Interface LaunchTemplateCpuOptionsRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • coreCount

        LaunchTemplateCpuOptionsRequest.Builder coreCount​(Integer coreCount)

        The number of CPU cores for the instance.

        coreCount - The number of CPU cores for the instance.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • threadsPerCore

        LaunchTemplateCpuOptionsRequest.Builder threadsPerCore​(Integer threadsPerCore)

        The number of threads per CPU core. To disable multithreading for the instance, specify a value of 1. Otherwise, specify the default value of 2.

        threadsPerCore - The number of threads per CPU core. To disable multithreading for the instance, specify a value of 1. Otherwise, specify the default value of 2.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • amdSevSnp

        LaunchTemplateCpuOptionsRequest.Builder amdSevSnp​(String amdSevSnp)

        Indicates whether to enable the instance for AMD SEV-SNP. AMD SEV-SNP is supported with M6a, R6a, and C6a instance types only. For more information, see AMD SEV-SNP.

        amdSevSnp - Indicates whether to enable the instance for AMD SEV-SNP. AMD SEV-SNP is supported with M6a, R6a, and C6a instance types only. For more information, see AMD SEV-SNP.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        AmdSevSnpSpecification, AmdSevSnpSpecification