Enum GuiceyLifecycle

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • ConfigurationHooksProcessed

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle ConfigurationHooksProcessed
        Called after all registered GuiceyConfigurationHook processing. Provides all instances of executed hooks. Not called if no hooks used.
      • DropwizardBundlesInitialized

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle DropwizardBundlesInitialized
        Called after dropwizard bundles initialization (for dropwizard bundles registered through guicey api). Not called if no bundles were registered.
      • BundlesFromLookupResolved

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle BundlesFromLookupResolved
        Called if at least one bundle recognized using bundles lookup. Provides list of recognized bundles (note: some of these bundles could be disabled and not used further).
      • BundlesResolved

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle BundlesResolved
        Called after GuiceyBundleLookup mechanisms when all top-level bundles are resolved. Provides a list of all enabled and list of disabled bundles. Called even if no bundles registered to indicate configuration state.
      • BundlesInitialized

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle BundlesInitialized
        Called after bundles processing. Note that bundles could register other bundles and so resulted list of installed bundles could be bigger (than in resolution event). Provides a list of all used and all disabled bundles. Not called even if no bundles were used at all (no initialization - no event).
      • InstallersResolved

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle InstallersResolved
        Called when installers resolved (from classpath scan, if enabled) and initialized. Provides list of all enabled and list of all disabled installers (which will be used for extensions recognition and installation). Called even if no installers are resolved to indicate configuration state.
      • ManualExtensionsValidated

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle ManualExtensionsValidated
        Called when all manually registered extension classes are recognized by installers (validated). But only extensions, known to be enabled at that time are actually validated (this way it is possible to exclude extensions for non existing installers). Called only if at least one manual extension registered.
      • ClasspathExtensionsResolved

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle ClasspathExtensionsResolved
        Called when classes from classpath scan analyzed and all extensions detected. Called only if classpath scan is enabled and at least one extension detected.
      • Initialized

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle Initialized
        Called after guicey initialization (includes bundles lookup and initialization, installers and extensions resolution). Pure marker event, indicating guicey work finished under dropwizard configuration phase.

        Note: dropwizard bundles, registered after GuiceBundle will be initialized after this point.

      • BeforeRun

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle BeforeRun
        Special meta event, called before all GuiceBundle run phase logic (when configuration and environment are already available). Could be used to print some diagnostic info before guicey initialization (for example, available configuration bindings to debug guice injector creation failure due to missed bindings).
      • BundlesStarted

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle BundlesStarted
        Called after bundles started (run method call). Not called if no bundles were used at all. Note that dropwizard bundles are not yet started because dropwizard will call it's run method after guice bundle processing.
      • ModulesAnalyzed

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle ModulesAnalyzed
        Called after guice modules analysis and repackaging. Reveals all detected extensions and removed bindings info. Called only if bindings analysis is enabled.
      • ExtensionsResolved

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle ExtensionsResolved
        Called when all extensions detected (from classpath scan and guice modules). Provides list of all enabled and list of disabled extension types (instances are not available yet). Called even if no extensions configured to indicate configuration state.
      • InjectorCreation

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle InjectorCreation
        Called just before guice injector creation. Provides all configured modules (main and override) and all disabled modules. Note that provided configured module instances were already processed (during bindings analysis) and so it makes no sense to modify them (only overriding modules will be actually used because they are not used during bindings analysis). Called even when no modules registered to indicate configuration state.
      • ExtensionsInstalledBy

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle ExtensionsInstalledBy
        Called when installer installed all related extensions and only for installers actually performed installations (extensions list never empty). Provides installer and installed extensions types.

        NOTE: JerseyInstaller installers will not be notified here, even if they participate in installation it is considered as incomplete at that point.

        Extension instance could be obtained manually from injector. Injector is available because it's already constructed.

      • ExtensionsInstalled

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle ExtensionsInstalled
        Called after all installers install related extensions. Provides list of all used (enabled) extensions. Not called when no extensions installed.

        Extension instance could be obtained manually from injector. Injector is available because it's already constructed.

      • ApplicationRun

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle ApplicationRun
        Called after GuiceBundle.run( io.dropwizard.core.Configuration, io.dropwizard.core.setup.Environment) when guicey context is started, extensions installed (but not hk extensions, because neither jersey nor jetty is't start yet).

        At this point injection to registered commands is performed (this may be important if custom command run application instead of "server"). Injector itself is completely initialized - all singletons started.

        This point is before Application.run( io.dropwizard.core.Configuration, io.dropwizard.core.setup.Environment). Ideal point for jersey and jetty listeners installation (with shortcut event methods).

      • JerseyConfiguration

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle JerseyConfiguration
        Jersey context starting. At this point jersey is starting and jetty is only initializing. Since that point jersey InjectionManager is accessible.
      • JerseyExtensionsInstalledBy

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle JerseyExtensionsInstalledBy
        Called when JerseyInstaller installer installed all related extensions and only for installers actually performed installations (extensions list never empty). Provides installer and installed extensions types.

        At this point jersey is not completely started and so jersey managed extensions (JerseyManaged) couldn't be obtained yet (even though you have access to root service locator). But extensions managed by guice could be obtained from guice context.

      • JerseyExtensionsInstalled

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle JerseyExtensionsInstalled
        Called after all JerseyInstaller installers install related extensions and only when at least one extension was installed. Provides list of all used (enabled) extensions.

        At this point jersey is not completely started and so jersey managed extensions (JerseyManaged) couldn't be obtained yet (even though you have access to root service locator). But extensions managed by guice could be obtained from guice context.

        To listen jersey lifecycle further use jersey events (like in LifecycleDiagnostic).

      • ApplicationStarted

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle ApplicationStarted
        Called after complete dropwizard startup. Actually the same as jetty lifecycle started event (LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleStarted( org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle)), which is called after complete jetty startup.

        May be used as assured "started" point (after all initializations). For example, to report something. This event also will be fired in guicey tests (TestGuiceyApp) which does not start the web part).

      • ApplicationShutdown

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle ApplicationShutdown
        Called on application shutdown start. Triggered by jetty lifecycle stopping event ( LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleStopping( org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle)).

        May be used to perform some shutdown logic.

      • ApplicationStopped

        public static final GuiceyLifecycle ApplicationStopped
        Called after application shutdown. Triggered by jetty lifecycle stopping event ( LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleStopped( org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle)).

        Supposed to be used to cleanup some resources after complete shutdown (very specific cases).

    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static GuiceyLifecycle[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (GuiceyLifecycle c : GuiceyLifecycle.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static GuiceyLifecycle valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getType

        public java.lang.Class<? extends GuiceyLifecycleEvent> getType()
        type of related event