Interface TokenValidityUnitsType.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • accessToken

        TokenValidityUnitsType.Builder accessToken​(String accessToken)

        A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the AccessTokenValidity parameter. The default AccessTokenValidity time unit is hours. AccessTokenValidity duration can range from five minutes to one day.

        accessToken - A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the AccessTokenValidity parameter. The default AccessTokenValidity time unit is hours. AccessTokenValidity duration can range from five minutes to one day.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        TimeUnitsType, TimeUnitsType
      • accessToken

        TokenValidityUnitsType.Builder accessToken​(TimeUnitsType accessToken)

        A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the AccessTokenValidity parameter. The default AccessTokenValidity time unit is hours. AccessTokenValidity duration can range from five minutes to one day.

        accessToken - A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the AccessTokenValidity parameter. The default AccessTokenValidity time unit is hours. AccessTokenValidity duration can range from five minutes to one day.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        TimeUnitsType, TimeUnitsType
      • idToken

        TokenValidityUnitsType.Builder idToken​(String idToken)

        A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the IdTokenValidity parameter. The default IdTokenValidity time unit is hours. IdTokenValidity duration can range from five minutes to one day.

        idToken - A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the IdTokenValidity parameter. The default IdTokenValidity time unit is hours. IdTokenValidity duration can range from five minutes to one day.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        TimeUnitsType, TimeUnitsType
      • idToken

        TokenValidityUnitsType.Builder idToken​(TimeUnitsType idToken)

        A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the IdTokenValidity parameter. The default IdTokenValidity time unit is hours. IdTokenValidity duration can range from five minutes to one day.

        idToken - A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the IdTokenValidity parameter. The default IdTokenValidity time unit is hours. IdTokenValidity duration can range from five minutes to one day.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        TimeUnitsType, TimeUnitsType
      • refreshToken

        TokenValidityUnitsType.Builder refreshToken​(String refreshToken)

        A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the RefreshTokenValidity parameter. The default RefreshTokenValidity time unit is days. RefreshTokenValidity duration can range from 60 minutes to 10 years.

        refreshToken - A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the RefreshTokenValidity parameter. The default RefreshTokenValidity time unit is days. RefreshTokenValidity duration can range from 60 minutes to 10 years.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        TimeUnitsType, TimeUnitsType
      • refreshToken

        TokenValidityUnitsType.Builder refreshToken​(TimeUnitsType refreshToken)

        A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the RefreshTokenValidity parameter. The default RefreshTokenValidity time unit is days. RefreshTokenValidity duration can range from 60 minutes to 10 years.

        refreshToken - A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the RefreshTokenValidity parameter. The default RefreshTokenValidity time unit is days. RefreshTokenValidity duration can range from 60 minutes to 10 years.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        TimeUnitsType, TimeUnitsType