Interface LaunchTemplateSpecification.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • launchTemplateId

        LaunchTemplateSpecification.Builder launchTemplateId​(String launchTemplateId)

        The ID of the launch template. To get the template ID, use the Amazon EC2 DescribeLaunchTemplates API operation. New launch templates can be created using the Amazon EC2 CreateLaunchTemplate API.

        Conditional: You must specify either a LaunchTemplateId or a LaunchTemplateName.

        launchTemplateId - The ID of the launch template. To get the template ID, use the Amazon EC2 DescribeLaunchTemplates API operation. New launch templates can be created using the Amazon EC2 CreateLaunchTemplate API.

        Conditional: You must specify either a LaunchTemplateId or a LaunchTemplateName.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • launchTemplateName

        LaunchTemplateSpecification.Builder launchTemplateName​(String launchTemplateName)

        The name of the launch template. To get the template name, use the Amazon EC2 DescribeLaunchTemplates API operation. New launch templates can be created using the Amazon EC2 CreateLaunchTemplate API.

        Conditional: You must specify either a LaunchTemplateId or a LaunchTemplateName.

        launchTemplateName - The name of the launch template. To get the template name, use the Amazon EC2 DescribeLaunchTemplates API operation. New launch templates can be created using the Amazon EC2 CreateLaunchTemplate API.

        Conditional: You must specify either a LaunchTemplateId or a LaunchTemplateName.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • version

        LaunchTemplateSpecification.Builder version​(String version)

        The version number, $Latest, or $Default. To get the version number, use the Amazon EC2 DescribeLaunchTemplateVersions API operation. New launch template versions can be created using the Amazon EC2 CreateLaunchTemplateVersion API. If the value is $Latest, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling selects the latest version of the launch template when launching instances. If the value is $Default, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling selects the default version of the launch template when launching instances. The default value is $Default.

        version - The version number, $Latest, or $Default. To get the version number, use the Amazon EC2 DescribeLaunchTemplateVersions API operation. New launch template versions can be created using the Amazon EC2 CreateLaunchTemplateVersion API. If the value is $Latest, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling selects the latest version of the launch template when launching instances. If the value is $Default, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling selects the default version of the launch template when launching instances. The default value is $Default.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.