Interface UserImportJobType.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • jobName

        UserImportJobType.Builder jobName​(String jobName)

        The job name for the user import job.

        jobName - The job name for the user import job.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • jobId

        UserImportJobType.Builder jobId​(String jobId)

        The job ID for the user import job.

        jobId - The job ID for the user import job.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • userPoolId

        UserImportJobType.Builder userPoolId​(String userPoolId)

        The user pool ID for the user pool that the users are being imported into.

        userPoolId - The user pool ID for the user pool that the users are being imported into.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • preSignedUrl

        UserImportJobType.Builder preSignedUrl​(String preSignedUrl)

        The pre-signed URL to be used to upload the .csv file.

        preSignedUrl - The pre-signed URL to be used to upload the .csv file.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • creationDate

        UserImportJobType.Builder creationDate​(Instant creationDate)

        The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

        creationDate - The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • startDate

        UserImportJobType.Builder startDate​(Instant startDate)

        The date when the user import job was started.

        startDate - The date when the user import job was started.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • completionDate

        UserImportJobType.Builder completionDate​(Instant completionDate)

        The date when the user import job was completed.

        completionDate - The date when the user import job was completed.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • status

        UserImportJobType.Builder status​(String status)

        The status of the user import job. One of the following:

        • Created - The job was created but not started.

        • Pending - A transition state. You have started the job, but it has not begun importing users yet.

        • InProgress - The job has started, and users are being imported.

        • Stopping - You have stopped the job, but the job has not stopped importing users yet.

        • Stopped - You have stopped the job, and the job has stopped importing users.

        • Succeeded - The job has completed successfully.

        • Failed - The job has stopped due to an error.

        • Expired - You created a job, but did not start the job within 24-48 hours. All data associated with the job was deleted, and the job can't be started.

        status - The status of the user import job. One of the following:

        • Created - The job was created but not started.

        • Pending - A transition state. You have started the job, but it has not begun importing users yet.

        • InProgress - The job has started, and users are being imported.

        • Stopping - You have stopped the job, but the job has not stopped importing users yet.

        • Stopped - You have stopped the job, and the job has stopped importing users.

        • Succeeded - The job has completed successfully.

        • Failed - The job has stopped due to an error.

        • Expired - You created a job, but did not start the job within 24-48 hours. All data associated with the job was deleted, and the job can't be started.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        UserImportJobStatusType, UserImportJobStatusType
      • status

        UserImportJobType.Builder status​(UserImportJobStatusType status)

        The status of the user import job. One of the following:

        • Created - The job was created but not started.

        • Pending - A transition state. You have started the job, but it has not begun importing users yet.

        • InProgress - The job has started, and users are being imported.

        • Stopping - You have stopped the job, but the job has not stopped importing users yet.

        • Stopped - You have stopped the job, and the job has stopped importing users.

        • Succeeded - The job has completed successfully.

        • Failed - The job has stopped due to an error.

        • Expired - You created a job, but did not start the job within 24-48 hours. All data associated with the job was deleted, and the job can't be started.

        status - The status of the user import job. One of the following:

        • Created - The job was created but not started.

        • Pending - A transition state. You have started the job, but it has not begun importing users yet.

        • InProgress - The job has started, and users are being imported.

        • Stopping - You have stopped the job, but the job has not stopped importing users yet.

        • Stopped - You have stopped the job, and the job has stopped importing users.

        • Succeeded - The job has completed successfully.

        • Failed - The job has stopped due to an error.

        • Expired - You created a job, but did not start the job within 24-48 hours. All data associated with the job was deleted, and the job can't be started.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        UserImportJobStatusType, UserImportJobStatusType
      • cloudWatchLogsRoleArn

        UserImportJobType.Builder cloudWatchLogsRoleArn​(String cloudWatchLogsRoleArn)

        The role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon CloudWatch Logging role for the user import job. For more information, see "Creating the CloudWatch Logs IAM Role" in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

        cloudWatchLogsRoleArn - The role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon CloudWatch Logging role for the user import job. For more information, see "Creating the CloudWatch Logs IAM Role" in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • importedUsers

        UserImportJobType.Builder importedUsers​(Long importedUsers)

        The number of users that were successfully imported.

        importedUsers - The number of users that were successfully imported.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • skippedUsers

        UserImportJobType.Builder skippedUsers​(Long skippedUsers)

        The number of users that were skipped.

        skippedUsers - The number of users that were skipped.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • failedUsers

        UserImportJobType.Builder failedUsers​(Long failedUsers)

        The number of users that couldn't be imported.

        failedUsers - The number of users that couldn't be imported.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • completionMessage

        UserImportJobType.Builder completionMessage​(String completionMessage)

        The message returned when the user import job is completed.

        completionMessage - The message returned when the user import job is completed.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.