public abstract class AbstractTransaction extends PipeliningBase implements
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
protected |
AbstractTransaction() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract void |
close() |
abstract java.lang.String |
discard() |
abstract java.util.List<java.lang.Object> |
exec() |
abstract void |
multi() |
abstract java.lang.String |
unwatch() |
Response<java.lang.Long> |
waitReplicas(int replicas,
long timeout) |
abstract java.lang.String |
watch(byte[]... keys)
Must be called before
abstract java.lang.String |
watch(java.lang.String... keys)
Must be called before
append, append, appendCommand, bfAdd, bfCard, bfExists, bfInfo, bfInsert, bfInsert, bfLoadChunk, bfMAdd, bfMExists, bfReserve, bfReserve, bfScanDump, bitcount, bitcount, bitcount, bitcount, bitcount, bitcount, bitfield, bitfield, bitfieldReadonly, bitfieldReadonly, bitop, bitop, bitpos, bitpos, bitpos, bitpos, blmove, blmove, blmpop, blmpop, blmpop, blmpop, blpop, blpop, blpop, blpop, blpop, blpop, brpop, brpop, brpop, brpop, brpop, brpop, brpoplpush, brpoplpush, bzmpop, bzmpop, bzmpop, bzmpop, bzpopmax, bzpopmax, bzpopmin, bzpopmin, cfAdd, cfAddNx, cfCount, cfDel, cfExists, cfInfo, cfInsert, cfInsert, cfInsertNx, cfInsertNx, cfLoadChunk, cfReserve, cfReserve, cfScanDump, cmsIncrBy, cmsInfo, cmsInitByDim, cmsInitByProb, cmsMerge, cmsMerge, cmsQuery, copy, copy, decr, decr, decrBy, decrBy, del, del, del, del, dump, dump, eval, eval, eval, eval, eval, eval, eval, eval, evalReadonly, evalReadonly, evalsha, evalsha, evalsha, evalsha, evalsha, evalsha, evalsha, evalsha, evalshaReadonly, evalshaReadonly, executeCommand, exists, exists, exists, exists, expire, expire, expire, expire, expireAt, expireAt, expireAt, expireAt, expireTime, expireTime, fcall, fcall, fcallReadonly, fcallReadonly, ftAggregate, ftAliasAdd, ftAliasDel, ftAliasUpdate, ftAlter, ftAlter, ftConfigGet, ftConfigGet, ftConfigSet, ftConfigSet, ftCreate, ftCreate, ftDictAdd, ftDictAddBySampleKey, ftDictDel, ftDictDelBySampleKey, ftDictDump, ftDictDumpBySampleKey, ftDropIndex, ftDropIndexDD, ftExplain, ftExplainCLI, ftInfo, ftSearch, ftSearch, ftSearch, ftSearch, ftSpellCheck, ftSpellCheck, ftSugAdd, ftSugAddIncr, ftSugDel, ftSugGet, ftSugGet, ftSugGetWithScores, ftSugGetWithScores, ftSugLen, ftSynDump, ftSynUpdate, ftTagVals, functionDelete, functionDelete, functionDump, functionFlush, functionFlush, functionKill, functionList, functionList, functionList, functionListBinary, functionListWithCode, functionListWithCode, functionListWithCode, functionListWithCodeBinary, functionLoad, functionLoad, functionLoadReplace, functionLoadReplace, functionRestore, functionRestore, functionStats, functionStatsBinary, geoadd, geoadd, geoadd, geoadd, geoadd, geoadd, geodist, geodist, geodist, geodist, geohash, geohash, geopos, geopos, georadius, georadius, georadius, georadius, georadiusByMember, georadiusByMember, georadiusByMember, georadiusByMember, georadiusByMemberReadonly, georadiusByMemberReadonly, georadiusByMemberReadonly, georadiusByMemberReadonly, georadiusByMemberStore, georadiusByMemberStore, georadiusReadonly, georadiusReadonly, georadiusReadonly, georadiusReadonly, georadiusStore, georadiusStore, geosearch, geosearch, geosearch, geosearch, geosearch, geosearch, geosearch, geosearch, geosearch, geosearch, geosearchStore, geosearchStore, geosearchStore, geosearchStore, geosearchStore, geosearchStore, geosearchStore, geosearchStore, geosearchStore, geosearchStore, geosearchStoreStoreDist, geosearchStoreStoreDist, get, get, getbit, getbit, getDel, getDel, getEx, getEx, getrange, getrange, getSet, getSet, graphDelete, graphProfile, graphQuery, graphQuery, graphQuery, graphQuery, graphReadonlyQuery, graphReadonlyQuery, graphReadonlyQuery, graphReadonlyQuery, hdel, hdel, hexists, hexists, hget, hget, hgetAll, hgetAll, hincrBy, hincrBy, hincrByFloat, hincrByFloat, hkeys, hkeys, hlen, hlen, hmget, hmget, hmset, hmset, hrandfield, hrandfield, hrandfield, hrandfield, hrandfieldWithValues, hrandfieldWithValues, hscan, hscan, hset, hset, hset, hset, hsetnx, hsetnx, hstrlen, hstrlen, hvals, hvals, incr, incr, incrBy, incrBy, incrByFloat, incrByFloat, jsonArrAppend, jsonArrAppend, jsonArrAppendWithEscape, jsonArrIndex, jsonArrIndex, jsonArrIndexWithEscape, jsonArrInsert, jsonArrInsert, jsonArrInsertWithEscape, jsonArrLen, jsonArrLen, jsonArrLen, jsonArrPop, jsonArrPop, jsonArrPop, jsonArrPop, jsonArrPop, jsonArrPop, jsonArrPop, jsonArrPop, jsonArrTrim, jsonArrTrim, jsonClear, jsonClear, jsonClear, jsonDel, jsonDel, jsonDel, jsonGet, jsonGet, jsonGet, jsonGet, jsonGet, jsonMerge, jsonMerge, jsonMGet, jsonMGet, jsonNumIncrBy, jsonNumIncrBy, jsonSet, jsonSet, jsonSet, jsonSet, jsonSetWithEscape, jsonSetWithEscape, jsonStrAppend, jsonStrAppend, jsonStrAppend, jsonStrLen, jsonStrLen, jsonStrLen, jsonToggle, jsonToggle, jsonType, jsonType, jsonType, keys, keys, lcs, lcs, lindex, lindex, linsert, linsert, llen, llen, lmove, lmove, lmpop, lmpop, lmpop, lmpop, lpop, lpop, lpop, lpop, lpos, lpos, lpos, lpos, lpos, lpos, lpush, lpush, lpushx, lpushx, lrange, lrange, lrem, lrem, lset, lset, ltrim, ltrim, memoryUsage, memoryUsage, memoryUsage, memoryUsage, mget, mget, migrate, migrate, migrate, migrate, mset, mset, msetnx, msetnx, objectEncoding, objectEncoding, objectFreq, objectFreq, objectIdletime, objectIdletime, objectRefcount, objectRefcount, persist, persist, pexpire, pexpire, pexpire, pexpire, pexpireAt, pexpireAt, pexpireAt, pexpireAt, pexpireTime, pexpireTime, pfadd, pfadd, pfcount, pfcount, pfcount, pfcount, pfmerge, pfmerge, psetex, psetex, pttl, pttl, randomBinaryKey, randomKey, rename, rename, renamenx, renamenx, restore, restore, restore, restore, rpop, rpop, rpop, rpop, rpoplpush, rpoplpush, rpush, rpush, rpushx, rpushx, sadd, sadd, scan, scan, scan, scan, scan, scan, scard, scard, scriptExists, scriptExists, scriptFlush, scriptFlush, scriptFlush, scriptFlush, scriptKill, scriptKill, scriptLoad, scriptLoad, sdiff, sdiff, sdiffstore, sdiffStore, sendCommand, sendCommand, sendCommand, set, set, set, set, setbit, setbit, setex, setex, setGet, setGet, setGraphCommands, setJsonObjectMapper, setnx, setnx, setrange, setrange, sinter, sinter, sintercard, sintercard, sintercard, sintercard, sinterstore, sinterstore, sismember, sismember, smembers, smembers, smismember, smismember, smove, smove, sort, sort, sort, sort, sort, sort, sort, sort, sortReadonly, sortReadonly, spop, spop, spop, spop, srandmember, srandmember, srandmember, srandmember, srem, srem, sscan, sscan, strlen, strlen, substr, substr, sunion, sunion, sunionstore, sunionstore, tdigestAdd, tdigestByRank, tdigestByRevRank, tdigestCDF, tdigestCreate, tdigestCreate, tdigestInfo, tdigestMax, tdigestMerge, tdigestMerge, tdigestMin, tdigestQuantile, tdigestRank, tdigestReset, tdigestRevRank, tdigestTrimmedMean, topkAdd, topkIncrBy, topkInfo, topkList, topkListWithCount, topkQuery, topkReserve, topkReserve, touch, touch, touch, touch, tsAdd, tsAdd, tsAdd, tsAlter, tsCreate, tsCreate, tsCreateRule, tsCreateRule, tsDecrBy, tsDecrBy, tsDel, tsDeleteRule, tsGet, tsGet, tsIncrBy, tsIncrBy, tsMAdd, tsMGet, tsMRange, tsMRange, tsMRevRange, tsMRevRange, tsQueryIndex, tsRange, tsRange, tsRevRange, tsRevRange, ttl, ttl, type, type, unlink, unlink, unlink, unlink, waitAOF, waitAOF, waitReplicas, waitReplicas, xack, xack, xadd, xadd, xadd, xautoclaim, xautoclaim, xautoclaimJustId, xautoclaimJustId, xclaim, xclaim, xclaimJustId, xclaimJustId, xdel, xdel, xgroupCreate, xgroupCreate, xgroupCreateConsumer, xgroupCreateConsumer, xgroupDelConsumer, xgroupDelConsumer, xgroupDestroy, xgroupDestroy, xgroupSetID, xgroupSetID, xinfoConsumers, xinfoConsumers, xinfoConsumers2, xinfoGroups, xinfoGroups, xinfoStream, xinfoStream, xinfoStreamFull, xinfoStreamFull, xinfoStreamFull, xinfoStreamFull, xlen, xlen, xpending, xpending, xpending, xpending, xrange, xrange, xrange, xrange, xrange, xrange, xread, xread, xreadGroup, xreadGroup, xrevrange, xrevrange, xrevrange, xrevrange, xrevrange, xrevrange, xtrim, xtrim, xtrim, xtrim, zadd, zadd, zadd, zadd, zadd, zadd, zadd, zadd, zaddIncr, zaddIncr, zcard, zcard, zcount, zcount, zcount, zcount, zdiff, zdiff, zdiffstore, zdiffStore, zdiffstore, zdiffStore, zdiffWithScores, zdiffWithScores, zincrby, zincrby, zincrby, zincrby, zinter, zinter, zintercard, zintercard, zintercard, zintercard, zinterstore, zinterstore, zinterstore, zinterstore, zinterWithScores, zinterWithScores, zlexcount, zlexcount, zmpop, zmpop, zmpop, zmpop, zmscore, zmscore, zpopmax, zpopmax, zpopmax, zpopmax, zpopmin, zpopmin, zpopmin, zpopmin, zrandmember, zrandmember, zrandmember, zrandmember, zrandmemberWithScores, zrandmemberWithScores, zrange, zrange, zrange, zrange, zrangeByLex, zrangeByLex, zrangeByLex, zrangeByLex, zrangeByScore, zrangeByScore, zrangeByScore, zrangeByScore, zrangeByScore, zrangeByScore, zrangeByScore, zrangeByScore, zrangeByScoreWithScores, zrangeByScoreWithScores, zrangeByScoreWithScores, zrangeByScoreWithScores, zrangeByScoreWithScores, zrangeByScoreWithScores, zrangeByScoreWithScores, zrangeByScoreWithScores, zrangestore, zrangestore, zrangeWithScores, zrangeWithScores, zrangeWithScores, zrangeWithScores, zrank, zrank, zrankWithScore, zrankWithScore, zrem, zrem, zremrangeByLex, zremrangeByLex, zremrangeByRank, zremrangeByRank, zremrangeByScore, zremrangeByScore, zremrangeByScore, zremrangeByScore, zrevrange, zrevrange, zrevrangeByLex, zrevrangeByLex, zrevrangeByLex, zrevrangeByLex, zrevrangeByScore, zrevrangeByScore, zrevrangeByScore, zrevrangeByScore, zrevrangeByScore, zrevrangeByScore, zrevrangeByScore, zrevrangeByScore, zrevrangeByScoreWithScores, zrevrangeByScoreWithScores, zrevrangeByScoreWithScores, zrevrangeByScoreWithScores, zrevrangeByScoreWithScores, zrevrangeByScoreWithScores, zrevrangeByScoreWithScores, zrevrangeByScoreWithScores, zrevrangeWithScores, zrevrangeWithScores, zrevrank, zrevrank, zrevrankWithScore, zrevrankWithScore, zscan, zscan, zscore, zscore, zunion, zunion, zunionstore, zunionstore, zunionstore, zunionstore, zunionWithScores, zunionWithScores
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
ftAlter, ftAlter, ftCreate, ftCreate, ftCreate, ftSearch
jsonMGet, jsonSetLegacy, jsonSetLegacy
jsonMGet, jsonSet, jsonSet, jsonSetWithEscape, jsonSetWithEscape
public abstract void multi()
public abstract java.lang.String watch(java.lang.String... keys)
.public abstract java.lang.String watch(byte[]... keys)
.public abstract java.lang.String unwatch()
public abstract void close()
in interface
in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
public abstract java.util.List<java.lang.Object> exec()
public abstract java.lang.String discard()
public Response<java.lang.Long> waitReplicas(int replicas, long timeout)
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