Interface CancelFlowExecutionsRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • flowName

        CancelFlowExecutionsRequest.Builder flowName​(String flowName)

        The name of a flow with active runs that you want to cancel.

        flowName - The name of a flow with active runs that you want to cancel.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • executionIds

        CancelFlowExecutionsRequest.Builder executionIds​(Collection<String> executionIds)

        The ID of each active run to cancel. These runs must belong to the flow you specify in your request.

        If you omit this parameter, your request ends all active runs that belong to the flow.

        executionIds - The ID of each active run to cancel. These runs must belong to the flow you specify in your request.

        If you omit this parameter, your request ends all active runs that belong to the flow.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • executionIds

        CancelFlowExecutionsRequest.Builder executionIds​(String... executionIds)

        The ID of each active run to cancel. These runs must belong to the flow you specify in your request.

        If you omit this parameter, your request ends all active runs that belong to the flow.

        executionIds - The ID of each active run to cancel. These runs must belong to the flow you specify in your request.

        If you omit this parameter, your request ends all active runs that belong to the flow.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.