchParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSearch(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSearch(byte[], Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSearch(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSearch(String, String, FTSearchParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSearch(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSearch(byte[], Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSearch(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSearch(String, String, FTSearchParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSearch(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSearch(byte[], Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSearch(String) - Method in interface
ftSearch(String, String) - Method in interface
ftSearch(String, String, FTSearchParams) - Method in interface
ftSearch(String, Query) - Method in interface
ftSearch(byte[], Query) - Method in interface
ftSearch(String) - Method in interface
ftSearch(String, String) - Method in interface
ftSearch(String, String, FTSearchParams) - Method in interface
ftSearch(String, Query) - Method in interface
ftSearch(byte[], Query) - Method in interface
ftSearch(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSearch(String, String, FTSearchParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSearch(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSearch(byte[], Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSearch(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSearch(String, String, FTSearchParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSearch(String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSearch(byte[], Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
FtSearchIteration - Class in
FtSearchIteration(ConnectionProvider, int, String, String, FTSearchParams) - Constructor for class
FtSearchIteration(ConnectionProvider, int, String, Query) - Constructor for class
ftSearchIteration(int, String, String, FTSearchParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSearchIteration(int, String, Query) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
FTSearchParams - Class in
Query represents query parameters and filters to load results from the engine
FTSearchParams() - Constructor for class
FTSearchParams.GeoFilter - Class in
GeoFilter encapsulates a radius filter on a geographical indexed fields
FTSearchParams.HighlightParams - Class in
FTSearchParams.NumericFilter - Class in
NumericFilter wraps a range filter on a numeric field.
FTSearchParams.SummarizeParams - Class in
ftSpellCheck(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSpellCheck(String, String, FTSpellCheckParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSpellCheck(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSpellCheck(String, String, FTSpellCheckParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSpellCheck(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSpellCheck(String, String, FTSpellCheckParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSpellCheck(String, String) - Method in interface
ftSpellCheck(String, String, FTSpellCheckParams) - Method in interface
ftSpellCheck(String, String) - Method in interface
ftSpellCheck(String, String, FTSpellCheckParams) - Method in interface
ftSpellCheck(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSpellCheck(String, String, FTSpellCheckParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSpellCheck(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSpellCheck(String, String, FTSpellCheckParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
FTSpellCheckParams - Class in
FTSpellCheckParams() - Constructor for class
ftSugAdd(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSugAdd(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSugAdd(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSugAdd(String, String, double) - Method in interface
ftSugAdd(String, String, double) - Method in interface
ftSugAdd(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSugAdd(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSugAddIncr(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSugAddIncr(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSugAddIncr(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSugAddIncr(String, String, double) - Method in interface
ftSugAddIncr(String, String, double) - Method in interface
ftSugAddIncr(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSugAddIncr(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSugDel(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSugDel(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSugDel(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSugDel(String, String) - Method in interface
ftSugDel(String, String) - Method in interface
ftSugDel(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSugDel(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSugGet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSugGet(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSugGet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSugGet(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSugGet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSugGet(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSugGet(String, String) - Method in interface
ftSugGet(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in interface
ftSugGet(String, String) - Method in interface
ftSugGet(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in interface
ftSugGet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSugGet(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSugGet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSugGet(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String) - Method in interface
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in interface
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String) - Method in interface
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in interface
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSugGetWithScores(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSugLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSugLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSugLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSugLen(String) - Method in interface
ftSugLen(String) - Method in interface
ftSugLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSugLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSynDump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSynDump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSynDump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSynDump(String) - Method in interface
ftSynDump(String) - Method in interface
ftSynDump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSynDump(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftSynUpdate(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftSynUpdate(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftSynUpdate(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftSynUpdate(String, String, String...) - Method in interface
ftSynUpdate(String, String, String...) - Method in interface
ftSynUpdate(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftSynUpdate(String, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ftTagVals(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ftTagVals(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ftTagVals(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ftTagVals(String, String) - Method in interface
ftTagVals(String, String) - Method in interface
ftTagVals(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ftTagVals(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
FUNCTION_STATS_BUILDER - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.FunctionStats
FunctionBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
FunctionCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
functionDelete(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionDelete(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionDelete(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
This command deletes the library called library-name and all functions in it.
functionDelete(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
This command deletes the library called library-name and all functions in it.
functionDelete(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionDelete(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionDelete(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionDelete(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionDelete(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionDelete(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionDelete(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionDelete(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionDelete(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionDelete(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionDelete(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionDelete(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionDump() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionDump() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Return the serialized payload of loaded libraries.
functionDump() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Return the serialized payload of loaded libraries.
functionDump() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionDump() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionDump() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionDump() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionDump() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionDump() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionDump() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionFlush() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionFlush(FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionFlush() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Deletes all the libraries, unless called with the optional mode argument, the 'lazyfree-lazy-user-flush' configuration directive sets the effective behavior.
functionFlush(FlushMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Deletes all the libraries, unless called with the optional mode argument, the 'lazyfree-lazy-user-flush' configuration directive sets the effective behavior.
functionFlush() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Deletes all the libraries, unless called with the optional mode argument, the 'lazyfree-lazy-user-flush' configuration directive sets the effective behavior.
functionFlush(FlushMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Deletes all the libraries, unless called with the optional mode argument, the 'lazyfree-lazy-user-flush' configuration directive sets the effective behavior.
functionFlush() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionFlush(FlushMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionFlush() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionFlush(FlushMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionFlush() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionFlush(FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionFlush() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionFlush(FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionFlush() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionFlush(FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionFlush() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionFlush(FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionFlush() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionFlush(FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionKill() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionKill() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Kill a function that is currently executing.
functionKill() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Kill a function that is currently executing.
functionKill() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionKill() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionKill() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionKill() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionKill() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionKill() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionKill() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionList(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionList(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionList(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Return information about the functions and libraries.
functionList() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Return information about the functions and libraries.
functionList(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Return information about the functions and libraries.
functionList(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionList() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionList(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionList(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionList(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionList(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionList(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionList(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionList(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionList(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionList(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionList(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionList(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionListBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionListBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Return information about the functions and libraries.
functionListBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionListBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionListBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionListBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionListBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionListBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionListWithCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionListWithCode(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionListWithCode(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionListWithCode(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Similar to FUNCTION LIST but include the libraries source implementation in the reply.
functionListWithCode() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Similar to FUNCTION LIST but include the libraries source implementation in the reply.
functionListWithCode(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Similar to FUNCTION LIST but include the libraries source implementation in the reply.
functionListWithCode(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionListWithCode() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionListWithCode(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionListWithCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionListWithCode(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionListWithCode(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionListWithCode(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionListWithCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionListWithCode(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionListWithCode(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionListWithCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionListWithCode(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionListWithCode(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionListWithCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionListWithCode(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionListWithCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionListWithCode(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionListWithCode(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionListWithCodeBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionListWithCodeBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Similar to FUNCTION LIST but include the libraries source implementation in the reply.
functionListWithCodeBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionListWithCodeBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionListWithCodeBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionListWithCodeBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionListWithCodeBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionListWithCodeBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionLoad(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionLoad(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionLoad(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Load a library to Redis.
functionLoad(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Load a library to Redis.
functionLoad(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionLoad(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionLoad(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionLoad(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionLoad(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionLoad(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionLoad(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionLoad(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionLoad(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionLoad(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionLoad(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionLoad(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionLoadReplace(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionLoadReplace(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionLoadReplace(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Load a library to Redis.
functionLoadReplace(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Load a library to Redis.
functionLoadReplace(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionLoadReplace(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionLoadReplace(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionLoadReplace(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionLoadReplace(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionLoadReplace(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionLoadReplace(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionLoadReplace(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionLoadReplace(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionLoadReplace(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionLoadReplace(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionLoadReplace(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
FunctionPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
functionRestore(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionRestore(byte[], FunctionRestorePolicy) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionRestore(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Restore libraries from the serialized payload.
functionRestore(byte[], FunctionRestorePolicy) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Restore libraries from the serialized payload.
functionRestore(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Restore libraries from the serialized payload.
functionRestore(byte[], FunctionRestorePolicy) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Restore libraries from the serialized payload.
functionRestore(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionRestore(byte[], FunctionRestorePolicy) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionRestore(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionRestore(byte[], FunctionRestorePolicy) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionRestore(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionRestore(byte[], FunctionRestorePolicy) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionRestore(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionRestore(byte[], FunctionRestorePolicy) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionRestore(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionRestore(byte[], FunctionRestorePolicy) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionRestore(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionRestore(byte[], FunctionRestorePolicy) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionRestore(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionRestore(byte[], FunctionRestorePolicy) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
FunctionRestorePolicy - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
functionStats() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionStats() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionCommands
Return information about the function that's currently running and information about the available execution engines.
functionStats() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineCommands
functionStats() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionStats() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionStats() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
FunctionStats - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
FunctionStats(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.FunctionStats
functionStats() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionStats() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
functionStatsBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
functionStatsBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionBinaryCommands
Return information about the function that's currently running and information about the available execution engines.
functionStatsBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.FunctionPipelineBinaryCommands
functionStatsBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
functionStatsBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
functionStatsBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
functionStatsBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
functionStatsBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis


ge(double) - Static method in class
ge(int) - Static method in class
generateResponse(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Queable
GenericControlCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
geo(GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Static method in class
GEO_COORDINATE_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
geoadd(String, double, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geoadd(String, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geoadd(String, GeoAddParams, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geoadd(byte[], double, double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geoadd(byte[], Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geoadd(byte[], GeoAddParams, Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geoadd(byte[], double, double, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geoadd(byte[], Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geoadd(byte[], GeoAddParams, Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geoadd(String, double, double, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Adds the specified geospatial item (longitude, latitude, member) to the specified key.
geoadd(String, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Adds the specified geospatial items (in memberCoordinateMap) to the specified key.
geoadd(String, GeoAddParams, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Adds the specified geospatial items (in memberCoordinateMap) to the specified key.
geoadd(byte[], double, double, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geoadd(byte[], Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geoadd(byte[], GeoAddParams, Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geoadd(String, double, double, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geoadd(String, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geoadd(String, GeoAddParams, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geoadd(byte[], double, double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geoadd(byte[], Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geoadd(byte[], GeoAddParams, Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geoadd(String, double, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geoadd(String, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geoadd(String, GeoAddParams, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geoadd(String, double, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geoadd(String, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geoadd(String, GeoAddParams, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geoadd(byte[], double, double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geoadd(byte[], Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geoadd(byte[], GeoAddParams, Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geoadd(String, double, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geoadd(String, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geoadd(String, GeoAddParams, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geoadd(byte[], double, double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geoadd(byte[], Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geoadd(byte[], GeoAddParams, Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geoadd(String, double, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geoadd(String, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geoadd(String, GeoAddParams, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geoadd(byte[], double, double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geoadd(byte[], Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geoadd(byte[], GeoAddParams, Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geoadd(String, double, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geoadd(String, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geoadd(String, GeoAddParams, Map<String, GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geoadd(byte[], double, double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geoadd(byte[], Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geoadd(byte[], GeoAddParams, Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
GeoAddParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
GeoAddParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoAddParams
geoAddParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoAddParams
GeoBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
GeoCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
GeoCoordinate - Class in redis.clients.jedis
GeoCoordinate(double, double) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.GeoCoordinate
geodist(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geodist(String, String, String, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[], GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[], GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geodist(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Return the distance between two members in the geospatial index represented by the sorted set.
geodist(String, String, String, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Return the distance between two members in the geospatial index represented by the sorted set.
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[], GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geodist(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geodist(String, String, String, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[], GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geodist(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geodist(String, String, String, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geodist(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geodist(String, String, String, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[], GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geodist(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geodist(String, String, String, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[], GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geodist(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geodist(String, String, String, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[], GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geodist(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geodist(String, String, String, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geodist(byte[], byte[], byte[], GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
GeoField - Class in
GeoField(String) - Constructor for class
GeoField(FieldName) - Constructor for class
geoFilter(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class
geoFilter(FTSearchParams.GeoFilter) - Method in class
GeoFilter(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Constructor for class
GeoFilter(String, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class
geohash(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geohash(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geohash(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geohash(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Return valid Geohash strings representing the position of the given members.
geohash(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geohash(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geohash(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geohash(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geohash(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geohash(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geohash(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geohash(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geohash(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geohash(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geohash(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geohash(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
GeoPipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
GeoPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
geopos(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geopos(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geopos(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geopos(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Return the positions (longitude,latitude) of all the specified members.
geopos(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geopos(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geopos(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geopos(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geopos(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geopos(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geopos(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geopos(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geopos(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geopos(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geopos(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geopos(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Return the members of a sorted set populated with geospatial information using GEOADD, which are within the borders of the area specified with the center location and the radius.
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Return the members of a sorted set populated with geospatial information using GEOADD, which are within the borders of the area specified with the center location and the radius.
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadius(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadius(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
GEORADIUS_WITH_PARAMS_RESULT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
This command is exactly like GEORADIUS with the sole difference that instead of taking, as the center of the area to query, a longitude and latitude value, it takes the name of a member already existing inside the geospatial index represented by the sorted set.
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
This command is exactly like GEORADIUS with the sole difference that instead of taking, as the center of the area to query, a longitude and latitude value, it takes the name of a member already existing inside the geospatial index represented by the sorted set.
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusByMember(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusByMember(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Readonly version of GEORADIUSBYMEMBER
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Readonly version of GEORADIUSBYMEMBER
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusByMemberReadonly(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusByMemberReadonly(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusByMemberStore(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusByMemberStore(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusByMemberStore(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
georadiusByMemberStore(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
This command is exactly like GEORADIUSBYMEMBER but storing the results at the destination key (provided with storeParam).
georadiusByMemberStore(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
georadiusByMemberStore(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
georadiusByMemberStore(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusByMemberStore(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusByMemberStore(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusByMemberStore(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusByMemberStore(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusByMemberStore(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusByMemberStore(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusByMemberStore(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusByMemberStore(String, String, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusByMemberStore(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
GeoRadiusParam - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
GeoRadiusParam() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusParam
geoRadiusParam() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusParam
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Readonly version of GEORADIUS,
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Readonly version of GEORADIUS,
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusReadonly(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusReadonly(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
GeoRadiusResponse - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
GeoRadiusResponse(byte[]) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.GeoRadiusResponse
georadiusStore(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusStore(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
georadiusStore(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
georadiusStore(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
This command is exactly like GEORADIUS but storing the results at the destination key (provided with storeParam).
georadiusStore(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
georadiusStore(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
georadiusStore(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusStore(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
georadiusStore(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusStore(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
georadiusStore(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusStore(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
georadiusStore(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusStore(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
georadiusStore(String, double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
georadiusStore(byte[], double, double, double, GeoUnit, GeoRadiusParam, GeoRadiusStoreParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
GeoRadiusStoreParam - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
GeoRadiusStoreParam() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusStoreParam
geoRadiusStoreParam() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusStoreParam
geosearch(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearch(String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearch(String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearch(byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geosearch(byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geosearch(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Return the members of a sorted set populated with geospatial information using GEOADD, which are within the borders of the area specified by a given shape.
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Return the members of a sorted set populated with geospatial information using GEOADD, which are within the borders of the area specified by a given shape.
geosearch(String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Return the members of a sorted set populated with geospatial information using GEOADD, which are within the borders of the area specified by a given shape.
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Return the members of a sorted set populated with geospatial information using GEOADD, which are within the borders of the area specified by a given shape.
geosearch(String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
Return the members of a sorted set populated with geospatial information using GEOADD, which are within the borders of the area specified by a given shape.
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geosearch(byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geosearch(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geosearch(String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geosearch(String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearch(byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearch(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearch(String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearch(String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearch(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearch(String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearch(String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearch(byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearch(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearch(String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearch(String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearch(byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearch(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearch(String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearch(String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearch(byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearch(String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearch(String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearch(String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearch(String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearch(byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearch(byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearch(byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
GeoSearchParam - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
GeoSearchParam() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
geoSearchParam() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
This command is exactly like GEOSEARCH but storing the results at dest.
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
This command is exactly like GEOSEARCH but storing the results at dest.
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
This command is exactly like GEOSEARCH but storing the results at dest.
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
This command is exactly like GEOSEARCH but storing the results at dest.
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
This command is exactly like GEOSEARCH but storing the results at dest.
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearchStore(String, String, String, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearchStore(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], byte[], double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoCoordinate, double, double, GeoUnit) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearchStore(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearchStoreStoreDist(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearchStoreStoreDist(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
geosearchStoreStoreDist(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoBinaryCommands
geosearchStoreStoreDist(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoCommands
This command is exactly like GEOSEARCHSTORE but storing the results with their destinations from the center point.
geosearchStoreStoreDist(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineBinaryCommands
geosearchStoreStoreDist(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GeoPipelineCommands
geosearchStoreStoreDist(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearchStoreStoreDist(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
geosearchStoreStoreDist(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearchStoreStoreDist(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
geosearchStoreStoreDist(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearchStoreStoreDist(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
geosearchStoreStoreDist(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearchStoreStoreDist(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
geosearchStoreStoreDist(String, String, GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
geosearchStoreStoreDist(byte[], byte[], GeoSearchParam) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
GeoShapeField - Class in
GeoShapeField(String, GeoShapeField.CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class
GeoShapeField(FieldName, GeoShapeField.CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class
GeoShapeField.CoordinateSystem - Enum in
GeoUnit - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
GeoValue - Class in
Created by mnunberg on 2/23/18.
GeoValue(double, double, double, GeoUnit) - Constructor for class
get(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
get(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
get(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
get(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
Get Command Get the value of the specified key.
get(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
get(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
get() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultRedisCredentialsProvider
get(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Get the value of the specified key.
get(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Get the value of the specified key.
get(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
get(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
get() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SetParams
Use setGet method (without setting SetParams.get().
get(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
Retrieving external keys from the result of the search.
get(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
Retrieving external keys from the result of the search.
get(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
get(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
get() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Response
get(String) - Method in class
get(String) - Method in class
return the property value inside a key
get(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
get(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
get(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
get(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
get(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
getA() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult.MatchedPosition
getAclCategories() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandInfo
An array of simple strings that are the ACL categories to which the command belongs
getActiveTime() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumerFullInfo
Since Redis 7.2.
getAgeSeconds() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
getAggregator() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo.Rule
getAlias() - Method in class
getAlignmentTimestamp() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo.Rule
getArgs() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Slowlog
getArgs() - Method in class
getArgs() - Method in class
getArgs() - Method in class
getArgs() - Method in class
getArgsString() - Method in class
getArguments() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObject
getArguments(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
getArity() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandInfo
Arity is the number of arguments a command expects.
getArtifactId() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisMetaInfo
getAttribute() - Method in class
getB() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult.MatchedPosition
getBinaryBulkReply() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
getBinaryElement() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Tuple
getBinaryMultiBulkReply() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
getbit(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
getbit(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
getbit(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitBinaryCommands
getbit(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitCommands
GetBit Command Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.
getbit(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineBinaryCommands
getbit(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineCommands
getbit(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key
getbit(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key
getbit(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
getbit(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
getbit(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
getbit(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
getbit(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
getbit(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
getbit(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
getbit(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
getBlockingSocketTimeoutMillis() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getBlockingSocketTimeoutMillis() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
getBucketDuration() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo.Rule
getBuilder() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObject
getBulkReply() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
getByteParams() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.Params
getChannels() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
getChunks() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo
getClient() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
getClientInfo() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
getClientIpPort() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Slowlog
getClientName() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getClientName() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
getClientName() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Slowlog
getClientSetInfoConfig() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getClientSetInfoConfig() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
Modify the behavior of internally executing CLIENT SETINFO command.
getClusterNodes() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
getCommand() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
getCommandHashSlot() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandArguments
getCommands() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
getCompactionKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo.Rule
getComplexity() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandDocument
getConnection(HostAndPort) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterPipeline
getConnection() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
getConnection(HostAndPort) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
getConnection(HostAndPort) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
getConnection(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
getConnection() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
getConnection() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.providers.ConnectionProvider
getConnection(CommandArguments) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.providers.ConnectionProvider
getConnection() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ManagedConnectionProvider
getConnection(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ManagedConnectionProvider
getConnection() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.PooledConnectionProvider
getConnection(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.PooledConnectionProvider
getConnection() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider
getConnection(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider
getConnection(HostAndPort) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ShardedConnectionProvider
getConnection(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ShardedConnectionProvider
getConnection() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ShardedConnectionProvider
getConnection(HostAndPort) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedPipeline
getConnectionFromSlot(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
getConnectionFromSlot(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
getConnectionMap() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
getConnectionMap() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.providers.ConnectionProvider
getConnectionMap() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.PooledConnectionProvider
getConnectionMap() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ShardedConnectionProvider
getConnectionTimeoutMillis() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getConnectionTimeoutMillis() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
getConsumerInfo() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumerFullInfo
All data.
getConsumerInfo() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumersInfo
All data.
getConsumerMessageCount() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamPendingSummary
getConsumerName() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamPendingEntry
getConsumers() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupFullInfo
getConsumers() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupInfo
getContext() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
getCoordinate() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.GeoRadiusResponse
getCount() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
getCRC16(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisClusterCRC16
Create a CRC16 checksum from the bytes.
getCRC16(byte[]) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisClusterCRC16
getCRC16(String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisClusterCRC16
getCredentialsProvider() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getCredentialsProvider() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
getCurrentHostMaster() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
getCurrentMaster() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentineled
getCurrentMaster() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider
getCursor() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.ScanResult
Returns the new value of the cursor
getCursorAsBytes() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.ScanResult
getCursorId() - Method in class
getDatabase() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getDatabase() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
getDB() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
getDBIndex(URI) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisURIHelper
getDefinition() - Method in class
getDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
getDel(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
getDel(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
getDel(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
GetDel Command Get the value of key and delete the key.
getDel(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
getDel(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
getDel(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Get the value of key and delete the key.
getDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Get the value of key and delete the key.
getDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
getDel(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
getDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
getDel(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
getDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
getDel(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
getDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
getDel(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
getDeliveredTimes() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamPendingEntry
getDestination() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Edge
getDistance() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.GeoRadiusResponse
getDocuments() - Method in class
getDouble(String) - Method in class
getEdge(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Path
Returns an edge with specified index in the path.
getEdges() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Path
Returns the edges of the path.
getElement() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.KeyedListElement
Use Map.Entry.getValue().
getElement() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Tuple
getEnd() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult.Position
getEngine() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LibraryInfo
getEngines() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.FunctionStats
getEntityPropertyNames() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
getEntries() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
getEntryId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
getEx(String, GetExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
getEx(byte[], GetExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
getEx(byte[], GetExParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
getEx(String, GetExParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
GetEx Command Get the value of key and optionally set its expiration.
getEx(byte[], GetExParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
getEx(String, GetExParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
getEx(byte[], GetExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
getEx(String, GetExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
getEx(String, GetExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
getEx(byte[], GetExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
getEx(String, GetExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
getEx(byte[], GetExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
getEx(String, GetExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
getEx(byte[], GetExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
getEx(String, GetExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
getEx(byte[], GetExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
getExecutionTime() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Slowlog
GetExParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
GetExParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.GetExParams
getExParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GetExParams
getField() - Method in class
getFieldName() - Method in class
getFields() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamEntry
getFilter() - Method in class
getFirstEntry() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
getFirstKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandInfo
The position of the command's first key name argument
getFlags() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
getFlags() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandInfo
Command flags
getFunctions() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LibraryInfo
getGroup() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandDocument
getGroupFullInfo() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupFullInfo
getGroupId() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisMetaInfo
getGroupInfo() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupInfo
getGroups() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
getGroups() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
getHashingAlgo() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ShardedConnectionProvider
getHashTag(String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisClusterHashTag
getHeader() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.ResultSet
getHistory() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandDocument
getHost() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.HostAndPort
getHostAndPort() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisSocketFactory
getHostAndPort(HostAndPort) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.HostAndPortMapper
getHostAndPort(URI) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisURIHelper
getHostAndPortMapper() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getHostAndPortMapper() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
getHostnameVerifier() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getHostnameVerifier() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
getId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
getId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Slowlog
getID() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamEntry
getID() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamPendingEntry
getId() - Method in class
getIdle() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumersInfo
getIdleTime() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamPendingEntry
getInactive() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumersInfo
Since Redis 7.2.
getIntegerMultiBulkReply() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
getIntegerProperty(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo
getIntegerReply() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
getJoinString() - Method in class
getJoinString() - Method in class
getJoinString() - Method in class
getJoinString() - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.KeyedZSetElement
getKeyHash() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandArguments
getKeys() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
getLabel(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Node
getLabel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo
getLabels() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo
getLabels() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSKeyValue
getLanguage() - Method in class
getLanguageField() - Method in class
getLastDeliveredId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupFullInfo
getLastDeliveredId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupInfo
getLastEntry() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
getLastGeneratedId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
getLastGeneratedId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
getLastKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandInfo
The position of the command's last key name argument Commands that accept a single key have both first key and last key set to 1
getLatitude() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.GeoCoordinate
getLatitude() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Point
getLen() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult
getLength() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
getLength() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
getLibNameSuffix() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClientSetInfoConfig
getLibraryCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LibraryInfo
getLibraryName() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LibraryInfo
getlogEntry() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
getLong(String) - Method in class
getLongitude() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.GeoCoordinate
getLongitude() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Point
getMany(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
getMatches() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult
getMatchLen() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult.MatchedPosition
getMatchString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult
getMaxId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamPendingSummary
getMember() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.GeoRadiusResponse
getMemberByString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.GeoRadiusResponse
getMinId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamPendingSummary
getMultiBulkReply() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
getName() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Property
getName() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Module
getName() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumerFullInfo
getName() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumersInfo
getName() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupFullInfo
getName() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupInfo
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getNoContent() - Method in class
getNoContent() - Method in class
getNode(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Path
Returns a node with specified index in the path.
getNode(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
getNode(HostAndPort) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
getNode(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
getNode(Long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ShardedConnectionProvider
getNodeKey(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterPipeline
getNodeKey(HostAndPort) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
getNodeKey(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
getNodeKey(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedPipeline
getNodes() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Path
Returns the nodes of the path.
getNodes() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
getNodes() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
getNumberOfLabels() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Node
getNumberOfProperties() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
getObject() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
getObjectMultiBulkReply() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
getOne() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
getOrder() - Method in class
getOwnArgs() - Method in class
getParam(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.Params
getParams() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
getParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSGetParams
getParamsWithBinary(List<byte[]>, List<byte[]>) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
getPassword() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getPassword() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultRedisCredentials
getPassword() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
getPassword() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.RedisCredentials
getPassword() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
getPassword(URI) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisURIHelper
getPayload() - Method in class
getPayloadField() - Method in class
getPelCount() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumerFullInfo
getPelCount() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupFullInfo
getPending() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumerFullInfo
getPending() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumersInfo
getPending() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupFullInfo
getPending() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupInfo
getPipelinedResponseLength() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Queable
getPool() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
getPool() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.PooledConnectionProvider
getPort() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.HostAndPort
getPrefixes() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo
getProperty(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
getProperty(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo
getRadixTreeKeys() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
getRadixTreeKeys() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
getRadixTreeNodes() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
getRadixTreeNodes() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
getrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
getrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
getrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
getrange(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
GetRange Command Return the substring of the string value stored at key, determined by the offsets start and end (both are inclusive).
getrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
getrange(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
getrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
getrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
getrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
getrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
getrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
getrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
getrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
getrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
getrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
getrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.BitCountOption
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.BitOP
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClientAttributeOption
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClientPauseMode
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClientType
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClusterFailoverOption
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClusterResetType
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ExpiryOption
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.FlushMode
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.FunctionRestorePolicy
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.GeoUnit
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ListDirection
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ListPosition
getRaw() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.args.Rawable
Get byte array.
getRaw() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.args.RawableFactory.Raw
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.SaveMode
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.SortedSetOption
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.SortingOrder
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.UnblockType
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.BloomFilterCommand
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.CountMinSketchCommand
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.CuckooFilterCommand
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.RedisBloomKeyword
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.TDigestCommand
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.TopKCommand
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphProtocol.GraphCommand
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphProtocol.GraphKeyword
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonProtocol.JsonCommand
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.params.ZParams.Aggregate
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.ClusterKeyword
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.Command
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.Keyword
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.ResponseKeyword
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.SentinelKeyword
getRaw() - Method in enum
getRaw() - Method in enum
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.AggregationType
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.DuplicatePolicy
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesProtocol.TimeSeriesCommand
getRaw() - Method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesProtocol.TimeSeriesKeyword
getRawScore() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.GeoRadiusResponse
getReason() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
getRediSearchModeInCluster() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisBroadcastAndRoundRobinConfig
getRelationshipType() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Edge
getReplies() - Method in exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisBroadcastException
getResource() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionPool
getResource() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
getResource() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
getResource() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.Pool
getResult() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.ScanResult
The scan results from the current call.
getResults() - Method in class
getRow(int) - Method in class
getRows() - Method in class
getRule(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo
getRules() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo
getRunningScript() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.FunctionStats
getSchemaNames() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Header
getSchemaTypes() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Header
getScore() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Tuple
getScore() - Method in class
getScore() - Method in class
getScoreFiled() - Method in class
getSeenTime() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumerFullInfo
getSequence() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
getSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
getSet(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
getSet(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
getSet(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
GetSet Command GETSET is an atomic set this value and return the old value command.
getSet(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
getSet(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
getSet(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
GETSET is an atomic set this value and return the old value command.
getSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
GETSET is an atomic set this value and return the old value command.
getSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
getSet(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
getSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
getSet(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
getSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
getSet(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
getSet(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
getSet(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
getShuffledNodesPool() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
getSince() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandDocument
getSlot() - Method in exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisRedirectionException
getSlot(String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisClusterCRC16
getSlot(byte[]) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisClusterCRC16
getSlotNode(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
getSlotPool(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
getSocketHostAndPort() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisSocketFactory
getSocketTimeoutMillis() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getSocketTimeoutMillis() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
getSoTimeout() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
getSource() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Edge
getSslParameters() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getSslParameters() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
getSslSocketFactory() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getSslSocketFactory() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
getStart() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult.Position
getStatistics() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.ResultSet
getStatusCodeReply() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
getStep() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandInfo
This value is the step, or increment, between the first key and last key values where the keys are
getStreamFullInfo() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
getStreamInfo() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
getString(int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Record
The value at the given field index (represented as String)
getString(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Record
The value at the given field (represented as String)
getString(String) - Method in class
getString(String) - Method in class
return the property value inside a key
getSubcommands() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandInfo
All the command's subcommands, if any
getSubscribedChannels() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
getSubscribedChannels() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
getSummary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandDocument
getTargetNode() - Method in exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisRedirectionException
getTime() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
getTimeStamp() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Slowlog
getTimestamp() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSElement
getTimestampCreated() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
getTimestampLastUpdated() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
getTips() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.CommandInfo
Helpful information about the command
getTotal() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamPendingSummary
getTotalResults() - Method in class
getTotalResults() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getUnflushedObjectMultiBulkReply() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
getUser() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
getUser() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultRedisCredentials
getUser() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
getUser() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.RedisCredentials
getUser(URI) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisURIHelper
getUsername() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
getValue() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Property
getValue(int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Record
The value at the given field index
getValue(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Record
The value at the given field
getValue() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSElement
getVersion() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Module
getVersion() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisMetaInfo
getWithPayloads() - Method in class
getWithScores() - Method in class
getWithScores() - Method in class
GraphCommandObjects - Class in redis.clients.jedis.graph
GraphCommandObjects(RedisGraphCommands) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
GraphCommandObjects(Connection) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
GraphCommandObjects(ConnectionProvider) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
graphConfigGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
graphConfigGet(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
graphConfigGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
graphConfigSet(String, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
graphConfigSet(String, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
graphConfigSet(String, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
graphDelete(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
graphDelete(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Deletes the entire graph
graphDelete(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphPipelineCommands
graphDelete(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
graphDelete(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
graphDelete(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
graphDelete(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
GraphEntity - Class in redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities
This is an abstract class for representing a graph entity.
GraphEntity() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
GraphEntity(int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
Use this constructor to reduce memory allocations when properties are added to the edge
graphExplain(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
graphExplain(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Constructs a query execution plan but does not run it.
graphExplain(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
graphList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
graphList() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Lists all graph keys in the keyspace.
graphList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
graphProfile(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
graphProfile(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Executes a query and produces an execution plan augmented with metrics for each operation's execution.
graphProfile(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphPipelineCommands
graphProfile(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
graphProfile(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
graphProfile(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
graphProfile(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
GraphProtocol - Class in redis.clients.jedis.graph
GraphProtocol() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphProtocol
GraphProtocol.GraphCommand - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.graph
GraphProtocol.GraphKeyword - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.graph
graphQuery(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
graphQuery(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
graphQuery(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Execute a Cypher query.
graphQuery(String, String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Execute a Cypher query with timeout.
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Executes a cypher query with parameters.
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Executes a cypher query with parameters and timeout.
graphQuery(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphPipelineCommands
graphQuery(String, String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphPipelineCommands
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphPipelineCommands
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphPipelineCommands
graphQuery(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
graphQuery(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
graphQuery(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
graphQuery(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
graphQuery(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
graphQuery(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
graphQuery(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
graphQuery(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
graphQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
GraphQueryParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.graph
GraphQueryParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
Query string must be set later.
GraphQueryParams(String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Execute a Cypher read-only query.
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Execute a Cypher read-only query with timeout.
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Executes a cypher read-only query with parameters.
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Executes a cypher read-only query with parameters and timeout.
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphPipelineCommands
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphPipelineCommands
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphPipelineCommands
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphPipelineCommands
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
graphReadonlyQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
graphSlowlog(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
graphSlowlog(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphCommands
Returns a list containing up to 10 of the slowest queries issued against the given graph ID.
graphSlowlog(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
Group - Class in
Created by mnunberg on 2/22/18.
Group(String...) - Constructor for class
groupBy(Collection<String>, Collection<Reducer>) - Method in class
groupBy(String, Reducer...) - Method in class
groupBy(Group) - Method in class
groupBy(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
GROUPS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
GROUPS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
gt() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZAddParams
Only update existing elements if the new score is greater than the current score.
gt(double) - Static method in class
gt(int) - Static method in class


hash(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.util.Hashing
hash(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.util.Hashing
hash(byte[], int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.MurmurHash
Hashes bytes in an array.
hash(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.MurmurHash
Hashes bytes in part of an array.
hash(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.MurmurHash
Hashes the bytes in a buffer from the current position to the limit.
hash(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.MurmurHash
hash(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.MurmurHash
hash64A(byte[], int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.MurmurHash
hash64A(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.MurmurHash
hash64A(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.MurmurHash
HashBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.GeoCoordinate
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Edge
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Node
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Path
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Point
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Property
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.HostAndPort
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.Path
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.Path2
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Module
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.GeoRadiusResponse
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.KeyedZSetElement
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Tuple
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
hashCode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSElement
HashCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
Hashing - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.util
HashPipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
HashPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
hasPipelinedResponse() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hasProperty(String) - Method in class
hdel(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hdel(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hdel(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove the specified field from an hash stored at key.
hdel(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove the specified field(s) from a hash stored at key.
hdel(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hdel(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hdel(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hdel(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
Header - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.graph
Query response header interface.
hexists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hexists(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hexists(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hexists(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hexists(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hexists(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hexists(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Test for existence of a specified field in a hash.
hexists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Test for existence of a specified field in a hash.
hexists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hexists(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hexists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hexists(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hexists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hexists(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hexists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hexists(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hget(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hget(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hget(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hget(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hget(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hget(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hget(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
If key holds a hash, retrieve the value associated to the specified field.
hget(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
If key holds a hash, retrieve the value associated to the specified field.
hget(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hget(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hget(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hget(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hget(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hget(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hget(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hget(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hgetAll(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hgetAll(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hgetAll(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hgetAll(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hgetAll(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hgetAll(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hgetAll(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return all the fields and associated values in a hash.
hgetAll(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return all the fields and associated values in a hash.
hgetAll(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hgetAll(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hgetAll(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hgetAll(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hgetAll(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hgetAll(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hgetAll(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hgetAll(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
highlight() - Method in class
highlight(FTSearchParams.HighlightParams) - Method in class
highlightFields(Query.HighlightTags, String...) - Method in class
highlightFields(String...) - Method in class
highlightParams() - Static method in class
HighlightParams() - Constructor for class
HighlightTags(String, String) - Constructor for class
hincrBy(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hincrBy(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hincrBy(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hincrBy(String, String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hincrBy(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hincrBy(String, String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hincrBy(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Increment the number stored at field in the hash at key by value.
hincrBy(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Increment the number stored at field in the hash at key by value.
hincrBy(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hincrBy(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hincrBy(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hincrBy(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hincrBy(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hincrBy(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hincrBy(String, String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hincrBy(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hincrByFloat(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hincrByFloat(byte[], byte[], double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hincrByFloat(byte[], byte[], double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hincrByFloat(String, String, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hincrByFloat(byte[], byte[], double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hincrByFloat(String, String, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hincrByFloat(byte[], byte[], double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Increment the number stored at field in the hash at key by a double precision floating point value.
hincrByFloat(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Increment the number stored at field in the hash at key by a double precision floating point value.
hincrByFloat(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hincrByFloat(byte[], byte[], double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hincrByFloat(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hincrByFloat(byte[], byte[], double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hincrByFloat(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hincrByFloat(byte[], byte[], double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hincrByFloat(String, String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hincrByFloat(byte[], byte[], double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hkeys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hkeys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hkeys(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hkeys(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hkeys(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hkeys(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hkeys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return all the fields in a hash.
hkeys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return all the fields in a hash.
hkeys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hkeys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hkeys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hkeys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hkeys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hkeys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hkeys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hkeys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hlen(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hlen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hlen(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hlen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the number of items in a hash.
hlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the number of items in a hash.
hlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hmget(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hmget(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hmget(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hmget(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hmget(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hmget(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hmget(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Retrieve the values associated to the specified fields.
hmget(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Retrieve the values associated to the specified fields.
hmget(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hmget(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hmget(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hmget(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hmget(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hmget(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hmget(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hmget(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hmset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hmset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hmset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hmset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hmset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hmset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hmset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the respective fields to the respective values.
hmset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the respective fields to the respective values.
hmset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hmset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hmset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hmset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hmset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hmset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hmset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hmset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
host - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.MasterListener
HostAndPort - Class in redis.clients.jedis
HostAndPort(String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.HostAndPort
hostAndPortMapper(HostAndPortMapper) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
HostAndPortMapper - Interface in redis.clients.jedis
hostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
hrandfield(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hrandfield(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hrandfield(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hrandfield(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hrandfield(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hrandfield(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hrandfield(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hrandfield(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hrandfield(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hrandfield(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hrandfield(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hrandfield(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hrandfield(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Get one random field from a hash.
hrandfield(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Get multiple random fields from a hash.
hrandfield(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Get one random field from a hash.
hrandfield(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Get multiple random fields from a hash.
hrandfield(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hrandfield(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hrandfield(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hrandfield(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hrandfield(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hrandfield(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hrandfield(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hrandfield(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hrandfield(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hrandfield(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hrandfield(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hrandfield(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hrandfield(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hrandfield(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hrandfield(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hrandfield(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hrandfieldWithValues(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hrandfieldWithValues(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hrandfieldWithValues(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hrandfieldWithValues(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hrandfieldWithValues(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hrandfieldWithValues(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hrandfieldWithValues(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Get one or multiple random fields with values from a hash.
hrandfieldWithValues(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Get one or multiple random fields with values from a hash.
hrandfieldWithValues(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hrandfieldWithValues(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hrandfieldWithValues(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hrandfieldWithValues(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hrandfieldWithValues(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hrandfieldWithValues(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hrandfieldWithValues(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hrandfieldWithValues(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hscan(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hscan(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hscan(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hscan(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hscan(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
hscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
hscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
hscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
HSCAN_BINARY_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
HSCAN_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
hset(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hset(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hset(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hset(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hset(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hset(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hset(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the specified hash field to the specified value.
hset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
hset(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the specified hash field to the specified value.
hset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
hset(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hset(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hset(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hset(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hset(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hset(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hset(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hset(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hset(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hset(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hsetnx(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hsetnx(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hsetnx(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hsetnx(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hsetnx(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hsetnx(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hsetnx(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the specified hash field to the specified value if the field not exists.
hsetnx(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the specified hash field to the specified value if the field not exists.
hsetnx(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hsetnx(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hsetnx(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hsetnx(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hsetnx(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hsetnx(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hsetnx(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hsetnx(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hsetObject(String, String, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hsetObject(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hsetObject(String, String, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hsetObject(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hstrlen(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hstrlen(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hstrlen(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hstrlen(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hstrlen(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hstrlen(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hstrlen(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
hstrlen(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
hstrlen(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hstrlen(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hstrlen(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hstrlen(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hstrlen(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hstrlen(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hstrlen(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hstrlen(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hvals(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hvals(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
hvals(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashBinaryCommands
hvals(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashCommands
hvals(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineBinaryCommands
hvals(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HashPipelineCommands
hvals(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return all the values in a hash.
hvals(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return all the values in a hash.
hvals(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hvals(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
hvals(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hvals(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
hvals(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hvals(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
hvals(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
hvals(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
HyperLogLogBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
HyperLogLogCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
HyperLogLogPipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
HyperLogLogPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands


id - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
id(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams
id(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams
id(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
id(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
id(StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
id(long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
id(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
idle(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XClaimParams
Set the idle time (last time it was delivered) of the message.
idle(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
IDLE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumersInfo
idleTime(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.RestoreParams
idx() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LCSParams
When IDX is given the command returns an array with the LCS length and all the ranges in both the strings, start and end offset for each string, where there are matches.
idx() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.StrAlgoLCSParams
When IDX is given the command returns an array with the LCS length and all the ranges in both the strings, start and end offset for each string, where there are matches.
INACTIVE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumersInfo
includeTerm(String) - Method in class
Specifies an inclusion (INCLUDE) of a custom dictionary.
inclusiveMax(boolean) - Method in class
inclusiveMin(boolean) - Method in class
incr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
incr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
incr(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
incr(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
Incr Command Increment the number stored at key by one.
incr(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
incr(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
incr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Increment the number stored at key by one.
incr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Increment the number stored at key by one.
incr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
incr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
incr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
incr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
incr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
incr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
incr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
incr(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
incrBy(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
incrBy(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
incrBy(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
incrBy(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
IncrBy Command INCRBY work just like INCR but instead to increment by 1 the increment is integer.
incrBy(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
incrBy(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
incrBy(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
INCRBY work just like INCR but instead to increment by 1 the increment is integer.
incrBy(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
INCRBY work just like INCR but instead to increment by 1 the increment is integer.
incrBy(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
incrBy(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
incrBy(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
incrBy(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
incrBy(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
incrBy(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
incrBy(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
incrBy(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
incrByFloat(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
incrByFloat(byte[], double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
incrByFloat(byte[], double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
incrByFloat(String, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
IncrByFloat Command INCRBYFLOAT work just like StringCommands.incrBy(String, long) INCRBY} but increments by floats instead of integers.
incrByFloat(byte[], double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
incrByFloat(String, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
incrByFloat(byte[], double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
INCRBYFLOAT work just like Jedis.incrBy(byte[], long) INCRBY} but increments by floats instead of integers.
incrByFloat(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
incrByFloat(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
incrByFloat(byte[], double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
incrByFloat(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
incrByFloat(byte[], double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
incrByFloat(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
incrByFloat(byte[], double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
incrByFloat(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
incrByFloat(byte[], double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
IndexDataType - Enum in
IndexDefinition - Class in
IndexDefinition encapsulates configuration for index definition creation and should be given to the client on index creation
IndexDefinition() - Constructor for class
IndexDefinition(IndexDefinition.Type) - Constructor for class
IndexDefinition.Type - Enum in
IndexOptions - Class in
IndexOptions encapsulates flags for index creation and should be given to the client on index creation
IndexOptions(int) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
indicesCreated() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Statistics
indicesDeleted() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Statistics
inFields(String...) - Method in class
Limit the query to results that are limited to a specific set of fields
inFields(Collection<String>) - Method in class
info() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
The INFO command returns information and statistics about the server in a format that is simple to parse by computers and easy to read by humans.
info(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
The INFO command returns information and statistics about the server in a format that is simple to parse by computers and easy to read by humans.
info() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Provide information and statistics about the server.
info(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
initCommandArguments() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ScanIteration
initCommandArguments() - Method in class
initCommandArguments() - Method in class
initCommandArguments() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisCommandIterationBase
inKeys(String...) - Method in class
Limit the query to results that are limited to a specific set of keys
inKeys(Collection<String>) - Method in class
inOrder() - Method in class
insertParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFInsertParams
insertParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.CFInsertParams
intersect(Node...) - Static method in class
Create a new intersection node with child nodes.
intersect(String, Value...) - Static method in class
Create a new intersection node with a field-value pair.
intersect(String, String) - Static method in class
Helper method to create a new intersection node with a string value.
IntersectNode - Class in
The intersection node evaluates to true if any of its children are true.
IntersectNode() - Constructor for class
InvalidURIException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
InvalidURIException(String) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.InvalidURIException
InvalidURIException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.InvalidURIException
InvalidURIException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.InvalidURIException
IOUtils - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
IParams - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.params
isAsync() - Method in class
isBlocking() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
isBroken() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
isBroken() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
isClusterCompliantMatchPattern(byte[]) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisClusterHashTag
isClusterCompliantMatchPattern(String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisClusterHashTag
isCombinable() - Method in class
isCombinable() - Method in class
isCombinable() - Method in class
isCombinable() - Method in class
isCompleteIteration() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.ScanResult
Is the iteration complete.
isConnected() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
isConnected() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
isDisabled() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClientSetInfoConfig
isEmpty() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
isEmpty() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
isIterationCompleted() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisCommandIterationBase
isNodeCompleted(ScanResult<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ScanIteration
isNodeCompleted(AggregationResult) - Method in class
isNodeCompleted(SearchResult) - Method in class
isNodeCompleted(B) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisCommandIterationBase
isReadonly() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
isRedisScheme(URI) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisURIHelper
isRedisSSLScheme(URI) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisURIHelper
isSsl() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
isSsl() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
isSubscribed() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
isSubscribed() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
isValid(URI) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisURIHelper
isWithCursor() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
iterator() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments


j - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.MasterListener
Jedis - Class in redis.clients.jedis
Jedis() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This constructor only accepts a URI string.
Jedis(HostAndPort) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String, int, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String, int, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String, int, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String, int, int, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String, int, int, int, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(String, int, int, int, int, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(URI) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(URI, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(URI, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(URI, int, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(URI, int, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(URI, int, int, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(URI, int, int, int, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(URI, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(JedisSocketFactory) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(JedisSocketFactory, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Jedis(Connection) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
JedisAccessControlException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
An access control error reply from Redis; i.e.
JedisAccessControlException(String) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisAccessControlException
JedisAccessControlException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisAccessControlException
JedisAccessControlException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisAccessControlException
JedisAskDataException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
-ASK reply from Redis.
JedisAskDataException(Throwable, HostAndPort, int) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisAskDataException
JedisAskDataException(String, Throwable, HostAndPort, int) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisAskDataException
JedisAskDataException(String, HostAndPort, int) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisAskDataException
JedisBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
JedisBroadcastAndRoundRobinConfig - Interface in redis.clients.jedis
JedisBroadcastAndRoundRobinConfig.RediSearchMode - Enum in redis.clients.jedis
JedisBroadcastException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
Note: This exception extends JedisDataException just so existing applications catching JedisDataException do not get broken.
JedisBroadcastException() - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisBroadcastException
JedisBusyException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
-BUSY reply from Redis.
JedisBusyException(String) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisBusyException
JedisBusyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisBusyException
JedisBusyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisBusyException
JedisByteHashMap - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
JedisByteHashMap() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
JedisClientConfig - Interface in redis.clients.jedis
JedisCluster - Class in redis.clients.jedis
JedisCluster(HostAndPort) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(HostAndPort, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(HostAndPort, int, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(HostAndPort, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(HostAndPort, int, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(HostAndPort, int, int, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(HostAndPort, int, int, int, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(HostAndPort, int, int, int, String, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(HostAndPort, int, int, int, String, String, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(HostAndPort, int, int, int, String, String, String, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(HostAndPort, int, int, int, String, String, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(HostAndPort, int, int, int, String, String, String, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig, int, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, int, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, String, String, HostAndPortMapper) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, int, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, int, int, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, int, int, int, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, int, int, int, String, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, int, int, int, String, String, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, int, int, int, String, String, String, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, int, int, int, int, String, String, String, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, int, int, int, String, String, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, int, int, int, String, String, String, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, int, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, int, Duration, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, int, Duration) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisCluster(ClusterConnectionProvider, int, Duration) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
JedisClusterCRC16 - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
CRC16 Implementation according to CCITT standard Polynomial : 1021 (x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1) See Appendix A.
JedisClusterException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
Any -CLUSTER... reply from Redis.
JedisClusterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisClusterException
JedisClusterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisClusterException
JedisClusterException(String) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisClusterException
JedisClusterHashTag - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
Holds various methods/utilities to manipulate and parse redis hash-tags.
JedisClusterInfoCache - Class in redis.clients.jedis
JedisClusterInfoCache(JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
JedisClusterInfoCache(JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
JedisClusterInfoCache(JedisClientConfig, Set<HostAndPort>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
JedisClusterInfoCache(JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, Set<HostAndPort>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
JedisClusterOperationException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
Error while processing cluster operations.
JedisClusterOperationException(String) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisClusterOperationException
JedisClusterOperationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisClusterOperationException
JedisClusterOperationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisClusterOperationException
JedisCommandIterationBase<B,D> - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
JedisCommandIterationBase(ConnectionProvider, Builder<B>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisCommandIterationBase
JedisCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
JedisConnectionException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
A connection error.
JedisConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException
JedisConnectionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException
JedisConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException
JedisDataException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
Any error reply from Redis.
JedisDataException(String) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException
JedisDataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException
JedisDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException
JedisException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
Umbrella exception class for all exceptions in Jedis library.
JedisException(String) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisException
JedisException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisException
JedisException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisException
JedisFactory - Class in redis.clients.jedis
PoolableObjectFactory custom impl.
JedisFactory(String, int, int, int, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
JedisFactory(String, int, int, int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
JedisFactory(String, int, int, int, int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
JedisFactory(String, int, int, int, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
JedisFactory(String, int, int, int, String, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
JedisFactory(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
JedisFactory(String, int, int, int, int, String, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
JedisFactory(JedisSocketFactory, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
JedisFactory(URI, int, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
JedisFactory(URI, int, int, String, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
JedisFactory(URI, int, int, int, String, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
JedisMetaInfo - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
JedisMetaInfo will be moved into parent package (redis.clients.jedis) and will be package private.
JedisMetaInfo() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisMetaInfo
JedisMonitor - Class in redis.clients.jedis
JedisMonitor() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisMonitor
JedisMovedDataException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
-MOVED reply from Redis.
JedisMovedDataException(String, HostAndPort, int) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisMovedDataException
JedisMovedDataException(Throwable, HostAndPort, int) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisMovedDataException
JedisMovedDataException(String, Throwable, HostAndPort, int) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisMovedDataException
JedisNoScriptException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
-NOSCRIPT reply from Redis.
JedisNoScriptException(String) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisNoScriptException
JedisNoScriptException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisNoScriptException
JedisNoScriptException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisNoScriptException
JedisPool - Class in redis.clients.jedis
JedisPool() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
WARNING: This constructor only accepts a uri string as url.
JedisPool(String, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
WARNING: This constructor only accepts a uri string as url.
JedisPool(String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(String, int, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(PooledObjectFactory<Jedis>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
WARNING: This constructor only accepts a uri string as url.
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, int, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, String, String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, int, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, int, String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, int, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, int, String, String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, int, String, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, int, int, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, int, int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String, int, int, int, int, String, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(URI) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(URI, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(URI, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(URI, int, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, URI) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, URI, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, URI, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, URI, int, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, URI, int, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, URI, int, int, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, URI, int, int, int, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, JedisSocketFactory, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, PooledObjectFactory<Jedis>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
JedisPoolConfig - Class in redis.clients.jedis
JedisPoolConfig() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig
JedisPooled - Class in redis.clients.jedis
JedisPooled() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
WARNING: This constructor only accepts a uri string as url.
JedisPooled(String, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
WARNING: This constructor only accepts a uri string as url.
JedisPooled(String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(HostAndPort) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(String, int, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(PooledObjectFactory<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
WARNING: This constructor only accepts a uri string as url.
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, int, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, String, String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, int, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, int, String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, int, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, int, String, String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, int, String, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, int, int, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, int, int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, String, int, int, int, int, String, String, int, String, boolean, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(URI) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(URI, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(URI, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(URI, int, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, URI) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, URI, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, URI, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, URI, int, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, URI, int, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, URI, int, int, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, URI, int, int, int, SSLSocketFactory, SSLParameters, HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(HostAndPort, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, JedisSocketFactory, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, PooledObjectFactory<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(PooledObjectFactory<Connection>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPooled(PooledConnectionProvider) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
JedisPubSub - Class in redis.clients.jedis
JedisPubSub() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
JedisRedirectionException - Exception in redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
Umbrella exception class representing all redirection replies from Redis.
JedisRedirectionException(String, HostAndPort, int) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisRedirectionException
JedisRedirectionException(Throwable, HostAndPort, int) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisRedirectionException
JedisRedirectionException(String, Throwable, HostAndPort, int) - Constructor for exception redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisRedirectionException
JedisSentineled - Class in redis.clients.jedis
JedisSentineled(String, Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentineled
JedisSentineled(String, JedisClientConfig, Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentineled
JedisSentineled(String, Set<HostAndPort>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, JedisClientConfig, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentineled
JedisSentineled(String, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentineled
JedisSentineled(SentineledConnectionProvider) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentineled
JedisSentinelPool - Class in redis.clients.jedis
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, String, String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, int, String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, int, String, String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, int, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, int, int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, int, String, int, String, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, int, String, String, int, String, int, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, int, int, int, String, String, int, String, int, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<String>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, JedisFactory) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<HostAndPort>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, JedisClientConfig, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<HostAndPort>, JedisFactory, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool(String, Set<HostAndPort>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>, JedisFactory, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
JedisSentinelPool.MasterListener - Class in redis.clients.jedis
JedisSharding - Class in redis.clients.jedis
JedisSharding(List<HostAndPort>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSharding
JedisSharding(List<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSharding
JedisSharding(List<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSharding
JedisSharding(List<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, Hashing) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSharding
JedisSharding(List<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, Hashing) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSharding
JedisSharding(ShardedConnectionProvider) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSharding
JedisSharding(ShardedConnectionProvider, Pattern) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSharding
JedisSocketFactory - Interface in redis.clients.jedis
JedisSocketFactory: responsible for creating socket connections from the within the Jedis client, the default socket factory will create TCP sockets with the recommended configuration.
JedisURIHelper - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
JSON_ARRAY - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonBuilderFactory
JSON_ARRAY_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonBuilderFactory
JSON_OBJECT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonBuilderFactory
JSON_TYPE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonBuilderFactory
JSON_TYPE_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonBuilderFactory
jsonArrAppend(String, String, JSONObject...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrAppend(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrAppend(String, Path, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrAppend(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrAppend(String, Path, Object...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrAppend(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrAppend(String, Path, Object...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrAppend(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrAppend(String, Path, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrAppend(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrAppend(String, Path, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrAppend(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrAppend(String, Path, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrAppend(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrAppend(String, Path, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrAppendWithEscape(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrAppendWithEscape(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrAppendWithEscape(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrAppendWithEscape(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrAppendWithEscape(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrAppendWithEscape(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrAppendWithEscape(String, Path2, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrIndex(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrIndex(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrIndex(String, Path2, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrIndex(String, Path, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrIndex(String, Path2, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrIndex(String, Path, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrIndex(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrIndex(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrIndex(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrIndex(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrIndex(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrIndex(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrIndex(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrIndex(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrIndexWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrIndexWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrIndexWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrIndexWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrIndexWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrIndexWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrIndexWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrInsert(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrInsert(String, Path, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrInsert(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrInsert(String, Path, int, Object...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrInsert(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrInsert(String, Path, int, Object...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrInsert(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrInsert(String, Path, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrInsert(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrInsert(String, Path, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrInsert(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrInsert(String, Path, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrInsert(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrInsert(String, Path, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrInsertWithEscape(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrInsertWithEscape(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrInsertWithEscape(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrInsertWithEscape(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrInsertWithEscape(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrInsertWithEscape(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrInsertWithEscape(String, Path2, int, Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrLen(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrLen(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrLen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrLen(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrLen(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrLen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrLen(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrLen(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrLen(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrLen(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrLen(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrLen(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrLen(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrLen(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrLen(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrLen(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrPop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrPop(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrPop(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrPop(String, Path2, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrPop(String, Path, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrPop(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Path2, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Path, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrPop(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Path2, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Path, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrPop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrPop(String, Path2, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrPop(String, Path, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrPop(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrPop(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrPop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrPop(String, Path2, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrPop(String, Path, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrPop(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrPop(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrPop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrPop(String, Path2, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrPop(String, Path, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrPop(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrPop(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrPop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrPop(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrPop(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrPop(String, Path2, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrPop(String, Path, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrPop(String, Class<T>, Path, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrTrim(String, Path2, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrTrim(String, Path, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonArrTrim(String, Path2, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrTrim(String, Path, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonArrTrim(String, Path2, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrTrim(String, Path, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonArrTrim(String, Path2, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrTrim(String, Path, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonArrTrim(String, Path2, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrTrim(String, Path, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonArrTrim(String, Path2, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrTrim(String, Path, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonArrTrim(String, Path2, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonArrTrim(String, Path, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
JsonBuilderFactory - Class in redis.clients.jedis.json
jsonClear(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonClear(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonClear(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonClear(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonClear(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonClear(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonClear(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonClear(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonClear(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonClear(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonClear(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonClear(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonClear(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonClear(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonClear(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonClear(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonClear(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonClear(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonClear(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonClear(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonClear(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonDebugMemory(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonDebugMemory(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonDebugMemory(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonDebugMemory(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonDebugMemory(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonDebugMemory(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonDebugMemory(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonDebugMemory(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonDebugMemory(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonDel(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonDel(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonDel(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonDel(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonDel(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonDel(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonDel(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonDel(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonDel(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonDel(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonDel(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonDel(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonDel(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonDel(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonDel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonDel(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonDel(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonGet(String, Class<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonGet(String, Path2...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonGet(String, Path...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonGet(String, Class<T>, Path...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonGet(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonGet(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonGet(String, Path2...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonGet(String, Path...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonGet(String, Class<T>, Path...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonGet(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonGet(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonGet(String, Path2...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonGet(String, Path...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonGet(String, Class<T>, Path...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonGet(String, Class<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonGet(String, Path2...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonGet(String, Path...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonGet(String, Class<T>, Path...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonGet(String, Class<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonGet(String, Path2...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonGet(String, Path...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonGet(String, Class<T>, Path...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonGet(String, Class<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonGet(String, Path2...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonGet(String, Path...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonGet(String, Class<T>, Path...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonGet(String, Class<T>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonGet(String, Path2...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonGet(String, Path...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonGet(String, Class<T>, Path...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonGetAsPlainString(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonGetAsPlainString(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonGetAsPlainString(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonMGet(Path2, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonMGet(Path, Class<T>, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonMGet(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonMGet(Class<T>, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonMGet(Path2, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonMGet(Path, Class<T>, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonMGet(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonMGet(Class<T>, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonMGet(Path2, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonMGet(Path, Class<T>, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonMGet(Path2, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonMGet(Path, Class<T>, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonMGet(Path2, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonMGet(Path, Class<T>, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonMGet(Path2, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonMGet(Path, Class<T>, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonMGet(Path2, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonMGet(Path, Class<T>, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path2, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path2, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path2, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path2, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path2, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path2, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path2, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonNumIncrBy(String, Path, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
JsonObjectMapper - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.json
Represents the ability of serialize an object to JSON format string and deserialize it to the typed object.
jsonObjKeys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonObjKeys(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonObjKeys(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonObjKeys(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonObjKeys(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonObjKeys(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonObjKeys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonObjKeys(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonObjKeys(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonObjLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonObjLen(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonObjLen(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonObjLen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonObjLen(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonObjLen(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonObjLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonObjLen(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonObjLen(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
JsonProtocol - Class in redis.clients.jedis.json
JsonProtocol() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonProtocol
JsonProtocol.JsonCommand - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.json
jsonResp(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonResp(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonResp(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonResp(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonResp(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonResp(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonResp(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonResp(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonResp(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonSet(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonSet(String, Path, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonSet(String, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSet(String, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSet(String, Path, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSet(String, Path, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSet(String, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonSet(String, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonSet(String, Path, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonSet(String, Path, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonSet(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonSet(String, Path, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonSet(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonSet(String, Path, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonSet(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonSet(String, Path, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonSet(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonSet(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonSet(String, Path, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonSetLegacy(String, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSetLegacy(String, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSetLegacy(String, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonSetLegacy(String, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
JsonSetParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.json
JsonSetParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonSetParams
jsonSetParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonSetParams
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonSetWithEscape(String, Path2, Object, JsonSetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonSetWithPlainString(String, Path, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonSetWithPlainString(String, Path, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonSetWithPlainString(String, Path, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonStrAppend(String, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonStrAppend(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonStrAppend(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonStrAppend(String, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonStrAppend(String, Path2, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonStrAppend(String, Path, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonStrAppend(String, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonStrAppend(String, Path2, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonStrAppend(String, Path, Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonStrAppend(String, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonStrAppend(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonStrAppend(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonStrAppend(String, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonStrAppend(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonStrAppend(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonStrAppend(String, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonStrAppend(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonStrAppend(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonStrAppend(String, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonStrAppend(String, Path2, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonStrAppend(String, Path, Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonStrLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonStrLen(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonStrLen(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonStrLen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonStrLen(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonStrLen(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonStrLen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonStrLen(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonStrLen(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonStrLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonStrLen(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonStrLen(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonStrLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonStrLen(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonStrLen(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonStrLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonStrLen(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonStrLen(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonStrLen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonStrLen(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonStrLen(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonToggle(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonToggle(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonToggle(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonToggle(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonToggle(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonToggle(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonToggle(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonToggle(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonToggle(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonToggle(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonToggle(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonToggle(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonToggle(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonToggle(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonType(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonType(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonType(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
jsonType(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonType(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonType(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonCommands
jsonType(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonType(String, Path2) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonType(String, Path) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.RedisJsonPipelineCommands
jsonType(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonType(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonType(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
jsonType(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonType(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonType(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
jsonType(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonType(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonType(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
jsonType(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonType(String, Path2) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
jsonType(String, Path) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis


KEEP_FIELD_FLAGS - Static variable in class
If set (default), we keep flags per index record telling us what fields the term appeared on, and allowing us to filter results by field
KEEP_TERM_FREQUENCIES - Static variable in class
With each document:term record, store how often the term appears within the document.
keepttl() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SetParams
Retain the time to live associated with the key.
key(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
KeyBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
KeyCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
KEYED_BINARY_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
KEYED_LIST_ELEMENT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
KEYED_STRING_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
KEYED_STRING_LIST_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
KEYED_TUPLE_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
KEYED_ZSET_ELEMENT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
KeyedListElement - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
This class will be removed in next major released. Use KeyValue.
KeyedListElement(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.KeyedListElement
KeyedListElement(String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.KeyedListElement
KeyedZSetElement - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
This class will be removed in next major released.
KeyedZSetElement(byte[], byte[], Double) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.KeyedZSetElement
KeyedZSetElement(String, String, Double) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.KeyedZSetElement
KeyPipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
KeyPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
keys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
keys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
keys(Object...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
keys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
keys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
keys(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
keys(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Keys Command Returns all the keys matching the glob-style pattern as space separated strings.
keys(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
keys(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
keys() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Record
The keys of the record
keys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns all the keys matching the glob-style pattern as space separated strings.
keys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
keys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
keys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
keys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
keys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
keys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
keys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
keys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
keys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
keys(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
keys(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
keySet() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
KeyValue<K,V> - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
KeyValue(K, V) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.util.KeyValue
KILOMETERS - Static variable in class


label(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSAlterParams
label(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSCreateParams
Add label-value pair.
labels(Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSAlterParams
labels(Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSCreateParams
Set label-value pairs
labelsAdded() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Statistics
labelsReset() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSAlterParams
laddr(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams
laddr(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams
language(String) - Method in class
Indicates the default language for documents in the index.
language(String) - Method in class
Set the query language, for stemming purposes
languageField(String) - Method in class
Document attribute set as the document language.
LAST_DELIVERED - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupFullInfo
LAST_DELIVERED - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupInfo
LAST_ENTRY - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
LAST_ENTRY - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
Should be used only with XGROUP CREATE XGROUP CREATE mystream consumer-group-name $
LAST_GENERATED_ID - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
LAST_GENERATED_ID - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
lastNode() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Path
Returns the last node in the path.
lastsave() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
Return the UNIX TIME of the last DB save executed with success.
lastsave() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the UNIX time stamp of the last successfully saving of the dataset on disk.
latencyDoctor() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
The LATENCY DOCTOR command reports about different latency-related issues and advises about possible remedies.
latencyDoctor() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
latest() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSGetParams
latest() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMGetParams
latest() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
latest() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
lcs(String, String, LCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lcs(byte[], byte[], LCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lcs(byte[], byte[], LCSParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
Calculate the longest common subsequence of keyA and keyB.
lcs(String, String, LCSParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
Calculate the longest common subsequence of keyA and keyB.
lcs(byte[], byte[], LCSParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
lcs(String, String, LCSParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
lcs(byte[], byte[], LCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lcs(String, String, LCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Calculate the longest common subsequence of keyA and keyB.
lcs(String, String, LCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lcs(byte[], byte[], LCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lcs(String, String, LCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lcs(byte[], byte[], LCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lcs(String, String, LCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lcs(byte[], byte[], LCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lcs(String, String, LCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lcs(byte[], byte[], LCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
LCSMatchResult - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
Result for STRALGO LCS command.
LCSMatchResult(String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult
LCSMatchResult(long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult
LCSMatchResult(List<LCSMatchResult.MatchedPosition>, long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult
LCSMatchResult(String, List<LCSMatchResult.MatchedPosition>, long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult
Creates new LCSMatchResult.
LCSMatchResult.MatchedPosition - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
Match position in each string.
LCSMatchResult.Position - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
Position range.
LCSParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
LCSParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.LCSParams
LCSParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LCSParams
le(double) - Static method in class
le(int) - Static method in class
len() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LCSParams
When LEN is given the command returns the length of the longest common substring.
len() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.StrAlgoLCSParams
When LEN is given the command returns the length of the longest common substring.
length() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Path
Returns the length of the path - number of edges.
LENGTH - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
LENGTH - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
LIBRARY_BUILDER - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LibraryInfo
LIBRARY_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
LibraryInfo - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
LibraryInfo(String, String, List<Map<String, Object>>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LibraryInfo
LibraryInfo(String, String, List<Map<String, Object>>, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LibraryInfo
limit(int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
Limit the Numbers of returned Elements.
limit(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
limit(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XTrimParams
limit(int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZRangeParams
limit(int, int) - Method in class
limit(int) - Method in class
limit(Limit) - Method in class
Limit - Class in
This class will be removed in next major released.
Limit(int, int) - Constructor for class
limit(int, int) - Method in class
Limit the results to a certain offset and limit
limit(Integer, Integer) - Method in class
Limit the results to a certain offset and limit
limit - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisInputStream
limited() - Method in class
Removes details of reader iterator.
limitFields(String...) - Method in class
Limit the query to results that are limited to a specific set of fields
limitKeys(String...) - Method in class
Limit the query to results that are limited to a specific set of keys
lindex(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lindex(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lindex(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lindex(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Returns the element at index in the list stored at key.
lindex(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lindex(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lindex(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the specified element of the list stored at the specified key.
lindex(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the specified element of the list stored at the specified key.
lindex(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lindex(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lindex(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lindex(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lindex(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lindex(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lindex(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lindex(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
linsert(String, ListPosition, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
linsert(byte[], ListPosition, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
linsert(byte[], ListPosition, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
linsert(String, ListPosition, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Inserts element in the list stored at key either before or after the reference value pivot.
linsert(byte[], ListPosition, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
linsert(String, ListPosition, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
linsert(byte[], ListPosition, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
linsert(String, ListPosition, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
linsert(String, ListPosition, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
linsert(byte[], ListPosition, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
linsert(String, ListPosition, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
linsert(byte[], ListPosition, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
linsert(String, ListPosition, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
linsert(byte[], ListPosition, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
linsert(String, ListPosition, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
linsert(byte[], ListPosition, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ListBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
ListCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
ListDirection - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
Direction for LMOVE and BLMOVE command.
ListPipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
ListPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
ListPosition - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
llen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
llen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
llen(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
llen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Return the length of the list stored at the specified key.
llen(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
llen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
llen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the length of the list stored at the specified key.
llen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the length of the list stored at the specified key.
llen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
llen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
llen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
llen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
llen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
llen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
llen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
llen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it
lmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it
lmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lmove(String, String, ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lmove(byte[], byte[], ListDirection, ListDirection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lmpop(ListDirection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lmpop(ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lmpop(ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lmpop(ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lmpop(ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lmpop(ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lmpop(ListDirection, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
lmpop(ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
lmpop(ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lmpop(ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lmpop(ListDirection, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lmpop(ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lmpop(ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lmpop(ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lmpop(ListDirection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lmpop(ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lmpop(ListDirection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lmpop(ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lmpop(ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lmpop(ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lmpop(ListDirection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lmpop(ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lmpop(ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lmpop(ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lmpop(ListDirection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lmpop(ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lmpop(ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lmpop(ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lmpop(ListDirection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lmpop(ListDirection, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lmpop(ListDirection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lmpop(ListDirection, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
load(String...) - Method in class
load(FieldName...) - Method in class
load(String, double, byte[], List<byte[]>) - Static method in class
load(String, double, byte[], List<byte[]>, boolean) - Static method in class
loadAll() - Method in class
lolwut() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
lolwut(LolwutParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
lolwut() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lolwut(LolwutParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
LolwutParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
LolwutParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.LolwutParams
LONG - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
LONG_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
LONG_LONG_PAIR - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
LongRangeValue - Class in
LongRangeValue(long, long) - Constructor for class
lpop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpop(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpop(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpop(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lpop(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lpop(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Atomically return and remove the first (LPOP) or last (RPOP) element of the list.
lpop(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Atomically return and remove the first (LPOP) or last (RPOP) element of the list.
lpop(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lpop(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lpop(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lpop(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lpop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Atomically return and remove the first (LPOP) or last (RPOP) element of the list.
lpop(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lpop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Atomically return and remove the first (LPOP) or last (RPOP) element of the list.
lpop(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lpop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpop(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpop(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpop(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpop(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpop(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpop(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lpop(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lpop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lpop(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lpos(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpos(String, String, LPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpos(String, String, LPosParams, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpos(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpos(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lpos(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Returns the index of the first matching element inside a redis list.
lpos(String, String, LPosParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
In case there are multiple matches Rank option specifies the "rank" of the element to return.
lpos(String, String, LPosParams, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Returns the index of matching elements inside a Redis list.
lpos(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lpos(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lpos(String, String, LPosParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lpos(String, String, LPosParams, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lpos(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns the index of the first matching element inside a redis list.
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
In case there are multiple matches Rank option specifies the "rank" of the element to return.
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Count will return list of position of all the first N matching elements.
lpos(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lpos(String, String, LPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lpos(String, String, LPosParams, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lpos(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpos(String, String, LPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpos(String, String, LPosParams, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpos(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpos(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpos(String, String, LPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpos(String, String, LPosParams, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpos(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpos(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpos(String, String, LPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpos(String, String, LPosParams, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpos(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpos(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lpos(String, String, LPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lpos(String, String, LPosParams, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lpos(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lpos(byte[], byte[], LPosParams, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
LPosParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
LPosParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.LPosParams
lPosParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LPosParams
lpush(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lpush(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Add the string value to the head (LPUSH) or tail (RPUSH) of the list stored at key.
lpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lpush(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Add the string value to the head (LPUSH) or tail (RPUSH) of the list stored at key.
lpush(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Add the string value to the head (LPUSH) or tail (RPUSH) of the list stored at key.
lpush(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpush(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpush(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpush(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lpushx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lpushx(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Inserts specified values at the head of the list stored at key.
lpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lpushx(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lpushx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
lpushx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lpushx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lpushx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lpushx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lrange(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Return the specified elements of the list stored at the specified key.
lrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lrange(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the specified elements of the list stored at the specified key.
lrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the specified elements of the list stored at the specified key.
lrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lrem(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lrem(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lrem(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lrem(String, long, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Remove the first count occurrences of the value element from the list.
lrem(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lrem(String, long, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lrem(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove the first count occurrences of the value element from the list.
lrem(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove the first count occurrences of the value element from the list.
lrem(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lrem(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lrem(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lrem(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lrem(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lrem(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lrem(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lrem(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lset(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lset(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
lset(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
lset(String, long, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Set a new value as the element at index position of the List at key.
lset(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
lset(String, long, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
lset(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set a new value as the element at index position of the List at key.
lset(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set a new value as the element at index position of the List at key.
lset(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lset(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
lset(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lset(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
lset(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lset(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
lset(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lset(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
lt() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZAddParams
Only update existing elements if the new score is less than the current score.
lt(double) - Static method in class
lt(int) - Static method in class
ltrim(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ltrim(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ltrim(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
ltrim(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Trim an existing list so that it will contain only the specified range of elements specified.
ltrim(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
ltrim(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
ltrim(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Trim an existing list so that it will contain only the specified range of elements specified.
ltrim(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Trim an existing list so that it will contain only the specified range of elements specified.
ltrim(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ltrim(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ltrim(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ltrim(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ltrim(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ltrim(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ltrim(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ltrim(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis


makeObject() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionFactory
makeObject() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
ManagedConnectionProvider - Class in redis.clients.jedis.providers
ManagedConnectionProvider() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ManagedConnectionProvider
MasterListener() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.MasterListener
MasterListener(String, String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.MasterListener
MasterListener(String, String, int, long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.MasterListener
masterListeners - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
masterName - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.MasterListener
match(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ScanParams
match(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ScanParams
match() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ScanParams
MatchedPosition(LCSMatchResult.Position, LCSMatchResult.Position, long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult.MatchedPosition
max(String) - Static method in class
maxAttempts - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.ClusterCommandExecutor
maxAttempts - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.RetryableCommandExecutor
MAXIMUM_ID - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
Can be used in XRANGE, XREVRANGE and XPENDING commands.
maxIterations(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.CFReserveParams
maxlen(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LPosParams
maxLen(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
maxLen(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XTrimParams
maxTextFields() - Method in class
Forces RediSearch to encode indexes as if there were more than 32 text attributes.
maxTotalRetriesDuration - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.ClusterCommandExecutor
maxTotalRetriesDuration - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.RetryableCommandExecutor
MD5 - Static variable in interface redis.clients.jedis.util.Hashing
md5Holder - Static variable in interface redis.clients.jedis.util.Hashing
memoryDoctor() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlCommands
Reports about different memory-related issues that the Redis server experiences, and advises about possible remedies.
memoryDoctor() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
memoryDoctorBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlBinaryCommands
Reports about different memory-related issues that the Redis server experiences, and advises about possible remedies.
memoryDoctorBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
memoryPurge() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlCommands
Attempts to purge dirty pages so these can be reclaimed by the allocator.
memoryPurge() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
memoryStats() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlCommands
Returns an Array reply about the memory usage of the server.
memoryStats() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
memoryUsage(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
memoryUsage(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
memoryUsage(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
memoryUsage(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
memoryUsage(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlBinaryCommands
Reports the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM.
memoryUsage(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlBinaryCommands
Reports the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM.
memoryUsage(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlCommands
Reports the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM.
memoryUsage(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlCommands
Reports the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM.
memoryUsage(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
memoryUsage(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
memoryUsage(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Memory Usage Command Report the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM.
memoryUsage(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Memory Usage Command Report the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM.
memoryUsage(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
memoryUsage(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
memoryUsage(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
memoryUsage(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
memoryUsage(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
memoryUsage(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
memoryUsage(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
memoryUsage(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
memoryUsage(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
memoryUsage(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
memoryUsage(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
memoryUsage(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
memoryUsage(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
memoryUsage(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
memoryUsage(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
memoryUsage(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
memoryUsage(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
memoryUsage(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
memoryUsage(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
memoryUsage(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
memoryUsage(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
memoryUsage(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
memoryUsage(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
memoryUsage(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
mergeParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.TDigestMergeParams
METERS - Static variable in class
mget(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
mget(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
mget(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
mget(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
MGet Command Get the values of all the specified keys.
mget(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
mget(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
mget(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Get the values of all the specified keys.
mget(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Get the values of all the specified keys.
mget(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
mget(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
mget(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
mget(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
mget(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
mget(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
mget(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
mget(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
migrate(String, int, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
migrate(String, int, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
migrate(String, int, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
migrate(String, int, byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
migrate(String, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
migrate(String, int, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
migrate(String, int, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
Migrate Command Atomically transfer a key from a source Redis instance to a destination Redis instance.
migrate(String, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
Binary version of MIGRATE.
migrate(String, int, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
Migrate Command Atomically transfer a key from a source Redis instance to a destination Redis instance.
migrate(String, int, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
Binary version of MIGRATE.
migrate(String, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabasePipelineCommands
Binary version of MIGRATE.
migrate(String, int, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabasePipelineCommands
Binary version of MIGRATE.
migrate(String, int, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabasePipelineCommands
Migrate Command Atomically transfer a key from a source Redis instance to a destination Redis instance.
migrate(String, int, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabasePipelineCommands
Migrate Command Atomically transfer a key from a source Redis instance to a destination Redis instance.
migrate(String, int, byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
migrate(String, int, String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Migrate Command Atomically transfer a key from a source Redis instance to a destination Redis instance.
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Migrate Command Atomically transfer a key from a source Redis instance to a destination Redis instance.
migrate(String, int, byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
migrate(String, int, String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
migrate(String, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
migrate(String, int, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
migrate(String, int, byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
migrate(String, int, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
migrate(String, int, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
migrate(String, int, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
migrate(String, int, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
migrate(String, int, byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
migrate(String, int, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
migrate(String, int, byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
migrate(String, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
migrate(String, int, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
migrate(String, int, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
migrate(String, int, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
migrate(String, int, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
migrate(String, int, byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
migrate(String, int, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
migrate(String, int, byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
migrate(String, int, int, MigrateParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
MigrateParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
MigrateParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.MigrateParams
migrateParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.MigrateParams
MILES - Static variable in class
min(String) - Static method in class
minId(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
minId(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XTrimParams
MINIMUM_ID - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
Can be used in XRANGE, XREVRANGE and XPENDING commands.
minMatchLen(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LCSParams
Specify the minimum match length.
minMatchLen(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.StrAlgoLCSParams
Specify the minimum match length.
MINUS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesProtocol
MINUS_BYTE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
modifier(BitCountOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.BitPosParams
Module - Class in redis.clients.jedis
Module(String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Module
MODULE_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
ModuleCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
moduleList() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.GenericControlCommands
moduleList() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ModuleCommands
Return information about the modules loaded to the server.
moduleList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
moduleLoad(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ModuleCommands
Load and initialize the Redis module from the dynamic library specified by the path argument.
moduleLoad(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ModuleCommands
Load and initialize the Redis module from the dynamic library specified by the path argument.
moduleLoad(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
moduleLoad(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
moduleLoadEx(String, ModuleLoadExParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ModuleCommands
Loads a module from a dynamic library at runtime with configuration directives.
moduleLoadEx(String, ModuleLoadExParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
ModuleLoadExParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
ModuleLoadExParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.ModuleLoadExParams
moduleLoadexParams() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ModuleLoadExParams
moduleUnload(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ModuleCommands
Unload the module specified by name.
moduleUnload(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
monitor(JedisMonitor) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Dump all the received requests in real time.
move(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
Move the specified key from the currently selected DB to the specified destination DB.
move(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
Binary version of MOVE.
move(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabasePipelineCommands
Move the specified key from the currently selected DB to the specified destination DB.
move(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabasePipelineCommands
Binary version of MOVE.
move(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Move the specified key from the currently selected DB to the specified destination DB.
move(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Move the specified key from the currently selected DB to the specified destination DB.
move(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
move(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
mset(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
mset(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
mset(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
mset(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
MSet Command Set the the respective keys to the respective values.
mset(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
mset(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
mset(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the the respective keys to the respective values.
mset(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the the respective keys to the respective values.
mset(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
mset(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
mset(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
mset(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
mset(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
mset(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
mset(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
mset(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
msetnx(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
msetnx(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
msetnx(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
msetnx(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
MSetNX Command Set the respective keys to the respective values.
msetnx(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
msetnx(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
msetnx(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the respective keys to the respective values.
msetnx(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the the respective keys to the respective values.
msetnx(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
msetnx(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
msetnx(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
msetnx(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
msetnx(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
msetnx(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
msetnx(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
msetnx(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
multi() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
multi() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
multi() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSharding
multi() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
multi() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
MULTI_NODE_PIPELINE_SYNC_WORKERS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
The number of processes for sync().
multiGetParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMGetParams
MultiNodePipelineBase - Class in redis.clients.jedis
MultiNodePipelineBase(CommandObjects) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
multiRangeParams(long, long) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
multiRangeParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
MURMUR_HASH - Static variable in interface redis.clients.jedis.util.Hashing
MurmurHash - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
This is a very fast, non-cryptographic hash suitable for general hash-based lookup.
MurmurHash() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.util.MurmurHash


NAME - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumerFullInfo
NAME - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumersInfo
NAME - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupFullInfo
NAME - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupInfo
name - Variable in class
NEGATIVE_INFINITY_BYTES - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
NEW_ENTRY - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
Should be used only with XADD XADD mystream * field1 value1
nextBatch() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisCommandIterationBase
nextBatchList() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisCommandIterationBase
nextCommandArguments(ScanResult<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ScanIteration
nextCommandArguments(AggregationResult) - Method in class
nextCommandArguments(SearchResult) - Method in class
nextCommandArguments(B) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisCommandIterationBase
NO_LIMIT - Static variable in class
noAck() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XReadGroupParams
noContent() - Method in class
Set the query not to return the contents of documents, and rather just return the ids
noCreate() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFInsertParams
noCreate() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.CFInsertParams
Node - Class in redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities
* A class represent an node (graph entity).
Node() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Node
Node(int, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Node
Use this constructor to reduce memory allocations when labels or properties are added to the node
node - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider.SentinelListener
Node - Interface in
Created by mnunberg on 2/23/18.
Node.Parenthesize - Enum in
nodeCount() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Path
Return the number of nodes in the path.
nodesCreated() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Statistics
nodesDeleted() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Statistics
noFields() - Method in class
Does not store attribute bits for each term.
noFreqs() - Method in class
Avoids saving the term frequencies in the index.
noHighlights() - Method in class
noHL() - Method in class
Conserves storage space and memory by disabling highlighting support.
noIndex - Variable in class
noIndex() - Method in class
Avoid indexing.
noIndex() - Method in class
Avoid indexing.
noIndex() - Method in class
Avoid indexing.
noMkStream() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
nonScaling() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFInsertParams
nonScaling() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFReserveParams
noOffsets() - Method in class
Does not store term offsets for documents.
nosave() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ShutdownParams
nosort() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
No sorting.
noStem() - Method in class
Disable stemming when indexing.
noStopwords() - Method in class
The index does not have stopwords, not even the default ones.
noStopwords() - Method in class
Set the query not to filter for stopwords.
now() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ShutdownParams
NumericField - Class in
NumericField(String) - Constructor for class
NumericField(FieldName) - Constructor for class
NumericFilter(String, double, double) - Constructor for class
NumericFilter(String, double, boolean, double, boolean) - Constructor for class
NumericFilter(String, double, boolean, double, boolean) - Constructor for class
NumericFilter(String, double, double) - Constructor for class
nx() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonSetParams
nx() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoAddParams
Don't update already existing elements.
nx() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SetParams
Only set the key if it does not already exist.
nx() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZAddParams
Only set the key if it does not already exist.
nx() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZIncrByParams
Only set the key if it does not already exist.


OBJECT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
objectEncoding(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
objectEncoding(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
objectEncoding(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlBinaryCommands
Returns the internal encoding for the Redis object stored at key.
objectEncoding(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlCommands
Returns the internal encoding for the Redis object stored at key.
objectEncoding(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
objectEncoding(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Object Encoding Command Return the internal encoding for the Redis object stored at key.
objectEncoding(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
objectEncoding(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
objectEncoding(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
objectEncoding(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
objectEncoding(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
objectEncoding(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
objectEncoding(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
objectEncoding(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
objectEncoding(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
objectEncoding(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
objectEncoding(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
objectEncoding(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
objectFreq(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
objectFreq(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
objectFreq(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlBinaryCommands
Returns the logarithmic access frequency counter of a Redis object stored at key.
objectFreq(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlCommands
Returns the logarithmic access frequency counter of a Redis object stored at key.
objectFreq(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
objectFreq(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Object Freq Command Return the logarithmic access frequency counter of a Redis object stored at key.
objectFreq(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
objectFreq(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
objectFreq(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
objectFreq(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
objectFreq(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
objectFreq(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
objectFreq(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
objectFreq(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
objectFreq(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
objectFreq(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
objectFreq(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
objectFreq(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
objectHelp() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlCommands
Returns the object subcommands and usages.
objectHelp() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
objectHelpBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlBinaryCommands
Returns the object subcommands and usages.
objectHelpBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
objectIdletime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
objectIdletime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
objectIdletime(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlBinaryCommands
Returns the time in seconds since the last access to the value stored at key.
objectIdletime(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlCommands
Returns the time in seconds since the last access to the value stored at key.
objectIdletime(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
objectIdletime(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Object IdleTime Command Return the time in seconds since the last access to the value stored at key.
objectIdletime(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
objectIdletime(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
objectIdletime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
objectIdletime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
objectIdletime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
objectIdletime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
objectIdletime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
objectIdletime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
objectIdletime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
objectIdletime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
objectIdletime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
objectIdletime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
objectRefcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
objectRefcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
objectRefcount(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlBinaryCommands
Returns the reference count of the stored at key.
objectRefcount(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlCommands
Returns the reference count of the stored at key.
objectRefcount(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
objectRefcount(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Object Refcount Command Return the reference count of the stored at key.
objectRefcount(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
objectRefcount(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
objectRefcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
objectRefcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
objectRefcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
objectRefcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
objectRefcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
objectRefcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
objectRefcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
objectRefcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
objectRefcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
objectRefcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
of(List<E>) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
of(String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.Path
of(String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.Path2
of(String) - Static method in class
of(String) - Static method in class
of(FieldName) - Static method in class
of(String, GeoShapeField.CoordinateSystem) - Static method in class
of(String) - Static method in class
of(FieldName) - Static method in class
of(String) - Static method in class
of(FieldName) - Static method in class
of(String) - Static method in class
of(FieldName) - Static method in class
of(K, V) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.KeyValue
on(IndexDataType) - Method in class
Currently supports HASH (default) and JSON.
onCommand(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisMonitor
onMessage(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
onMessage(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
onPMessage(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
onPMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
onPong(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
onPong(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
onPSubscribe(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
onPSubscribe(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
onPUnsubscribe(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
onPUnsubscribe(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
onSubscribe(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
onSubscribe(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
onUnsubscribe(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
onUnsubscribe(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
optional(Node...) - Static method in class
Create an optional node.
optional(String, Value...) - Static method in class
OptionalNode - Class in
Created by mnunberg on 2/23/18.
OptionalNode() - Constructor for class
override() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.TDigestMergeParams


Paging(int, int) - Constructor for class
params(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
Params - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
Params() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.Params
params(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
params(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
parseFloatingPointNumber(String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.DoublePrecision
passivateObject(PooledObject<Connection>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionFactory
passivateObject(PooledObject<Jedis>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
password(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
Path - Class in redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities
This class represents a path in the graph.
Path(List<Node>, List<Edge>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Path
Parametrized constructor
Path - Class in redis.clients.jedis.json
Path is a ReJSON path, representing a valid path into an object
Path(String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.json.Path
Path2 - Class in redis.clients.jedis.json
Path is a ReJSON path, representing a valid path into an object
Path2(String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.json.Path2
PEL_COUNT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumerFullInfo
PEL_COUNT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupFullInfo
PENDING - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumerFullInfo
PENDING - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumersInfo
PENDING - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupFullInfo
PENDING - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupInfo
persist(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
persist(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
persist(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
persist(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Persist Command Undo a expire at turning the expire key into a normal key.
persist(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
persist(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
persist(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Undo a expire at turning the expire key into a normal key.
persist(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Undo a expire at turning the expire key into a normal key.
persist(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
persist(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
persist() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GetExParams
Remove the time to live associated with the key.
persist(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
persist(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
persist(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
persist(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
persist(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
persist(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pexpire(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pexpire(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pexpire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pexpire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pexpire(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
pexpire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
pexpire(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
PExpire Command This command works exactly like EXPIRE but the time to live of the key is specified in milliseconds instead of seconds.
pexpire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Similar to EXPIRE but with optional expiry setting.
pexpire(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
pexpire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
pexpire(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
pexpire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
pexpire(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set a timeout on the specified key.
pexpire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pexpire(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pexpire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pexpire(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pexpire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pexpire(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pexpire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pexpire(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pexpire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pexpire(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pexpire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pexpire(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pexpire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pexpire(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pexpire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pexpire(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pexpire(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pexpire(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pexpire(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pexpireAt(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pexpireAt(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pexpireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pexpireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pexpireAt(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
pexpireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
pexpireAt(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
PExpireAt Command This command works exactly like EXPIREAT but Unix time at which the key will expire is specified in milliseconds instead of seconds.
pexpireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
ExpireAt Command Similar to PEXPIREAT but with ExpiryOption.
pexpireAt(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
pexpireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
pexpireAt(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
pexpireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
pexpireAt(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pexpireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pexpireAt(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command works exactly like EXPIREAT but Unix time at which the key will expire is specified in milliseconds instead of seconds.
pexpireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
ExpireAt Command Similar to PEXPIREAT but with ExpiryOption.
pexpireAt(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pexpireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pexpireAt(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pexpireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pexpireAt(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pexpireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pexpireAt(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pexpireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pexpireAt(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pexpireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pexpireAt(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pexpireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pexpireAt(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pexpireAt(String, long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pexpireAt(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pexpireAt(byte[], long, ExpiryOption) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pexpireTime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pexpireTime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pexpireTime(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
pexpireTime(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
PExpireTime Command Similar to EXPIRETIME but returns the absolute Unix expiration timestamp in milliseconds instead of seconds.
pexpireTime(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
pexpireTime(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
pexpireTime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pexpireTime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Similar to EXPIRETIME but returns the absolute Unix expiration timestamp in milliseconds instead of seconds.
pexpireTime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pexpireTime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pexpireTime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pexpireTime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pexpireTime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pexpireTime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pexpireTime(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pexpireTime(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pfadd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pfadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pfadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogBinaryCommands
pfadd(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogCommands
pfadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogPipelineBinaryCommands
pfadd(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogPipelineCommands
pfadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pfadd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pfadd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pfadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pfadd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pfadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pfadd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pfadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pfadd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pfadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pfcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pfcount(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pfcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pfcount(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pfcount(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogBinaryCommands
pfcount(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogBinaryCommands
pfcount(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogCommands
pfcount(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogCommands
pfcount(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogPipelineBinaryCommands
pfcount(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogPipelineBinaryCommands
pfcount(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogPipelineCommands
pfcount(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogPipelineCommands
pfcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pfcount(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pfcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pfcount(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pfcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pfcount(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pfcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pfcount(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pfcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pfcount(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pfcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pfcount(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pfcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pfcount(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pfcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pfcount(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pfcount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pfcount(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pfcount(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pfcount(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pfmerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pfmerge(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pfmerge(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogBinaryCommands
pfmerge(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogCommands
pfmerge(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogPipelineBinaryCommands
pfmerge(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.HyperLogLogPipelineCommands
pfmerge(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pfmerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pfmerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pfmerge(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pfmerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pfmerge(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pfmerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pfmerge(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pfmerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pfmerge(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
phonetic(String) - Method in class
Perform phonetic matching.
ping() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
ping(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
ping() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ping() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
This command is often used to test if a connection is still alive, or to measure latency.
ping(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
ping() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
ping() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
ping(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Works same as but returns argument message instead of PONG.
ping(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Works same as but returns argument message instead of PONG.
ping() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
ping(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
ping() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
Pipeline - Class in redis.clients.jedis
Pipeline(Jedis) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
Pipeline(Connection) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
Pipeline(Connection, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
PipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
PipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
pipelined() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pipelined() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster
pipelined() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPooled
pipelined() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentineled
pipelined() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSharding
pipelined() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
PLUS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesProtocol
PLUS_BYTE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
Point - Class in redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities
This class represents a (geographical) point in the graph.
Point(double, double) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Point
Point(List<Double>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Point
Pool<T> - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
Pool(GenericObjectPoolConfig<T>, PooledObjectFactory<T>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.util.Pool
Pool(PooledObjectFactory<T>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<T>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.util.Pool
Pool(PooledObjectFactory<T>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.util.Pool
PooledConnectionProvider - Class in redis.clients.jedis.providers
PooledConnectionProvider(HostAndPort) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.PooledConnectionProvider
PooledConnectionProvider(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.PooledConnectionProvider
PooledConnectionProvider(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.PooledConnectionProvider
PooledConnectionProvider(PooledObjectFactory<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.PooledConnectionProvider
PooledConnectionProvider(PooledObjectFactory<Connection>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.PooledConnectionProvider
port - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.MasterListener
Position(long, long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.LCSMatchResult.Position
POSITIVE_INFINITY_BYTES - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
prefix(String...) - Method in class
Tells the index which keys it should index.
prepare() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.RedisCredentialsProvider
Prepare RedisCredentials before Supplier.get() is called.
prepareGraphCommands() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterPipeline
This method must be called after constructor, if graph commands are going to be used.
prepareGraphCommands(ConnectionProvider) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
Sub-classes must call this method, if graph commands are going to be used.
prepareGraphCommands() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedPipeline
This method must be called after constructor, if graph commands are going to be used.
prepareQuery(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphQueryUtil
Prepare and formats a query and query arguments
proceed(Connection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
proceed(Connection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisMonitor
proceed(Connection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
proceedWithPatterns(Connection, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
proceedWithPatterns(Connection, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
processAppendStatus() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ReliableTransaction
processAppendStatus() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Transaction
processAppendStatus() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
processKey(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandArguments
processKey(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandArguments
processKey(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
processKey(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
processKey(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandArguments
processKey(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandArguments
processKeys(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
processKeys(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
processMultiResponse() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ReliableTransaction
processMultiResponse() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Transaction
processMultiResponse() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
processPipelinedResponses() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ReliableTransaction
processPipelinedResponses() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Transaction
processPipelinedResponses() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
profileParams() - Static method in class
propertiesSet() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Statistics
Property<T> - Class in redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities
A Graph entity property.
Property(String, T) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Property
property - Variable in class
propertyMap - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
Protocol - Class in redis.clients.jedis
Protocol.ClusterKeyword - Enum in redis.clients.jedis
Protocol.Command - Enum in redis.clients.jedis
Protocol.Keyword - Enum in redis.clients.jedis
Protocol.ResponseKeyword - Enum in redis.clients.jedis
Protocol.SentinelKeyword - Enum in redis.clients.jedis
ProtocolCommand - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
provider - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.ClusterCommandExecutor
provider - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.DefaultCommandExecutor
provider - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.RetryableCommandExecutor
provider - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
psetex(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
psetex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
psetex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
psetex(String, long, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
PSetEx Command PSETEX works exactly like SETEX with the sole difference that the expire time is specified in milliseconds instead of seconds.
psetex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
psetex(String, long, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
psetex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
PSETEX works exactly like Jedis.setex(byte[], long, byte[]) with the sole difference that the expire time is specified in milliseconds instead of seconds.
psetex(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
PSETEX works exactly like Jedis.setex(String, long, String) with the sole difference that the expire time is specified in milliseconds instead of seconds.
psetex(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
psetex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
psetex(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
psetex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
psetex(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
psetex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
psetex(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
psetex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
psubscribe(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
psubscribe(BinaryJedisPubSub, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
psubscribe(JedisPubSub, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
psubscribe(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
psubscribe(JedisPubSub, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
psubscribe(BinaryJedisPubSub, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pttl(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pttl(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
pttl(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
pttl(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
PTTL Command The PTTL command returns the remaining time to live in milliseconds of a key that has an EXPIRE set.
pttl(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
pttl(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
pttl(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pttl(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pttl(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pttl(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
pttl(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pttl(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
pttl(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pttl(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
pttl(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
pttl(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
publish(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
publish(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
publish(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
publish(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
publish(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
publish(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
publish(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
publish(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
publish(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
publish(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
publish(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
publish(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
PUBSUB_NUMSUB_MAP - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
pubsubChannels() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pubsubChannels(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pubsubNumPat() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
pubsubNumSub(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
punsubscribe() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
punsubscribe(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
punsubscribe() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
punsubscribe(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
put(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
putAll(Map<? extends byte[], ? extends byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
px(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GetExParams
Set the specified expire time, in milliseconds.
px(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SetParams
Set the specified expire time, in milliseconds.
pxAt(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GetExParams
Set the specified Unix time at which the key will expire, in milliseconds.
pxAt(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SetParams
Set the specified Unix time at which the key will expire, in milliseconds.


quantile(String, double) - Static method in class
Queable - Class in redis.clients.jedis
Queable() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Queable
query(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
Query - Class in
Query represents query parameters and filters to load results from the engine
Query() - Constructor for class
Query(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new index
Query.Filter - Class in
Filter represents a filtering rules in a query
Query.GeoFilter - Class in
GeoFilter encapsulates a radius filter on a geographical indexed fields
Query.HighlightTags - Class in
Query.NumericFilter - Class in
NumericFilter wraps a range filter on a numeric field.
Query.Paging - Class in
QueryBuilders - Class in
Created by mnunberg on 2/23/18.
queryIntervalExecutionTime() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Statistics
QueryNode - Class in
QueryNode() - Constructor for class
queryParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
Query string must be set later.
queryParams(String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
quit() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
The QUIT command is deprecated, see #11420. If available, disconnect() method in the concerned class can be used instead.
quit() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
The QUIT command is deprecated, see #11420. Connection.disconnect() can be used instead.
quit() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
The QUIT command is deprecated, see #11420. Jedis.disconnect() can be used instead.


RADIX_TREE_KEYS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
RADIX_TREE_KEYS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
RADIX_TREE_NODES - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
RADIX_TREE_NODES - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
random_sample(String, int) - Static method in class
randomBinaryKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
randomBinaryKey() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
randomBinaryKey() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
randomBinaryKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return a randomly selected key from the currently selected DB.
randomBinaryKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
randomBinaryKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
randomBinaryKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
randomBinaryKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
randomKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
randomKey() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
RandomKey Command Return a randomly selected key from the currently selected DB.
randomKey() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
randomKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return a randomly selected key from the currently selected DB.
randomKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
randomKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
randomKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
randomKey() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
rangeParams(long, long) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
rangeParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
RangeValue - Class in
RangeValue() - Constructor for class
rank(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LPosParams
Raw(byte[]) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.args.RawableFactory.Raw
RAW_OBJECT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
RAW_OBJECT_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
Rawable - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.args
Byte array representation of arguments to write in socket input stream.
RawableFactory - Class in redis.clients.jedis.args
Factory class to get Rawable objects.
RawableFactory.Raw - Class in redis.clients.jedis.args
Default implementation of Rawable.
RawableFactory.RawString - Class in redis.clients.jedis.args
A Rawable wrapping a String.
RawString(String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.args.RawableFactory.RawString
read(RedisInputStream) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisInputStream
readByte() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisInputStream
readErrorLineIfPossible(RedisInputStream) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
readIntCrLf() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisInputStream
readLine() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisInputStream
readLineBytes() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisInputStream
readLongCrLf() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisInputStream
readonly() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
readonly() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
readonly(boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
readonly() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
readProtocolWithCheckingBroken() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
readwrite() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ClusterCommands
readwrite() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
REASON - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
Record - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.graph
Container for RedisGraph result values.
redis.clients.jedis - package redis.clients.jedis
redis.clients.jedis.args - package redis.clients.jedis.args
This package contains the classes that represent arguments of Redis core commands.
redis.clients.jedis.bloom - package redis.clients.jedis.bloom
This package contains the classes related to RedisBloom module.
redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands - package redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
This package contains the interfaces that contain methods representing RedisBloom commands.
redis.clients.jedis.commands - package redis.clients.jedis.commands
This package contains the interfaces that contain methods representing Redis core commands.
redis.clients.jedis.exceptions - package redis.clients.jedis.exceptions
This package contains the Exception classes.
redis.clients.jedis.executors - package redis.clients.jedis.executors
This package contains the implementations of CommandExecutor interface.
redis.clients.jedis.graph - package redis.clients.jedis.graph
This package contains the classes and interfaces related to RedisGraph module.
redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities - package redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities
This package contains the classes representing the entities of RedisGraph module.
redis.clients.jedis.json - package redis.clients.jedis.json
This package contains the classes and interfaces related to RedisJSON module.
redis.clients.jedis.params - package redis.clients.jedis.params
This package contains the classes that represent optional parameters of core Redis commands.
redis.clients.jedis.providers - package redis.clients.jedis.providers
This package contains the implementations of ConnectionProvider interface.
redis.clients.jedis.resps - package redis.clients.jedis.resps
This package contains custom responses of core Redis commands. - package
This package contains the classes and interfaces related to RediSearch module. - package
This package contains the classes related to Aggregation commands in RediSearch module. - package - package
redis.clients.jedis.timeseries - package redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
This package contains the classes and interfaces related to RedisTimeSeries module.
redis.clients.jedis.util - package redis.clients.jedis.util
This package contains the utility classes.
RedisBloomCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
RedisBloomPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
RedisBloomProtocol - Class in redis.clients.jedis.bloom
RedisBloomProtocol() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol
RedisBloomProtocol.BloomFilterCommand - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.bloom
RedisBloomProtocol.CountMinSketchCommand - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.bloom
RedisBloomProtocol.CuckooFilterCommand - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.bloom
RedisBloomProtocol.RedisBloomKeyword - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.bloom
RedisBloomProtocol.TDigestCommand - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.bloom
RedisBloomProtocol.TopKCommand - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.bloom
RedisCredentials - Interface in redis.clients.jedis
RedisCredentialsProvider - Interface in redis.clients.jedis
RediSearchCommands - Interface in
RediSearchPipelineCommands - Interface in
RediSearchUtil - Class in
RedisGraphCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.graph
RedisGraphPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.graph
RedisGraphQueryUtil - Class in redis.clients.jedis.graph
RedisInputStream - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
This class assumes (to some degree) that we are reading a RESP stream.
RedisInputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisInputStream
RedisInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisInputStream
RedisJsonCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.json
RedisJsonPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.json
RedisModuleCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
RedisModulePipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
RedisOutputStream - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
The class implements a buffered output stream without synchronization There are also special operations like in-place string encoding.
RedisOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisOutputStream
RedisOutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisOutputStream
RedisTimeSeriesCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
reduce(Reducer) - Method in class
Reducer - Class in
Created by mnunberg on 2/22/18.
Reducer(String) - Constructor for class
Reducer() - Constructor for class
Reducers - Class in
Created by mnunberg on 2/22/18.
Reducers() - Constructor for class
relationshipsCreated() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Statistics
relationshipsDeleted() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Statistics
ReliableTransaction - Class in redis.clients.jedis
ReliableTransaction is a transaction where commands are immediately sent to Redis server and the 'QUEUED' reply checked.
ReliableTransaction(Connection) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ReliableTransaction
Creates a new transaction.
ReliableTransaction(Connection, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ReliableTransaction
Creates a new transaction.
ReliableTransaction(Connection, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ReliableTransaction
Creates a new transaction.
remove(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
remove(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
removeLabel(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Node
removeProperty(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
rename(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
rename(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
rename(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
rename(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Rename Command Atomically renames the key oldkey to newkey.
rename(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
rename(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
rename(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Atomically renames the key oldkey to newkey.
rename(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Atomically renames the key oldkey to newkey.
rename(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
rename(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
rename(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
rename(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
rename(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
rename(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
rename(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
rename(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
renamenx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
renamenx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
renamenx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
renamenx(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
RenameNX Command Rename oldkey into newkey but fails if the destination key newkey already exists.
renamenx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
renamenx(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
renamenx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Rename oldkey into newkey but fails if the destination key newkey already exists.
renamenx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Rename oldkey into newkey but fails if the destination key newkey already exists.
renamenx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
renamenx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
renamenx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
renamenx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
renamenx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
renamenx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
renamenx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
renamenx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
renewClusterSlots(Connection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
renewSlotCache() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
renewSlotCache(Connection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ClusterConnectionProvider
replace() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.MigrateParams
replace() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.RestoreParams
replicaof(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
The REPLICAOF command can change the replication settings of a replica on the fly.
replicaof(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
replicaofNoOne() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
REPLICAOF NO ONE will stop replication, turning the server into a MASTER, but will not discard the replication.
replicaofNoOne() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
reserveParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.BFReserveParams
reserveParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.CFReserveParams
reset() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
Clear discovered nodes collections and gently release allocated resources
resetState() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Response<T> - Class in redis.clients.jedis
Response(Builder<T>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Response
response - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.Response
restore(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
restore(String, long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
restore(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
restore(byte[], long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
restore(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
restore(byte[], long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
restore(String, long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Restore Command Create a key associated with a value that is obtained by deserializing the provided serialized value (obtained via DUMP).
restore(String, long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Restore Command Create a key associated with a value that is obtained by deserializing the provided serialized value (obtained via DUMP).
restore(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
restore(byte[], long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
restore(String, long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
restore(String, long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
restore(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
restore(byte[], long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
restore(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
restore(String, long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
restore(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
restore(String, long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
restore(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
restore(byte[], long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
restore(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
restore(String, long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
restore(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
restore(byte[], long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
restore(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
restore(String, long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
restore(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
restore(byte[], long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
restore(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
restore(String, long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
restore(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
restore(byte[], long, byte[], RestoreParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
RestoreParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
RestoreParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.RestoreParams
restoreParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.RestoreParams
ResultSet - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.graph
Hold a query result
ResultSet.ColumnType - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.graph
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
retention(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSAlterParams
retention(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSCreateParams
retentionTime(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSAlterParams
RetryableCommandExecutor - Class in redis.clients.jedis.executors
RetryableCommandExecutor(ConnectionProvider, int, Duration) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.executors.RetryableCommandExecutor
retryCount(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XClaimParams
Set the retry counter to the specified value.
returnBrokenResource(T) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.Pool
returnField(FieldName) - Method in class
returnFields(String...) - Method in class
Result's projection - the fields to return by the query
returnFields(FieldName...) - Method in class
returnFields(Collection<FieldName>) - Method in class
returnFields(String...) - Method in class
Result's projection - the fields to return by the query
returnFields(FieldName...) - Method in class
Result's projection - the fields to return by the query
returnResource(Jedis) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool
returnResource(Jedis) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool
returnResource(T) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.Pool
rev() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZRangeParams
role() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlCommands
Provide information on the role of a Redis instance in the context of replication, by returning if the instance is currently a master, slave, or sentinel.
role() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
roleBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ControlBinaryCommands
Provide information on the role of a Redis instance in the context of replication, by returning if the instance is currently a master, slave, or sentinel.
roleBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
rollbackTimeout() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
ROOT_PATH - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.json.Path
ROOT_PATH - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.json.Path2
Row - Class in
Row(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
rpop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
rpop(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
rpop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
rpop(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
rpop(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
rpop(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
rpop(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Atomically return and remove the first (LPOP) or last (RPOP) element of the list.
rpop(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Atomically return and remove the first (LPOP) or last (RPOP) element of the list.
rpop(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
rpop(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
rpop(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
rpop(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
rpop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Atomically return and remove the first (LPOP) or last (RPOP) element of the list.
rpop(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
rpop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Atomically return and remove the first (LPOP) or last (RPOP) element of the list.
rpop(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
rpop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
rpop(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
rpop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
rpop(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
rpop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
rpop(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
rpop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
rpop(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
rpop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
rpop(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
rpop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
rpop(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
rpop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
rpop(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
rpop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
rpop(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
rpoplpush(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
rpoplpush(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
rpoplpush(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
rpoplpush(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Atomically return and remove the last (tail) element of the srckey list, and push the element as the first (head) element of the dstkey list.
rpoplpush(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
rpoplpush(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
rpoplpush(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Atomically return and remove the last (tail) element of the srckey list, and push the element as the first (head) element of the dstkey list.
rpoplpush(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Atomically return and remove the last (tail) element of the srckey list, and push the element as the first (head) element of the dstkey list.
rpoplpush(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
rpoplpush(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
rpoplpush(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
rpoplpush(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
rpoplpush(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
rpoplpush(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
rpoplpush(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
rpoplpush(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
rpush(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
rpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
rpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
rpush(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Add the string value to the head (LPUSH) or tail (RPUSH) of the list stored at key.
rpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
rpush(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
rpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Add the string value to the head (LPUSH) or tail (RPUSH) of the list stored at key.
rpush(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Add the string value to the head (LPUSH) or tail (RPUSH) of the list stored at key.
rpush(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
rpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
rpush(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
rpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
rpush(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
rpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
rpush(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
rpush(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
rpushx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
rpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
rpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListBinaryCommands
rpushx(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListCommands
Inserts specified values at the tail of the list stored at key.
rpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineBinaryCommands
rpushx(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ListPipelineCommands
rpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
rpushx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
rpushx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
rpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
rpushx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
rpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
rpushx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
rpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
rpushx(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
rpushx(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
run() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.MasterListener
run() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider.SentinelListener
running - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.MasterListener
running - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider.SentinelListener


sadd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
sadd(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Add the specified member to the set value stored at key.
sadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
sadd(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
sadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Add the specified member to the set value stored at key.
sadd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Add the specified member to the set value stored at key.
sadd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sadd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sadd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sadd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sadd(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
SafeEncoder - Class in redis.clients.jedis.util
The only reason to have this is to be able to compatible with java 1.5 :(
safeValueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.AggregationType
SampleBinaryKeyedCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
SampleBinaryKeyedPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
SampleKeyedCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
SampleKeyedPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
save() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
The SAVE commands performs a synchronous save of the dataset producing a point in time snapshot of all the data inside the Redis instance, in the form of an RDB file.
save() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Synchronously save the DB on disk.
save() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ShutdownParams
SaveMode - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
saveMode(SaveMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ShutdownParams
scan(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
scan(String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
scan(String, ScanParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
scan(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
scan(byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
scan(byte[], ScanParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
scan(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scan(String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scan(String, ScanParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scan(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scan(byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scan(byte[], ScanParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scan(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
scan(byte[], ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
scan(byte[], ScanParams, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
scan(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
scan(String, ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
scan(String, ScanParams, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
scan(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
scan(byte[], ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
scan(byte[], ScanParams, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
scan(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
scan(String, ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
scan(String, ScanParams, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
scan(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scan(byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scan(byte[], ScanParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scan(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scan(String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scan(String, ScanParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scan(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scan(String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scan(String, ScanParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scan(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scan(byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scan(byte[], ScanParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scan(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scan(String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scan(String, ScanParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scan(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scan(byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scan(byte[], ScanParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scan(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
scan(String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
scan(String, ScanParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
scan(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
scan(byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
scan(byte[], ScanParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
scan(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scan(String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scan(String, ScanParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scan(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scan(byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scan(byte[], ScanParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scan(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scan(String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scan(String, ScanParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scan(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scan(byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scan(byte[], ScanParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
SCAN_BINARY_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
SCAN_POINTER_START - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ScanParams
SCAN_POINTER_START_BINARY - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ScanParams
SCAN_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
ScanIteration - Class in redis.clients.jedis
ScanIteration(ConnectionProvider, int, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ScanIteration
ScanIteration(ConnectionProvider, int, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ScanIteration
scanIteration(int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scanIteration(int, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ScanParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
ScanParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.ScanParams
ScanResult<T> - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
ScanResult(String, List<T>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.ScanResult
ScanResult(byte[], List<T>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.ScanResult
scard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scard(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scard(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
scard(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Return the set cardinality (number of elements).
scard(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
scard(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
scard(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the set cardinality (number of elements).
scard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the set cardinality (number of elements).
scard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scard(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scard(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scard(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scard(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
Schema - Class in
Schema abstracts the schema definition when creating an index.
Schema() - Constructor for class
Schema.Field - Class in
Schema.FieldType - Enum in
Schema.TagField - Class in
Schema.TextField - Class in
FullText field spec.
Schema.VectorField - Class in
Schema.VectorField.VectorAlgo - Enum in
SchemaField - Class in
SchemaField(String) - Constructor for class
SchemaField(FieldName) - Constructor for class
score(double) - Method in class
Default score for documents in the index.
scoreField(String) - Method in class
Document attribute that you use as the document rank based on the user ranking.
scorer(String) - Method in class
Set the query custom scorer
scriptExists(List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptExists(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptExists(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptExists(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedCommands
scriptExists(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedCommands
scriptExists(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedPipelineCommands
scriptExists(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedCommands
scriptExists(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedCommands
scriptExists(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedPipelineCommands
scriptExists(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingControlCommands
scriptExists(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingControlCommands
scriptExists(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingControlCommands
scriptExists(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingControlCommands
scriptExists(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scriptExists(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scriptExists(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scriptExists(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scriptExists(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scriptExists(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scriptExists(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scriptExists(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scriptExists(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scriptExists(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scriptExists(List<String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptExists(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptExists(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptExists(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptExists(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptFlush() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptFlush(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptFlush(String, FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptFlush(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptFlush(byte[], FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptFlush(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedCommands
scriptFlush(byte[], FlushMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedCommands
scriptFlush(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedPipelineCommands
scriptFlush(byte[], FlushMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedPipelineCommands
scriptFlush(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedCommands
scriptFlush(String, FlushMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedCommands
scriptFlush(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedPipelineCommands
scriptFlush(String, FlushMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedPipelineCommands
scriptFlush() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingControlCommands
scriptFlush(FlushMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingControlCommands
scriptFlush() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scriptFlush(FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scriptFlush(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scriptFlush(String, FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scriptFlush(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scriptFlush(byte[], FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scriptFlush(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scriptFlush(String, FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scriptFlush(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scriptFlush(byte[], FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scriptFlush(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scriptFlush(String, FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scriptFlush(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scriptFlush(byte[], FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scriptFlush() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptFlush(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptFlush(String, FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptFlush(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptFlush(byte[], FlushMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ScriptingControlCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
ScriptingKeyBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
ScriptingKeyCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
ScriptingKeyPipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
ScriptingKeyPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
scriptKill() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptKill(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptKill(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptKill(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedCommands
scriptKill(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedPipelineCommands
scriptKill(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedCommands
scriptKill(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedPipelineCommands
scriptKill() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingControlCommands
scriptKill() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scriptKill(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scriptKill(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scriptKill(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scriptKill(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scriptKill(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scriptKill(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scriptKill() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptKill(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptKill(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptLoad(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptLoad(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptLoad(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
scriptLoad(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedCommands
scriptLoad(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedPipelineCommands
scriptLoad(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedCommands
scriptLoad(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedPipelineCommands
scriptLoad(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingControlCommands
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ScriptingControlCommands
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scriptLoad(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
scriptLoad(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scriptLoad(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
scriptLoad(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scriptLoad(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
scriptLoad(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scriptLoad(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
scriptLoad(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptLoad(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
scriptLoad(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sdiff(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sdiff(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sdiff(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
sdiff(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Return the difference between the Sets stored at keys
sdiff(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
sdiff(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
sdiff(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the difference between the Set stored at key1 and all the Sets key2, ..., keyN
sdiff(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the difference between the Set stored at key1 and all the Sets key2, ..., keyN
sdiff(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sdiff(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sdiff(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sdiff(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sdiff(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sdiff(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sdiff(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sdiff(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sdiffstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sdiffstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sdiffstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
sdiffstore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
This command works exactly like SDIFF but instead of being returned the resulting set is stored in dstkey.
sdiffstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
sdiffstore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
sdiffstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command works exactly like SDIFF but instead of being returned the resulting set is stored in dstkey.
sdiffstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command works exactly like SDIFF but instead of being returned the resulting set is stored in dstkey.
sdiffstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sdiffstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sdiffstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sdiffstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sdiffstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sdiffstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sdiffstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sdiffstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
SEARCH_AGGREGATION_RESULT - Static variable in class
SEARCH_PROFILE_PROFILE - Static variable in class
SEARCH_SPELLCHECK_RESPONSE - Static variable in class
SEARCH_SYNONYM_GROUPS - Static variable in class
SearchBuilderFactory - Class in
searchParams() - Static method in class
SearchProtocol - Class in
SearchProtocol() - Constructor for class
SearchProtocol.SearchCommand - Enum in
SearchProtocol.SearchKeyword - Enum in
SearchResult - Class in
SearchResult encapsulates the returned result from a search query.
SearchResult.SearchResultBuilder - Class in
SearchResultBuilder(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
SEEN_TIME - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumerFullInfo
select(int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
Select the DB with having the specified zero-based numeric index.
select(int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabasePipelineCommands
Select the DB with having the specified zero-based numeric index.
select(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
select(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Select the DB with having the specified zero-based numeric index.
select(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
selectedLabels(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMGetParams
selectedLabels(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
sendBlockingCommand(ProtocolCommand, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sendBlockingCommand(ProtocolCommand, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sendBlockingCommand(ProtocolCommand, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sendBlockingCommand(ProtocolCommand, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sendBlockingCommand(byte[], ProtocolCommand, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sendBlockingCommand(String, ProtocolCommand, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand, Rawable) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
sendCommand(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sendCommand(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sendCommand(RedisOutputStream, CommandArguments) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sendCommand(CommandArguments) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sendCommand(ProtocolCommand, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sendCommand(byte[], ProtocolCommand, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sendCommand(String, ProtocolCommand, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
SentinelCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
SentineledConnectionProvider - Class in redis.clients.jedis.providers
SentineledConnectionProvider(String, JedisClientConfig, Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider
SentineledConnectionProvider(String, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider
SentineledConnectionProvider(String, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider
SentineledConnectionProvider.SentinelListener - Class in redis.clients.jedis.providers
sentinelFailover(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SentinelCommands
sentinelFailover(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sentinelGetMasterAddrByName(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SentinelCommands
sentinelGetMasterAddrByName(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
redis> sentinel get-master-addr-by-name mymaster 1) "" 2) "6379"
sentinelJedis - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider.SentinelListener
SentinelListener(HostAndPort) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider.SentinelListener
sentinelListeners - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider
sentinelMaster(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SentinelCommands
sentinelMaster(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sentinelMasters() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SentinelCommands
sentinelMasters() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
redis> sentinel masters 1) 1) "name" 2) "mymaster" 3) "ip" 4) "" 5) "port" 6) "6379" 7) "runid" 8) "93d4d4e6e9c06d0eea36e27f31924ac26576081d" 9) "flags" 10) "master" 11) "pending-commands" 12) "0" 13) "last-ok-ping-reply" 14) "423" 15) "last-ping-reply" 16) "423" 17) "info-refresh" 18) "6107" 19) "num-slaves" 20) "1" 21) "num-other-sentinels" 22) "2" 23) "quorum" 24) "2"
sentinelMonitor(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SentinelCommands
sentinelMonitor(String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sentinelMyId() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SentinelCommands
sentinelMyId() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sentinelRemove(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SentinelCommands
sentinelRemove(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sentinelReplicas(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SentinelCommands
sentinelReplicas(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sentinelReset(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SentinelCommands
sentinelReset(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
redis> sentinel reset mymaster (integer) 1
sentinelSentinels(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SentinelCommands
sentinelSentinels(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sentinelSet(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SentinelCommands
sentinelSet(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sentinelSlaves(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SentinelCommands
sentinelSlaves(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
separator(String) - Method in class
separator(char) - Method in class
Indicates how the text contained in the attribute is to be split into individual tags.
serializeRedisArgs(List<byte[]>) - Method in class
ServerCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
set(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
set(String, String, SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
set(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
set(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
set(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
set(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
set(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
Set Command Set the string value as value of the key.
set(String, String, SetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
Set Command Set the string value as value of the key.
set(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
set(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
set(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
set(String, String, SetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
set(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the string value as value of the key.
set(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the string value as value of the key.
set(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the string value as value of the key.
set(String, String, SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Set the string value as value of the key.
set(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
set(String, String, SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
set(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
set(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
set(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
set(String, String, SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
set(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
set(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
set(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Response
set(String, Object) - Method in class
set(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
set(String, String, SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
set(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
set(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
set(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
set(String, String, SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
set(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
set(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
setAlias(String) - Method in class
setAliasAsField() - Method in class
setAsync(boolean) - Method in class
setBaseCommandArgumentsCreator(Function<ProtocolCommand, CommandArguments>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphCommandObjects
SetBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
setbit(String, long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
setbit(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
setbit(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitBinaryCommands
setbit(String, long, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitCommands
SetBit Command Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.
setbit(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineBinaryCommands
setbit(String, long, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.BitPipelineCommands
setbit(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key
setbit(String, long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key
setbit(String, long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
setbit(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
setbit(String, long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
setbit(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
setbit(String, long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
setbit(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
setbit(String, long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
setbit(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
setBroadcastAndRoundRobinConfig(JedisBroadcastAndRoundRobinConfig) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
setBroken() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
SetCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
setCommands(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ManagedConnectionProvider
setCoordinate(GeoCoordinate) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.GeoRadiusResponse
setCredentials(RedisCredentials) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultRedisCredentialsProvider
setDataSource(Pool<Jedis>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
setDefinition(IndexDefinition) - Method in class
setDependency(Response<?>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Response
setDestination(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Edge
setDistance(double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.GeoRadiusResponse
setex(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
setex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
setex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
setex(String, long, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
SetEx Command The command is exactly equivalent to the following group of commands: SET + EXPIRE.
setex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
setex(String, long, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
setex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
The command is exactly equivalent to the following group of commands: SET + EXPIRE.
setex(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
The command is exactly equivalent to the following group of commands: SET + EXPIRE.
setex(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
setex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
setex(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
setex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
setex(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
setex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
setex(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
setex(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
setExpander(String) - Method in class
Set the query to use a custom query expander instead of the stemmer
setFilter(String) - Method in class
setGet(String, String, SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
setGet(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
setGet(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
WARNING: SetParams.get() MUST NOT be used with this method.
setGet(String, String, SetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
WARNING: SetParams.get() MUST NOT be used with this method.
setGet(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
WARNING: SetParams.get() MUST NOT be used with this method.
setGet(String, String, SetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
WARNING: SetParams.get() MUST NOT be used with this method.
setGet(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
setGet(String, String, SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
setGet(String, String, SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
setGet(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
setGet(String, String, SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
setGet(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
setGet(String, String, SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
setGet(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
setGet(String, String, SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
setGet(byte[], byte[], SetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
setHandlingPool(ConnectionPool) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
setId(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
setInOrder() - Method in class
Set the query terms appear in the same order in the document as in the query, regardless of the offsets between them
setJsonObjectMapper(JsonObjectMapper) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
setJsonObjectMapper(JsonObjectMapper) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
setJsonObjectMapper(JsonObjectMapper) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
setJsonObjectMapper(JsonObjectMapper) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
setJsonObjectMapper(JsonObjectMapper) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
setLanguage(String) - Method in class
setLanguage(String) - Method in class
Set the query language, for stemming purposes
setLanguageField(String) - Method in class
setNoContent() - Method in class
Set the query not to return the contents of documents, and rather just return the ids
setNoStopwords() - Method in class
Set the index to contain no stopwords, overriding the default list
setNoStopwords() - Method in class
Set the query not to filter for stopwords.
setnx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
setnx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
setnx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
setnx(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
SetNE Command SETNX works exactly like SET with the only difference that if the key already exists no operation is performed.
setnx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
setnx(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
setnx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
SETNX works exactly like SET with the only difference that if the key already exists no operation is performed.
setnx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
SETNX works exactly like SET with the only difference that if the key already exists no operation is performed.
setnx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
setnx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
setnx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
setnx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
setnx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
setnx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
setnx(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
setnx(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
SetParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
SetParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.SetParams
setParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SetParams
setPassword(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionFactory
setPassword(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
setPayload(byte[]) - Method in class
Since RediSearch 2.0.0, PAYLOAD option is deprecated.
setPayloadField(String) - Method in class
Since RediSearch 2.0.0, PAYLOAD_FIELD option is deprecated.
SetPipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
SetPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
setPrefixes(String...) - Method in class
setrange(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
setrange(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
setrange(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
setrange(String, long, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
SetRange Command GETRANGE overwrite part of the string stored at key, starting at the specified offset, for the entire length of value.
setrange(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
setrange(String, long, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
setrange(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
setrange(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
setrange(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
setrange(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
setrange(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
setrange(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
setrange(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
setrange(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
setrange(String, long, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
setrange(byte[], long, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
setRawScore(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.GeoRadiusResponse
setRelationshipType(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Edge
setScore(float) - Method in class
Set the document's score
setScore(double) - Method in class
setScoreFiled(String) - Method in class
setScorer(String) - Method in class
Set the query custom scorer
setSortBy(String, boolean) - Method in class
Set the query to be sorted by a Sortable field defined in the schema
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
setSource(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Edge
setStopwords(String...) - Method in class
Set a custom stopword list
setTemporary(long) - Method in class
setTimeoutInfinite() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
setupNodeIfNotExist(HostAndPort) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterInfoCache
setVerbatim() - Method in class
Set the query to verbatim mode, disabling stemming and query expansion
setWithPayload() - Method in class
Since RediSearch 2.0.0, WITHPAYLOADS option is deprecated.
setWithScores() - Method in class
Set the query to return a factored score for each results.
ShardedCommandArguments - Class in redis.clients.jedis
ShardedCommandArguments(Hashing, ProtocolCommand) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandArguments
ShardedCommandArguments(Hashing, Pattern, ProtocolCommand) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandArguments
ShardedCommandObjects - Class in redis.clients.jedis
ShardedCommandObjects(Hashing) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
ShardedCommandObjects(Hashing, Pattern) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
ShardedConnectionProvider - Class in redis.clients.jedis.providers
ShardedConnectionProvider(List<HostAndPort>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ShardedConnectionProvider
ShardedConnectionProvider(List<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ShardedConnectionProvider
ShardedConnectionProvider(List<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ShardedConnectionProvider
ShardedConnectionProvider(List<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, Hashing) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ShardedConnectionProvider
ShardedConnectionProvider(List<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, Hashing) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.providers.ShardedConnectionProvider
ShardedPipeline - Class in redis.clients.jedis
ShardedPipeline(List<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedPipeline
ShardedPipeline(ShardedConnectionProvider) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedPipeline
ShardedPipeline(List<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, Hashing, Pattern) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedPipeline
ShardedPipeline(ShardedConnectionProvider, Pattern) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedPipeline
shouldParenthesize(Node.Parenthesize) - Method in class
shutdown() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
Stop all the client.
shutdown(SaveMode) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
shutdown(ShutdownParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
shutdown() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Synchronously save the DB on disk, then shutdown the server.
shutdown(SaveMode) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
shutdown(ShutdownParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
shutdown() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.MasterListener
shutdown() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.providers.SentineledConnectionProvider.SentinelListener
shutdownAbort() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
shutdownAbort() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
ShutdownParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
ShutdownParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.ShutdownParams
shutdownParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ShutdownParams
SimpleCommandExecutor - Class in redis.clients.jedis.executors
SimpleCommandExecutor(Connection) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.executors.SimpleCommandExecutor
sinter(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sinter(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sinter(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
sinter(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Return the members of a set resulting from the intersection of all the sets hold at the specified keys.
sinter(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
sinter(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
sinter(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the members of a set resulting from the intersection of all the sets hold at the specified keys.
sinter(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the members of a set resulting from the intersection of all the sets hold at the specified keys.
sinter(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sinter(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sinter(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sinter(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sinter(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sinter(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sinter(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sinter(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sintercard(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sintercard(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sintercard(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sintercard(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sintercard(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
This command works exactly like SINTER but instead of returning the result set, it returns just the cardinality of the result.
sintercard(int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
This command works exactly like SINTER but instead of returning the result set, it returns just the cardinality of the result.
sintercard(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
This command works exactly like SINTER but instead of returning the result set, it returns just the cardinality of the result.
sintercard(int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
This command works exactly like SINTER but instead of returning the result set, it returns just the cardinality of the result.
sintercard(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
sintercard(int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
sintercard(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
sintercard(int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
sintercard(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command works exactly like SINTER but instead of returning the result set, it returns just the cardinality of the result.
sintercard(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command works exactly like SINTER but instead of returning the result set, it returns just the cardinality of the result.
sintercard(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command works exactly like SINTER but instead of returning the result set, it returns just the cardinality of the result.
sintercard(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command works exactly like SINTER but instead of returning the result set, it returns just the cardinality of the result.
sintercard(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sintercard(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sintercard(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sintercard(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sintercard(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sintercard(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sintercard(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sintercard(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sintercard(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sintercard(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sintercard(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sintercard(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sintercard(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sintercard(int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sintercard(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sintercard(int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sinterstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
sinterstore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
This command works exactly like SINTER but instead of being returned the resulting set is stored as dstkey.
sinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
sinterstore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
sinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command works exactly like SINTER but instead of being returned the resulting set is stored as dstkey.
sinterstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command works exactly like SINTER but instead of being returned the resulting set is stored as dstkey.
sinterstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sinterstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sinterstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sinterstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sismember(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sismember(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sismember(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
sismember(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Return true if member is a member of the set stored at key, otherwise false is returned.
sismember(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
sismember(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
sismember(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return true if member is a member of the set stored at key, otherwise false is returned.
sismember(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return true if member is a member of the set stored at key, otherwise false is returned.
sismember(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sismember(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sismember(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sismember(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sismember(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sismember(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sismember(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sismember(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
size() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
size() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandArguments
size() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Record
The number of fields in this record
size() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.ResultSet
size() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
skipInitialScan() - Method in class
Does not scan and index.
skipMe(ClientKillParams.SkipMe) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams
slaveof(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
slaveof(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
slaveofNoOne() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
slaveofNoOne() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sleep(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.ClusterCommandExecutor
WARNING: This method is accessible for the purpose of testing.
sleep(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.executors.RetryableCommandExecutor
WARNING: This method is accessible for the purpose of testing.
slop(int) - Method in class
slop(int) - Method in class
Set the slop to execute the query accordingly
Slowlog - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
SlowlogCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
slowlogGet() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SlowlogCommands
slowlogGet(long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SlowlogCommands
slowlogGet() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
slowlogGet(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
slowlogGetBinary() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SlowlogCommands
slowlogGetBinary(long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SlowlogCommands
slowlogGetBinary() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
slowlogGetBinary(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
slowlogLen() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SlowlogCommands
slowlogLen() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
slowlogReset() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
slowlogReset() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SlowlogCommands
slowlogReset() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
slowlogReset() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
smembers(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
smembers(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
smembers(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
smembers(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Return all the members (elements) of the set value stored at key.
smembers(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
smembers(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
smembers(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return all the members (elements) of the set value stored at key.
smembers(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return all the members (elements) of the set value stored at key.
smembers(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
smembers(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
smembers(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
smembers(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
smembers(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
smembers(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
smembers(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
smembers(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
smismember(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
smismember(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
smismember(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
smismember(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Returns whether each member is a member of the set stored at key.
smismember(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
smismember(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
smismember(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns whether each member is a member of the set stored at key.
smismember(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns whether each member is a member of the set stored at key.
smismember(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
smismember(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
smismember(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
smismember(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
smismember(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
smismember(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
smismember(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
smismember(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
smove(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
smove(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
smove(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
smove(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Move the specified member from the set at srckey to the set at dstkey.
smove(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
smove(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
smove(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Move the specified member from the set at srckey to the set at dstkey.
smove(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Move the specified member from the set at srckey to the set at dstkey.
smove(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
smove(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
smove(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
smove(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
smove(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
smove(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
smove(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
smove(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
socketTimeoutMillis(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
sort(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sort(String, SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sort(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sort(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sort(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sort(String, SortingParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sort(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sort(byte[], SortingParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sort(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
sort(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
sort(byte[], SortingParams, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
sort(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
sort(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Sort Command Sort a Set or a List.
sort(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Similar to SORT but store the result in dstkey.
sort(String, SortingParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Sort a Set or a List accordingly to the specified parameters.
sort(String, SortingParams, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Similar to SORT but store the result in dstkey.
sort(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
sort(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
sort(byte[], SortingParams, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
sort(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
sort(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
sort(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
sort(String, SortingParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
sort(String, SortingParams, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
sort(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Sort a Set or a List.
sort(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Sort a Set or a List accordingly to the specified parameters.
sort(byte[], SortingParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Sort a Set or a List accordingly to the specified parameters and store the result at dstkey.
sort(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Sort a Set or a List and Store the Result at dstkey.
sort(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Sort a Set or a List.
sort(String, SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Sort a Set or a List accordingly to the specified parameters.
sort(String, SortingParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Sort a Set or a List accordingly to the specified parameters and store the result at dstkey.
sort(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Sort a Set or a List and Store the Result at dstkey.
sort(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sort(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sort(String, SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sort(String, SortingParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sort(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sort(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sort(byte[], SortingParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sort(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sort(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sort(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sort(String, SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sort(String, SortingParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sort(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sort(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sort(byte[], SortingParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sort(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sort(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sort(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sort(String, SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sort(String, SortingParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sort(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sort(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sort(byte[], SortingParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sort(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sort(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sort(String, SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sort(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sort(String, SortingParams, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sort(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sort(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sort(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sort(byte[], SortingParams, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sortable - Variable in class
sortable() - Method in class
Sorts the results by the value of this field.
sortable() - Method in class
Sorts the results by the value of this field.
sortable() - Method in class
Sorts the results by the value of this field.
sortableUNF() - Method in class
Sorts the results by the value of this field without normalization.
sortableUNF() - Method in class
Sorts the results by the value of this field without normalization.
sortableUnNormalizedForm() - Method in class
sortableUnNormalizedForm() - Method in class
sortAscending() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusParam
sortBy(SortedField...) - Method in class
sortBy(int, SortedField...) - Method in class
sortBy(String, SortingOrder) - Method in class
Set the query to be sorted by a Sortable field defined in the schema
sortByAsc(String) - Method in class
sortByDesc(String) - Method in class
sortDescending() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusParam
SortedField - Class in
Created by mnunberg on 2/22/18.
SortedField(String, SortedField.SortOrder) - Constructor for class
SortedField.SortOrder - Enum in
SortedSetBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
SortedSetCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
SortedSetOption - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
SortedSetPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
SortingOrder - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
sortingOrder(SortingOrder) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusParam
sortingOrder(SortingOrder) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
sortingOrder(SortingOrder) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
Get by the Sorting Order.
SortingParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
Builder Class for SORT command parameters.
SortingParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.SortingParams
sortReadonly(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sortReadonly(String, SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sortReadonly(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
sortReadonly(String, SortingParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Read-only variant of the SORT command.
sortReadonly(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
sortReadonly(String, SortingParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
sortReadonly(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sortReadonly(String, SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sortReadonly(String, SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sortReadonly(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sortReadonly(String, SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sortReadonly(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sortReadonly(String, SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sortReadonly(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sortReadonly(String, SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sortReadonly(byte[], SortingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
spellCheckParams() - Static method in class
spop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
spop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
spop(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
spop(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
spop(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
spop(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
spop(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Remove a random element from a Set returning it as return value.
spop(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
By default, the command SetCommands.spop(String) pops a single member from the set.
spop(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
spop(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
spop(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
spop(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
spop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove a random element from a Set returning it as return value.
spop(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
spop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove a random element from a Set returning it as return value.
spop(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
spop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
spop(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
spop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
spop(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
spop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
spop(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
spop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
spop(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
spop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
spop(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
spop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
spop(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
spop(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
spop(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
spop(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
spop(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
srandmember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
srandmember(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
srandmember(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
srandmember(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
srandmember(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
srandmember(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
srandmember(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Return a random element from a Set, without removing the element.
srandmember(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Return a random elements from a Set, without removing the elements.
srandmember(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
srandmember(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
srandmember(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
srandmember(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
srandmember(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return a random element from a Set, without removing the element.
srandmember(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
srandmember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return a random element from a Set, without removing the element.
srandmember(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return a random elements from a Set, without removing the elements.
srandmember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
srandmember(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
srandmember(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
srandmember(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
srandmember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
srandmember(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
srandmember(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
srandmember(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
srandmember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
srandmember(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
srandmember(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
srandmember(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
srandmember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
srandmember(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
srandmember(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
srandmember(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
srem(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
srem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
srem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
srem(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Remove the specified member from the set value stored at key.
srem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
srem(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
srem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove the specified member from the set value stored at key.
srem(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove the specified member from the set value stored at key.
srem(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
srem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
srem(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
srem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
srem(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
srem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
srem(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
srem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sscan(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
sscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
sscan(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
sscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
sscan(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
sscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
sscan(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
sscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
sscan(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
sscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
SSCAN_BINARY_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
SSCAN_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
ssl(boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
sslParameters(SSLParameters) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
sslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
start(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.BitPosParams
start(StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
Statistics - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.graph
stddev(String) - Static method in class
stopwords(String...) - Method in class
Sets the index with a custom stopword list, to be ignored during indexing and search time.
store(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusStoreParam
storeDist(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusStoreParam
STR_ALGO_LCS_RESULT_BUILDER - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
strAlgoLCSKeys(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
STRALGO LCS command will be removed from Redis 7. LCS can be used instead of this method.
strAlgoLCSKeys(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
STRALGO LCS command will be removed from Redis 7. LCS can be used instead of this method.
strAlgoLCSKeys(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
STRALGO LCS command will be removed from Redis 7. LCS can be used instead of this method.
strAlgoLCSKeys(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
STRALGO LCS command will be removed from Redis 7. LCS can be used instead of this method.
strAlgoLCSKeys(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
STRALGO LCS command will be removed from Redis 7. LCS can be used instead of this method.
strAlgoLCSKeys(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
STRALGO LCS command will be removed from Redis 7. LCS can be used instead of this method.
strAlgoLCSKeys(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
STRALGO LCS command will be removed from Redis 7. LCS can be used instead of this method.
strAlgoLCSKeys(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
STRALGO LCS command will be removed from Redis 7. LCS can be used instead of this method.
strAlgoLCSKeys(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
strAlgoLCSKeys(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
strAlgoLCSKeys(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
strAlgoLCSKeys(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
strAlgoLCSKeys(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
strAlgoLCSKeys(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
strAlgoLCSKeys(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
strAlgoLCSKeys(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
StrAlgoLCSParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
StrAlgoLCSParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.StrAlgoLCSParams
StrAlgoLCSParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.StrAlgoLCSParams
strAlgoLCSStrings(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
strAlgoLCSStrings(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
strAlgoLCSStrings(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
STRALGO LCS command will be removed from Redis 7.
strAlgoLCSStrings(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
STRALGO LCS command will be removed from Redis 7.
strAlgoLCSStrings(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
strAlgoLCSStrings(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
strAlgoLCSStrings(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
strAlgoLCSStrings(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
strAlgoLCSStrings(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
strAlgoLCSStrings(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
strAlgoLCSStrings(String, String, StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
strAlgoLCSStrings(byte[], byte[], StrAlgoLCSParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
STREAM_AUTO_CLAIM_ID_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STREAM_AUTO_CLAIM_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STREAM_CONSUMERS_INFO_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STREAM_ENTRY - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STREAM_ENTRY_ID - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STREAM_ENTRY_ID_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STREAM_ENTRY_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STREAM_GROUP_INFO_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STREAM_INFO - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STREAM_INFO_FULL - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STREAM_PENDING_ENTRY_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STREAM_PENDING_SUMMARY - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STREAM_READ_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
StreamBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
StreamCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
StreamConsumerFullInfo - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
This class holds information about a stream consumer with command xinfo stream mystream full.
StreamConsumerFullInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumerFullInfo
StreamConsumersInfo - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
This class holds information about a consumer.
StreamConsumersInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamConsumersInfo
StreamEntry - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
StreamEntry(StreamEntryID, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamEntry
StreamEntryID - Class in redis.clients.jedis
StreamEntryID() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
StreamEntryID(byte[]) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
StreamEntryID(String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
StreamEntryID(long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
StreamEntryID(long, long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
StreamFullInfo - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
This class holds information about a stream info with command xinfo stream mystream full.
StreamFullInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamFullInfo
StreamGroupFullInfo - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
This class holds information about a stream group with command xinfo stream mystream full.
StreamGroupFullInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupFullInfo
StreamGroupInfo - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
This class holds information about a stream group.
StreamGroupInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamGroupInfo
StreamInfo - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
This class holds information about stream.
StreamInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamInfo
StreamPendingEntry - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
StreamPendingEntry(StreamEntryID, String, long, long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamPendingEntry
StreamPendingSummary - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
StreamPendingSummary(long, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, Map<String, Long>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamPendingSummary
StreamPipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
StreamPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
STRING - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STRING_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STRING_LIST_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STRING_LONG_MAP - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STRING_MAP - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STRING_MAP_FROM_PAIRS - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STRING_ORDERED_SET - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
STRING_SET - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
StringBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
StringCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
StringPipelineBinaryCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
StringPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.commands
strlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
strlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
strlen(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
strlen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
StrLen Command Return the length of the string value stored at key.
strlen(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
strlen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
strlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
strlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
strlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
strlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
strlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
strlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
strlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
strlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
strlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
strlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
subscribe(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
subscribe(BinaryJedisPubSub, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
subscribe(JedisPubSub, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
subscribe(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
subscribe(JedisPubSub, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
subscribe(BinaryJedisPubSub, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
subscribeRetryWaitTimeMillis - Variable in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.MasterListener
substr(String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
substr(byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
substr(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringBinaryCommands
substr(String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringCommands
SubStr Command Return a subset of the string from offset start to offset end (both offsets are inclusive).
substr(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineBinaryCommands
substr(String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StringPipelineCommands
substr(byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return a subset of the string from offset start to offset end (both offsets are inclusive).
substr(String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return a subset of the string from offset start to offset end (both offsets are inclusive).
substr(String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
substr(byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
substr(String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
substr(byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
substr(String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
substr(byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
substr(String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
substr(byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sum(String) - Static method in class
summarize() - Method in class
summarize(FTSearchParams.SummarizeParams) - Method in class
summarizeFields(int, int, String, String...) - Method in class
summarizeFields(String...) - Method in class
summarizeParams() - Static method in class
SummarizeParams() - Constructor for class
sunion(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sunion(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sunion(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
sunion(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
Return the members of a set resulting from the union of all the sets hold at the specified keys.
sunion(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
sunion(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
sunion(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the members of a set resulting from the union of all the sets hold at the specified keys.
sunion(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the members of a set resulting from the union of all the sets hold at the specified keys.
sunion(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sunion(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sunion(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sunion(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sunion(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sunion(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sunion(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sunion(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sunionstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
sunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetBinaryCommands
sunionstore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetCommands
This command works exactly like SUNION but instead of being returned the resulting set is stored as dstkey.
sunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineBinaryCommands
sunionstore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SetPipelineCommands
sunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command works exactly like SUNION but instead of being returned the resulting set is stored as dstkey.
sunionstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command works exactly like SUNION but instead of being returned the resulting set is stored as dstkey.
sunionstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sunionstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sunionstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
sunionstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
sunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
swapDB(int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabaseCommands
This command swaps two Redis databases, so that immediately all the clients connected to a given database will see the data of the other database, and the other way around.
swapDB(int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.DatabasePipelineCommands
This command swaps two Redis databases, so that immediately all the clients connected to a given database will see the data of the other database, and the other way around.
swapDB(int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
swapDB(int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
sync() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
sync() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
Synchronize pipeline by reading all responses.
syncAndReturnAll() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
Synchronize pipeline by reading all responses.


TagField(String) - Constructor for class
TagField(String, String) - Constructor for class
TagField(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
TagField(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
TagField(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
TagField(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
TagField(FieldName, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
TagField(FieldName, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
TagField - Class in
TagField(String) - Constructor for class
TagField(FieldName) - Constructor for class
tags(String, String) - Method in class
tags(String...) - Static method in class
tdigestAdd(String, double...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
TDIGEST.ADD key value weight [ value weight ...]
tdigestAdd(String, double...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestAdd(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestAdd(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestAdd(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestAdd(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestAdd(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestByRank(String, long...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
tdigestByRank(String, long...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestByRank(String, long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestByRank(String, long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestByRank(String, long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestByRank(String, long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestByRank(String, long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestByRevRank(String, long...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
tdigestByRevRank(String, long...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestByRevRank(String, long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestByRevRank(String, long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestByRevRank(String, long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestByRevRank(String, long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestByRevRank(String, long...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestCDF(String, double...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
TDIGEST.CDF key value [value ...]
tdigestCDF(String, double...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestCDF(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestCDF(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestCDF(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestCDF(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestCDF(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestCreate(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
tdigestCreate(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
TDIGEST.CREATE key [compression]
tdigestCreate(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestCreate(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestCreate(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestCreate(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestCreate(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestCreate(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestCreate(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestCreate(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestCreate(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestCreate(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestCreate(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestCreate(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestInfo(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
tdigestInfo(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestMax(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
tdigestMax(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestMax(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestMax(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestMax(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestMax(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestMax(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestMerge(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
TDIGEST.MERGE destination-key numkeys source-key [source-key ...]
tdigestMerge(TDigestMergeParams, String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
TDIGEST.MERGE destination-key numkeys source-key [source-key ...] [COMPRESSION compression] [OVERRIDE]
tdigestMerge(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestMerge(TDigestMergeParams, String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestMerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestMerge(TDigestMergeParams, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestMerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestMerge(TDigestMergeParams, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestMerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestMerge(TDigestMergeParams, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestMerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestMerge(TDigestMergeParams, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestMerge(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestMerge(TDigestMergeParams, String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TDigestMergeParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.bloom
TDigestMergeParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.bloom.TDigestMergeParams
tdigestMin(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
tdigestMin(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestMin(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestMin(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestMin(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestMin(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestMin(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestQuantile(String, double...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
TDIGEST.QUANTILE key quantile [quantile ...]
tdigestQuantile(String, double...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestQuantile(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestQuantile(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestQuantile(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestQuantile(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestQuantile(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestRank(String, double...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
tdigestRank(String, double...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestRank(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestRank(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestRank(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestRank(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestRank(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestReset(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
tdigestReset(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestReset(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestReset(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestReset(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestReset(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestReset(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tdigestRevRank(String, double...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
tdigestRevRank(String, double...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestRevRank(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestRevRank(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestRevRank(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestRevRank(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestRevRank(String, double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TDigestSketchCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
TDigestSketchPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
tdigestTrimmedMean(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchCommands
TDIGEST.TRIMMED_MEAN key low_cut_quantile high_cut_quantile
tdigestTrimmedMean(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TDigestSketchPipelineCommands
tdigestTrimmedMean(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tdigestTrimmedMean(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tdigestTrimmedMean(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tdigestTrimmedMean(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tdigestTrimmedMean(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
temporary(long) - Method in class
Creates a lightweight temporary index that expires after a specified period of inactivity.
TextField(String) - Constructor for class
TextField(FieldName) - Constructor for class
TextField(String, double) - Constructor for class
TextField(String, double, boolean) - Constructor for class
TextField(String, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
TextField(String, double, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
TextField(String, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class
TextField(FieldName, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class
TextField - Class in
TextField(String) - Constructor for class
TextField(FieldName) - Constructor for class
time() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
time(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XClaimParams
Set the idle time to a specific Unix time (in milliseconds).
time() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
timeout(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphQueryParams
timeout(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.FailoverParams
timeout(long) - Method in class
timeout(long) - Method in class
timeout(long) - Method in class
Set the timeout to execute the query accordingly
TIMEOUT_STRING - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.RedisGraphQueryUtil
timeoutMillis(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
TIMESERIES_ELEMENT - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesBuilderFactory
TIMESERIES_ELEMENT_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesBuilderFactory
TIMESERIES_INFO - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSInfo
TIMESERIES_MGET_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesBuilderFactory
TIMESERIES_MRANGE_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesBuilderFactory
TimeSeriesBuilderFactory - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
TimeSeriesProtocol - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
TimeSeriesProtocol() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesProtocol
TimeSeriesProtocol.TimeSeriesCommand - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
TimeSeriesProtocol.TimeSeriesKeyword - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
TIMESTAMP_CREATED - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
TIMESTAMP_LAST_UPDATED - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
to(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.FailoverParams
to(HostAndPort) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.FailoverParams
to_list(String) - Static method in class
toArray() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
toByteArray(boolean) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
toByteArray(int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
toByteArray(long) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
toByteArray(double) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.Protocol
toByteArray(float[]) - Static method in class
x86 systems are little-endian and Java defaults to big-endian.
ToByteArray(float[]) - Static method in class
toJson(Object) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.DefaultGsonObjectMapper
toJson(Object) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonObjectMapper
Perform serialization from object to JSON format string.
topkAdd(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterCommands
TOPK.ADD {key} {item ...}
topkAdd(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterPipelineCommands
topkAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
topkAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
topkAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
topkAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
topkAdd(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
topkCount(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterCommands
As of RedisBloom 2.4, this command is regarded as deprecated.
topkCount(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterPipelineCommands
As of RedisBloom 2.4, this command is regarded as deprecated.
topkCount(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
topkCount(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
topkCount(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
topkCount(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
topkCount(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TopKFilterCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
TopKFilterPipelineCommands - Interface in redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands
topkIncrBy(String, String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterCommands
TOPK.INCRBY {key} {item} {increment}
topkIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterCommands
TOPK.INCRBY {key} {item} {increment} [{item} {increment} ...]
topkIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterPipelineCommands
topkIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
topkIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
topkIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
topkIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
topkIncrBy(String, Map<String, Long>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
topkInfo(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterCommands
topkInfo(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterPipelineCommands
topkInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
topkInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
topkInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
topkInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
topkInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
topkList(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterCommands
topkList(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterPipelineCommands
topkList(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
topkList(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
topkList(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
topkList(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
topkList(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
topkListWithCount(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterCommands
topkListWithCount(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterPipelineCommands
topkListWithCount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
topkListWithCount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
topkListWithCount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
topkListWithCount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
topkListWithCount(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
topkQuery(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterCommands
TOPK.QUERY {key} {item ...}
topkQuery(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterPipelineCommands
topkQuery(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
topkQuery(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
topkQuery(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
topkQuery(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
topkQuery(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
topkReserve(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterCommands
TOPK.RESERVE {key} {topk}
topkReserve(String, long, long, long, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterCommands
TOPK.RESERVE {key} {topk} [{width} {depth} {decay}]
topkReserve(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterPipelineCommands
topkReserve(String, long, long, long, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.bloom.commands.TopKFilterPipelineCommands
topkReserve(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
topkReserve(String, long, long, long, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
topkReserve(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
topkReserve(String, long, long, long, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
topkReserve(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
topkReserve(String, long, long, long, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
topkReserve(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
topkReserve(String, long, long, long, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
topkReserve(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
topkReserve(String, long, long, long, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory.SetFromList
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Connection
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisSocketFactory
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.GeoCoordinate
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Edge
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.GraphEntity
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Node
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Path
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Point
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.graph.entities.Property
Default toString implementation
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.HostAndPort
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.Path
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.Path2
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.Params
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Response
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlUser
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.KeyedZSetElement
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Slowlog
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamEntry
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.StreamPendingEntry
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Tuple
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString(Node.Parenthesize) - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString(Node.Parenthesize) - Method in interface
Returns the string form of this node.
toString() - Method in interface
Returns the string form of this node.
toString(Node.Parenthesize) - Method in class
toString(Node.Parenthesize) - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString(Node.Parenthesize) - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
toString() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSElement
toStringMap(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
Jedis' hset methods do not support Objects as values.
toStringMap(Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Static method in class
Jedis' hset methods do not support Objects as values.
totalResults - Variable in class
toTimestamp(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
toTimestamp(long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
touch(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
touch(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
touch(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
touch(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
touch(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
touch(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
touch(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Touch Command Alters the last access time of a key.
touch(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Touch Command Alters the last access time of a key(s).
touch(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
touch(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
touch(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
touch(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
touch(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Alters the last access time of a key(s).
touch(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
touch(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Alters the last access time of a key(s).
touch(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
touch(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
touch(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
touch(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
touch(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
touch(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
touch(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
touch(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
touch(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
touch(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
touch(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
touch(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
touch(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
touch(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
touch(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
touch(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
touch(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
Transaction - Class in redis.clients.jedis
A pipeline based transaction.
Transaction(Jedis) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Transaction
Transaction(Connection) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Transaction
Creates a new transaction.
Transaction(Connection, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Transaction
Creates a new transaction.
Transaction(Connection, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.Transaction
Creates a new transaction.
TransactionBase - Class in redis.clients.jedis
TransactionBase(Connection) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
Creates a new transaction.
TransactionBase(Connection, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
Creates a new transaction.
TransactionBase(Connection, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
Creates a new transaction.
tsAdd(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsAdd(String, long, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsAdd(String, long, double, TSCreateParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsAdd(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsAdd(String, long, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsAdd(String, long, double, TSCreateParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsAdd(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsAdd(String, long, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsAdd(String, long, double, TSCreateParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsAdd(String, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.ADD key * value
tsAdd(String, long, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.ADD key timestamp value
tsAdd(String, long, double, TSCreateParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.ADD key timestamp value [RETENTION retentionTime] [ENCODING [COMPRESSED|UNCOMPRESSED]] [CHUNK_SIZE size] [ON_DUPLICATE policy] [LABELS label value..]
tsAdd(String, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsAdd(String, long, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsAdd(String, long, double, TSCreateParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsAdd(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsAdd(String, long, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsAdd(String, long, double, TSCreateParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsAdd(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsAdd(String, long, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsAdd(String, long, double, TSCreateParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsAlter(String, TSAlterParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsAlter(String, TSAlterParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsAlter(String, TSAlterParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsAlter(String, TSAlterParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.ALTER key [RETENTION retentionTime] [LABELS label value..]
tsAlter(String, TSAlterParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsAlter(String, TSAlterParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsAlter(String, TSAlterParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TSAlterParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
Represents optional arguments of TS.ALTER command.
TSAlterParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSAlterParams
tsCreate(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsCreate(String, TSCreateParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsCreate(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsCreate(String, TSCreateParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsCreate(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsCreate(String, TSCreateParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsCreate(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
tsCreate(String, TSCreateParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
tsCreate(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsCreate(String, TSCreateParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsCreate(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsCreate(String, TSCreateParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsCreate(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsCreate(String, TSCreateParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TSCreateParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
Represents optional arguments of TS.CREATE command.
TSCreateParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSCreateParams
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.CREATERULE sourceKey destKey AGGREGATION aggregationType timeBucket
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.CREATERULE sourceKey destKey AGGREGATION aggregationType bucketDuration [alignTimestamp]
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsCreateRule(String, String, AggregationType, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsDecrBy(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsDecrBy(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsDecrBy(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsDecrBy(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsDecrBy(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsDecrBy(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsDecrBy(String, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
tsDecrBy(String, double, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
tsDecrBy(String, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsDecrBy(String, double, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsDecrBy(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsDecrBy(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsDecrBy(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsDecrBy(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsDel(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsDel(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsDel(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsDel(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.DEL key fromTimestamp toTimestamp
tsDel(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsDel(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsDel(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsDeleteRule(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsDeleteRule(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsDeleteRule(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsDeleteRule(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.DELETERULE sourceKey destKey
tsDeleteRule(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsDeleteRule(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsDeleteRule(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TSElement - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
TSElement(long, double) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSElement
tsGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsGet(String, TSGetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsGet(String, TSGetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsGet(String, TSGetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsGet(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.GET key
tsGet(String, TSGetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
tsGet(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsGet(String, TSGetParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsGet(String, TSGetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsGet(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsGet(String, TSGetParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TSGetParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
Represents optional arguments of TS.GET command.
TSGetParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSGetParams
tsIncrBy(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsIncrBy(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsIncrBy(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsIncrBy(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsIncrBy(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsIncrBy(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsIncrBy(String, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
tsIncrBy(String, double, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
tsIncrBy(String, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsIncrBy(String, double, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsIncrBy(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsIncrBy(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsIncrBy(String, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsIncrBy(String, double, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsInfo(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TSInfo - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
tsInfo(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TSInfo.Rule - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
tsInfoDebug(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsInfoDebug(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
tsInfoDebug(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TSKeyedElements - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
This class will be removed in next major released.
TSKeyedElements(String, Map<String, String>, List<TSElement>) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSKeyedElements
TSKeyValue<V> - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
This class will be removed in next major released.
TSKeyValue(String, Map<String, String>, V) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSKeyValue
tsMAdd(Map.Entry<String, TSElement>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsMAdd(Map.Entry<String, TSElement>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsMAdd(Map.Entry<String, TSElement>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsMAdd(Map.Entry<String, TSElement>...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.MADD key timestamp value [key timestamp value ...]
tsMAdd(Map.Entry<String, TSElement>...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsMAdd(Map.Entry<String, TSElement>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsMAdd(Map.Entry<String, TSElement>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsMGet(TSMGetParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsMGet(TSMGetParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsMGet(TSMGetParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsMGet(TSMGetParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
tsMGet(TSMGetParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsMGet(TSMGetParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsMGet(TSMGetParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TSMGetParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
Represents optional arguments of TS.MGET command.
TSMGetParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMGetParams
tsMRange(long, long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsMRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsMRange(long, long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsMRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsMRange(long, long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsMRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsMRange(long, long, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.MRANGE fromTimestamp toTimestamp FILTER filter...
tsMRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
{@code TS.MRANGE fromTimestamp toTimestamp [LATEST] [FILTER_BY_TS ts...] [FILTER_BY_VALUE min max] [WITHLABELS | SELECTED_LABELS label...] [COUNT count] [[ALIGN value] AGGREGATION aggregator bucketDuration [BUCKETTIMESTAMP bt] [EMPTY]] FILTER filter...
tsMRange(long, long, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsMRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsMRange(long, long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsMRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsMRange(long, long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsMRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TSMRangeParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
Represents optional arguments of TS.MRANGE and TS.MREVRANGE commands.
TSMRangeParams(long, long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
TSMRangeParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
tsMRevRange(long, long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsMRevRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsMRevRange(long, long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsMRevRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsMRevRange(long, long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsMRevRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsMRevRange(long, long, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.MREVRANGE fromTimestamp toTimestamp FILTER filter...
tsMRevRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
{@code TS.MREVRANGE fromTimestamp toTimestamp [LATEST] [FILTER_BY_TS TS...] [FILTER_BY_VALUE min max] [WITHLABELS | SELECTED_LABELS label...] [COUNT count] [[ALIGN value] AGGREGATION aggregator bucketDuration [BUCKETTIMESTAMP bt] [EMPTY]] FILTER filter...
tsMRevRange(long, long, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsMRevRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsMRevRange(long, long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsMRevRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsMRevRange(long, long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsMRevRange(TSMRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsQueryIndex(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsQueryIndex(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsQueryIndex(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsQueryIndex(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
tsQueryIndex(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsQueryIndex(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsQueryIndex(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsRange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsRange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsRange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsRange(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.RANGE key fromTimestamp toTimestamp
tsRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.RANGE key fromTimestamp toTimestamp [LATEST] [FILTER_BY_TS ts...] [FILTER_BY_VALUE min max] [COUNT count] [[ALIGN value] AGGREGATION aggregator bucketDuration [BUCKETTIMESTAMP bt] [EMPTY]]
tsRange(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsRange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsRange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TSRangeParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.timeseries
Represents optional arguments of TS.RANGE and TS.REVRANGE commands.
TSRangeParams(long, long) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
TSRangeParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSRangeParams
tsRevRange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsRevRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
tsRevRange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsRevRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
tsRevRange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsRevRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
tsRevRange(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.REVRANGE key fromTimestamp toTimestamp
tsRevRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesCommands
TS.REVRANGE key fromTimestamp toTimestamp [LATEST] [FILTER_BY_TS TS...] [FILTER_BY_VALUE min max] [COUNT count] [[ALIGN value] AGGREGATION aggregator bucketDuration [BUCKETTIMESTAMP bt] [EMPTY]]
tsRevRange(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsRevRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.RedisTimeSeriesPipelineCommands
tsRevRange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsRevRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
tsRevRange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
tsRevRange(String, TSRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ttl(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ttl(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
ttl(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
ttl(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
TTL Command The TTL command returns the remaining time to live in seconds of a key that has an EXPIRE set.
ttl(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
ttl(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
ttl(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
The TTL command returns the remaining time to live in seconds of a key that has an EXPIRE set.
ttl(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
The TTL command returns the remaining time to live in seconds of a key that has an EXPIRE set.
ttl(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ttl(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
ttl(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ttl(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
ttl(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ttl(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
ttl(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ttl(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
TUPLE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
Tuple - Class in redis.clients.jedis.resps
Tuple(String, Double) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Tuple
Tuple(byte[], Double) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.resps.Tuple
TUPLE_LIST - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
TUPLE_ZSET - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
type(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
type(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
type(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
type(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Type Command Return the type of the value stored at key in form of a string.
type(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
type(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
type(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the type of the value stored at key in form of a string.
type(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the type of the value stored at key in form of a string.
type(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
type(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
type(ClientType) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams
type(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
type(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
type - Variable in class
type(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
type(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
type(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
type(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis


UnblockType - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.args
Unblock type for CLIENT UNBLOCK command.
uncompressed() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSCreateParams
unescape(String) - Static method in class
UnifiedJedis - Class in redis.clients.jedis
UnifiedJedis() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(HostAndPort) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(URI) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(URI, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(HostAndPort, JedisClientConfig) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(ConnectionProvider) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(JedisSocketFactory) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
The constructor to directly use a custom JedisSocketFactory.
UnifiedJedis(Connection) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
The constructor to directly use a Connection.
UnifiedJedis(Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, int, Duration) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(Set<HostAndPort>, JedisClientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection>, int, Duration) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(ClusterConnectionProvider, int, Duration) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(ShardedConnectionProvider) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(ShardedConnectionProvider, Pattern) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(ConnectionProvider, int, Duration) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UnifiedJedis(CommandExecutor) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
The constructor to use a custom CommandExecutor.
union(Node...) - Static method in class
Create a union node.
union(String, Value...) - Static method in class
Create a union node which can match an one or more values
union(String, String...) - Static method in class
Convenience method to match one or more strings.
UnionNode - Class in
Created by mnunberg on 2/23/18.
UnionNode() - Constructor for class
unlink(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
unlink(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
unlink(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
unlink(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
unlink(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
unlink(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyBinaryCommands
unlink(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Unlink Command This command is very similar to DEL: it removes the specified key.
unlink(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyCommands
Similar to SORT but can be used with multiple keys.
unlink(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
unlink(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineBinaryCommands
unlink(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
unlink(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.KeyPipelineCommands
unlink(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command is very similar to DEL: it removes the specified keys.
unlink(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
unlink(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
This command is very similar to DEL: it removes the specified keys.
unlink(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
unlink(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
unlink(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
unlink(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
unlink(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
unlink(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
unlink(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
unlink(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
unlink(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
unlink(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
unlink(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
unlink(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
unlink(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
unlink(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
unlink(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
unlink(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
unlink(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
UNRECEIVED_ENTRY - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.StreamEntryID
Should be used only with XREADGROUP
unsubscribe() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
unsubscribe(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedisPubSub
unsubscribe() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
unsubscribe(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub
unwatch() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
unwatch() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
updateHostAndPort(HostAndPort) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisSocketFactory
updatePassword(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig
updatePassword(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.JedisClientConfig
USE_TERM_OFFSETS - Static variable in class
Set this to tell the index not to save term offset vectors.
user(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder
user(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams
USERNAME - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.resps.AccessControlLogEntry


validateObject(PooledObject<Connection>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionFactory
validateObject(PooledObject<Jedis>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory
Value - Class in
Created by mnunberg on 2/23/18.
Value() - Constructor for class
value(String) - Static method in class
ValueNode - Class in
Created by mnunberg on 2/23/18.
ValueNode(String, String, Value...) - Constructor for class
ValueNode(String, String, String...) - Constructor for class
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.BitCountOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.BitOP
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClientAttributeOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClientPauseMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClientType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClusterFailoverOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClusterResetType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ExpiryOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.FlushMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.FunctionRestorePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.GeoUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ListDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ListPosition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.SaveMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.SortedSetOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.SortingOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.UnblockType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.BloomFilterCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.CountMinSketchCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.CuckooFilterCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.RedisBloomKeyword
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.TDigestCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.TopKCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphProtocol.GraphCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphProtocol.GraphKeyword
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.graph.ResultSet.ColumnType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.JedisBroadcastAndRoundRobinConfig.RediSearchMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonProtocol.JsonCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams.SkipMe
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.params.ZParams.Aggregate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.ClusterKeyword
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.Command
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.Keyword
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.ResponseKeyword
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.SentinelKeyword
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.AggregationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.DuplicatePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesProtocol.TimeSeriesCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesProtocol.TimeSeriesKeyword
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.BitCountOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.BitOP
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClientAttributeOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClientPauseMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClientType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClusterFailoverOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ClusterResetType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ExpiryOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.FlushMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.FunctionRestorePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.GeoUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ListDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.ListPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.SaveMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.SortedSetOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.SortingOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.args.UnblockType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.BloomFilterCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.CountMinSketchCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.CuckooFilterCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.RedisBloomKeyword
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.TDigestCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.bloom.RedisBloomProtocol.TopKCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphProtocol.GraphCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.graph.GraphProtocol.GraphKeyword
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.graph.Record
The values of the record
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.graph.ResultSet.ColumnType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.JedisBroadcastAndRoundRobinConfig.RediSearchMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonProtocol.JsonCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.params.ClientKillParams.SkipMe
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.params.ZParams.Aggregate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.ClusterKeyword
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.Command
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.Keyword
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.ResponseKeyword
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.SentinelKeyword
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Values - Class in
Created by mnunberg on 2/23/18.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.AggregationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.DuplicatePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesProtocol.TimeSeriesCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TimeSeriesProtocol.TimeSeriesKeyword
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.JedisByteHashMap
VectorField(String, Schema.VectorField.VectorAlgo, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
VectorField - Class in
VectorField(String, VectorField.VectorAlgorithm, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
VectorField(FieldName, VectorField.VectorAlgorithm, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
VectorField.Builder - Class in
VectorField.VectorAlgorithm - Enum in
verbatim() - Method in class
verbatim() - Method in class
Set the query to verbatim mode, disabling stemming and query expansion
version(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LolwutParams


waitAOF(long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
waitAOF(long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
waitAOF(byte[], long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
waitAOF(String, long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
waitAOF(byte[], long, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedCommands
waitAOF(byte[], long, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedPipelineCommands
waitAOF(String, long, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedCommands
waitAOF(String, long, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedPipelineCommands
waitAOF(long, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
Blocks the current client until all the previous write commands are acknowledged as having been fsynced to the AOF of the local Redis and/or at least the specified number of replicas.
waitAOF(long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
waitAOF(String, long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
waitAOF(byte[], long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
waitAOF(String, long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
waitAOF(byte[], long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
waitAOF(long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
waitAOF(long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
waitAOF(String, long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
waitAOF(byte[], long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
waitAOF(String, long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
waitAOF(byte[], long, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
waitReplicas(int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClusterCommandObjects
waitReplicas(int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
waitReplicas(String, int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
waitReplicas(byte[], int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
waitReplicas(byte[], int, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedCommands
waitReplicas(byte[], int, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleBinaryKeyedPipelineCommands
waitReplicas(String, int, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedCommands
waitReplicas(String, int, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SampleKeyedPipelineCommands
waitReplicas(int, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.ServerCommands
Synchronous replication of Redis as described here:
waitReplicas(int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
waitReplicas(String, int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
waitReplicas(byte[], int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
waitReplicas(int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
waitReplicas(String, int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
waitReplicas(byte[], int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
waitReplicas(int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
waitReplicas(int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.ShardedCommandObjects
waitReplicas(String, int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
waitReplicas(byte[], int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
waitReplicas(int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
waitReplicas(String, int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
waitReplicas(byte[], int, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
watch(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
watch(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
watch(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
watch(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
weight(double) - Method in class
Declares the importance of this attribute when calculating result accuracy.
weights(double...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZParams
withCoord() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusParam
withCoord() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
withDist() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusParam
withDist() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
withHash() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusParam
withHash() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoSearchParam
withLabels(boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMGetParams
withLabels() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMGetParams
withLabels(boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
withLabels() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.timeseries.TSMRangeParams
withLibNameSuffix(String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.ClientSetInfoConfig
withMatchLen() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.LCSParams
When WITHMATCHLEN is given each array representing a match will also have the length of the match.
withMatchLen() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.StrAlgoLCSParams
When WITHMATCHLEN is given each array representing a match will also have the length of the match.
withScores() - Method in class
Set the query to return a factored score for each results.
withSuffixTrie() - Method in class
Keeps a suffix trie with all terms which match the suffix.
withSuffixTrie() - Method in class
Keeps a suffix trie with all terms which match the suffix.
write(byte) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisOutputStream
writeCrLf() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisOutputStream
writeIntCrLf(int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.util.RedisOutputStream


xack(String, String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xack(byte[], byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xack(byte[], byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xack(String, String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XACK key group ID [ID ...]
xack(byte[], byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xack(String, String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XACK key group ID [ID ...]
xack(byte[], byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xack(String, String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xack(String, String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xack(byte[], byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xack(String, String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xack(byte[], byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xack(String, String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xack(byte[], byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xack(String, String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xack(byte[], byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xadd(String, StreamEntryID, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xadd(String, XAddParams, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xadd(byte[], XAddParams, Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xadd(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>, XAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xadd(byte[], XAddParams, Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xadd(String, StreamEntryID, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XADD key ID field string [field string ...]
xadd(String, Map<String, String>, XAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XADD key [NOMKSTREAM] [MAXLEN|MINID [=|~] threshold [LIMIT count]] *|ID field value [field value ...]
xadd(String, XAddParams, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
xadd(byte[], Map<byte[], byte[]>, XAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xadd(byte[], XAddParams, Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xadd(String, StreamEntryID, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XADD key ID field string [field string ...]
xadd(String, Map<String, String>, XAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XADD key [NOMKSTREAM] [MAXLEN|MINID [=|~] threshold [LIMIT count]] *|ID field value [field value ...]
xadd(String, XAddParams, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
xadd(byte[], XAddParams, Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xadd(String, StreamEntryID, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xadd(String, XAddParams, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xadd(String, StreamEntryID, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xadd(String, XAddParams, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xadd(byte[], XAddParams, Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xadd(String, StreamEntryID, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xadd(String, XAddParams, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xadd(byte[], XAddParams, Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xadd(String, StreamEntryID, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xadd(String, XAddParams, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xadd(byte[], XAddParams, Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xadd(String, StreamEntryID, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xadd(String, XAddParams, Map<String, String>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xadd(byte[], XAddParams, Map<byte[], byte[]>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
XAddParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
XAddParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
xAddParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAddParams
xautoclaim(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xautoclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xautoclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xautoclaim(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XAUTOCLAIM key group consumer min-idle-time start [COUNT count]
xautoclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xautoclaim(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XAUTOCLAIM key group consumer min-idle-time start [COUNT count]
xautoclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xautoclaim(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xautoclaim(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xautoclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xautoclaim(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xautoclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xautoclaim(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xautoclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xautoclaim(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xautoclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xautoclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xautoclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xautoclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xautoclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XAUTOCLAIM key group consumer min-idle-time start [COUNT count] JUSTID
xautoclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xautoclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XAUTOCLAIM key group consumer min-idle-time start [COUNT count] JUSTID
xautoclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xautoclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xautoclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xautoclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xautoclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xautoclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xautoclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xautoclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xautoclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, StreamEntryID, XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xautoclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, byte[], XAutoClaimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
XAutoClaimParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
XAutoClaimParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAutoClaimParams
xAutoClaimParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XAutoClaimParams
xclaim(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xclaim(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
{@code XCLAIM key group consumer min-idle-time ...
xclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xclaim(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
{@code XCLAIM key group consumer min-idle-time ...
xclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xclaim(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xclaim(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xclaim(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xclaim(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xclaim(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xclaim(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
{@code XCLAIM key group consumer min-idle-time ...
xclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
{@code XCLAIM key group consumer min-idle-time ...
xclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xclaimJustId(String, String, String, long, XClaimParams, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xclaimJustId(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, XClaimParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
XClaimParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
XClaimParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.XClaimParams
xClaimParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XClaimParams
xdel(String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xdel(String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XDEL key ID [ID ...]
xdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xdel(String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XDEL key ID [ID ...]
xdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xdel(String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xdel(String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xdel(String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xdel(String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xdel(String, StreamEntryID...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xdel(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xgroupCreate(String, String, StreamEntryID, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xgroupCreate(byte[], byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xgroupCreate(byte[], byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xgroupCreate(String, String, StreamEntryID, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XGROUP CREATE key groupName <id or $>
xgroupCreate(byte[], byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xgroupCreate(String, String, StreamEntryID, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XGROUP CREATE key groupName <id or $>
xgroupCreate(byte[], byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xgroupCreate(String, String, StreamEntryID, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xgroupCreate(String, String, StreamEntryID, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xgroupCreate(byte[], byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xgroupCreate(String, String, StreamEntryID, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xgroupCreate(byte[], byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xgroupCreate(String, String, StreamEntryID, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xgroupCreate(byte[], byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xgroupCreate(String, String, StreamEntryID, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xgroupCreate(byte[], byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xgroupCreateConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xgroupCreateConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xgroupCreateConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xgroupCreateConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XGROUP CREATECONSUMER key groupName consumerName
xgroupCreateConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xgroupCreateConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XGROUP CREATECONSUMER key groupName consumerName
xgroupCreateConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xgroupCreateConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xgroupCreateConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xgroupCreateConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xgroupCreateConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xgroupCreateConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xgroupCreateConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xgroupCreateConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xgroupCreateConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xgroupCreateConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xgroupDelConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xgroupDelConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xgroupDelConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xgroupDelConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XGROUP DELCONSUMER key groupName consumerName
xgroupDelConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xgroupDelConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XGROUP DELCONSUMER key groupName consumerName
xgroupDelConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xgroupDelConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xgroupDelConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xgroupDelConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xgroupDelConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xgroupDelConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xgroupDelConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xgroupDelConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xgroupDelConsumer(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xgroupDelConsumer(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xgroupDestroy(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xgroupDestroy(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xgroupDestroy(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xgroupDestroy(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XGROUP DESTROY key groupName
xgroupDestroy(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xgroupDestroy(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XGROUP DESTROY key groupName
xgroupDestroy(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xgroupDestroy(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xgroupDestroy(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xgroupDestroy(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xgroupDestroy(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xgroupDestroy(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xgroupDestroy(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xgroupDestroy(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xgroupDestroy(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xgroupDestroy(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xgroupSetID(String, String, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xgroupSetID(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xgroupSetID(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xgroupSetID(String, String, StreamEntryID) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XGROUP SETID key groupName <id or $>
xgroupSetID(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xgroupSetID(String, String, StreamEntryID) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XGROUP SETID key groupName <id or $>
xgroupSetID(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xgroupSetID(String, String, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xgroupSetID(String, String, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xgroupSetID(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xgroupSetID(String, String, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xgroupSetID(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xgroupSetID(String, String, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xgroupSetID(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xgroupSetID(String, String, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xgroupSetID(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xinfoConsumers(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xinfoConsumers(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xinfoConsumers(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xinfoConsumers(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve different information about consumers in the group
xinfoConsumers(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xinfoConsumers(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve different information about consumers in the group
xinfoConsumers(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xinfoConsumers(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xinfoConsumers(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xinfoConsumers(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xinfoConsumers(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xinfoConsumers(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xinfoConsumers(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xinfoConsumers(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xinfoConsumers(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xinfoConsumers(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xinfoGroup(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xinfoGroup(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xinfoGroup(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xinfoGroup(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
xinfoGroup(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xinfoGroup(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
xinfoGroup(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xinfoGroup(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xinfoGroup(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xinfoGroup(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xinfoGroup(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xinfoGroup(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xinfoGroup(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xinfoGroup(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xinfoGroup(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xinfoGroup(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xinfoGroups(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xinfoGroups(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xinfoGroups(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xinfoGroups(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve different information about groups in the stream
xinfoGroups(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xinfoGroups(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve different information about groups in the stream
xinfoGroups(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xinfoGroups(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xinfoGroups(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xinfoGroups(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xinfoGroups(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xinfoGroups(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xinfoGroups(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xinfoGroups(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xinfoGroups(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xinfoGroups(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xinfoStream(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xinfoStream(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xinfoStream(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xinfoStream(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve different information about the stream
xinfoStream(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xinfoStream(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve different information about the stream
xinfoStream(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xinfoStream(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xinfoStream(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xinfoStream(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xinfoStream(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xinfoStream(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xinfoStream(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xinfoStream(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xinfoStream(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xinfoStream(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xinfoStreamFull(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xinfoStreamFull(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xinfoStreamFull(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xinfoStreamFull(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xinfoStreamFull(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve all information about the stream
xinfoStreamFull(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve all information about the stream
xinfoStreamFull(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve all information about the stream
xinfoStreamFull(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve all information about the stream
xinfoStreamFull(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve all information about the stream
xinfoStreamFull(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve all information about the stream
xinfoStreamFull(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve all information about the stream
xinfoStreamFull(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
Introspection command used in order to retrieve all information about the stream
xinfoStreamFull(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xinfoStreamFull(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xinfoStreamFull(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xinfoStreamFull(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xinfoStreamFull(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xinfoStreamFull(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xinfoStreamFull(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xinfoStreamFull(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xinfoStreamFull(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xinfoStreamFull(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xinfoStreamFull(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xinfoStreamFull(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xinfoStreamFull(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xinfoStreamFull(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xinfoStreamFull(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xinfoStreamFull(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xinfoStreamFull(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xinfoStreamFull(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xinfoStreamFull(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xinfoStreamFull(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xlen(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xlen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XLEN key
xlen(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xlen(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XLEN key
xlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xlen(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xlen(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xpending(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xpending(String, String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xpending(String, String, XPendingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xpending(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xpending(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xpending(byte[], byte[], XPendingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xpending(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xpending(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xpending(byte[], byte[], XPendingParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xpending(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XPENDING key group
xpending(String, String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
xpending(String, String, XPendingParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XPENDING key group [[IDLE min-idle-time] start end count [consumer]]
xpending(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xpending(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xpending(byte[], byte[], XPendingParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xpending(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XPENDING key group
xpending(String, String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
xpending(String, String, XPendingParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XPENDING key group [[IDLE min-idle-time] start end count [consumer]]
xpending(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xpending(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xpending(byte[], byte[], XPendingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xpending(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xpending(String, String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xpending(String, String, XPendingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xpending(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xpending(String, String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xpending(String, String, XPendingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xpending(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xpending(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xpending(byte[], byte[], XPendingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xpending(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xpending(String, String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xpending(String, String, XPendingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xpending(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xpending(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xpending(byte[], byte[], XPendingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xpending(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xpending(String, String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xpending(String, String, XPendingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xpending(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xpending(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xpending(byte[], byte[], XPendingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xpending(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xpending(String, String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xpending(String, String, XPendingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xpending(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xpending(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xpending(byte[], byte[], XPendingParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
XPendingParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
XPendingParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
XPendingParams(StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
XPendingParams(String, String, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
XPendingParams(byte[], byte[], int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
xPendingParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
xPendingParams(StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
xPendingParams(String, String, int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
xPendingParams(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xrange(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XRANGE key start end
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XRANGE key start end COUNT count
xrange(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
xrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XRANGE key start end
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XRANGE key start end COUNT count
xrange(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
xrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xrange(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xrange(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xrange(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xrange(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xrange(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xread(XReadParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xread(XReadParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xread(XReadParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xread(XReadParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XREAD [COUNT count] [BLOCK milliseconds] STREAMS key [key ...] ID [ID ...]
xread(XReadParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xread(XReadParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XREAD [COUNT count] [BLOCK milliseconds] STREAMS key [key ...] ID [ID ...]
xread(XReadParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xread(XReadParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xread(XReadParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xread(XReadParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xread(XReadParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xread(XReadParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xread(XReadParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xread(XReadParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xread(XReadParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xread(XReadParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xreadGroup(String, String, XReadGroupParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xreadGroup(byte[], byte[], XReadGroupParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xreadGroup(byte[], byte[], XReadGroupParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xreadGroup(String, String, XReadGroupParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XREAD [COUNT count] [BLOCK milliseconds] STREAMS key [key ...] ID [ID ...]
xreadGroup(byte[], byte[], XReadGroupParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xreadGroup(String, String, XReadGroupParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XREAD [COUNT count] [BLOCK milliseconds] STREAMS key [key ...] ID [ID ...]
xreadGroup(byte[], byte[], XReadGroupParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xreadGroup(String, String, XReadGroupParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xreadGroup(String, String, XReadGroupParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xreadGroup(byte[], byte[], XReadGroupParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xreadGroup(String, String, XReadGroupParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xreadGroup(byte[], byte[], XReadGroupParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xreadGroup(String, String, XReadGroupParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xreadGroup(byte[], byte[], XReadGroupParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xreadGroup(String, String, XReadGroupParams, Map<String, StreamEntryID>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xreadGroup(byte[], byte[], XReadGroupParams, Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
XReadGroupParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
XReadGroupParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.XReadGroupParams
xReadGroupParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XReadGroupParams
XReadParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
XReadParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.XReadParams
xReadParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XReadParams
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xrevrange(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xrevrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XREVRANGE key end start
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XREVRANGE key end start COUNT count
xrevrange(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
xrevrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XREVRANGE key end start
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XREVRANGE key end start COUNT count
xrevrange(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
xrevrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xrevrange(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xrevrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xrevrange(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xrevrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xrevrange(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xrevrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xrevrange(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xrevrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xrevrange(String, StreamEntryID, StreamEntryID, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xrevrange(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xrevrange(String, String, String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xrevrange(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xtrim(String, long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xtrim(String, XTrimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xtrim(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xtrim(byte[], XTrimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
xtrim(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xtrim(byte[], XTrimParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamBinaryCommands
xtrim(String, long, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XTRIM key MAXLEN [~] count
xtrim(String, XTrimParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamCommands
XTRIM key MAXLEN|MINID [=|~] threshold [LIMIT count]
xtrim(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xtrim(byte[], XTrimParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineBinaryCommands
xtrim(String, long, boolean) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XTRIM key MAXLEN [~] count
xtrim(String, XTrimParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.StreamPipelineCommands
XTRIM key MAXLEN|MINID [=|~] threshold [LIMIT count]
xtrim(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xtrim(byte[], XTrimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xtrim(String, long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xtrim(String, XTrimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
xtrim(String, long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xtrim(String, XTrimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xtrim(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xtrim(byte[], XTrimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
xtrim(String, long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xtrim(String, XTrimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xtrim(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xtrim(byte[], XTrimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
xtrim(String, long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xtrim(String, XTrimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xtrim(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xtrim(byte[], XTrimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
xtrim(String, long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xtrim(String, XTrimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xtrim(byte[], long, boolean) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
xtrim(byte[], XTrimParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
XTrimParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
XTrimParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.XTrimParams
xTrimParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.XTrimParams
xx() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.json.JsonSetParams
xx() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoAddParams
Only update elements that already exist.
xx() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.SetParams
Only set the key if it already exist.
xx() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZAddParams
Only set the key if it already exist.
xx() - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZIncrByParams
Only set the key if it already exist.


zadd(String, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zadd(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zadd(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zadd(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zadd(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zadd(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zadd(String, double, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Add the specified member having the specified score to the sorted set stored at key.
zadd(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZADD but can be used with optional params.
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZADD but for multiple members.
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZADD but can be used with optional params, and fits for multiple members.
zadd(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zadd(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zadd(String, double, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zadd(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zadd(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Add the specified member having the specified score to the sorted set stored at key.
zadd(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zadd(String, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Add the specified member having the specified score to the sorted set stored at key.
zadd(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zadd(String, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zadd(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zadd(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zadd(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zadd(String, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zadd(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zadd(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zadd(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zadd(String, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zadd(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zadd(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zadd(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zadd(String, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zadd(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zadd(String, Map<String, Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zadd(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zadd(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zadd(byte[], Map<byte[], Double>, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zaddIncr(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zaddIncr(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zaddIncr(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zaddIncr(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Increments the score of member in the sorted set stored at key by increment.
zaddIncr(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zaddIncr(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zaddIncr(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zaddIncr(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zaddIncr(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zaddIncr(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zaddIncr(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zaddIncr(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zaddIncr(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zaddIncr(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zaddIncr(String, double, String, ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zaddIncr(byte[], double, byte[], ZAddParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ZAddParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
ZAddParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZAddParams
zAddParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZAddParams
zcard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zcard(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zcard(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zcard(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return the sorted set cardinality (number of elements).
zcard(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zcard(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zcard(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the sorted set cardinality (number of elements).
zcard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the sorted set cardinality (number of elements).
zcard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zcard(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zcard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zcard(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zcard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zcard(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zcard(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zcard(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zcount(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zcount(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zcount(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zcount(byte[], double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zcount(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return the number of elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max.
zcount(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZCOUNT but with exclusive range.
zcount(byte[], double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zcount(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zcount(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zcount(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zcount(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zcount(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zcount(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zcount(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zcount(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zcount(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zcount(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zcount(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zcount(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zcount(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zcount(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zcount(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zcount(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zcount(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zdiff(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zdiff(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zdiff(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zdiff(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Compute the difference between all the sets in the given keys.
zdiff(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zdiff(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zdiff(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zdiff(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zdiff(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zdiff(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zdiff(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zdiff(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zdiff(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zdiff(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zdiff(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zdiff(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zdiffStore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zdiffStore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zdiffStore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zdiffStore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Compute the difference between all the sets in the given keys.
zdiffStore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zdiffStore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zdiffStore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zdiffStore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zdiffStore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zdiffStore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zdiffStore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zdiffStore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zdiffStore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zdiffStore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zdiffStore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zdiffStore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zdiffWithScores(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zdiffWithScores(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zdiffWithScores(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zdiffWithScores(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Compute the difference between all the sets in the given keys.
zdiffWithScores(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zdiffWithScores(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zdiffWithScores(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zdiffWithScores(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zdiffWithScores(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zdiffWithScores(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zdiffWithScores(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zdiffWithScores(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zdiffWithScores(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zdiffWithScores(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zdiffWithScores(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zdiffWithScores(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zincrby(String, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zincrby(String, double, String, ZIncrByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[], ZIncrByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[], ZIncrByParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zincrby(String, double, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
If member already exists in the sorted set adds the increment to its score and updates the position of the element in the sorted set accordingly.
zincrby(String, double, String, ZIncrByParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZINCRBY but can be used with optionals params.
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[], ZIncrByParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zincrby(String, double, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zincrby(String, double, String, ZIncrByParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
If member already exists in the sorted set adds the increment to its score and updates the position of the element in the sorted set accordingly.
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[], ZIncrByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zincrby(String, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
If member already exists in the sorted set adds the increment to its score and updates the position of the element in the sorted set accordingly.
zincrby(String, double, String, ZIncrByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zincrby(String, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zincrby(String, double, String, ZIncrByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[], ZIncrByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zincrby(String, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zincrby(String, double, String, ZIncrByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[], ZIncrByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zincrby(String, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zincrby(String, double, String, ZIncrByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[], ZIncrByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zincrby(String, double, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zincrby(String, double, String, ZIncrByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zincrby(byte[], double, byte[], ZIncrByParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ZIncrByParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
Parameters for ZINCRBY commands.
ZIncrByParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZIncrByParams
zIncrByParams() - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZIncrByParams
zinter(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zinter(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zinter(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zinter(ZParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Compute the intersection between all the sets in the given keys.
zinter(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zinter(ZParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zinter(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Intersect multiple sorted sets, This command is similar to ZINTERSTORE, but instead of storing the resulting sorted set, it is returned to the connection.
zinter(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Intersect multiple sorted sets, This command is similar to ZINTERSTORE, but instead of storing the resulting sorted set, it is returned to the connection.
zinter(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zinter(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zinter(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zinter(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zinter(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zinter(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zinter(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zinter(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zintercard(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zintercard(long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zintercard(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zintercard(long, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zintercard(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
Similar to ZINTER, but instead of returning the result set, it returns just the cardinality of the result.
zintercard(long, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
Similar to ZINTER, but instead of returning the result set, it returns just the cardinality of the result.
zintercard(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZINTER, but instead of returning the result set, it returns just the cardinality of the result.
zintercard(long, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZINTER, but instead of returning the result set, it returns just the cardinality of the result.
zintercard(byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zintercard(long, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zintercard(String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zintercard(long, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zintercard(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zintercard(long, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zintercard(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zintercard(long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zintercard(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zintercard(long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zintercard(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zintercard(long, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zintercard(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zintercard(long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zintercard(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zintercard(long, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zintercard(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zintercard(long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zintercard(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zintercard(long, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zintercard(byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zintercard(long, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zintercard(String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zintercard(long, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zinterstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zinterstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zinterstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zinterstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zinterstore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Compute the intersection between all the sets in the given keys.
zinterstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Compute the intersection between all the sets in the given keys.
zinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zinterstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zinterstore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zinterstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey.
zinterstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey.
zinterstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey.
zinterstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey.
zinterstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zinterstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zinterstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zinterstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zinterstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zinterstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zinterstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zinterstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zinterstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zinterstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zinterstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zinterstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zinterstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zinterWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zinterWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zinterWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zinterWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Compute the intersection between all the sets in the given keys.
zinterWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zinterWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zinterWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Intersect multiple sorted sets, This command is similar to ZINTERSTORE, but instead of storing the resulting sorted set, it is returned to the connection.
zinterWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Intersect multiple sorted sets, This command is similar to ZINTERSTORE, but instead of storing the resulting sorted set, it is returned to the connection.
zinterWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zinterWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zinterWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zinterWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zinterWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zinterWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zinterWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zinterWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zlexcount(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zlexcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zlexcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zlexcount(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return the number of elements in the sorted set at key with a value between min and max, when all the elements in a sorted set are inserted with the same score, in order to force lexicographical ordering.
zlexcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zlexcount(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zlexcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zlexcount(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zlexcount(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zlexcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zlexcount(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zlexcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zlexcount(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zlexcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zlexcount(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zlexcount(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zmpop(SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zmpop(SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zmpop(SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zmpop(SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
zmpop(SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zmpop(SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zmpop(SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zmpop(SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zmpop(SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zmpop(SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zmpop(SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zmpop(SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zmpop(SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zmpop(SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zmpop(SortedSetOption, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zmpop(SortedSetOption, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zmpop(SortedSetOption, int, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zmscore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zmscore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zmscore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zmscore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return the scores associated with the specified members in the sorted set stored at key.
zmscore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zmscore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zmscore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns the scores associated with the specified members in the sorted set stored at key.
zmscore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns the scores associated with the specified members in the sorted set stored at key.
zmscore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zmscore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zmscore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zmscore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zmscore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zmscore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zmscore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zmscore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ZParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
ZParams() - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZParams
ZParams.Aggregate - Enum in redis.clients.jedis.params
zpopmax(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zpopmax(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zpopmax(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zpopmax(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zpopmax(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zpopmax(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zpopmax(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Remove and return the member with the highest score in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmax(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Remove and return up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmax(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zpopmax(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zpopmax(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zpopmax(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zpopmax(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zpopmax(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zpopmax(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zpopmax(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zpopmax(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zpopmax(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zpopmax(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zpopmax(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zpopmax(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zpopmax(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zpopmax(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zpopmax(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zpopmax(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zpopmax(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zpopmax(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zpopmax(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zpopmax(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zpopmax(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zpopmax(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zpopmax(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zpopmin(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zpopmin(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zpopmin(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zpopmin(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zpopmin(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zpopmin(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zpopmin(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Remove and return the member with the lowest score in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmin(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Remove and return up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmin(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zpopmin(byte[], int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zpopmin(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zpopmin(String, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zpopmin(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zpopmin(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zpopmin(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zpopmin(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zpopmin(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zpopmin(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zpopmin(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zpopmin(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zpopmin(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zpopmin(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zpopmin(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zpopmin(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zpopmin(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zpopmin(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zpopmin(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zpopmin(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zpopmin(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zpopmin(String, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zpopmin(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zpopmin(byte[], int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrandmember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrandmember(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrandmember(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrandmember(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrandmember(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrandmember(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrandmember(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return a random element from the sorted set value stored at key.
zrandmember(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return an array of distinct elements.
zrandmember(byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrandmember(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrandmember(String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrandmember(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrandmember(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrandmember(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrandmember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrandmember(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrandmember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrandmember(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrandmember(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrandmember(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrandmember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrandmember(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrandmember(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrandmember(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrandmember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrandmember(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrandmember(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrandmember(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrandmember(String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrandmember(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrandmember(byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrandmember(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrandmemberWithScores(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrandmemberWithScores(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrandmemberWithScores(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrandmemberWithScores(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANDMEMBER but the replay will include the scores with the result.
zrandmemberWithScores(byte[], long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrandmemberWithScores(String, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrandmemberWithScores(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrandmemberWithScores(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrandmemberWithScores(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrandmemberWithScores(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrandmemberWithScores(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrandmemberWithScores(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrandmemberWithScores(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrandmemberWithScores(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrandmemberWithScores(String, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrandmemberWithScores(byte[], long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrange(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrange(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrange(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrange(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Returns the specified range of elements in the sorted set stored at key.
zrange(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but can be used with additional params.
zrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrange(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrange(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrange(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrange(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrange(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrange(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrange(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrange(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrange(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrange(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrange(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrange(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrange(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return all the elements in the sorted set at key with a value between min and max, when all the elements in a sorted set are inserted with the same score, in order to force lexicographical ordering.
zrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but with limit option.
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByLexParams(String, String) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZRangeParams
zrangeByLexParams(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZRangeParams
zrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
zrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but with exclusive range.
zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but with exclusive range.
zrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but with limit option,
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
zrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
zrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScoreParams(double, double) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZRangeParams
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but return with scores.
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but with limit option, and return with scores.
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but with exclusive range, and return with scores.
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but with exclusive range, with limit options and return with scores.
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ZRangeParams - Class in redis.clients.jedis.params
ZRangeParams(int, int) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZRangeParams
ZRangeParams(double, double) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZRangeParams
ZRangeParams(Protocol.Keyword, String, String) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZRangeParams
ZRangeParams(Protocol.Keyword, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZRangeParams
zrangeParams(int, int) - Static method in class redis.clients.jedis.params.ZRangeParams
zrangestore(String, String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangestore(byte[], byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangestore(byte[], byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangestore(String, String, ZRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but stores the result in dest.
zrangestore(byte[], byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangestore(String, String, ZRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangestore(byte[], byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangestore(String, String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangestore(String, String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangestore(byte[], byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangestore(String, String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangestore(byte[], byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangestore(String, String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangestore(byte[], byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangestore(String, String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangestore(byte[], byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeWithScores(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeWithScores(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangeWithScores(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Returns the specified range of elements in the sorted set stored at key with the scores.
zrangeWithScores(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but can be used with additional params.
zrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangeWithScores(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangeWithScores(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeWithScores(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeWithScores(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeWithScores(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeWithScores(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeWithScores(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeWithScores(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeWithScores(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeWithScores(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeWithScores(String, ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrangeWithScores(byte[], ZRangeParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrank(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrank(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return the rank (or index) of member in the sorted set at key, with scores being ordered from low to high.
zrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrank(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the rank (or index) or member in the sorted set at key, with scores being ordered from low to high.
zrank(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the rank (or index) of member in the sorted set at key, with scores being ordered from low to high.
zrank(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrank(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrank(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrank(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ZRANK_WITHSCORE_PAIR - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
zrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Returns the rank and the score of member in the sorted set stored at key, with the scores ordered from low to high.
zrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns the rank and the score of member in the sorted set stored at key, with the scores ordered from low to high.
zrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns the rank and the score of member in the sorted set stored at key, with the scores ordered from low to high.
zrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrem(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrem(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Remove the specified member from the sorted set value stored at key.
zrem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrem(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove the specified member from the sorted set value stored at key.
zrem(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove the specified member from the sorted set value stored at key.
zrem(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrem(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrem(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrem(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrem(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zremrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zremrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zremrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zremrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Remove all elements in the sorted set stored at key between the lexicographical range specified by min and max, when all the elements in a sorted set are inserted with the same score, in order to force lexicographical ordering.
zremrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zremrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zremrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zremrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zremrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zremrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zremrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zremrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zremrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zremrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zremrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zremrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zremrangeByRank(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zremrangeByRank(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zremrangeByRank(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zremrangeByRank(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Remove all elements in the sorted set at key with rank between start and end.
zremrangeByRank(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zremrangeByRank(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zremrangeByRank(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove all elements in the sorted set at key with rank between start and end.
zremrangeByRank(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove all elements in the sorted set at key with rank between start and end.
zremrangeByRank(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zremrangeByRank(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zremrangeByRank(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zremrangeByRank(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zremrangeByRank(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zremrangeByRank(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zremrangeByRank(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zremrangeByRank(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zremrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zremrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zremrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zremrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zremrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zremrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zremrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Remove all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
zremrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZREMRANGE but with limit option.
zremrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zremrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zremrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zremrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zremrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
zremrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zremrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Remove all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
zremrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zremrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zremrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zremrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zremrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zremrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zremrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zremrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zremrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zremrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zremrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zremrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zremrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zremrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zremrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zremrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zremrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrange(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Returns the specified range of elements in the sorted set stored at key.
zrevrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrange(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrange(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrange(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return all the elements in the sorted set at key with a value between max and min, when all the elements in a sorted set are inserted with the same score, in order to force lexicographical ordering.
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but with limit option.
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByLex(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByLex(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between max and min (including elements with score equal to max or min).
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZREVRANGE but with exclusive range.
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZRANGE but with limit option,
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZREVRANGE but with limit option,
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScore(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScore(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZREVRANGE but return with scores.
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZREVRANGE but with exclusive range, and return with scores.
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZREVRANGE but with limit options and return with scores.
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZREVRANGE but with exclusive range, with limit options and return with scores.
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Similar to ZREVRANGE but the reply will include the scores of the returned elements.
zrevrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zrevrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrangeWithScores(String, long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrangeWithScores(byte[], long, long) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrank(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrank(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return the rank (or index) of member in the sorted set at key, with scores being ordered from high to low.
zrevrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrank(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the rank (or index) or member in the sorted set at key, with scores being ordered from high to low.
zrevrank(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the rank (or index) of member in the sorted set at key, with scores being ordered from high to low.
zrevrank(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrank(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrank(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrank(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrank(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zrevrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zrevrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Returns the rank and the score of member in the sorted set stored at key, with the scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zrevrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zrevrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns the rank and the score of member in the sorted set stored at key, with the scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Returns the rank and the score of member in the sorted set stored at key, with the scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zrevrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zrevrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zrevrankWithScore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zrevrankWithScore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zscan(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zscan(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
zscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
zscan(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zscan(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zscan(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
zscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zscan(String, String, ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zscan(byte[], byte[], ScanParams) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
ZSCAN_RESPONSE - Static variable in class redis.clients.jedis.BuilderFactory
zscore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zscore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zscore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zscore(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Return the score of the specified element of the sorted set at key.
zscore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zscore(String, String) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zscore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the score of the specified element of the sorted set at key.
zscore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Return the score of the specified element of the sorted set at key.
zscore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zscore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zscore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zscore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zscore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zscore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zscore(String, String) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zscore(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zunion(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zunion(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zunion(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zunion(ZParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Compute the union between all the sets in the given keys.
zunion(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zunion(ZParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zunion(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Add multiple sorted sets, This command is similar to ZUNIONSTORE, but instead of storing the resulting sorted set, it is returned to the connection.
zunion(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Add multiple sorted sets, This command is similar to ZUNIONSTORE, but instead of storing the resulting sorted set, it is returned to the connection.
zunion(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zunion(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zunion(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zunion(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zunion(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zunion(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zunion(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zunion(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zunionstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zunionstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zunionstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zunionstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zunionstore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Compute the union between all the sets in the given keys.
zunionstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Compute the union between all the sets in the given keys.
zunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zunionstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zunionstore(String, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zunionstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey.
zunionstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey.
zunionstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey.
zunionstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey.
zunionstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zunionstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zunionstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zunionstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zunionstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zunionstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zunionstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zunionstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zunionstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zunionstore(String, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zunionstore(String, ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zunionstore(byte[], byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zunionstore(byte[], ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zunionWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zunionWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.CommandObjects
zunionWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetBinaryCommands
zunionWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetCommands
Compute the union between all the sets in the given keys.
zunionWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineBinaryCommands
zunionWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in interface redis.clients.jedis.commands.SortedSetPipelineCommands
zunionWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Add multiple sorted sets with scores, This command is similar to ZUNIONSTORE, but instead of storing the resulting sorted set, it is returned to the connection.
zunionWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Jedis
Add multiple sorted sets with scores, This command is similar to ZUNIONSTORE, but instead of storing the resulting sorted set, it is returned to the connection.
zunionWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zunionWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.MultiNodePipelineBase
zunionWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zunionWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline
zunionWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zunionWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.TransactionBase
zunionWithScores(ZParams, String...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
zunionWithScores(ZParams, byte[]...) - Method in class redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis
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