Class AwsBasicCredentials

    • Constructor Detail

      • AwsBasicCredentials

        protected AwsBasicCredentials​(String accessKeyId,
                                      String secretAccessKey)
        Constructs a new credentials object, with the specified AWS access key and AWS secret key.
        accessKeyId - The AWS access key, used to identify the user interacting with AWS.
        secretAccessKey - The AWS secret access key, used to authenticate the user interacting with AWS.
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static AwsBasicCredentials create​(String accessKeyId,
                                                 String secretAccessKey)
        Constructs a new credentials object, with the specified AWS access key and AWS secret key.
        accessKeyId - The AWS access key, used to identify the user interacting with AWS.
        secretAccessKey - The AWS secret access key, used to authenticate the user interacting with AWS.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object