Interface GetMetricDataRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • metricDataQueries

        GetMetricDataRequest.Builder metricDataQueries​(Collection<MetricDataQuery> metricDataQueries)

        The metric queries to be returned. A single GetMetricData call can include as many as 500 MetricDataQuery structures. Each of these structures can specify either a metric to retrieve, a Metrics Insights query, or a math expression to perform on retrieved data.

        metricDataQueries - The metric queries to be returned. A single GetMetricData call can include as many as 500 MetricDataQuery structures. Each of these structures can specify either a metric to retrieve, a Metrics Insights query, or a math expression to perform on retrieved data.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • metricDataQueries

        GetMetricDataRequest.Builder metricDataQueries​(MetricDataQuery... metricDataQueries)

        The metric queries to be returned. A single GetMetricData call can include as many as 500 MetricDataQuery structures. Each of these structures can specify either a metric to retrieve, a Metrics Insights query, or a math expression to perform on retrieved data.

        metricDataQueries - The metric queries to be returned. A single GetMetricData call can include as many as 500 MetricDataQuery structures. Each of these structures can specify either a metric to retrieve, a Metrics Insights query, or a math expression to perform on retrieved data.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • metricDataQueries

        GetMetricDataRequest.Builder metricDataQueries​(Consumer<MetricDataQuery.Builder>... metricDataQueries)

        The metric queries to be returned. A single GetMetricData call can include as many as 500 MetricDataQuery structures. Each of these structures can specify either a metric to retrieve, a Metrics Insights query, or a math expression to perform on retrieved data.

        This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the MetricDataQuery.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via MetricDataQuery.builder().

        When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to #metricDataQueries(List).

        metricDataQueries - a consumer that will call methods on MetricDataQuery.Builder
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
      • startTime

        GetMetricDataRequest.Builder startTime​(Instant startTime)

        The time stamp indicating the earliest data to be returned.

        The value specified is inclusive; results include data points with the specified time stamp.

        CloudWatch rounds the specified time stamp as follows:

        • Start time less than 15 days ago - Round down to the nearest whole minute. For example, 12:32:34 is rounded down to 12:32:00.

        • Start time between 15 and 63 days ago - Round down to the nearest 5-minute clock interval. For example, 12:32:34 is rounded down to 12:30:00.

        • Start time greater than 63 days ago - Round down to the nearest 1-hour clock interval. For example, 12:32:34 is rounded down to 12:00:00.

        If you set Period to 5, 10, or 30, the start time of your request is rounded down to the nearest time that corresponds to even 5-, 10-, or 30-second divisions of a minute. For example, if you make a query at (HH:mm:ss) 01:05:23 for the previous 10-second period, the start time of your request is rounded down and you receive data from 01:05:10 to 01:05:20. If you make a query at 15:07:17 for the previous 5 minutes of data, using a period of 5 seconds, you receive data timestamped between 15:02:15 and 15:07:15.

        For better performance, specify StartTime and EndTime values that align with the value of the metric's Period and sync up with the beginning and end of an hour. For example, if the Period of a metric is 5 minutes, specifying 12:05 or 12:30 as StartTime can get a faster response from CloudWatch than setting 12:07 or 12:29 as the StartTime.

        startTime - The time stamp indicating the earliest data to be returned.

        The value specified is inclusive; results include data points with the specified time stamp.

        CloudWatch rounds the specified time stamp as follows:

        • Start time less than 15 days ago - Round down to the nearest whole minute. For example, 12:32:34 is rounded down to 12:32:00.

        • Start time between 15 and 63 days ago - Round down to the nearest 5-minute clock interval. For example, 12:32:34 is rounded down to 12:30:00.

        • Start time greater than 63 days ago - Round down to the nearest 1-hour clock interval. For example, 12:32:34 is rounded down to 12:00:00.

        If you set Period to 5, 10, or 30, the start time of your request is rounded down to the nearest time that corresponds to even 5-, 10-, or 30-second divisions of a minute. For example, if you make a query at (HH:mm:ss) 01:05:23 for the previous 10-second period, the start time of your request is rounded down and you receive data from 01:05:10 to 01:05:20. If you make a query at 15:07:17 for the previous 5 minutes of data, using a period of 5 seconds, you receive data timestamped between 15:02:15 and 15:07:15.

        For better performance, specify StartTime and EndTime values that align with the value of the metric's Period and sync up with the beginning and end of an hour. For example, if the Period of a metric is 5 minutes, specifying 12:05 or 12:30 as StartTime can get a faster response from CloudWatch than setting 12:07 or 12:29 as the StartTime.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • endTime

        GetMetricDataRequest.Builder endTime​(Instant endTime)

        The time stamp indicating the latest data to be returned.

        The value specified is exclusive; results include data points up to the specified time stamp.

        For better performance, specify StartTime and EndTime values that align with the value of the metric's Period and sync up with the beginning and end of an hour. For example, if the Period of a metric is 5 minutes, specifying 12:05 or 12:30 as EndTime can get a faster response from CloudWatch than setting 12:07 or 12:29 as the EndTime.

        endTime - The time stamp indicating the latest data to be returned.

        The value specified is exclusive; results include data points up to the specified time stamp.

        For better performance, specify StartTime and EndTime values that align with the value of the metric's Period and sync up with the beginning and end of an hour. For example, if the Period of a metric is 5 minutes, specifying 12:05 or 12:30 as EndTime can get a faster response from CloudWatch than setting 12:07 or 12:29 as the EndTime.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • nextToken

        GetMetricDataRequest.Builder nextToken​(String nextToken)

        Include this value, if it was returned by the previous GetMetricData operation, to get the next set of data points.

        nextToken - Include this value, if it was returned by the previous GetMetricData operation, to get the next set of data points.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • scanBy

        GetMetricDataRequest.Builder scanBy​(String scanBy)

        The order in which data points should be returned. TimestampDescending returns the newest data first and paginates when the MaxDatapoints limit is reached. TimestampAscending returns the oldest data first and paginates when the MaxDatapoints limit is reached.

        If you omit this parameter, the default of TimestampDescending is used.

        scanBy - The order in which data points should be returned. TimestampDescending returns the newest data first and paginates when the MaxDatapoints limit is reached. TimestampAscending returns the oldest data first and paginates when the MaxDatapoints limit is reached.

        If you omit this parameter, the default of TimestampDescending is used.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ScanBy, ScanBy
      • scanBy

        GetMetricDataRequest.Builder scanBy​(ScanBy scanBy)

        The order in which data points should be returned. TimestampDescending returns the newest data first and paginates when the MaxDatapoints limit is reached. TimestampAscending returns the oldest data first and paginates when the MaxDatapoints limit is reached.

        If you omit this parameter, the default of TimestampDescending is used.

        scanBy - The order in which data points should be returned. TimestampDescending returns the newest data first and paginates when the MaxDatapoints limit is reached. TimestampAscending returns the oldest data first and paginates when the MaxDatapoints limit is reached.

        If you omit this parameter, the default of TimestampDescending is used.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ScanBy, ScanBy
      • maxDatapoints

        GetMetricDataRequest.Builder maxDatapoints​(Integer maxDatapoints)

        The maximum number of data points the request should return before paginating. If you omit this, the default of 100,800 is used.

        maxDatapoints - The maximum number of data points the request should return before paginating. If you omit this, the default of 100,800 is used.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • labelOptions

        GetMetricDataRequest.Builder labelOptions​(LabelOptions labelOptions)

        This structure includes the Timezone parameter, which you can use to specify your time zone so that the labels of returned data display the correct time for your time zone.

        labelOptions - This structure includes the Timezone parameter, which you can use to specify your time zone so that the labels of returned data display the correct time for your time zone.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.