Interface CsvOptions.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • delimiter

        CsvOptions.Builder delimiter​(String delimiter)

        The delimiter used for separating items in the CSV file being imported.

        delimiter - The delimiter used for separating items in the CSV file being imported.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • headerList

        CsvOptions.Builder headerList​(Collection<String> headerList)

        List of the headers used to specify a common header for all source CSV files being imported. If this field is specified then the first line of each CSV file is treated as data instead of the header. If this field is not specified the the first line of each CSV file is treated as the header.

        headerList - List of the headers used to specify a common header for all source CSV files being imported. If this field is specified then the first line of each CSV file is treated as data instead of the header. If this field is not specified the the first line of each CSV file is treated as the header.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • headerList

        CsvOptions.Builder headerList​(String... headerList)

        List of the headers used to specify a common header for all source CSV files being imported. If this field is specified then the first line of each CSV file is treated as data instead of the header. If this field is not specified the the first line of each CSV file is treated as the header.

        headerList - List of the headers used to specify a common header for all source CSV files being imported. If this field is specified then the first line of each CSV file is treated as data instead of the header. If this field is not specified the the first line of each CSV file is treated as the header.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.