
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

Value members

Concrete methods

transparent inline def emptySchema: EmptySchema.type
transparent inline def fields(inline properties: RecordProperty0*): RecordSchema

This macro doesn't work at the moment.

This macro doesn't work at the moment.

transparent inline def fields1[P1 <: RecordProperty0](inline p1: P1): SchemaCons[P1, EmptySchema.type]
transparent inline def fields2[P1 <: RecordProperty0, P2 <: RecordProperty0](inline p1: P1, inline p2: P2): SchemaCons[P1, SchemaCons[P2, EmptySchema.type]]
transparent inline def fields3[P1 <: RecordProperty0, P2 <: RecordProperty0, P3 <: RecordProperty0](inline p1: P1, inline p2: P2, inline p3: P3): SchemaCons[P1, SchemaCons[P2, SchemaCons[P3, EmptySchema.type]]]
transparent inline def showExpr(inline a: Any): String
transparent inline def traitExpr(inline a: Any): Any
transparent inline def tupleToSchema[T <: Tuple](inline t: T)(using inline ev: IsMappedBy[RecordProperty][T]): RecordSchema