Interface AutoScalingAsyncClient

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, AwsClient, SdkAutoCloseable, SdkClient

    public interface AutoScalingAsyncClient
    extends AwsClient
    Service client for accessing Auto Scaling asynchronously. This can be created using the static builder() method.The asynchronous client performs non-blocking I/O when configured with any SdkAsyncHttpClient supported in the SDK. However, full non-blocking is not guaranteed as the async client may perform blocking calls in some cases such as credentials retrieval and endpoint discovery as part of the async API call. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

    Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling is designed to automatically launch and terminate EC2 instances based on user-defined scaling policies, scheduled actions, and health checks.

    For more information, see the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide and the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.

    • Method Detail

      • attachInstances

        default CompletableFuture<AttachInstancesResponse> attachInstances​(AttachInstancesRequest attachInstancesRequest)

        Attaches one or more EC2 instances to the specified Auto Scaling group.

        When you attach instances, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling increases the desired capacity of the group by the number of instances being attached. If the number of instances being attached plus the desired capacity of the group exceeds the maximum size of the group, the operation fails.

        If there is a Classic Load Balancer attached to your Auto Scaling group, the instances are also registered with the load balancer. If there are target groups attached to your Auto Scaling group, the instances are also registered with the target groups.

        For more information, see Detach or attach instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        attachInstancesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the AttachInstances operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • attachInstances

        default CompletableFuture<AttachInstancesResponse> attachInstances​(Consumer<AttachInstancesRequest.Builder> attachInstancesRequest)

        Attaches one or more EC2 instances to the specified Auto Scaling group.

        When you attach instances, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling increases the desired capacity of the group by the number of instances being attached. If the number of instances being attached plus the desired capacity of the group exceeds the maximum size of the group, the operation fails.

        If there is a Classic Load Balancer attached to your Auto Scaling group, the instances are also registered with the load balancer. If there are target groups attached to your Auto Scaling group, the instances are also registered with the target groups.

        For more information, see Detach or attach instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the AttachInstancesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via AttachInstancesRequest.builder()

        attachInstancesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on AttachInstancesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the AttachInstances operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • attachLoadBalancerTargetGroups

        default CompletableFuture<AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResponse> attachLoadBalancerTargetGroups​(AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest attachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest)

        This API operation is superseded by AttachTrafficSources, which can attach multiple traffic sources types. We recommend using AttachTrafficSources to simplify how you manage traffic sources. However, we continue to support AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups. You can use both the original AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups API operation and AttachTrafficSources on the same Auto Scaling group.

        Attaches one or more target groups to the specified Auto Scaling group.

        This operation is used with the following load balancer types:

        • Application Load Balancer - Operates at the application layer (layer 7) and supports HTTP and HTTPS.

        • Network Load Balancer - Operates at the transport layer (layer 4) and supports TCP, TLS, and UDP.

        • Gateway Load Balancer - Operates at the network layer (layer 3).

        To describe the target groups for an Auto Scaling group, call the DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups API. To detach the target group from the Auto Scaling group, call the DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups API.

        This operation is additive and does not detach existing target groups or Classic Load Balancers from the Auto Scaling group.

        For more information, see Use Elastic Load Balancing to distribute traffic across the instances in your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        attachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • attachLoadBalancerTargetGroups

        default CompletableFuture<AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResponse> attachLoadBalancerTargetGroups​(Consumer<AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.Builder> attachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest)

        This API operation is superseded by AttachTrafficSources, which can attach multiple traffic sources types. We recommend using AttachTrafficSources to simplify how you manage traffic sources. However, we continue to support AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups. You can use both the original AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups API operation and AttachTrafficSources on the same Auto Scaling group.

        Attaches one or more target groups to the specified Auto Scaling group.

        This operation is used with the following load balancer types:

        • Application Load Balancer - Operates at the application layer (layer 7) and supports HTTP and HTTPS.

        • Network Load Balancer - Operates at the transport layer (layer 4) and supports TCP, TLS, and UDP.

        • Gateway Load Balancer - Operates at the network layer (layer 3).

        To describe the target groups for an Auto Scaling group, call the DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups API. To detach the target group from the Auto Scaling group, call the DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups API.

        This operation is additive and does not detach existing target groups or Classic Load Balancers from the Auto Scaling group.

        For more information, see Use Elastic Load Balancing to distribute traffic across the instances in your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.builder()

        attachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • attachLoadBalancers

        default CompletableFuture<AttachLoadBalancersResponse> attachLoadBalancers​(AttachLoadBalancersRequest attachLoadBalancersRequest)

        This API operation is superseded by, which can attach multiple traffic sources types. We recommend using AttachTrafficSources to simplify how you manage traffic sources. However, we continue to support AttachLoadBalancers. You can use both the original AttachLoadBalancers API operation and AttachTrafficSources on the same Auto Scaling group.

        Attaches one or more Classic Load Balancers to the specified Auto Scaling group. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling registers the running instances with these Classic Load Balancers.

        To describe the load balancers for an Auto Scaling group, call the DescribeLoadBalancers API. To detach a load balancer from the Auto Scaling group, call the DetachLoadBalancers API.

        This operation is additive and does not detach existing Classic Load Balancers or target groups from the Auto Scaling group.

        For more information, see Use Elastic Load Balancing to distribute traffic across the instances in your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        attachLoadBalancersRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the AttachLoadBalancers operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • attachLoadBalancers

        default CompletableFuture<AttachLoadBalancersResponse> attachLoadBalancers​(Consumer<AttachLoadBalancersRequest.Builder> attachLoadBalancersRequest)

        This API operation is superseded by, which can attach multiple traffic sources types. We recommend using AttachTrafficSources to simplify how you manage traffic sources. However, we continue to support AttachLoadBalancers. You can use both the original AttachLoadBalancers API operation and AttachTrafficSources on the same Auto Scaling group.

        Attaches one or more Classic Load Balancers to the specified Auto Scaling group. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling registers the running instances with these Classic Load Balancers.

        To describe the load balancers for an Auto Scaling group, call the DescribeLoadBalancers API. To detach a load balancer from the Auto Scaling group, call the DetachLoadBalancers API.

        This operation is additive and does not detach existing Classic Load Balancers or target groups from the Auto Scaling group.

        For more information, see Use Elastic Load Balancing to distribute traffic across the instances in your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the AttachLoadBalancersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via AttachLoadBalancersRequest.builder()

        attachLoadBalancersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on AttachLoadBalancersRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the AttachLoadBalancers operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • attachTrafficSources

        default CompletableFuture<AttachTrafficSourcesResponse> attachTrafficSources​(AttachTrafficSourcesRequest attachTrafficSourcesRequest)

        Attaches one or more traffic sources to the specified Auto Scaling group.

        You can use any of the following as traffic sources for an Auto Scaling group:

        • Application Load Balancer

        • Classic Load Balancer

        • Gateway Load Balancer

        • Network Load Balancer

        • VPC Lattice

        This operation is additive and does not detach existing traffic sources from the Auto Scaling group.

        After the operation completes, use the DescribeTrafficSources API to return details about the state of the attachments between traffic sources and your Auto Scaling group. To detach a traffic source from the Auto Scaling group, call the DetachTrafficSources API.

        attachTrafficSourcesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the AttachTrafficSources operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • attachTrafficSources

        default CompletableFuture<AttachTrafficSourcesResponse> attachTrafficSources​(Consumer<AttachTrafficSourcesRequest.Builder> attachTrafficSourcesRequest)

        Attaches one or more traffic sources to the specified Auto Scaling group.

        You can use any of the following as traffic sources for an Auto Scaling group:

        • Application Load Balancer

        • Classic Load Balancer

        • Gateway Load Balancer

        • Network Load Balancer

        • VPC Lattice

        This operation is additive and does not detach existing traffic sources from the Auto Scaling group.

        After the operation completes, use the DescribeTrafficSources API to return details about the state of the attachments between traffic sources and your Auto Scaling group. To detach a traffic source from the Auto Scaling group, call the DetachTrafficSources API.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the AttachTrafficSourcesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via AttachTrafficSourcesRequest.builder()

        attachTrafficSourcesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on AttachTrafficSourcesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the AttachTrafficSources operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • batchDeleteScheduledAction

        default CompletableFuture<BatchDeleteScheduledActionResponse> batchDeleteScheduledAction​(BatchDeleteScheduledActionRequest batchDeleteScheduledActionRequest)

        Deletes one or more scheduled actions for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        batchDeleteScheduledActionRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the BatchDeleteScheduledAction operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • batchDeleteScheduledAction

        default CompletableFuture<BatchDeleteScheduledActionResponse> batchDeleteScheduledAction​(Consumer<BatchDeleteScheduledActionRequest.Builder> batchDeleteScheduledActionRequest)

        Deletes one or more scheduled actions for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the BatchDeleteScheduledActionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via BatchDeleteScheduledActionRequest.builder()

        batchDeleteScheduledActionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on BatchDeleteScheduledActionRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the BatchDeleteScheduledAction operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • batchPutScheduledUpdateGroupAction

        default CompletableFuture<BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionResponse> batchPutScheduledUpdateGroupAction​(BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest batchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest)

        Creates or updates one or more scheduled scaling actions for an Auto Scaling group.

        batchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupAction operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • AlreadyExistsException You already have an Auto Scaling group or launch configuration with this name.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • batchPutScheduledUpdateGroupAction

        default CompletableFuture<BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionResponse> batchPutScheduledUpdateGroupAction​(Consumer<BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest.Builder> batchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest)

        Creates or updates one or more scheduled scaling actions for an Auto Scaling group.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest.builder()

        batchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupAction operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • AlreadyExistsException You already have an Auto Scaling group or launch configuration with this name.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • cancelInstanceRefresh

        default CompletableFuture<CancelInstanceRefreshResponse> cancelInstanceRefresh​(CancelInstanceRefreshRequest cancelInstanceRefreshRequest)

        Cancels an instance refresh or rollback that is in progress. If an instance refresh or rollback is not in progress, an ActiveInstanceRefreshNotFound error occurs.

        This operation is part of the instance refresh feature in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, which helps you update instances in your Auto Scaling group after you make configuration changes.

        When you cancel an instance refresh, this does not roll back any changes that it made. Use the RollbackInstanceRefresh API to roll back instead.

        cancelInstanceRefreshRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the CancelInstanceRefresh operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ActiveInstanceRefreshNotFoundException The request failed because an active instance refresh or rollback for the specified Auto Scaling group was not found.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • cancelInstanceRefresh

        default CompletableFuture<CancelInstanceRefreshResponse> cancelInstanceRefresh​(Consumer<CancelInstanceRefreshRequest.Builder> cancelInstanceRefreshRequest)

        Cancels an instance refresh or rollback that is in progress. If an instance refresh or rollback is not in progress, an ActiveInstanceRefreshNotFound error occurs.

        This operation is part of the instance refresh feature in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, which helps you update instances in your Auto Scaling group after you make configuration changes.

        When you cancel an instance refresh, this does not roll back any changes that it made. Use the RollbackInstanceRefresh API to roll back instead.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CancelInstanceRefreshRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CancelInstanceRefreshRequest.builder()

        cancelInstanceRefreshRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CancelInstanceRefreshRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the CancelInstanceRefresh operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ActiveInstanceRefreshNotFoundException The request failed because an active instance refresh or rollback for the specified Auto Scaling group was not found.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • completeLifecycleAction

        default CompletableFuture<CompleteLifecycleActionResponse> completeLifecycleAction​(CompleteLifecycleActionRequest completeLifecycleActionRequest)

        Completes the lifecycle action for the specified token or instance with the specified result.

        This step is a part of the procedure for adding a lifecycle hook to an Auto Scaling group:

        1. (Optional) Create a launch template or launch configuration with a user data script that runs while an instance is in a wait state due to a lifecycle hook.

        2. (Optional) Create a Lambda function and a rule that allows Amazon EventBridge to invoke your Lambda function when an instance is put into a wait state due to a lifecycle hook.

        3. (Optional) Create a notification target and an IAM role. The target can be either an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. The role allows Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to publish lifecycle notifications to the target.

        4. Create the lifecycle hook. Specify whether the hook is used when the instances launch or terminate.

        5. If you need more time, record the lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a wait state.

        6. If you finish before the timeout period ends, send a callback by using the CompleteLifecycleAction API call.

        For more information, see Complete a lifecycle action in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        completeLifecycleActionRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the CompleteLifecycleAction operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • completeLifecycleAction

        default CompletableFuture<CompleteLifecycleActionResponse> completeLifecycleAction​(Consumer<CompleteLifecycleActionRequest.Builder> completeLifecycleActionRequest)

        Completes the lifecycle action for the specified token or instance with the specified result.

        This step is a part of the procedure for adding a lifecycle hook to an Auto Scaling group:

        1. (Optional) Create a launch template or launch configuration with a user data script that runs while an instance is in a wait state due to a lifecycle hook.

        2. (Optional) Create a Lambda function and a rule that allows Amazon EventBridge to invoke your Lambda function when an instance is put into a wait state due to a lifecycle hook.

        3. (Optional) Create a notification target and an IAM role. The target can be either an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. The role allows Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to publish lifecycle notifications to the target.

        4. Create the lifecycle hook. Specify whether the hook is used when the instances launch or terminate.

        5. If you need more time, record the lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a wait state.

        6. If you finish before the timeout period ends, send a callback by using the CompleteLifecycleAction API call.

        For more information, see Complete a lifecycle action in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CompleteLifecycleActionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CompleteLifecycleActionRequest.builder()

        completeLifecycleActionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CompleteLifecycleActionRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the CompleteLifecycleAction operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • createAutoScalingGroup

        default CompletableFuture<CreateAutoScalingGroupResponse> createAutoScalingGroup​(CreateAutoScalingGroupRequest createAutoScalingGroupRequest)

        We strongly recommend using a launch template when calling this operation to ensure full functionality for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and Amazon EC2.

        Creates an Auto Scaling group with the specified name and attributes.

        If you exceed your maximum limit of Auto Scaling groups, the call fails. To query this limit, call the DescribeAccountLimits API. For information about updating this limit, see Quotas for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        If you're new to Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, see the introductory tutorials in Get started with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        Every Auto Scaling group has three size properties (DesiredCapacity, MaxSize, and MinSize). Usually, you set these sizes based on a specific number of instances. However, if you configure a mixed instances policy that defines weights for the instance types, you must specify these sizes with the same units that you use for weighting instances.

        createAutoScalingGroupRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the CreateAutoScalingGroup operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • AlreadyExistsException You already have an Auto Scaling group or launch configuration with this name.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • createAutoScalingGroup

        default CompletableFuture<CreateAutoScalingGroupResponse> createAutoScalingGroup​(Consumer<CreateAutoScalingGroupRequest.Builder> createAutoScalingGroupRequest)

        We strongly recommend using a launch template when calling this operation to ensure full functionality for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and Amazon EC2.

        Creates an Auto Scaling group with the specified name and attributes.

        If you exceed your maximum limit of Auto Scaling groups, the call fails. To query this limit, call the DescribeAccountLimits API. For information about updating this limit, see Quotas for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        If you're new to Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, see the introductory tutorials in Get started with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        Every Auto Scaling group has three size properties (DesiredCapacity, MaxSize, and MinSize). Usually, you set these sizes based on a specific number of instances. However, if you configure a mixed instances policy that defines weights for the instance types, you must specify these sizes with the same units that you use for weighting instances.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateAutoScalingGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateAutoScalingGroupRequest.builder()

        createAutoScalingGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateAutoScalingGroupRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the CreateAutoScalingGroup operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • AlreadyExistsException You already have an Auto Scaling group or launch configuration with this name.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • createLaunchConfiguration

        default CompletableFuture<CreateLaunchConfigurationResponse> createLaunchConfiguration​(CreateLaunchConfigurationRequest createLaunchConfigurationRequest)

        Creates a launch configuration.

        If you exceed your maximum limit of launch configurations, the call fails. To query this limit, call the DescribeAccountLimits API. For information about updating this limit, see Quotas for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        For more information, see Launch configurations in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling configures instances launched as part of an Auto Scaling group using either a launch template or a launch configuration. We strongly recommend that you do not use launch configurations. They do not provide full functionality for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling or Amazon EC2. For information about using launch templates, see Launch templates in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        createLaunchConfigurationRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the CreateLaunchConfiguration operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • AlreadyExistsException You already have an Auto Scaling group or launch configuration with this name.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • createLaunchConfiguration

        default CompletableFuture<CreateLaunchConfigurationResponse> createLaunchConfiguration​(Consumer<CreateLaunchConfigurationRequest.Builder> createLaunchConfigurationRequest)

        Creates a launch configuration.

        If you exceed your maximum limit of launch configurations, the call fails. To query this limit, call the DescribeAccountLimits API. For information about updating this limit, see Quotas for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        For more information, see Launch configurations in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling configures instances launched as part of an Auto Scaling group using either a launch template or a launch configuration. We strongly recommend that you do not use launch configurations. They do not provide full functionality for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling or Amazon EC2. For information about using launch templates, see Launch templates in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateLaunchConfigurationRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateLaunchConfigurationRequest.builder()

        createLaunchConfigurationRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateLaunchConfigurationRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the CreateLaunchConfiguration operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • AlreadyExistsException You already have an Auto Scaling group or launch configuration with this name.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • createOrUpdateTags

        default CompletableFuture<CreateOrUpdateTagsResponse> createOrUpdateTags​(CreateOrUpdateTagsRequest createOrUpdateTagsRequest)

        Creates or updates tags for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        When you specify a tag with a key that already exists, the operation overwrites the previous tag definition, and you do not get an error message.

        For more information, see Tag Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        createOrUpdateTagsRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the CreateOrUpdateTags operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • AlreadyExistsException You already have an Auto Scaling group or launch configuration with this name.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • createOrUpdateTags

        default CompletableFuture<CreateOrUpdateTagsResponse> createOrUpdateTags​(Consumer<CreateOrUpdateTagsRequest.Builder> createOrUpdateTagsRequest)

        Creates or updates tags for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        When you specify a tag with a key that already exists, the operation overwrites the previous tag definition, and you do not get an error message.

        For more information, see Tag Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateOrUpdateTagsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateOrUpdateTagsRequest.builder()

        createOrUpdateTagsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateOrUpdateTagsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the CreateOrUpdateTags operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • AlreadyExistsException You already have an Auto Scaling group or launch configuration with this name.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteAutoScalingGroup

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteAutoScalingGroupResponse> deleteAutoScalingGroup​(DeleteAutoScalingGroupRequest deleteAutoScalingGroupRequest)

        Deletes the specified Auto Scaling group.

        If the group has instances or scaling activities in progress, you must specify the option to force the deletion in order for it to succeed. The force delete operation will also terminate the EC2 instances. If the group has a warm pool, the force delete option also deletes the warm pool.

        To remove instances from the Auto Scaling group before deleting it, call the DetachInstances API with the list of instances and the option to decrement the desired capacity. This ensures that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling does not launch replacement instances.

        To terminate all instances before deleting the Auto Scaling group, call the UpdateAutoScalingGroup API and set the minimum size and desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group to zero.

        If the group has scaling policies, deleting the group deletes the policies, the underlying alarm actions, and any alarm that no longer has an associated action.

        For more information, see Delete your Auto Scaling infrastructure in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        deleteAutoScalingGroupRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteAutoScalingGroup operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ScalingActivityInProgressException The operation can't be performed because there are scaling activities in progress.
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteAutoScalingGroup

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteAutoScalingGroupResponse> deleteAutoScalingGroup​(Consumer<DeleteAutoScalingGroupRequest.Builder> deleteAutoScalingGroupRequest)

        Deletes the specified Auto Scaling group.

        If the group has instances or scaling activities in progress, you must specify the option to force the deletion in order for it to succeed. The force delete operation will also terminate the EC2 instances. If the group has a warm pool, the force delete option also deletes the warm pool.

        To remove instances from the Auto Scaling group before deleting it, call the DetachInstances API with the list of instances and the option to decrement the desired capacity. This ensures that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling does not launch replacement instances.

        To terminate all instances before deleting the Auto Scaling group, call the UpdateAutoScalingGroup API and set the minimum size and desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group to zero.

        If the group has scaling policies, deleting the group deletes the policies, the underlying alarm actions, and any alarm that no longer has an associated action.

        For more information, see Delete your Auto Scaling infrastructure in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteAutoScalingGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteAutoScalingGroupRequest.builder()

        deleteAutoScalingGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteAutoScalingGroupRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteAutoScalingGroup operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ScalingActivityInProgressException The operation can't be performed because there are scaling activities in progress.
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteLaunchConfiguration

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteLaunchConfigurationResponse> deleteLaunchConfiguration​(DeleteLaunchConfigurationRequest deleteLaunchConfigurationRequest)

        Deletes the specified launch configuration.

        The launch configuration must not be attached to an Auto Scaling group. When this call completes, the launch configuration is no longer available for use.

        deleteLaunchConfigurationRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteLaunchConfiguration operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteLaunchConfiguration

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteLaunchConfigurationResponse> deleteLaunchConfiguration​(Consumer<DeleteLaunchConfigurationRequest.Builder> deleteLaunchConfigurationRequest)

        Deletes the specified launch configuration.

        The launch configuration must not be attached to an Auto Scaling group. When this call completes, the launch configuration is no longer available for use.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteLaunchConfigurationRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteLaunchConfigurationRequest.builder()

        deleteLaunchConfigurationRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteLaunchConfigurationRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteLaunchConfiguration operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteLifecycleHook

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteLifecycleHookResponse> deleteLifecycleHook​(DeleteLifecycleHookRequest deleteLifecycleHookRequest)

        Deletes the specified lifecycle hook.

        If there are any outstanding lifecycle actions, they are completed first (ABANDON for launching instances, CONTINUE for terminating instances).

        deleteLifecycleHookRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteLifecycleHook operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteLifecycleHook

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteLifecycleHookResponse> deleteLifecycleHook​(Consumer<DeleteLifecycleHookRequest.Builder> deleteLifecycleHookRequest)

        Deletes the specified lifecycle hook.

        If there are any outstanding lifecycle actions, they are completed first (ABANDON for launching instances, CONTINUE for terminating instances).

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteLifecycleHookRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteLifecycleHookRequest.builder()

        deleteLifecycleHookRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteLifecycleHookRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteLifecycleHook operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteNotificationConfiguration

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteNotificationConfigurationResponse> deleteNotificationConfiguration​(DeleteNotificationConfigurationRequest deleteNotificationConfigurationRequest)

        Deletes the specified notification.

        deleteNotificationConfigurationRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteNotificationConfiguration operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteNotificationConfiguration

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteNotificationConfigurationResponse> deleteNotificationConfiguration​(Consumer<DeleteNotificationConfigurationRequest.Builder> deleteNotificationConfigurationRequest)

        Deletes the specified notification.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteNotificationConfigurationRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteNotificationConfigurationRequest.builder()

        deleteNotificationConfigurationRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteNotificationConfigurationRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteNotificationConfiguration operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deletePolicy

        default CompletableFuture<DeletePolicyResponse> deletePolicy​(DeletePolicyRequest deletePolicyRequest)

        Deletes the specified scaling policy.

        Deleting either a step scaling policy or a simple scaling policy deletes the underlying alarm action, but does not delete the alarm, even if it no longer has an associated action.

        For more information, see Delete a scaling policy in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        deletePolicyRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeletePolicy operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deletePolicy

        default CompletableFuture<DeletePolicyResponse> deletePolicy​(Consumer<DeletePolicyRequest.Builder> deletePolicyRequest)

        Deletes the specified scaling policy.

        Deleting either a step scaling policy or a simple scaling policy deletes the underlying alarm action, but does not delete the alarm, even if it no longer has an associated action.

        For more information, see Delete a scaling policy in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeletePolicyRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeletePolicyRequest.builder()

        deletePolicyRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeletePolicyRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeletePolicy operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteScheduledAction

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteScheduledActionResponse> deleteScheduledAction​(DeleteScheduledActionRequest deleteScheduledActionRequest)

        Deletes the specified scheduled action.

        deleteScheduledActionRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteScheduledAction operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteScheduledAction

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteScheduledActionResponse> deleteScheduledAction​(Consumer<DeleteScheduledActionRequest.Builder> deleteScheduledActionRequest)

        Deletes the specified scheduled action.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteScheduledActionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteScheduledActionRequest.builder()

        deleteScheduledActionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteScheduledActionRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteScheduledAction operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteTags

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteTagsResponse> deleteTags​(DeleteTagsRequest deleteTagsRequest)

        Deletes the specified tags.

        deleteTagsRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteTags operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteTags

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteTagsResponse> deleteTags​(Consumer<DeleteTagsRequest.Builder> deleteTagsRequest)

        Deletes the specified tags.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteTagsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteTagsRequest.builder()

        deleteTagsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteTagsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteTags operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteWarmPool

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteWarmPoolResponse> deleteWarmPool​(DeleteWarmPoolRequest deleteWarmPoolRequest)

        Deletes the warm pool for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        For more information, see Warm pools for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        deleteWarmPoolRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteWarmPool operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ScalingActivityInProgressException The operation can't be performed because there are scaling activities in progress.
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • deleteWarmPool

        default CompletableFuture<DeleteWarmPoolResponse> deleteWarmPool​(Consumer<DeleteWarmPoolRequest.Builder> deleteWarmPoolRequest)

        Deletes the warm pool for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        For more information, see Warm pools for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteWarmPoolRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteWarmPoolRequest.builder()

        deleteWarmPoolRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteWarmPoolRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteWarmPool operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ScalingActivityInProgressException The operation can't be performed because there are scaling activities in progress.
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAccountLimits

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAccountLimitsResponse> describeAccountLimits​(DescribeAccountLimitsRequest describeAccountLimitsRequest)

        Describes the current Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource quotas for your account.

        When you establish an Amazon Web Services account, the account has initial quotas on the maximum number of Auto Scaling groups and launch configurations that you can create in a given Region. For more information, see Quotas for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        describeAccountLimitsRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAccountLimits operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAccountLimits

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAccountLimitsResponse> describeAccountLimits​(Consumer<DescribeAccountLimitsRequest.Builder> describeAccountLimitsRequest)

        Describes the current Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource quotas for your account.

        When you establish an Amazon Web Services account, the account has initial quotas on the maximum number of Auto Scaling groups and launch configurations that you can create in a given Region. For more information, see Quotas for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeAccountLimitsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeAccountLimitsRequest.builder()

        describeAccountLimitsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeAccountLimitsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAccountLimits operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAccountLimits

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAccountLimitsResponse> describeAccountLimits()

        Describes the current Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource quotas for your account.

        When you establish an Amazon Web Services account, the account has initial quotas on the maximum number of Auto Scaling groups and launch configurations that you can create in a given Region. For more information, see Quotas for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAccountLimits operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAdjustmentTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAdjustmentTypesResponse> describeAdjustmentTypes​(DescribeAdjustmentTypesRequest describeAdjustmentTypesRequest)

        Describes the available adjustment types for step scaling and simple scaling policies.

        The following adjustment types are supported:

        • ChangeInCapacity

        • ExactCapacity

        • PercentChangeInCapacity

        describeAdjustmentTypesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAdjustmentTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAdjustmentTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAdjustmentTypesResponse> describeAdjustmentTypes​(Consumer<DescribeAdjustmentTypesRequest.Builder> describeAdjustmentTypesRequest)

        Describes the available adjustment types for step scaling and simple scaling policies.

        The following adjustment types are supported:

        • ChangeInCapacity

        • ExactCapacity

        • PercentChangeInCapacity

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeAdjustmentTypesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeAdjustmentTypesRequest.builder()

        describeAdjustmentTypesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeAdjustmentTypesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAdjustmentTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAdjustmentTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAdjustmentTypesResponse> describeAdjustmentTypes()

        Describes the available adjustment types for step scaling and simple scaling policies.

        The following adjustment types are supported:

        • ChangeInCapacity

        • ExactCapacity

        • PercentChangeInCapacity

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAdjustmentTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingGroups

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAutoScalingGroupsResponse> describeAutoScalingGroups​(DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest describeAutoScalingGroupsRequest)

        Gets information about the Auto Scaling groups in the account and Region.

        If you specify Auto Scaling group names, the output includes information for only the specified Auto Scaling groups. If you specify filters, the output includes information for only those Auto Scaling groups that meet the filter criteria. If you do not specify group names or filters, the output includes information for all Auto Scaling groups.

        This operation also returns information about instances in Auto Scaling groups. To retrieve information about the instances in a warm pool, you must call the DescribeWarmPool API.

        describeAutoScalingGroupsRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAutoScalingGroups operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingGroups

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAutoScalingGroupsResponse> describeAutoScalingGroups​(Consumer<DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest.Builder> describeAutoScalingGroupsRequest)

        Gets information about the Auto Scaling groups in the account and Region.

        If you specify Auto Scaling group names, the output includes information for only the specified Auto Scaling groups. If you specify filters, the output includes information for only those Auto Scaling groups that meet the filter criteria. If you do not specify group names or filters, the output includes information for all Auto Scaling groups.

        This operation also returns information about instances in Auto Scaling groups. To retrieve information about the instances in a warm pool, you must call the DescribeWarmPool API.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest.builder()

        describeAutoScalingGroupsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAutoScalingGroups operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingGroups

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAutoScalingGroupsResponse> describeAutoScalingGroups()

        Gets information about the Auto Scaling groups in the account and Region.

        If you specify Auto Scaling group names, the output includes information for only the specified Auto Scaling groups. If you specify filters, the output includes information for only those Auto Scaling groups that meet the filter criteria. If you do not specify group names or filters, the output includes information for all Auto Scaling groups.

        This operation also returns information about instances in Auto Scaling groups. To retrieve information about the instances in a warm pool, you must call the DescribeWarmPool API.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAutoScalingGroups operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingGroupsPaginator

        default DescribeAutoScalingGroupsPublisher describeAutoScalingGroupsPaginator()

        This is a variant of describeAutoScalingGroups( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeAutoScalingGroupsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeAutoScalingGroupsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeAutoScalingGroups( operation.

        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingGroupsPaginator

        default DescribeAutoScalingGroupsPublisher describeAutoScalingGroupsPaginator​(DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest describeAutoScalingGroupsRequest)

        This is a variant of describeAutoScalingGroups( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeAutoScalingGroupsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeAutoScalingGroupsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeAutoScalingGroups( operation.

        describeAutoScalingGroupsRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingGroupsPaginator

        default DescribeAutoScalingGroupsPublisher describeAutoScalingGroupsPaginator​(Consumer<DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest.Builder> describeAutoScalingGroupsRequest)

        This is a variant of describeAutoScalingGroups( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeAutoScalingGroupsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeAutoScalingGroupsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeAutoScalingGroups( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest.builder()

        describeAutoScalingGroupsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingInstances

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAutoScalingInstancesResponse> describeAutoScalingInstances​(DescribeAutoScalingInstancesRequest describeAutoScalingInstancesRequest)

        Gets information about the Auto Scaling instances in the account and Region.

        describeAutoScalingInstancesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAutoScalingInstances operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingInstances

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAutoScalingInstancesResponse> describeAutoScalingInstances​(Consumer<DescribeAutoScalingInstancesRequest.Builder> describeAutoScalingInstancesRequest)

        Gets information about the Auto Scaling instances in the account and Region.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeAutoScalingInstancesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeAutoScalingInstancesRequest.builder()

        describeAutoScalingInstancesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeAutoScalingInstancesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAutoScalingInstances operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingInstances

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAutoScalingInstancesResponse> describeAutoScalingInstances()

        Gets information about the Auto Scaling instances in the account and Region.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAutoScalingInstances operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingInstancesPaginator

        default DescribeAutoScalingInstancesPublisher describeAutoScalingInstancesPaginator()

        This is a variant of describeAutoScalingInstances( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeAutoScalingInstancesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeAutoScalingInstancesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeAutoScalingInstances( operation.

        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingInstancesPaginator

        default DescribeAutoScalingInstancesPublisher describeAutoScalingInstancesPaginator​(DescribeAutoScalingInstancesRequest describeAutoScalingInstancesRequest)

        This is a variant of describeAutoScalingInstances( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeAutoScalingInstancesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeAutoScalingInstancesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeAutoScalingInstances( operation.

        describeAutoScalingInstancesRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingInstancesPaginator

        default DescribeAutoScalingInstancesPublisher describeAutoScalingInstancesPaginator​(Consumer<DescribeAutoScalingInstancesRequest.Builder> describeAutoScalingInstancesRequest)

        This is a variant of describeAutoScalingInstances( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeAutoScalingInstancesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeAutoScalingInstancesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeAutoScalingInstances( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeAutoScalingInstancesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeAutoScalingInstancesRequest.builder()

        describeAutoScalingInstancesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeAutoScalingInstancesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingNotificationTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesResponse> describeAutoScalingNotificationTypes​(DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesRequest describeAutoScalingNotificationTypesRequest)

        Describes the notification types that are supported by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.

        describeAutoScalingNotificationTypesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingNotificationTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesResponse> describeAutoScalingNotificationTypes​(Consumer<DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesRequest.Builder> describeAutoScalingNotificationTypesRequest)

        Describes the notification types that are supported by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesRequest.builder()

        describeAutoScalingNotificationTypesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeAutoScalingNotificationTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesResponse> describeAutoScalingNotificationTypes()

        Describes the notification types that are supported by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeInstanceRefreshes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeInstanceRefreshesResponse> describeInstanceRefreshes​(DescribeInstanceRefreshesRequest describeInstanceRefreshesRequest)

        Gets information about the instance refreshes for the specified Auto Scaling group from the previous six weeks.

        This operation is part of the instance refresh feature in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, which helps you update instances in your Auto Scaling group after you make configuration changes.

        To help you determine the status of an instance refresh, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling returns information about the instance refreshes you previously initiated, including their status, start time, end time, the percentage of the instance refresh that is complete, and the number of instances remaining to update before the instance refresh is complete. If a rollback is initiated while an instance refresh is in progress, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling also returns information about the rollback of the instance refresh.

        describeInstanceRefreshesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeInstanceRefreshes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeInstanceRefreshes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeInstanceRefreshesResponse> describeInstanceRefreshes​(Consumer<DescribeInstanceRefreshesRequest.Builder> describeInstanceRefreshesRequest)

        Gets information about the instance refreshes for the specified Auto Scaling group from the previous six weeks.

        This operation is part of the instance refresh feature in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, which helps you update instances in your Auto Scaling group after you make configuration changes.

        To help you determine the status of an instance refresh, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling returns information about the instance refreshes you previously initiated, including their status, start time, end time, the percentage of the instance refresh that is complete, and the number of instances remaining to update before the instance refresh is complete. If a rollback is initiated while an instance refresh is in progress, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling also returns information about the rollback of the instance refresh.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeInstanceRefreshesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeInstanceRefreshesRequest.builder()

        describeInstanceRefreshesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeInstanceRefreshesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeInstanceRefreshes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeInstanceRefreshesPaginator

        default DescribeInstanceRefreshesPublisher describeInstanceRefreshesPaginator​(DescribeInstanceRefreshesRequest describeInstanceRefreshesRequest)

        This is a variant of describeInstanceRefreshes( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeInstanceRefreshesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeInstanceRefreshesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeInstanceRefreshes( operation.

        describeInstanceRefreshesRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeInstanceRefreshesPaginator

        default DescribeInstanceRefreshesPublisher describeInstanceRefreshesPaginator​(Consumer<DescribeInstanceRefreshesRequest.Builder> describeInstanceRefreshesRequest)

        This is a variant of describeInstanceRefreshes( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeInstanceRefreshesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeInstanceRefreshesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeInstanceRefreshes( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeInstanceRefreshesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeInstanceRefreshesRequest.builder()

        describeInstanceRefreshesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeInstanceRefreshesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLaunchConfigurations

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeLaunchConfigurationsResponse> describeLaunchConfigurations​(DescribeLaunchConfigurationsRequest describeLaunchConfigurationsRequest)

        Gets information about the launch configurations in the account and Region.

        describeLaunchConfigurationsRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeLaunchConfigurations operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLaunchConfigurations

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeLaunchConfigurationsResponse> describeLaunchConfigurations​(Consumer<DescribeLaunchConfigurationsRequest.Builder> describeLaunchConfigurationsRequest)

        Gets information about the launch configurations in the account and Region.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeLaunchConfigurationsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeLaunchConfigurationsRequest.builder()

        describeLaunchConfigurationsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeLaunchConfigurationsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeLaunchConfigurations operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLaunchConfigurations

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeLaunchConfigurationsResponse> describeLaunchConfigurations()

        Gets information about the launch configurations in the account and Region.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeLaunchConfigurations operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLaunchConfigurationsPaginator

        default DescribeLaunchConfigurationsPublisher describeLaunchConfigurationsPaginator()

        This is a variant of describeLaunchConfigurations( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeLaunchConfigurationsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeLaunchConfigurationsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeLaunchConfigurations( operation.

        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLaunchConfigurationsPaginator

        default DescribeLaunchConfigurationsPublisher describeLaunchConfigurationsPaginator​(DescribeLaunchConfigurationsRequest describeLaunchConfigurationsRequest)

        This is a variant of describeLaunchConfigurations( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeLaunchConfigurationsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeLaunchConfigurationsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeLaunchConfigurations( operation.

        describeLaunchConfigurationsRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLaunchConfigurationsPaginator

        default DescribeLaunchConfigurationsPublisher describeLaunchConfigurationsPaginator​(Consumer<DescribeLaunchConfigurationsRequest.Builder> describeLaunchConfigurationsRequest)

        This is a variant of describeLaunchConfigurations( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeLaunchConfigurationsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeLaunchConfigurationsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeLaunchConfigurations( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeLaunchConfigurationsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeLaunchConfigurationsRequest.builder()

        describeLaunchConfigurationsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeLaunchConfigurationsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLifecycleHookTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeLifecycleHookTypesResponse> describeLifecycleHookTypes​(DescribeLifecycleHookTypesRequest describeLifecycleHookTypesRequest)

        Describes the available types of lifecycle hooks.

        The following hook types are supported:

        • autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING

        • autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING

        describeLifecycleHookTypesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeLifecycleHookTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLifecycleHookTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeLifecycleHookTypesResponse> describeLifecycleHookTypes​(Consumer<DescribeLifecycleHookTypesRequest.Builder> describeLifecycleHookTypesRequest)

        Describes the available types of lifecycle hooks.

        The following hook types are supported:

        • autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING

        • autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeLifecycleHookTypesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeLifecycleHookTypesRequest.builder()

        describeLifecycleHookTypesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeLifecycleHookTypesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeLifecycleHookTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLifecycleHookTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeLifecycleHookTypesResponse> describeLifecycleHookTypes()

        Describes the available types of lifecycle hooks.

        The following hook types are supported:

        • autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING

        • autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeLifecycleHookTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLifecycleHooks

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeLifecycleHooksResponse> describeLifecycleHooks​(DescribeLifecycleHooksRequest describeLifecycleHooksRequest)

        Gets information about the lifecycle hooks for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        describeLifecycleHooksRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeLifecycleHooks operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLifecycleHooks

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeLifecycleHooksResponse> describeLifecycleHooks​(Consumer<DescribeLifecycleHooksRequest.Builder> describeLifecycleHooksRequest)

        Gets information about the lifecycle hooks for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeLifecycleHooksRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeLifecycleHooksRequest.builder()

        describeLifecycleHooksRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeLifecycleHooksRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeLifecycleHooks operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLoadBalancerTargetGroups

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResponse> describeLoadBalancerTargetGroups​(DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest)

        This API operation is superseded by DescribeTrafficSources, which can describe multiple traffic sources types. We recommend using DetachTrafficSources to simplify how you manage traffic sources. However, we continue to support DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups. You can use both the original DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups API operation and DescribeTrafficSources on the same Auto Scaling group.

        Gets information about the Elastic Load Balancing target groups for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        To determine the attachment status of the target group, use the State element in the response. When you attach a target group to an Auto Scaling group, the initial State value is Adding. The state transitions to Added after all Auto Scaling instances are registered with the target group. If Elastic Load Balancing health checks are enabled for the Auto Scaling group, the state transitions to InService after at least one Auto Scaling instance passes the health check. When the target group is in the InService state, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling can terminate and replace any instances that are reported as unhealthy. If no registered instances pass the health checks, the target group doesn't enter the InService state.

        Target groups also have an InService state if you attach them in the CreateAutoScalingGroup API call. If your target group state is InService, but it is not working properly, check the scaling activities by calling DescribeScalingActivities and take any corrective actions necessary.

        For help with failed health checks, see Troubleshooting Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling: Health checks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. For more information, see Use Elastic Load Balancing to distribute traffic across the instances in your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        You can use this operation to describe target groups that were attached by using AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups, but not for target groups that were attached by using AttachTrafficSources.

        describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLoadBalancerTargetGroups

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResponse> describeLoadBalancerTargetGroups​(Consumer<DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.Builder> describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest)

        This API operation is superseded by DescribeTrafficSources, which can describe multiple traffic sources types. We recommend using DetachTrafficSources to simplify how you manage traffic sources. However, we continue to support DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups. You can use both the original DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups API operation and DescribeTrafficSources on the same Auto Scaling group.

        Gets information about the Elastic Load Balancing target groups for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        To determine the attachment status of the target group, use the State element in the response. When you attach a target group to an Auto Scaling group, the initial State value is Adding. The state transitions to Added after all Auto Scaling instances are registered with the target group. If Elastic Load Balancing health checks are enabled for the Auto Scaling group, the state transitions to InService after at least one Auto Scaling instance passes the health check. When the target group is in the InService state, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling can terminate and replace any instances that are reported as unhealthy. If no registered instances pass the health checks, the target group doesn't enter the InService state.

        Target groups also have an InService state if you attach them in the CreateAutoScalingGroup API call. If your target group state is InService, but it is not working properly, check the scaling activities by calling DescribeScalingActivities and take any corrective actions necessary.

        For help with failed health checks, see Troubleshooting Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling: Health checks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. For more information, see Use Elastic Load Balancing to distribute traffic across the instances in your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        You can use this operation to describe target groups that were attached by using AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups, but not for target groups that were attached by using AttachTrafficSources.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.builder()

        describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsPaginator

        default DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsPublisher describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsPaginator​(DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest)

        This is a variant of describeLoadBalancerTargetGroups( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeLoadBalancerTargetGroups( operation.

        describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsPaginator

        default DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsPublisher describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsPaginator​(Consumer<DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.Builder> describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest)

        This is a variant of describeLoadBalancerTargetGroups( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeLoadBalancerTargetGroups( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.builder()

        describeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLoadBalancers

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeLoadBalancersResponse> describeLoadBalancers​(DescribeLoadBalancersRequest describeLoadBalancersRequest)

        This API operation is superseded by DescribeTrafficSources, which can describe multiple traffic sources types. We recommend using DescribeTrafficSources to simplify how you manage traffic sources. However, we continue to support DescribeLoadBalancers. You can use both the original DescribeLoadBalancers API operation and DescribeTrafficSources on the same Auto Scaling group.

        Gets information about the load balancers for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        This operation describes only Classic Load Balancers. If you have Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, or Gateway Load Balancers, use the DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups API instead.

        To determine the attachment status of the load balancer, use the State element in the response. When you attach a load balancer to an Auto Scaling group, the initial State value is Adding. The state transitions to Added after all Auto Scaling instances are registered with the load balancer. If Elastic Load Balancing health checks are enabled for the Auto Scaling group, the state transitions to InService after at least one Auto Scaling instance passes the health check. When the load balancer is in the InService state, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling can terminate and replace any instances that are reported as unhealthy. If no registered instances pass the health checks, the load balancer doesn't enter the InService state.

        Load balancers also have an InService state if you attach them in the CreateAutoScalingGroup API call. If your load balancer state is InService, but it is not working properly, check the scaling activities by calling DescribeScalingActivities and take any corrective actions necessary.

        For help with failed health checks, see Troubleshooting Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling: Health checks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. For more information, see Use Elastic Load Balancing to distribute traffic across the instances in your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        describeLoadBalancersRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeLoadBalancers operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLoadBalancers

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeLoadBalancersResponse> describeLoadBalancers​(Consumer<DescribeLoadBalancersRequest.Builder> describeLoadBalancersRequest)

        This API operation is superseded by DescribeTrafficSources, which can describe multiple traffic sources types. We recommend using DescribeTrafficSources to simplify how you manage traffic sources. However, we continue to support DescribeLoadBalancers. You can use both the original DescribeLoadBalancers API operation and DescribeTrafficSources on the same Auto Scaling group.

        Gets information about the load balancers for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        This operation describes only Classic Load Balancers. If you have Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, or Gateway Load Balancers, use the DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups API instead.

        To determine the attachment status of the load balancer, use the State element in the response. When you attach a load balancer to an Auto Scaling group, the initial State value is Adding. The state transitions to Added after all Auto Scaling instances are registered with the load balancer. If Elastic Load Balancing health checks are enabled for the Auto Scaling group, the state transitions to InService after at least one Auto Scaling instance passes the health check. When the load balancer is in the InService state, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling can terminate and replace any instances that are reported as unhealthy. If no registered instances pass the health checks, the load balancer doesn't enter the InService state.

        Load balancers also have an InService state if you attach them in the CreateAutoScalingGroup API call. If your load balancer state is InService, but it is not working properly, check the scaling activities by calling DescribeScalingActivities and take any corrective actions necessary.

        For help with failed health checks, see Troubleshooting Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling: Health checks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. For more information, see Use Elastic Load Balancing to distribute traffic across the instances in your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeLoadBalancersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeLoadBalancersRequest.builder()

        describeLoadBalancersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeLoadBalancersRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeLoadBalancers operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLoadBalancersPaginator

        default DescribeLoadBalancersPublisher describeLoadBalancersPaginator​(DescribeLoadBalancersRequest describeLoadBalancersRequest)

        This is a variant of describeLoadBalancers( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeLoadBalancersPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeLoadBalancersPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeLoadBalancers( operation.

        describeLoadBalancersRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeLoadBalancersPaginator

        default DescribeLoadBalancersPublisher describeLoadBalancersPaginator​(Consumer<DescribeLoadBalancersRequest.Builder> describeLoadBalancersRequest)

        This is a variant of describeLoadBalancers( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeLoadBalancersPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeLoadBalancersPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeLoadBalancers( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeLoadBalancersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeLoadBalancersRequest.builder()

        describeLoadBalancersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeLoadBalancersRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeMetricCollectionTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeMetricCollectionTypesResponse> describeMetricCollectionTypes​(DescribeMetricCollectionTypesRequest describeMetricCollectionTypesRequest)

        Describes the available CloudWatch metrics for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.

        describeMetricCollectionTypesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeMetricCollectionTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeMetricCollectionTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeMetricCollectionTypesResponse> describeMetricCollectionTypes​(Consumer<DescribeMetricCollectionTypesRequest.Builder> describeMetricCollectionTypesRequest)

        Describes the available CloudWatch metrics for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeMetricCollectionTypesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeMetricCollectionTypesRequest.builder()

        describeMetricCollectionTypesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeMetricCollectionTypesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeMetricCollectionTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeMetricCollectionTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeMetricCollectionTypesResponse> describeMetricCollectionTypes()

        Describes the available CloudWatch metrics for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeMetricCollectionTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeNotificationConfigurations

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeNotificationConfigurationsResponse> describeNotificationConfigurations​(DescribeNotificationConfigurationsRequest describeNotificationConfigurationsRequest)

        Gets information about the Amazon SNS notifications that are configured for one or more Auto Scaling groups.

        describeNotificationConfigurationsRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeNotificationConfigurations operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeNotificationConfigurations

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeNotificationConfigurationsResponse> describeNotificationConfigurations​(Consumer<DescribeNotificationConfigurationsRequest.Builder> describeNotificationConfigurationsRequest)

        Gets information about the Amazon SNS notifications that are configured for one or more Auto Scaling groups.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeNotificationConfigurationsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeNotificationConfigurationsRequest.builder()

        describeNotificationConfigurationsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeNotificationConfigurationsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeNotificationConfigurations operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeNotificationConfigurations

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeNotificationConfigurationsResponse> describeNotificationConfigurations()

        Gets information about the Amazon SNS notifications that are configured for one or more Auto Scaling groups.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeNotificationConfigurations operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeNotificationConfigurationsPaginator

        default DescribeNotificationConfigurationsPublisher describeNotificationConfigurationsPaginator()

        This is a variant of describeNotificationConfigurations( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeNotificationConfigurationsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeNotificationConfigurationsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeNotificationConfigurations( operation.

        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeNotificationConfigurationsPaginator

        default DescribeNotificationConfigurationsPublisher describeNotificationConfigurationsPaginator​(DescribeNotificationConfigurationsRequest describeNotificationConfigurationsRequest)

        This is a variant of describeNotificationConfigurations( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeNotificationConfigurationsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeNotificationConfigurationsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeNotificationConfigurations( operation.

        describeNotificationConfigurationsRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeNotificationConfigurationsPaginator

        default DescribeNotificationConfigurationsPublisher describeNotificationConfigurationsPaginator​(Consumer<DescribeNotificationConfigurationsRequest.Builder> describeNotificationConfigurationsRequest)

        This is a variant of describeNotificationConfigurations( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeNotificationConfigurationsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeNotificationConfigurationsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeNotificationConfigurations( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeNotificationConfigurationsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeNotificationConfigurationsRequest.builder()

        describeNotificationConfigurationsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeNotificationConfigurationsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describePolicies

        default CompletableFuture<DescribePoliciesResponse> describePolicies​(DescribePoliciesRequest describePoliciesRequest)

        Gets information about the scaling policies in the account and Region.

        describePoliciesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribePolicies operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describePolicies

        default CompletableFuture<DescribePoliciesResponse> describePolicies​(Consumer<DescribePoliciesRequest.Builder> describePoliciesRequest)

        Gets information about the scaling policies in the account and Region.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribePoliciesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribePoliciesRequest.builder()

        describePoliciesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribePoliciesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribePolicies operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describePolicies

        default CompletableFuture<DescribePoliciesResponse> describePolicies()

        Gets information about the scaling policies in the account and Region.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribePolicies operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describePoliciesPaginator

        default DescribePoliciesPublisher describePoliciesPaginator()

        This is a variant of describePolicies( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describePoliciesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describePoliciesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describePolicies( operation.

        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describePoliciesPaginator

        default DescribePoliciesPublisher describePoliciesPaginator​(DescribePoliciesRequest describePoliciesRequest)

        This is a variant of describePolicies( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describePoliciesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describePoliciesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describePolicies( operation.

        describePoliciesRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describePoliciesPaginator

        default DescribePoliciesPublisher describePoliciesPaginator​(Consumer<DescribePoliciesRequest.Builder> describePoliciesRequest)

        This is a variant of describePolicies( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describePoliciesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describePoliciesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describePolicies( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribePoliciesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribePoliciesRequest.builder()

        describePoliciesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribePoliciesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScalingActivities

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeScalingActivitiesResponse> describeScalingActivities​(DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest describeScalingActivitiesRequest)

        Gets information about the scaling activities in the account and Region.

        When scaling events occur, you see a record of the scaling activity in the scaling activities. For more information, see Verify a scaling activity for an Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        If the scaling event succeeds, the value of the StatusCode element in the response is Successful. If an attempt to launch instances failed, the StatusCode value is Failed or Cancelled and the StatusMessage element in the response indicates the cause of the failure. For help interpreting the StatusMessage, see Troubleshooting Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        describeScalingActivitiesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeScalingActivities operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScalingActivities

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeScalingActivitiesResponse> describeScalingActivities​(Consumer<DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest.Builder> describeScalingActivitiesRequest)

        Gets information about the scaling activities in the account and Region.

        When scaling events occur, you see a record of the scaling activity in the scaling activities. For more information, see Verify a scaling activity for an Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        If the scaling event succeeds, the value of the StatusCode element in the response is Successful. If an attempt to launch instances failed, the StatusCode value is Failed or Cancelled and the StatusMessage element in the response indicates the cause of the failure. For help interpreting the StatusMessage, see Troubleshooting Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest.builder()

        describeScalingActivitiesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeScalingActivities operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScalingActivities

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeScalingActivitiesResponse> describeScalingActivities()

        Gets information about the scaling activities in the account and Region.

        When scaling events occur, you see a record of the scaling activity in the scaling activities. For more information, see Verify a scaling activity for an Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        If the scaling event succeeds, the value of the StatusCode element in the response is Successful. If an attempt to launch instances failed, the StatusCode value is Failed or Cancelled and the StatusMessage element in the response indicates the cause of the failure. For help interpreting the StatusMessage, see Troubleshooting Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeScalingActivities operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScalingActivitiesPaginator

        default DescribeScalingActivitiesPublisher describeScalingActivitiesPaginator()

        This is a variant of describeScalingActivities( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeScalingActivitiesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeScalingActivitiesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeScalingActivities( operation.

        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScalingActivitiesPaginator

        default DescribeScalingActivitiesPublisher describeScalingActivitiesPaginator​(DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest describeScalingActivitiesRequest)

        This is a variant of describeScalingActivities( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeScalingActivitiesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeScalingActivitiesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeScalingActivities( operation.

        describeScalingActivitiesRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScalingActivitiesPaginator

        default DescribeScalingActivitiesPublisher describeScalingActivitiesPaginator​(Consumer<DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest.Builder> describeScalingActivitiesRequest)

        This is a variant of describeScalingActivities( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeScalingActivitiesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeScalingActivitiesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeScalingActivities( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest.builder()

        describeScalingActivitiesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScalingProcessTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeScalingProcessTypesResponse> describeScalingProcessTypes​(DescribeScalingProcessTypesRequest describeScalingProcessTypesRequest)

        Describes the scaling process types for use with the ResumeProcesses and SuspendProcesses APIs.

        describeScalingProcessTypesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeScalingProcessTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScalingProcessTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeScalingProcessTypesResponse> describeScalingProcessTypes​(Consumer<DescribeScalingProcessTypesRequest.Builder> describeScalingProcessTypesRequest)

        Describes the scaling process types for use with the ResumeProcesses and SuspendProcesses APIs.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeScalingProcessTypesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeScalingProcessTypesRequest.builder()

        describeScalingProcessTypesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeScalingProcessTypesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeScalingProcessTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScalingProcessTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeScalingProcessTypesResponse> describeScalingProcessTypes()

        Describes the scaling process types for use with the ResumeProcesses and SuspendProcesses APIs.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeScalingProcessTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScheduledActions

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeScheduledActionsResponse> describeScheduledActions​(DescribeScheduledActionsRequest describeScheduledActionsRequest)

        Gets information about the scheduled actions that haven't run or that have not reached their end time.

        To describe the scaling activities for scheduled actions that have already run, call the DescribeScalingActivities API.

        describeScheduledActionsRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeScheduledActions operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScheduledActions

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeScheduledActionsResponse> describeScheduledActions​(Consumer<DescribeScheduledActionsRequest.Builder> describeScheduledActionsRequest)

        Gets information about the scheduled actions that haven't run or that have not reached their end time.

        To describe the scaling activities for scheduled actions that have already run, call the DescribeScalingActivities API.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeScheduledActionsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeScheduledActionsRequest.builder()

        describeScheduledActionsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeScheduledActionsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeScheduledActions operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScheduledActions

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeScheduledActionsResponse> describeScheduledActions()

        Gets information about the scheduled actions that haven't run or that have not reached their end time.

        To describe the scaling activities for scheduled actions that have already run, call the DescribeScalingActivities API.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeScheduledActions operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScheduledActionsPaginator

        default DescribeScheduledActionsPublisher describeScheduledActionsPaginator()

        This is a variant of describeScheduledActions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeScheduledActionsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeScheduledActionsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeScheduledActions( operation.

        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScheduledActionsPaginator

        default DescribeScheduledActionsPublisher describeScheduledActionsPaginator​(DescribeScheduledActionsRequest describeScheduledActionsRequest)

        This is a variant of describeScheduledActions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeScheduledActionsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeScheduledActionsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeScheduledActions( operation.

        describeScheduledActionsRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeScheduledActionsPaginator

        default DescribeScheduledActionsPublisher describeScheduledActionsPaginator​(Consumer<DescribeScheduledActionsRequest.Builder> describeScheduledActionsRequest)

        This is a variant of describeScheduledActions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeScheduledActionsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeScheduledActionsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeScheduledActions( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeScheduledActionsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeScheduledActionsRequest.builder()

        describeScheduledActionsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeScheduledActionsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeTags

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeTagsResponse> describeTags​(DescribeTagsRequest describeTagsRequest)

        Describes the specified tags.

        You can use filters to limit the results. For example, you can query for the tags for a specific Auto Scaling group. You can specify multiple values for a filter. A tag must match at least one of the specified values for it to be included in the results.

        You can also specify multiple filters. The result includes information for a particular tag only if it matches all the filters. If there's no match, no special message is returned.

        For more information, see Tag Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        describeTagsRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeTags operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeTags

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeTagsResponse> describeTags​(Consumer<DescribeTagsRequest.Builder> describeTagsRequest)

        Describes the specified tags.

        You can use filters to limit the results. For example, you can query for the tags for a specific Auto Scaling group. You can specify multiple values for a filter. A tag must match at least one of the specified values for it to be included in the results.

        You can also specify multiple filters. The result includes information for a particular tag only if it matches all the filters. If there's no match, no special message is returned.

        For more information, see Tag Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeTagsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeTagsRequest.builder()

        describeTagsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeTagsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeTags operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeTags

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeTagsResponse> describeTags()

        Describes the specified tags.

        You can use filters to limit the results. For example, you can query for the tags for a specific Auto Scaling group. You can specify multiple values for a filter. A tag must match at least one of the specified values for it to be included in the results.

        You can also specify multiple filters. The result includes information for a particular tag only if it matches all the filters. If there's no match, no special message is returned.

        For more information, see Tag Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeTags operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeTagsPaginator

        default DescribeTagsPublisher describeTagsPaginator()

        This is a variant of describeTags( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeTagsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeTagsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeTags( operation.

        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeTagsPaginator

        default DescribeTagsPublisher describeTagsPaginator​(DescribeTagsRequest describeTagsRequest)

        This is a variant of describeTags( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeTagsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeTagsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeTags( operation.

        describeTagsRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeTagsPaginator

        default DescribeTagsPublisher describeTagsPaginator​(Consumer<DescribeTagsRequest.Builder> describeTagsRequest)

        This is a variant of describeTags( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeTagsPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeTagsPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeTags( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeTagsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeTagsRequest.builder()

        describeTagsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeTagsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeTerminationPolicyTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeTerminationPolicyTypesResponse> describeTerminationPolicyTypes​(DescribeTerminationPolicyTypesRequest describeTerminationPolicyTypesRequest)

        Describes the termination policies supported by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.

        For more information, see Configure termination policies for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        describeTerminationPolicyTypesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeTerminationPolicyTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeTerminationPolicyTypes

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeTerminationPolicyTypesResponse> describeTerminationPolicyTypes()

        Describes the termination policies supported by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.

        For more information, see Configure termination policies for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeTerminationPolicyTypes operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeTrafficSources

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeTrafficSourcesResponse> describeTrafficSources​(DescribeTrafficSourcesRequest describeTrafficSourcesRequest)

        Gets information about the traffic sources for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        You can optionally provide a traffic source type. If you provide a traffic source type, then the results only include that traffic source type.

        If you do not provide a traffic source type, then the results include all the traffic sources for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        describeTrafficSourcesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeTrafficSources operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeTrafficSources

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeTrafficSourcesResponse> describeTrafficSources​(Consumer<DescribeTrafficSourcesRequest.Builder> describeTrafficSourcesRequest)

        Gets information about the traffic sources for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        You can optionally provide a traffic source type. If you provide a traffic source type, then the results only include that traffic source type.

        If you do not provide a traffic source type, then the results include all the traffic sources for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeTrafficSourcesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeTrafficSourcesRequest.builder()

        describeTrafficSourcesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeTrafficSourcesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeTrafficSources operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeTrafficSourcesPaginator

        default DescribeTrafficSourcesPublisher describeTrafficSourcesPaginator​(DescribeTrafficSourcesRequest describeTrafficSourcesRequest)

        This is a variant of describeTrafficSources( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeTrafficSourcesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeTrafficSourcesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeTrafficSources( operation.

        describeTrafficSourcesRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeTrafficSourcesPaginator

        default DescribeTrafficSourcesPublisher describeTrafficSourcesPaginator​(Consumer<DescribeTrafficSourcesRequest.Builder> describeTrafficSourcesRequest)

        This is a variant of describeTrafficSources( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeTrafficSourcesPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeTrafficSourcesPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeTrafficSources( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeTrafficSourcesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeTrafficSourcesRequest.builder()

        describeTrafficSourcesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeTrafficSourcesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeWarmPool

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeWarmPoolResponse> describeWarmPool​(DescribeWarmPoolRequest describeWarmPoolRequest)

        Gets information about a warm pool and its instances.

        For more information, see Warm pools for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        describeWarmPoolRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeWarmPool operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeWarmPool

        default CompletableFuture<DescribeWarmPoolResponse> describeWarmPool​(Consumer<DescribeWarmPoolRequest.Builder> describeWarmPoolRequest)

        Gets information about a warm pool and its instances.

        For more information, see Warm pools for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeWarmPoolRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeWarmPoolRequest.builder()

        describeWarmPoolRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeWarmPoolRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeWarmPool operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeWarmPoolPaginator

        default DescribeWarmPoolPublisher describeWarmPoolPaginator​(DescribeWarmPoolRequest describeWarmPoolRequest)

        This is a variant of describeWarmPool( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeWarmPoolPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeWarmPoolPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeWarmPool( operation.

        describeWarmPoolRequest -
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • describeWarmPoolPaginator

        default DescribeWarmPoolPublisher describeWarmPoolPaginator​(Consumer<DescribeWarmPoolRequest.Builder> describeWarmPoolRequest)

        This is a variant of describeWarmPool( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

        When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

        The following are few ways to use the response class:

        1) Using the subscribe helper method
          publisher = client.describeWarmPoolPaginator(request);
         CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
        2) Using a custom subscriber
          publisher = client.describeWarmPoolPaginator(request);
         publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
         public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
         public void onNext( response) { //... };
        As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

        Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

        Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeWarmPool( operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeWarmPoolRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeWarmPoolRequest.builder()

        describeWarmPoolRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeWarmPoolRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • InvalidNextTokenException The NextToken value is not valid.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • detachInstances

        default CompletableFuture<DetachInstancesResponse> detachInstances​(DetachInstancesRequest detachInstancesRequest)

        Removes one or more instances from the specified Auto Scaling group.

        After the instances are detached, you can manage them independent of the Auto Scaling group.

        If you do not specify the option to decrement the desired capacity, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches instances to replace the ones that are detached.

        If there is a Classic Load Balancer attached to the Auto Scaling group, the instances are deregistered from the load balancer. If there are target groups attached to the Auto Scaling group, the instances are deregistered from the target groups.

        For more information, see Detach or attach instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        detachInstancesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DetachInstances operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • detachInstances

        default CompletableFuture<DetachInstancesResponse> detachInstances​(Consumer<DetachInstancesRequest.Builder> detachInstancesRequest)

        Removes one or more instances from the specified Auto Scaling group.

        After the instances are detached, you can manage them independent of the Auto Scaling group.

        If you do not specify the option to decrement the desired capacity, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches instances to replace the ones that are detached.

        If there is a Classic Load Balancer attached to the Auto Scaling group, the instances are deregistered from the load balancer. If there are target groups attached to the Auto Scaling group, the instances are deregistered from the target groups.

        For more information, see Detach or attach instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DetachInstancesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DetachInstancesRequest.builder()

        detachInstancesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DetachInstancesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DetachInstances operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • detachLoadBalancerTargetGroups

        default CompletableFuture<DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResponse> detachLoadBalancerTargetGroups​(DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest detachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest)

        This API operation is superseded by DetachTrafficSources, which can detach multiple traffic sources types. We recommend using DetachTrafficSources to simplify how you manage traffic sources. However, we continue to support DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups. You can use both the original DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups API operation and DetachTrafficSources on the same Auto Scaling group.

        Detaches one or more target groups from the specified Auto Scaling group.

        When you detach a target group, it enters the Removing state while deregistering the instances in the group. When all instances are deregistered, then you can no longer describe the target group using the DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups API call. The instances remain running.

        You can use this operation to detach target groups that were attached by using AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups, but not for target groups that were attached by using AttachTrafficSources.

        detachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • detachLoadBalancerTargetGroups

        default CompletableFuture<DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResponse> detachLoadBalancerTargetGroups​(Consumer<DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.Builder> detachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest)

        This API operation is superseded by DetachTrafficSources, which can detach multiple traffic sources types. We recommend using DetachTrafficSources to simplify how you manage traffic sources. However, we continue to support DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups. You can use both the original DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups API operation and DetachTrafficSources on the same Auto Scaling group.

        Detaches one or more target groups from the specified Auto Scaling group.

        When you detach a target group, it enters the Removing state while deregistering the instances in the group. When all instances are deregistered, then you can no longer describe the target group using the DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups API call. The instances remain running.

        You can use this operation to detach target groups that were attached by using AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups, but not for target groups that were attached by using AttachTrafficSources.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.builder()

        detachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • detachLoadBalancers

        default CompletableFuture<DetachLoadBalancersResponse> detachLoadBalancers​(DetachLoadBalancersRequest detachLoadBalancersRequest)

        This API operation is superseded by DetachTrafficSources, which can detach multiple traffic sources types. We recommend using DetachTrafficSources to simplify how you manage traffic sources. However, we continue to support DetachLoadBalancers. You can use both the original DetachLoadBalancers API operation and DetachTrafficSources on the same Auto Scaling group.

        Detaches one or more Classic Load Balancers from the specified Auto Scaling group.

        This operation detaches only Classic Load Balancers. If you have Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, or Gateway Load Balancers, use the DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups API instead.

        When you detach a load balancer, it enters the Removing state while deregistering the instances in the group. When all instances are deregistered, then you can no longer describe the load balancer using the DescribeLoadBalancers API call. The instances remain running.

        detachLoadBalancersRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DetachLoadBalancers operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • detachLoadBalancers

        default CompletableFuture<DetachLoadBalancersResponse> detachLoadBalancers​(Consumer<DetachLoadBalancersRequest.Builder> detachLoadBalancersRequest)

        This API operation is superseded by DetachTrafficSources, which can detach multiple traffic sources types. We recommend using DetachTrafficSources to simplify how you manage traffic sources. However, we continue to support DetachLoadBalancers. You can use both the original DetachLoadBalancers API operation and DetachTrafficSources on the same Auto Scaling group.

        Detaches one or more Classic Load Balancers from the specified Auto Scaling group.

        This operation detaches only Classic Load Balancers. If you have Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, or Gateway Load Balancers, use the DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups API instead.

        When you detach a load balancer, it enters the Removing state while deregistering the instances in the group. When all instances are deregistered, then you can no longer describe the load balancer using the DescribeLoadBalancers API call. The instances remain running.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DetachLoadBalancersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DetachLoadBalancersRequest.builder()

        detachLoadBalancersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DetachLoadBalancersRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DetachLoadBalancers operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • detachTrafficSources

        default CompletableFuture<DetachTrafficSourcesResponse> detachTrafficSources​(DetachTrafficSourcesRequest detachTrafficSourcesRequest)

        Detaches one or more traffic sources from the specified Auto Scaling group.

        When you detach a traffic source, it enters the Removing state while deregistering the instances in the group. When all instances are deregistered, then you can no longer describe the traffic source using the DescribeTrafficSources API call. The instances continue to run.

        detachTrafficSourcesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DetachTrafficSources operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • detachTrafficSources

        default CompletableFuture<DetachTrafficSourcesResponse> detachTrafficSources​(Consumer<DetachTrafficSourcesRequest.Builder> detachTrafficSourcesRequest)

        Detaches one or more traffic sources from the specified Auto Scaling group.

        When you detach a traffic source, it enters the Removing state while deregistering the instances in the group. When all instances are deregistered, then you can no longer describe the traffic source using the DescribeTrafficSources API call. The instances continue to run.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DetachTrafficSourcesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DetachTrafficSourcesRequest.builder()

        detachTrafficSourcesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DetachTrafficSourcesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DetachTrafficSources operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • disableMetricsCollection

        default CompletableFuture<DisableMetricsCollectionResponse> disableMetricsCollection​(DisableMetricsCollectionRequest disableMetricsCollectionRequest)

        Disables group metrics collection for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        disableMetricsCollectionRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the DisableMetricsCollection operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • disableMetricsCollection

        default CompletableFuture<DisableMetricsCollectionResponse> disableMetricsCollection​(Consumer<DisableMetricsCollectionRequest.Builder> disableMetricsCollectionRequest)

        Disables group metrics collection for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DisableMetricsCollectionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DisableMetricsCollectionRequest.builder()

        disableMetricsCollectionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DisableMetricsCollectionRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the DisableMetricsCollection operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • enableMetricsCollection

        default CompletableFuture<EnableMetricsCollectionResponse> enableMetricsCollection​(EnableMetricsCollectionRequest enableMetricsCollectionRequest)

        Enables group metrics collection for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        You can use these metrics to track changes in an Auto Scaling group and to set alarms on threshold values. You can view group metrics using the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling console or the CloudWatch console. For more information, see Monitor CloudWatch metrics for your Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        enableMetricsCollectionRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the EnableMetricsCollection operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • enableMetricsCollection

        default CompletableFuture<EnableMetricsCollectionResponse> enableMetricsCollection​(Consumer<EnableMetricsCollectionRequest.Builder> enableMetricsCollectionRequest)

        Enables group metrics collection for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        You can use these metrics to track changes in an Auto Scaling group and to set alarms on threshold values. You can view group metrics using the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling console or the CloudWatch console. For more information, see Monitor CloudWatch metrics for your Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the EnableMetricsCollectionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via EnableMetricsCollectionRequest.builder()

        enableMetricsCollectionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on EnableMetricsCollectionRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the EnableMetricsCollection operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • enterStandby

        default CompletableFuture<EnterStandbyResponse> enterStandby​(EnterStandbyRequest enterStandbyRequest)

        Moves the specified instances into the standby state.

        If you choose to decrement the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group, the instances can enter standby as long as the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group after the instances are placed into standby is equal to or greater than the minimum capacity of the group.

        If you choose not to decrement the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group, the Auto Scaling group launches new instances to replace the instances on standby.

        For more information, see Temporarily removing instances from your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        enterStandbyRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the EnterStandby operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • enterStandby

        default CompletableFuture<EnterStandbyResponse> enterStandby​(Consumer<EnterStandbyRequest.Builder> enterStandbyRequest)

        Moves the specified instances into the standby state.

        If you choose to decrement the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group, the instances can enter standby as long as the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group after the instances are placed into standby is equal to or greater than the minimum capacity of the group.

        If you choose not to decrement the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group, the Auto Scaling group launches new instances to replace the instances on standby.

        For more information, see Temporarily removing instances from your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the EnterStandbyRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via EnterStandbyRequest.builder()

        enterStandbyRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on EnterStandbyRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the EnterStandby operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • executePolicy

        default CompletableFuture<ExecutePolicyResponse> executePolicy​(ExecutePolicyRequest executePolicyRequest)

        Executes the specified policy. This can be useful for testing the design of your scaling policy.

        executePolicyRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the ExecutePolicy operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ScalingActivityInProgressException The operation can't be performed because there are scaling activities in progress.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • executePolicy

        default CompletableFuture<ExecutePolicyResponse> executePolicy​(Consumer<ExecutePolicyRequest.Builder> executePolicyRequest)

        Executes the specified policy. This can be useful for testing the design of your scaling policy.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ExecutePolicyRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ExecutePolicyRequest.builder()

        executePolicyRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ExecutePolicyRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the ExecutePolicy operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ScalingActivityInProgressException The operation can't be performed because there are scaling activities in progress.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • exitStandby

        default CompletableFuture<ExitStandbyResponse> exitStandby​(ExitStandbyRequest exitStandbyRequest)

        Moves the specified instances out of the standby state.

        After you put the instances back in service, the desired capacity is incremented.

        For more information, see Temporarily removing instances from your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        exitStandbyRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the ExitStandby operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • exitStandby

        default CompletableFuture<ExitStandbyResponse> exitStandby​(Consumer<ExitStandbyRequest.Builder> exitStandbyRequest)

        Moves the specified instances out of the standby state.

        After you put the instances back in service, the desired capacity is incremented.

        For more information, see Temporarily removing instances from your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ExitStandbyRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ExitStandbyRequest.builder()

        exitStandbyRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ExitStandbyRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the ExitStandby operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • getPredictiveScalingForecast

        default CompletableFuture<GetPredictiveScalingForecastResponse> getPredictiveScalingForecast​(GetPredictiveScalingForecastRequest getPredictiveScalingForecastRequest)

        Retrieves the forecast data for a predictive scaling policy.

        Load forecasts are predictions of the hourly load values using historical load data from CloudWatch and an analysis of historical trends. Capacity forecasts are represented as predicted values for the minimum capacity that is needed on an hourly basis, based on the hourly load forecast.

        A minimum of 24 hours of data is required to create the initial forecasts. However, having a full 14 days of historical data results in more accurate forecasts.

        For more information, see Predictive scaling for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        getPredictiveScalingForecastRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the GetPredictiveScalingForecast operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • getPredictiveScalingForecast

        default CompletableFuture<GetPredictiveScalingForecastResponse> getPredictiveScalingForecast​(Consumer<GetPredictiveScalingForecastRequest.Builder> getPredictiveScalingForecastRequest)

        Retrieves the forecast data for a predictive scaling policy.

        Load forecasts are predictions of the hourly load values using historical load data from CloudWatch and an analysis of historical trends. Capacity forecasts are represented as predicted values for the minimum capacity that is needed on an hourly basis, based on the hourly load forecast.

        A minimum of 24 hours of data is required to create the initial forecasts. However, having a full 14 days of historical data results in more accurate forecasts.

        For more information, see Predictive scaling for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetPredictiveScalingForecastRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetPredictiveScalingForecastRequest.builder()

        getPredictiveScalingForecastRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetPredictiveScalingForecastRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the GetPredictiveScalingForecast operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • putLifecycleHook

        default CompletableFuture<PutLifecycleHookResponse> putLifecycleHook​(PutLifecycleHookRequest putLifecycleHookRequest)

        Creates or updates a lifecycle hook for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        Lifecycle hooks let you create solutions that are aware of events in the Auto Scaling instance lifecycle, and then perform a custom action on instances when the corresponding lifecycle event occurs.

        This step is a part of the procedure for adding a lifecycle hook to an Auto Scaling group:

        1. (Optional) Create a launch template or launch configuration with a user data script that runs while an instance is in a wait state due to a lifecycle hook.

        2. (Optional) Create a Lambda function and a rule that allows Amazon EventBridge to invoke your Lambda function when an instance is put into a wait state due to a lifecycle hook.

        3. (Optional) Create a notification target and an IAM role. The target can be either an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. The role allows Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to publish lifecycle notifications to the target.

        4. Create the lifecycle hook. Specify whether the hook is used when the instances launch or terminate.

        5. If you need more time, record the lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a wait state using the RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat API call.

        6. If you finish before the timeout period ends, send a callback by using the CompleteLifecycleAction API call.

        For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        If you exceed your maximum limit of lifecycle hooks, which by default is 50 per Auto Scaling group, the call fails.

        You can view the lifecycle hooks for an Auto Scaling group using the DescribeLifecycleHooks API call. If you are no longer using a lifecycle hook, you can delete it by calling the DeleteLifecycleHook API.

        putLifecycleHookRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the PutLifecycleHook operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • putLifecycleHook

        default CompletableFuture<PutLifecycleHookResponse> putLifecycleHook​(Consumer<PutLifecycleHookRequest.Builder> putLifecycleHookRequest)

        Creates or updates a lifecycle hook for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        Lifecycle hooks let you create solutions that are aware of events in the Auto Scaling instance lifecycle, and then perform a custom action on instances when the corresponding lifecycle event occurs.

        This step is a part of the procedure for adding a lifecycle hook to an Auto Scaling group:

        1. (Optional) Create a launch template or launch configuration with a user data script that runs while an instance is in a wait state due to a lifecycle hook.

        2. (Optional) Create a Lambda function and a rule that allows Amazon EventBridge to invoke your Lambda function when an instance is put into a wait state due to a lifecycle hook.

        3. (Optional) Create a notification target and an IAM role. The target can be either an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. The role allows Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to publish lifecycle notifications to the target.

        4. Create the lifecycle hook. Specify whether the hook is used when the instances launch or terminate.

        5. If you need more time, record the lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a wait state using the RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat API call.

        6. If you finish before the timeout period ends, send a callback by using the CompleteLifecycleAction API call.

        For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        If you exceed your maximum limit of lifecycle hooks, which by default is 50 per Auto Scaling group, the call fails.

        You can view the lifecycle hooks for an Auto Scaling group using the DescribeLifecycleHooks API call. If you are no longer using a lifecycle hook, you can delete it by calling the DeleteLifecycleHook API.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the PutLifecycleHookRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via PutLifecycleHookRequest.builder()

        putLifecycleHookRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on PutLifecycleHookRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the PutLifecycleHook operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • putNotificationConfiguration

        default CompletableFuture<PutNotificationConfigurationResponse> putNotificationConfiguration​(PutNotificationConfigurationRequest putNotificationConfigurationRequest)

        Configures an Auto Scaling group to send notifications when specified events take place. Subscribers to the specified topic can have messages delivered to an endpoint such as a web server or an email address.

        This configuration overwrites any existing configuration.

        For more information, see Amazon SNS notification options for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        If you exceed your maximum limit of SNS topics, which is 10 per Auto Scaling group, the call fails.

        putNotificationConfigurationRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the PutNotificationConfiguration operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • putNotificationConfiguration

        default CompletableFuture<PutNotificationConfigurationResponse> putNotificationConfiguration​(Consumer<PutNotificationConfigurationRequest.Builder> putNotificationConfigurationRequest)

        Configures an Auto Scaling group to send notifications when specified events take place. Subscribers to the specified topic can have messages delivered to an endpoint such as a web server or an email address.

        This configuration overwrites any existing configuration.

        For more information, see Amazon SNS notification options for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        If you exceed your maximum limit of SNS topics, which is 10 per Auto Scaling group, the call fails.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the PutNotificationConfigurationRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via PutNotificationConfigurationRequest.builder()

        putNotificationConfigurationRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on PutNotificationConfigurationRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the PutNotificationConfiguration operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • putScalingPolicy

        default CompletableFuture<PutScalingPolicyResponse> putScalingPolicy​(PutScalingPolicyRequest putScalingPolicyRequest)

        Creates or updates a scaling policy for an Auto Scaling group. Scaling policies are used to scale an Auto Scaling group based on configurable metrics. If no policies are defined, the dynamic scaling and predictive scaling features are not used.

        For more information about using dynamic scaling, see Target tracking scaling policies and Step and simple scaling policies in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        For more information about using predictive scaling, see Predictive scaling for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        You can view the scaling policies for an Auto Scaling group using the DescribePolicies API call. If you are no longer using a scaling policy, you can delete it by calling the DeletePolicy API.

        putScalingPolicyRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the PutScalingPolicy operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • putScalingPolicy

        default CompletableFuture<PutScalingPolicyResponse> putScalingPolicy​(Consumer<PutScalingPolicyRequest.Builder> putScalingPolicyRequest)

        Creates or updates a scaling policy for an Auto Scaling group. Scaling policies are used to scale an Auto Scaling group based on configurable metrics. If no policies are defined, the dynamic scaling and predictive scaling features are not used.

        For more information about using dynamic scaling, see Target tracking scaling policies and Step and simple scaling policies in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        For more information about using predictive scaling, see Predictive scaling for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        You can view the scaling policies for an Auto Scaling group using the DescribePolicies API call. If you are no longer using a scaling policy, you can delete it by calling the DeletePolicy API.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the PutScalingPolicyRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via PutScalingPolicyRequest.builder()

        putScalingPolicyRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on PutScalingPolicyRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the PutScalingPolicy operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • putScheduledUpdateGroupAction

        default CompletableFuture<PutScheduledUpdateGroupActionResponse> putScheduledUpdateGroupAction​(PutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest putScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest)

        Creates or updates a scheduled scaling action for an Auto Scaling group.

        For more information, see Scheduled scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        You can view the scheduled actions for an Auto Scaling group using the DescribeScheduledActions API call. If you are no longer using a scheduled action, you can delete it by calling the DeleteScheduledAction API.

        If you try to schedule your action in the past, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling returns an error message.

        putScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the PutScheduledUpdateGroupAction operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • AlreadyExistsException You already have an Auto Scaling group or launch configuration with this name.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • putScheduledUpdateGroupAction

        default CompletableFuture<PutScheduledUpdateGroupActionResponse> putScheduledUpdateGroupAction​(Consumer<PutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest.Builder> putScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest)

        Creates or updates a scheduled scaling action for an Auto Scaling group.

        For more information, see Scheduled scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        You can view the scheduled actions for an Auto Scaling group using the DescribeScheduledActions API call. If you are no longer using a scheduled action, you can delete it by calling the DeleteScheduledAction API.

        If you try to schedule your action in the past, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling returns an error message.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the PutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via PutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest.builder()

        putScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on PutScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the PutScheduledUpdateGroupAction operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • AlreadyExistsException You already have an Auto Scaling group or launch configuration with this name.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • putWarmPool

        default CompletableFuture<PutWarmPoolResponse> putWarmPool​(PutWarmPoolRequest putWarmPoolRequest)

        Creates or updates a warm pool for the specified Auto Scaling group. A warm pool is a pool of pre-initialized EC2 instances that sits alongside the Auto Scaling group. Whenever your application needs to scale out, the Auto Scaling group can draw on the warm pool to meet its new desired capacity.

        This operation must be called from the Region in which the Auto Scaling group was created.

        You can view the instances in the warm pool using the DescribeWarmPool API call. If you are no longer using a warm pool, you can delete it by calling the DeleteWarmPool API.

        For more information, see Warm pools for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        putWarmPoolRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the PutWarmPool operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • putWarmPool

        default CompletableFuture<PutWarmPoolResponse> putWarmPool​(Consumer<PutWarmPoolRequest.Builder> putWarmPoolRequest)

        Creates or updates a warm pool for the specified Auto Scaling group. A warm pool is a pool of pre-initialized EC2 instances that sits alongside the Auto Scaling group. Whenever your application needs to scale out, the Auto Scaling group can draw on the warm pool to meet its new desired capacity.

        This operation must be called from the Region in which the Auto Scaling group was created.

        You can view the instances in the warm pool using the DescribeWarmPool API call. If you are no longer using a warm pool, you can delete it by calling the DeleteWarmPool API.

        For more information, see Warm pools for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the PutWarmPoolRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via PutWarmPoolRequest.builder()

        putWarmPoolRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on PutWarmPoolRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the PutWarmPool operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • recordLifecycleActionHeartbeat

        default CompletableFuture<RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatResponse> recordLifecycleActionHeartbeat​(RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatRequest recordLifecycleActionHeartbeatRequest)

        Records a heartbeat for the lifecycle action associated with the specified token or instance. This extends the timeout by the length of time defined using the PutLifecycleHook API call.

        This step is a part of the procedure for adding a lifecycle hook to an Auto Scaling group:

        1. (Optional) Create a launch template or launch configuration with a user data script that runs while an instance is in a wait state due to a lifecycle hook.

        2. (Optional) Create a Lambda function and a rule that allows Amazon EventBridge to invoke your Lambda function when an instance is put into a wait state due to a lifecycle hook.

        3. (Optional) Create a notification target and an IAM role. The target can be either an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. The role allows Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to publish lifecycle notifications to the target.

        4. Create the lifecycle hook. Specify whether the hook is used when the instances launch or terminate.

        5. If you need more time, record the lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a wait state.

        6. If you finish before the timeout period ends, send a callback by using the CompleteLifecycleAction API call.

        For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        recordLifecycleActionHeartbeatRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • recordLifecycleActionHeartbeat

        default CompletableFuture<RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatResponse> recordLifecycleActionHeartbeat​(Consumer<RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatRequest.Builder> recordLifecycleActionHeartbeatRequest)

        Records a heartbeat for the lifecycle action associated with the specified token or instance. This extends the timeout by the length of time defined using the PutLifecycleHook API call.

        This step is a part of the procedure for adding a lifecycle hook to an Auto Scaling group:

        1. (Optional) Create a launch template or launch configuration with a user data script that runs while an instance is in a wait state due to a lifecycle hook.

        2. (Optional) Create a Lambda function and a rule that allows Amazon EventBridge to invoke your Lambda function when an instance is put into a wait state due to a lifecycle hook.

        3. (Optional) Create a notification target and an IAM role. The target can be either an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. The role allows Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to publish lifecycle notifications to the target.

        4. Create the lifecycle hook. Specify whether the hook is used when the instances launch or terminate.

        5. If you need more time, record the lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a wait state.

        6. If you finish before the timeout period ends, send a callback by using the CompleteLifecycleAction API call.

        For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatRequest.builder()

        recordLifecycleActionHeartbeatRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • resumeProcesses

        default CompletableFuture<ResumeProcessesResponse> resumeProcesses​(ResumeProcessesRequest resumeProcessesRequest)

        Resumes the specified suspended auto scaling processes, or all suspended process, for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        For more information, see Suspend and resume Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling processes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        resumeProcessesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the ResumeProcesses operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • resumeProcesses

        default CompletableFuture<ResumeProcessesResponse> resumeProcesses​(Consumer<ResumeProcessesRequest.Builder> resumeProcessesRequest)

        Resumes the specified suspended auto scaling processes, or all suspended process, for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        For more information, see Suspend and resume Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling processes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ResumeProcessesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ResumeProcessesRequest.builder()

        resumeProcessesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ResumeProcessesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the ResumeProcesses operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • rollbackInstanceRefresh

        default CompletableFuture<RollbackInstanceRefreshResponse> rollbackInstanceRefresh​(RollbackInstanceRefreshRequest rollbackInstanceRefreshRequest)

        Cancels an instance refresh that is in progress and rolls back any changes that it made. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling replaces any instances that were replaced during the instance refresh. This restores your Auto Scaling group to the configuration that it was using before the start of the instance refresh.

        This operation is part of the instance refresh feature in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, which helps you update instances in your Auto Scaling group after you make configuration changes.

        A rollback is not supported in the following situations:

        • There is no desired configuration specified for the instance refresh.

        • The Auto Scaling group has a launch template that uses an Amazon Web Services Systems Manager parameter instead of an AMI ID for the ImageId property.

        • The Auto Scaling group uses the launch template's $Latest or $Default version.

        When you receive a successful response from this operation, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling immediately begins replacing instances. You can check the status of this operation through the DescribeInstanceRefreshes API operation.

        rollbackInstanceRefreshRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the RollbackInstanceRefresh operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ActiveInstanceRefreshNotFoundException The request failed because an active instance refresh or rollback for the specified Auto Scaling group was not found.
        • IrreversibleInstanceRefreshException The request failed because a desired configuration was not found or an incompatible launch template (uses a Systems Manager parameter instead of an AMI ID) or launch template version ($Latest or $Default) is present on the Auto Scaling group.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • rollbackInstanceRefresh

        default CompletableFuture<RollbackInstanceRefreshResponse> rollbackInstanceRefresh​(Consumer<RollbackInstanceRefreshRequest.Builder> rollbackInstanceRefreshRequest)

        Cancels an instance refresh that is in progress and rolls back any changes that it made. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling replaces any instances that were replaced during the instance refresh. This restores your Auto Scaling group to the configuration that it was using before the start of the instance refresh.

        This operation is part of the instance refresh feature in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, which helps you update instances in your Auto Scaling group after you make configuration changes.

        A rollback is not supported in the following situations:

        • There is no desired configuration specified for the instance refresh.

        • The Auto Scaling group has a launch template that uses an Amazon Web Services Systems Manager parameter instead of an AMI ID for the ImageId property.

        • The Auto Scaling group uses the launch template's $Latest or $Default version.

        When you receive a successful response from this operation, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling immediately begins replacing instances. You can check the status of this operation through the DescribeInstanceRefreshes API operation.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the RollbackInstanceRefreshRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via RollbackInstanceRefreshRequest.builder()

        rollbackInstanceRefreshRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on RollbackInstanceRefreshRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the RollbackInstanceRefresh operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ActiveInstanceRefreshNotFoundException The request failed because an active instance refresh or rollback for the specified Auto Scaling group was not found.
        • IrreversibleInstanceRefreshException The request failed because a desired configuration was not found or an incompatible launch template (uses a Systems Manager parameter instead of an AMI ID) or launch template version ($Latest or $Default) is present on the Auto Scaling group.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • setDesiredCapacity

        default CompletableFuture<SetDesiredCapacityResponse> setDesiredCapacity​(SetDesiredCapacityRequest setDesiredCapacityRequest)

        Sets the size of the specified Auto Scaling group.

        If a scale-in activity occurs as a result of a new DesiredCapacity value that is lower than the current size of the group, the Auto Scaling group uses its termination policy to determine which instances to terminate.

        For more information, see Manual scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        setDesiredCapacityRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the SetDesiredCapacity operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ScalingActivityInProgressException The operation can't be performed because there are scaling activities in progress.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • setDesiredCapacity

        default CompletableFuture<SetDesiredCapacityResponse> setDesiredCapacity​(Consumer<SetDesiredCapacityRequest.Builder> setDesiredCapacityRequest)

        Sets the size of the specified Auto Scaling group.

        If a scale-in activity occurs as a result of a new DesiredCapacity value that is lower than the current size of the group, the Auto Scaling group uses its termination policy to determine which instances to terminate.

        For more information, see Manual scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the SetDesiredCapacityRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via SetDesiredCapacityRequest.builder()

        setDesiredCapacityRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on SetDesiredCapacityRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the SetDesiredCapacity operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ScalingActivityInProgressException The operation can't be performed because there are scaling activities in progress.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • setInstanceHealth

        default CompletableFuture<SetInstanceHealthResponse> setInstanceHealth​(SetInstanceHealthRequest setInstanceHealthRequest)

        Sets the health status of the specified instance.

        For more information, see Set up a custom health check for your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        setInstanceHealthRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the SetInstanceHealth operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • setInstanceHealth

        default CompletableFuture<SetInstanceHealthResponse> setInstanceHealth​(Consumer<SetInstanceHealthRequest.Builder> setInstanceHealthRequest)

        Sets the health status of the specified instance.

        For more information, see Set up a custom health check for your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the SetInstanceHealthRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via SetInstanceHealthRequest.builder()

        setInstanceHealthRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on SetInstanceHealthRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the SetInstanceHealth operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • setInstanceProtection

        default CompletableFuture<SetInstanceProtectionResponse> setInstanceProtection​(SetInstanceProtectionRequest setInstanceProtectionRequest)

        Updates the instance protection settings of the specified instances. This operation cannot be called on instances in a warm pool.

        For more information, see Use instance scale-in protection in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        If you exceed your maximum limit of instance IDs, which is 50 per Auto Scaling group, the call fails.

        setInstanceProtectionRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the SetInstanceProtection operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • setInstanceProtection

        default CompletableFuture<SetInstanceProtectionResponse> setInstanceProtection​(Consumer<SetInstanceProtectionRequest.Builder> setInstanceProtectionRequest)

        Updates the instance protection settings of the specified instances. This operation cannot be called on instances in a warm pool.

        For more information, see Use instance scale-in protection in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        If you exceed your maximum limit of instance IDs, which is 50 per Auto Scaling group, the call fails.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the SetInstanceProtectionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via SetInstanceProtectionRequest.builder()

        setInstanceProtectionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on SetInstanceProtectionRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the SetInstanceProtection operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • startInstanceRefresh

        default CompletableFuture<StartInstanceRefreshResponse> startInstanceRefresh​(StartInstanceRefreshRequest startInstanceRefreshRequest)

        Starts an instance refresh.

        This operation is part of the instance refresh feature in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, which helps you update instances in your Auto Scaling group. This feature is helpful, for example, when you have a new AMI or a new user data script. You just need to create a new launch template that specifies the new AMI or user data script. Then start an instance refresh to immediately begin the process of updating instances in the group.

        If successful, the request's response contains a unique ID that you can use to track the progress of the instance refresh. To query its status, call the DescribeInstanceRefreshes API. To describe the instance refreshes that have already run, call the DescribeInstanceRefreshes API. To cancel an instance refresh that is in progress, use the CancelInstanceRefresh API.

        An instance refresh might fail for several reasons, such as EC2 launch failures, misconfigured health checks, or not ignoring or allowing the termination of instances that are in Standby state or protected from scale in. You can monitor for failed EC2 launches using the scaling activities. To find the scaling activities, call the DescribeScalingActivities API.

        If you enable auto rollback, your Auto Scaling group will be rolled back automatically when the instance refresh fails. You can enable this feature before starting an instance refresh by specifying the AutoRollback property in the instance refresh preferences. Otherwise, to roll back an instance refresh before it finishes, use the RollbackInstanceRefresh API.

        startInstanceRefreshRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the StartInstanceRefresh operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InstanceRefreshInProgressException The request failed because an active instance refresh already exists for the specified Auto Scaling group.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • startInstanceRefresh

        default CompletableFuture<StartInstanceRefreshResponse> startInstanceRefresh​(Consumer<StartInstanceRefreshRequest.Builder> startInstanceRefreshRequest)

        Starts an instance refresh.

        This operation is part of the instance refresh feature in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, which helps you update instances in your Auto Scaling group. This feature is helpful, for example, when you have a new AMI or a new user data script. You just need to create a new launch template that specifies the new AMI or user data script. Then start an instance refresh to immediately begin the process of updating instances in the group.

        If successful, the request's response contains a unique ID that you can use to track the progress of the instance refresh. To query its status, call the DescribeInstanceRefreshes API. To describe the instance refreshes that have already run, call the DescribeInstanceRefreshes API. To cancel an instance refresh that is in progress, use the CancelInstanceRefresh API.

        An instance refresh might fail for several reasons, such as EC2 launch failures, misconfigured health checks, or not ignoring or allowing the termination of instances that are in Standby state or protected from scale in. You can monitor for failed EC2 launches using the scaling activities. To find the scaling activities, call the DescribeScalingActivities API.

        If you enable auto rollback, your Auto Scaling group will be rolled back automatically when the instance refresh fails. You can enable this feature before starting an instance refresh by specifying the AutoRollback property in the instance refresh preferences. Otherwise, to roll back an instance refresh before it finishes, use the RollbackInstanceRefresh API.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the StartInstanceRefreshRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via StartInstanceRefreshRequest.builder()

        startInstanceRefreshRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on StartInstanceRefreshRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the StartInstanceRefresh operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • LimitExceededException You have already reached a limit for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources (for example, Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, or lifecycle hooks). For more information, see DescribeAccountLimits in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • InstanceRefreshInProgressException The request failed because an active instance refresh already exists for the specified Auto Scaling group.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • suspendProcesses

        default CompletableFuture<SuspendProcessesResponse> suspendProcesses​(SuspendProcessesRequest suspendProcessesRequest)

        Suspends the specified auto scaling processes, or all processes, for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        If you suspend either the Launch or Terminate process types, it can prevent other process types from functioning properly. For more information, see Suspend and resume Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling processes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        To resume processes that have been suspended, call the ResumeProcesses API.

        suspendProcessesRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the SuspendProcesses operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • suspendProcesses

        default CompletableFuture<SuspendProcessesResponse> suspendProcesses​(Consumer<SuspendProcessesRequest.Builder> suspendProcessesRequest)

        Suspends the specified auto scaling processes, or all processes, for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        If you suspend either the Launch or Terminate process types, it can prevent other process types from functioning properly. For more information, see Suspend and resume Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling processes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        To resume processes that have been suspended, call the ResumeProcesses API.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the SuspendProcessesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via SuspendProcessesRequest.builder()

        suspendProcessesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on SuspendProcessesRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the SuspendProcesses operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ResourceInUseException The operation can't be performed because the resource is in use.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup

        default CompletableFuture<TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupResponse> terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup​(TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupRequest terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupRequest)

        Terminates the specified instance and optionally adjusts the desired group size. This operation cannot be called on instances in a warm pool.

        This call simply makes a termination request. The instance is not terminated immediately. When an instance is terminated, the instance status changes to terminated. You can't connect to or start an instance after you've terminated it.

        If you do not specify the option to decrement the desired capacity, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches instances to replace the ones that are terminated.

        By default, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling balances instances across all Availability Zones. If you decrement the desired capacity, your Auto Scaling group can become unbalanced between Availability Zones. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling tries to rebalance the group, and rebalancing might terminate instances in other zones. For more information, see Manual scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ScalingActivityInProgressException The operation can't be performed because there are scaling activities in progress.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup

        default CompletableFuture<TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupResponse> terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup​(Consumer<TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupRequest.Builder> terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupRequest)

        Terminates the specified instance and optionally adjusts the desired group size. This operation cannot be called on instances in a warm pool.

        This call simply makes a termination request. The instance is not terminated immediately. When an instance is terminated, the instance status changes to terminated. You can't connect to or start an instance after you've terminated it.

        If you do not specify the option to decrement the desired capacity, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches instances to replace the ones that are terminated.

        By default, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling balances instances across all Availability Zones. If you decrement the desired capacity, your Auto Scaling group can become unbalanced between Availability Zones. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling tries to rebalance the group, and rebalancing might terminate instances in other zones. For more information, see Manual scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupRequest.builder()

        terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ScalingActivityInProgressException The operation can't be performed because there are scaling activities in progress.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • updateAutoScalingGroup

        default CompletableFuture<UpdateAutoScalingGroupResponse> updateAutoScalingGroup​(UpdateAutoScalingGroupRequest updateAutoScalingGroupRequest)

        We strongly recommend that all Auto Scaling groups use launch templates to ensure full functionality for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and Amazon EC2.

        Updates the configuration for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        To update an Auto Scaling group, specify the name of the group and the property that you want to change. Any properties that you don't specify are not changed by this update request. The new settings take effect on any scaling activities after this call returns.

        If you associate a new launch configuration or template with an Auto Scaling group, all new instances will get the updated configuration. Existing instances continue to run with the configuration that they were originally launched with. When you update a group to specify a mixed instances policy instead of a launch configuration or template, existing instances may be replaced to match the new purchasing options that you specified in the policy. For example, if the group currently has 100% On-Demand capacity and the policy specifies 50% Spot capacity, this means that half of your instances will be gradually terminated and relaunched as Spot Instances. When replacing instances, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches new instances before terminating the old ones, so that updating your group does not compromise the performance or availability of your application.

        Note the following about changing DesiredCapacity, MaxSize, or MinSize:

        • If a scale-in activity occurs as a result of a new DesiredCapacity value that is lower than the current size of the group, the Auto Scaling group uses its termination policy to determine which instances to terminate.

        • If you specify a new value for MinSize without specifying a value for DesiredCapacity, and the new MinSize is larger than the current size of the group, this sets the group's DesiredCapacity to the new MinSize value.

        • If you specify a new value for MaxSize without specifying a value for DesiredCapacity, and the new MaxSize is smaller than the current size of the group, this sets the group's DesiredCapacity to the new MaxSize value.

        To see which properties have been set, call the DescribeAutoScalingGroups API. To view the scaling policies for an Auto Scaling group, call the DescribePolicies API. If the group has scaling policies, you can update them by calling the PutScalingPolicy API.

        updateAutoScalingGroupRequest -
        A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateAutoScalingGroup operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ScalingActivityInProgressException The operation can't be performed because there are scaling activities in progress.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation
      • updateAutoScalingGroup

        default CompletableFuture<UpdateAutoScalingGroupResponse> updateAutoScalingGroup​(Consumer<UpdateAutoScalingGroupRequest.Builder> updateAutoScalingGroupRequest)

        We strongly recommend that all Auto Scaling groups use launch templates to ensure full functionality for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and Amazon EC2.

        Updates the configuration for the specified Auto Scaling group.

        To update an Auto Scaling group, specify the name of the group and the property that you want to change. Any properties that you don't specify are not changed by this update request. The new settings take effect on any scaling activities after this call returns.

        If you associate a new launch configuration or template with an Auto Scaling group, all new instances will get the updated configuration. Existing instances continue to run with the configuration that they were originally launched with. When you update a group to specify a mixed instances policy instead of a launch configuration or template, existing instances may be replaced to match the new purchasing options that you specified in the policy. For example, if the group currently has 100% On-Demand capacity and the policy specifies 50% Spot capacity, this means that half of your instances will be gradually terminated and relaunched as Spot Instances. When replacing instances, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches new instances before terminating the old ones, so that updating your group does not compromise the performance or availability of your application.

        Note the following about changing DesiredCapacity, MaxSize, or MinSize:

        • If a scale-in activity occurs as a result of a new DesiredCapacity value that is lower than the current size of the group, the Auto Scaling group uses its termination policy to determine which instances to terminate.

        • If you specify a new value for MinSize without specifying a value for DesiredCapacity, and the new MinSize is larger than the current size of the group, this sets the group's DesiredCapacity to the new MinSize value.

        • If you specify a new value for MaxSize without specifying a value for DesiredCapacity, and the new MaxSize is smaller than the current size of the group, this sets the group's DesiredCapacity to the new MaxSize value.

        To see which properties have been set, call the DescribeAutoScalingGroups API. To view the scaling policies for an Auto Scaling group, call the DescribePolicies API. If the group has scaling policies, you can update them by calling the PutScalingPolicy API.

        This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateAutoScalingGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateAutoScalingGroupRequest.builder()

        updateAutoScalingGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateAutoScalingGroupRequest.Builder to create a request.
        A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateAutoScalingGroup operation returned by the service.
        The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
        • ScalingActivityInProgressException The operation can't be performed because there are scaling activities in progress.
        • ResourceContentionException You already have a pending update to an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource (for example, an Auto Scaling group, instance, or load balancer).
        • ServiceLinkedRoleFailureException The service-linked role is not yet ready for use.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • AutoScalingException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
        See Also:
        AWS API Documentation