Interface DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • apiKey

        DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials.Builder apiKey​(String apiKey)

        A unique alphanumeric identifier used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to your API.

        apiKey - A unique alphanumeric identifier used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to your API.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • applicationKey

        DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials.Builder applicationKey​(String applicationKey)

        Application keys, in conjunction with your API key, give you full access to Datadog’s programmatic API. Application keys are associated with the user account that created them. The application key is used to log all requests made to the API.

        applicationKey - Application keys, in conjunction with your API key, give you full access to Datadog’s programmatic API. Application keys are associated with the user account that created them. The application key is used to log all requests made to the API.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.