Class ConvenienceTypeOverload

  • public class ConvenienceTypeOverload
    extends Object
    Customization to allow generation of additional setter overloads for a 'convenience' type (i.e. a different type then what the member actually is but a more convenient representation to work with, I.E. String rather than SdkBytes). Customization is configured with an adapter that knows how to convert the 'convenience' type to the actual member type

    Note - This customization is not directly exposed through CustomizationConfig at the moment. Instead several pre-canned customizations use this under the hood but expose limited functionality for overloading setters. This decision was made to discourage use of overloaded types and instead model the member in a more natural way to begin with. In the future we may either decide to fully expose this customization or just add more pre-canned settings as the need arises

    Currently this does not support overloads for List or Map types but it could be easily implemented in the Generator.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConvenienceTypeOverload

        public ConvenienceTypeOverload()