Class SigV4AuthSchemeCodegenKnowledgeIndex

  • public final class SigV4AuthSchemeCodegenKnowledgeIndex
    extends Object
    Knowledge index to compute the sets of operations that share the same set of sigv4 overrides.
    • Method Detail

      • serviceSigV4Overrides

        public AuthSchemeCodegenMetadata serviceSigV4Overrides()
        Returns the service overrides for sigv4. This method returns null if there are none configured. The service may or may not support sigv4 regardless.
      • hasPerOperationSigV4Overrides

        public boolean hasPerOperationSigV4Overrides()
        Returns true if there are any sigv4 overrides per operation.
        true if there are auth scheme overrides per operation
      • hasServiceSigV4Overrides

        public boolean hasServiceSigV4Overrides()
        Returns true if there are any service wide sigv4 overrides.
      • hasSigV4Overrides

        public boolean hasSigV4Overrides()
        Returns true if there are sigv4 signer overrides in the model.
      • forEachOperationsOverridesGroup

        public void forEachOperationsOverridesGroup​(BiConsumer<List<String>,​AuthSchemeCodegenMetadata> consumer)
        Traverses each group of operations with the same set of auth schemes.
        consumer - The consumer to call for each group of operations with the same set of auth schemes.