Class UpdateRevisionResponse

    • Method Detail

      • arn

        public final String arn()

        The ARN for the revision.

        The ARN for the revision.
      • comment

        public final String comment()

        An optional comment about the revision.

        An optional comment about the revision.
      • createdAt

        public final Instant createdAt()

        The date and time that the revision was created, in ISO 8601 format.

        The date and time that the revision was created, in ISO 8601 format.
      • dataSetId

        public final String dataSetId()

        The unique identifier for the data set associated with the data set revision.

        The unique identifier for the data set associated with the data set revision.
      • finalized

        public final Boolean finalized()

        To publish a revision to a data set in a product, the revision must first be finalized. Finalizing a revision tells AWS Data Exchange that changes to the assets in the revision are complete. After it's in this read-only state, you can publish the revision to your products. Finalized revisions can be published through the AWS Data Exchange console or the AWS Marketplace Catalog API, using the StartChangeSet AWS Marketplace Catalog API action. When using the API, revisions are uniquely identified by their ARN.

        To publish a revision to a data set in a product, the revision must first be finalized. Finalizing a revision tells AWS Data Exchange that changes to the assets in the revision are complete. After it's in this read-only state, you can publish the revision to your products. Finalized revisions can be published through the AWS Data Exchange console or the AWS Marketplace Catalog API, using the StartChangeSet AWS Marketplace Catalog API action. When using the API, revisions are uniquely identified by their ARN.
      • id

        public final String id()

        The unique identifier for the revision.

        The unique identifier for the revision.
      • sourceId

        public final String sourceId()

        The revision ID of the owned revision corresponding to the entitled revision being viewed. This parameter is returned when a revision owner is viewing the entitled copy of its owned revision.

        The revision ID of the owned revision corresponding to the entitled revision being viewed. This parameter is returned when a revision owner is viewing the entitled copy of its owned revision.
      • updatedAt

        public final Instant updatedAt()

        The date and time that the revision was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.

        The date and time that the revision was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.
      • revocationComment

        public final String revocationComment()

        A required comment to inform subscribers of the reason their access to the revision was revoked.

        A required comment to inform subscribers of the reason their access to the revision was revoked.
      • revoked

        public final Boolean revoked()

        A status indicating that subscribers' access to the revision was revoked.

        A status indicating that subscribers' access to the revision was revoked.
      • revokedAt

        public final Instant revokedAt()

        The date and time that the revision was revoked, in ISO 8601 format.

        The date and time that the revision was revoked, in ISO 8601 format.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object