Interface AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • allowReassignment

        AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest.Builder allowReassignment​(Boolean allowReassignment)

        Indicates whether to allow an IP address that is already assigned to another network interface or instance to be reassigned to the specified network interface.

        allowReassignment - Indicates whether to allow an IP address that is already assigned to another network interface or instance to be reassigned to the specified network interface.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • networkInterfaceId

        AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest.Builder networkInterfaceId​(String networkInterfaceId)

        The ID of the network interface.

        networkInterfaceId - The ID of the network interface.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • privateIpAddresses

        AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest.Builder privateIpAddresses​(Collection<String> privateIpAddresses)

        The IP addresses to be assigned as a secondary private IP address to the network interface. You can't specify this parameter when also specifying a number of secondary IP addresses.

        If you don't specify an IP address, Amazon EC2 automatically selects an IP address within the subnet range.

        privateIpAddresses - The IP addresses to be assigned as a secondary private IP address to the network interface. You can't specify this parameter when also specifying a number of secondary IP addresses.

        If you don't specify an IP address, Amazon EC2 automatically selects an IP address within the subnet range.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • privateIpAddresses

        AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest.Builder privateIpAddresses​(String... privateIpAddresses)

        The IP addresses to be assigned as a secondary private IP address to the network interface. You can't specify this parameter when also specifying a number of secondary IP addresses.

        If you don't specify an IP address, Amazon EC2 automatically selects an IP address within the subnet range.

        privateIpAddresses - The IP addresses to be assigned as a secondary private IP address to the network interface. You can't specify this parameter when also specifying a number of secondary IP addresses.

        If you don't specify an IP address, Amazon EC2 automatically selects an IP address within the subnet range.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount

        AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest.Builder secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount​(Integer secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount)

        The number of secondary IP addresses to assign to the network interface. You can't specify this parameter when also specifying private IP addresses.

        secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount - The number of secondary IP addresses to assign to the network interface. You can't specify this parameter when also specifying private IP addresses.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • ipv4Prefixes

        AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest.Builder ipv4Prefixes​(Collection<String> ipv4Prefixes)

        One or more IPv4 prefixes assigned to the network interface. You cannot use this option if you use the Ipv4PrefixCount option.

        ipv4Prefixes - One or more IPv4 prefixes assigned to the network interface. You cannot use this option if you use the Ipv4PrefixCount option.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • ipv4Prefixes

        AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest.Builder ipv4Prefixes​(String... ipv4Prefixes)

        One or more IPv4 prefixes assigned to the network interface. You cannot use this option if you use the Ipv4PrefixCount option.

        ipv4Prefixes - One or more IPv4 prefixes assigned to the network interface. You cannot use this option if you use the Ipv4PrefixCount option.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • ipv4PrefixCount

        AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest.Builder ipv4PrefixCount​(Integer ipv4PrefixCount)

        The number of IPv4 prefixes that Amazon Web Services automatically assigns to the network interface. You cannot use this option if you use the Ipv4 Prefixes option.

        ipv4PrefixCount - The number of IPv4 prefixes that Amazon Web Services automatically assigns to the network interface. You cannot use this option if you use the Ipv4 Prefixes option.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.