Interface LockSnapshotRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • snapshotId

        LockSnapshotRequest.Builder snapshotId​(String snapshotId)

        The ID of the snapshot to lock.

        snapshotId - The ID of the snapshot to lock.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • dryRun

        LockSnapshotRequest.Builder dryRun​(Boolean dryRun)

        Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.

        dryRun - Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • lockMode

        LockSnapshotRequest.Builder lockMode​(String lockMode)

        The mode in which to lock the snapshot. Specify one of the following:

        • governance - Locks the snapshot in governance mode. Snapshots locked in governance mode can't be deleted until one of the following conditions are met:

          • The lock duration expires.

          • The snapshot is unlocked by a user with the appropriate permissions.

          Users with the appropriate IAM permissions can unlock the snapshot, increase or decrease the lock duration, and change the lock mode to compliance at any time.

          If you lock a snapshot in governance mode, omit CoolOffPeriod.

        • compliance - Locks the snapshot in compliance mode. Snapshots locked in compliance mode can't be unlocked by any user. They can be deleted only after the lock duration expires. Users can't decrease the lock duration or change the lock mode to governance. However, users with appropriate IAM permissions can increase the lock duration at any time.

          If you lock a snapshot in compliance mode, you can optionally specify CoolOffPeriod.

        lockMode - The mode in which to lock the snapshot. Specify one of the following:

        • governance - Locks the snapshot in governance mode. Snapshots locked in governance mode can't be deleted until one of the following conditions are met:

          • The lock duration expires.

          • The snapshot is unlocked by a user with the appropriate permissions.

          Users with the appropriate IAM permissions can unlock the snapshot, increase or decrease the lock duration, and change the lock mode to compliance at any time.

          If you lock a snapshot in governance mode, omit CoolOffPeriod.

        • compliance - Locks the snapshot in compliance mode. Snapshots locked in compliance mode can't be unlocked by any user. They can be deleted only after the lock duration expires. Users can't decrease the lock duration or change the lock mode to governance. However, users with appropriate IAM permissions can increase the lock duration at any time.

          If you lock a snapshot in compliance mode, you can optionally specify CoolOffPeriod.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        LockMode, LockMode
      • lockMode

        LockSnapshotRequest.Builder lockMode​(LockMode lockMode)

        The mode in which to lock the snapshot. Specify one of the following:

        • governance - Locks the snapshot in governance mode. Snapshots locked in governance mode can't be deleted until one of the following conditions are met:

          • The lock duration expires.

          • The snapshot is unlocked by a user with the appropriate permissions.

          Users with the appropriate IAM permissions can unlock the snapshot, increase or decrease the lock duration, and change the lock mode to compliance at any time.

          If you lock a snapshot in governance mode, omit CoolOffPeriod.

        • compliance - Locks the snapshot in compliance mode. Snapshots locked in compliance mode can't be unlocked by any user. They can be deleted only after the lock duration expires. Users can't decrease the lock duration or change the lock mode to governance. However, users with appropriate IAM permissions can increase the lock duration at any time.

          If you lock a snapshot in compliance mode, you can optionally specify CoolOffPeriod.

        lockMode - The mode in which to lock the snapshot. Specify one of the following:

        • governance - Locks the snapshot in governance mode. Snapshots locked in governance mode can't be deleted until one of the following conditions are met:

          • The lock duration expires.

          • The snapshot is unlocked by a user with the appropriate permissions.

          Users with the appropriate IAM permissions can unlock the snapshot, increase or decrease the lock duration, and change the lock mode to compliance at any time.

          If you lock a snapshot in governance mode, omit CoolOffPeriod.

        • compliance - Locks the snapshot in compliance mode. Snapshots locked in compliance mode can't be unlocked by any user. They can be deleted only after the lock duration expires. Users can't decrease the lock duration or change the lock mode to governance. However, users with appropriate IAM permissions can increase the lock duration at any time.

          If you lock a snapshot in compliance mode, you can optionally specify CoolOffPeriod.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        LockMode, LockMode
      • coolOffPeriod

        LockSnapshotRequest.Builder coolOffPeriod​(Integer coolOffPeriod)

        The cooling-off period during which you can unlock the snapshot or modify the lock settings after locking the snapshot in compliance mode, in hours. After the cooling-off period expires, you can't unlock or delete the snapshot, decrease the lock duration, or change the lock mode. You can increase the lock duration after the cooling-off period expires.

        The cooling-off period is optional when locking a snapshot in compliance mode. If you are locking the snapshot in governance mode, omit this parameter.

        To lock the snapshot in compliance mode immediately without a cooling-off period, omit this parameter.

        If you are extending the lock duration for a snapshot that is locked in compliance mode after the cooling-off period has expired, omit this parameter. If you specify a cooling-period in a such a request, the request fails.

        Allowed values: Min 1, max 72.

        coolOffPeriod - The cooling-off period during which you can unlock the snapshot or modify the lock settings after locking the snapshot in compliance mode, in hours. After the cooling-off period expires, you can't unlock or delete the snapshot, decrease the lock duration, or change the lock mode. You can increase the lock duration after the cooling-off period expires.

        The cooling-off period is optional when locking a snapshot in compliance mode. If you are locking the snapshot in governance mode, omit this parameter.

        To lock the snapshot in compliance mode immediately without a cooling-off period, omit this parameter.

        If you are extending the lock duration for a snapshot that is locked in compliance mode after the cooling-off period has expired, omit this parameter. If you specify a cooling-period in a such a request, the request fails.

        Allowed values: Min 1, max 72.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • lockDuration

        LockSnapshotRequest.Builder lockDuration​(Integer lockDuration)

        The period of time for which to lock the snapshot, in days. The snapshot lock will automatically expire after this period lapses.

        You must specify either this parameter or ExpirationDate, but not both.

        Allowed values: Min: 1, max 36500

        lockDuration - The period of time for which to lock the snapshot, in days. The snapshot lock will automatically expire after this period lapses.

        You must specify either this parameter or ExpirationDate, but not both.

        Allowed values: Min: 1, max 36500

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • expirationDate

        LockSnapshotRequest.Builder expirationDate​(Instant expirationDate)

        The date and time at which the snapshot lock is to automatically expire, in the UTC time zone ( YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ).

        You must specify either this parameter or LockDuration, but not both.

        expirationDate - The date and time at which the snapshot lock is to automatically expire, in the UTC time zone ( YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ).

        You must specify either this parameter or LockDuration, but not both.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.