Class SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties

    • Method Detail

      • applicationHostUrl

        public final String applicationHostUrl()

        The location of the SAPOData resource.

        The location of the SAPOData resource.
      • applicationServicePath

        public final String applicationServicePath()

        The application path to catalog service.

        The application path to catalog service.
      • portNumber

        public final Integer portNumber()

        The port number of the SAPOData instance.

        The port number of the SAPOData instance.
      • clientNumber

        public final String clientNumber()

        The client number for the client creating the connection.

        The client number for the client creating the connection.
      • logonLanguage

        public final String logonLanguage()

        The logon language of SAPOData instance.

        The logon language of SAPOData instance.
      • privateLinkServiceName

        public final String privateLinkServiceName()

        The SAPOData Private Link service name to be used for private data transfers.

        The SAPOData Private Link service name to be used for private data transfers.
      • oAuthProperties

        public final OAuthProperties oAuthProperties()

        The SAPOData OAuth properties required for OAuth type authentication.

        The SAPOData OAuth properties required for OAuth type authentication.
      • disableSSO

        public final Boolean disableSSO()

        If you set this parameter to true, Amazon AppFlow bypasses the single sign-on (SSO) settings in your SAP account when it accesses your SAP OData instance.

        Whether you need this option depends on the types of credentials that you applied to your SAP OData connection profile. If your profile uses basic authentication credentials, SAP SSO can prevent Amazon AppFlow from connecting to your account with your username and password. In this case, bypassing SSO makes it possible for Amazon AppFlow to connect successfully. However, if your profile uses OAuth credentials, this parameter has no affect.

        If you set this parameter to true, Amazon AppFlow bypasses the single sign-on (SSO) settings in your SAP account when it accesses your SAP OData instance.

        Whether you need this option depends on the types of credentials that you applied to your SAP OData connection profile. If your profile uses basic authentication credentials, SAP SSO can prevent Amazon AppFlow from connecting to your account with your username and password. In this case, bypassing SSO makes it possible for Amazon AppFlow to connect successfully. However, if your profile uses OAuth credentials, this parameter has no affect.

      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object
      • getValueForField

        public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField​(String fieldName,
                                                      Class<T> clazz)