Interface SpotPlacement.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • availabilityZone

        SpotPlacement.Builder availabilityZone​(String availabilityZone)

        The Availability Zone.

        [Spot Fleet only] To specify multiple Availability Zones, separate them using commas; for example, "us-west-2a, us-west-2b".

        availabilityZone - The Availability Zone.

        [Spot Fleet only] To specify multiple Availability Zones, separate them using commas; for example, "us-west-2a, us-west-2b".

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • groupName

        SpotPlacement.Builder groupName​(String groupName)

        The name of the placement group.

        groupName - The name of the placement group.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • tenancy

        SpotPlacement.Builder tenancy​(String tenancy)

        The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware. The host tenancy is not supported for Spot Instances.

        tenancy - The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware. The host tenancy is not supported for Spot Instances.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        Tenancy, Tenancy
      • tenancy

        SpotPlacement.Builder tenancy​(Tenancy tenancy)

        The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware. The host tenancy is not supported for Spot Instances.

        tenancy - The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware. The host tenancy is not supported for Spot Instances.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        Tenancy, Tenancy