Interface InsightRuleMetricDatapoint.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • timestamp

        InsightRuleMetricDatapoint.Builder timestamp​(Instant timestamp)

        The timestamp of the data point.

        timestamp - The timestamp of the data point.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • uniqueContributors

        InsightRuleMetricDatapoint.Builder uniqueContributors​(Double uniqueContributors)

        The number of unique contributors who published data during this timestamp.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        uniqueContributors - The number of unique contributors who published data during this timestamp.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • maxContributorValue

        InsightRuleMetricDatapoint.Builder maxContributorValue​(Double maxContributorValue)

        The maximum value provided by one contributor during this timestamp. Each timestamp is evaluated separately, so the identity of the max contributor could be different for each timestamp.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        maxContributorValue - The maximum value provided by one contributor during this timestamp. Each timestamp is evaluated separately, so the identity of the max contributor could be different for each timestamp.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • sampleCount

        InsightRuleMetricDatapoint.Builder sampleCount​(Double sampleCount)

        The number of occurrences that matched the rule during this data point.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        sampleCount - The number of occurrences that matched the rule during this data point.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • average

        InsightRuleMetricDatapoint.Builder average​(Double average)

        The average value from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        average - The average value from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • sum

        InsightRuleMetricDatapoint.Builder sum​(Double sum)

        The sum of the values from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        sum - The sum of the values from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • minimum

        InsightRuleMetricDatapoint.Builder minimum​(Double minimum)

        The minimum value from a single contributor during the time period represented by that data point.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        minimum - The minimum value from a single contributor during the time period represented by that data point.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • maximum

        InsightRuleMetricDatapoint.Builder maximum​(Double maximum)

        The maximum value from a single occurence from a single contributor during the time period represented by that data point.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        maximum - The maximum value from a single occurence from a single contributor during the time period represented by that data point.

        This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.