Class AuthSchemeCodegenKnowledgeIndex

  • public final class AuthSchemeCodegenKnowledgeIndex
    extends Object
    Knowledge index to get access to the configured service auth schemes and operations overrides. This index is optimized for code generation of switch statements therefore the data is grouped by operations that share the same auth schemes.
    • Method Detail

      • serviceDefaultAuthSchemes

        public List<AuthSchemeCodegenMetadata> serviceDefaultAuthSchemes()
        Returns the service defaults auth schemes. These can be overridden by operation.
        the service defaults auth schemes.
      • hasPerOperationAuthSchemesOverrides

        public boolean hasPerOperationAuthSchemesOverrides()
        Returns true if there are auth scheme overrides per operation.
        true if there are auth scheme overrides per operation
      • forEachOperationsOverridesGroup

        public void forEachOperationsOverridesGroup​(BiConsumer<List<String>,​List<AuthSchemeCodegenMetadata>> consumer)
        Traverses each group of operations with the same set of auth schemes.
        consumer - The consumer to call for each group of operations with the same set of auth schemes.