Interface BatchGetItemResponse.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • responses

        BatchGetItemResponse.Builder responses​(Map<String,​? extends Collection<? extends Map<String,​AttributeValue>>> responses)

        A map of table name to a list of items. Each object in Responses consists of a table name, along with a map of attribute data consisting of the data type and attribute value.

        responses - A map of table name to a list of items. Each object in Responses consists of a table name, along with a map of attribute data consisting of the data type and attribute value.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • unprocessedKeys

        BatchGetItemResponse.Builder unprocessedKeys​(Map<String,​KeysAndAttributes> unprocessedKeys)

        A map of tables and their respective keys that were not processed with the current response. The UnprocessedKeys value is in the same form as RequestItems, so the value can be provided directly to a subsequent BatchGetItem operation. For more information, see RequestItems in the Request Parameters section.

        Each element consists of:

        • Keys - An array of primary key attribute values that define specific items in the table.

        • ProjectionExpression - One or more attributes to be retrieved from the table or index. By default, all attributes are returned. If a requested attribute is not found, it does not appear in the result.

        • ConsistentRead - The consistency of a read operation. If set to true, then a strongly consistent read is used; otherwise, an eventually consistent read is used.

        If there are no unprocessed keys remaining, the response contains an empty UnprocessedKeys map.

        unprocessedKeys - A map of tables and their respective keys that were not processed with the current response. The UnprocessedKeys value is in the same form as RequestItems, so the value can be provided directly to a subsequent BatchGetItem operation. For more information, see RequestItems in the Request Parameters section.

        Each element consists of:

        • Keys - An array of primary key attribute values that define specific items in the table.

        • ProjectionExpression - One or more attributes to be retrieved from the table or index. By default, all attributes are returned. If a requested attribute is not found, it does not appear in the result.

        • ConsistentRead - The consistency of a read operation. If set to true, then a strongly consistent read is used; otherwise, an eventually consistent read is used.

        If there are no unprocessed keys remaining, the response contains an empty UnprocessedKeys map.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • consumedCapacity

        BatchGetItemResponse.Builder consumedCapacity​(Collection<ConsumedCapacity> consumedCapacity)

        The read capacity units consumed by the entire BatchGetItem operation.

        Each element consists of:

        • TableName - The table that consumed the provisioned throughput.

        • CapacityUnits - The total number of capacity units consumed.

        consumedCapacity - The read capacity units consumed by the entire BatchGetItem operation.

        Each element consists of:

        • TableName - The table that consumed the provisioned throughput.

        • CapacityUnits - The total number of capacity units consumed.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • consumedCapacity

        BatchGetItemResponse.Builder consumedCapacity​(ConsumedCapacity... consumedCapacity)

        The read capacity units consumed by the entire BatchGetItem operation.

        Each element consists of:

        • TableName - The table that consumed the provisioned throughput.

        • CapacityUnits - The total number of capacity units consumed.

        consumedCapacity - The read capacity units consumed by the entire BatchGetItem operation.

        Each element consists of:

        • TableName - The table that consumed the provisioned throughput.

        • CapacityUnits - The total number of capacity units consumed.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • consumedCapacity

        BatchGetItemResponse.Builder consumedCapacity​(Consumer<ConsumedCapacity.Builder>... consumedCapacity)

        The read capacity units consumed by the entire BatchGetItem operation.

        Each element consists of:

        • TableName - The table that consumed the provisioned throughput.

        • CapacityUnits - The total number of capacity units consumed.

        This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the ConsumedCapacity.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ConsumedCapacity.builder().

        When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to #consumedCapacity(List).

        consumedCapacity - a consumer that will call methods on ConsumedCapacity.Builder
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also: