Interface InstanceRefresh.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • instanceRefreshId

        InstanceRefresh.Builder instanceRefreshId​(String instanceRefreshId)

        The instance refresh ID.

        instanceRefreshId - The instance refresh ID.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • autoScalingGroupName

        InstanceRefresh.Builder autoScalingGroupName​(String autoScalingGroupName)

        The name of the Auto Scaling group.

        autoScalingGroupName - The name of the Auto Scaling group.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • status

        InstanceRefresh.Builder status​(String status)

        The current status for the instance refresh operation:

        • Pending - The request was created, but the instance refresh has not started.

        • InProgress - An instance refresh is in progress.

        • Successful - An instance refresh completed successfully.

        • Failed - An instance refresh failed to complete. You can troubleshoot using the status reason and the scaling activities.

        • Cancelling - An ongoing instance refresh is being cancelled.

        • Cancelled - The instance refresh is cancelled.

        • RollbackInProgress - An instance refresh is being rolled back.

        • RollbackFailed - The rollback failed to complete. You can troubleshoot using the status reason and the scaling activities.

        • RollbackSuccessful - The rollback completed successfully.

        status - The current status for the instance refresh operation:

        • Pending - The request was created, but the instance refresh has not started.

        • InProgress - An instance refresh is in progress.

        • Successful - An instance refresh completed successfully.

        • Failed - An instance refresh failed to complete. You can troubleshoot using the status reason and the scaling activities.

        • Cancelling - An ongoing instance refresh is being cancelled.

        • Cancelled - The instance refresh is cancelled.

        • RollbackInProgress - An instance refresh is being rolled back.

        • RollbackFailed - The rollback failed to complete. You can troubleshoot using the status reason and the scaling activities.

        • RollbackSuccessful - The rollback completed successfully.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        InstanceRefreshStatus, InstanceRefreshStatus
      • status

        InstanceRefresh.Builder status​(InstanceRefreshStatus status)

        The current status for the instance refresh operation:

        • Pending - The request was created, but the instance refresh has not started.

        • InProgress - An instance refresh is in progress.

        • Successful - An instance refresh completed successfully.

        • Failed - An instance refresh failed to complete. You can troubleshoot using the status reason and the scaling activities.

        • Cancelling - An ongoing instance refresh is being cancelled.

        • Cancelled - The instance refresh is cancelled.

        • RollbackInProgress - An instance refresh is being rolled back.

        • RollbackFailed - The rollback failed to complete. You can troubleshoot using the status reason and the scaling activities.

        • RollbackSuccessful - The rollback completed successfully.

        status - The current status for the instance refresh operation:

        • Pending - The request was created, but the instance refresh has not started.

        • InProgress - An instance refresh is in progress.

        • Successful - An instance refresh completed successfully.

        • Failed - An instance refresh failed to complete. You can troubleshoot using the status reason and the scaling activities.

        • Cancelling - An ongoing instance refresh is being cancelled.

        • Cancelled - The instance refresh is cancelled.

        • RollbackInProgress - An instance refresh is being rolled back.

        • RollbackFailed - The rollback failed to complete. You can troubleshoot using the status reason and the scaling activities.

        • RollbackSuccessful - The rollback completed successfully.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        InstanceRefreshStatus, InstanceRefreshStatus
      • statusReason

        InstanceRefresh.Builder statusReason​(String statusReason)

        The explanation for the specific status assigned to this operation.

        statusReason - The explanation for the specific status assigned to this operation.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • startTime

        InstanceRefresh.Builder startTime​(Instant startTime)

        The date and time at which the instance refresh began.

        startTime - The date and time at which the instance refresh began.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • endTime

        InstanceRefresh.Builder endTime​(Instant endTime)

        The date and time at which the instance refresh ended.

        endTime - The date and time at which the instance refresh ended.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • percentageComplete

        InstanceRefresh.Builder percentageComplete​(Integer percentageComplete)

        The percentage of the instance refresh that is complete. For each instance replacement, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling tracks the instance's health status and warm-up time. When the instance's health status changes to healthy and the specified warm-up time passes, the instance is considered updated and is added to the percentage complete.

        PercentageComplete does not include instances that are replaced during a rollback. This value gradually goes back down to zero during a rollback.

        percentageComplete - The percentage of the instance refresh that is complete. For each instance replacement, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling tracks the instance's health status and warm-up time. When the instance's health status changes to healthy and the specified warm-up time passes, the instance is considered updated and is added to the percentage complete.

        PercentageComplete does not include instances that are replaced during a rollback. This value gradually goes back down to zero during a rollback.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesToUpdate

        InstanceRefresh.Builder instancesToUpdate​(Integer instancesToUpdate)

        The number of instances remaining to update before the instance refresh is complete.

        If you roll back the instance refresh, InstancesToUpdate shows you the number of instances that were not yet updated by the instance refresh. Therefore, these instances don't need to be replaced as part of the rollback.

        instancesToUpdate - The number of instances remaining to update before the instance refresh is complete.

        If you roll back the instance refresh, InstancesToUpdate shows you the number of instances that were not yet updated by the instance refresh. Therefore, these instances don't need to be replaced as part of the rollback.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • progressDetails

        InstanceRefresh.Builder progressDetails​(InstanceRefreshProgressDetails progressDetails)

        Additional progress details for an Auto Scaling group that has a warm pool.

        progressDetails - Additional progress details for an Auto Scaling group that has a warm pool.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • preferences

        InstanceRefresh.Builder preferences​(RefreshPreferences preferences)

        The preferences for an instance refresh.

        preferences - The preferences for an instance refresh.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • desiredConfiguration

        InstanceRefresh.Builder desiredConfiguration​(DesiredConfiguration desiredConfiguration)

        Describes the desired configuration for the instance refresh.

        desiredConfiguration - Describes the desired configuration for the instance refresh.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • rollbackDetails

        InstanceRefresh.Builder rollbackDetails​(RollbackDetails rollbackDetails)

        The rollback details.

        rollbackDetails - The rollback details.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.