Interface GetSpotPlacementScoresResponse.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • spotPlacementScores

        GetSpotPlacementScoresResponse.Builder spotPlacementScores​(Collection<SpotPlacementScore> spotPlacementScores)

        The Spot placement score for the top 10 Regions or Availability Zones, scored on a scale from 1 to 10. Each score
 reflects how likely it is that each Region or Availability Zone will succeed at fulfilling the specified target capacity
 at the time of the Spot placement score request. A score of 10 means that your Spot capacity request is highly likely to succeed in that Region or Availability Zone.

        If you request a Spot placement score for Regions, a high score assumes that your fleet request will be configured to use all Availability Zones and the capacity-optimized allocation strategy. If you request a Spot placement score for Availability Zones, a high score assumes that your fleet request will be configured to use a single Availability Zone and the capacity-optimized allocation strategy.

 Regions or Availability Zones might return the same score.

        The Spot placement score serves as a recommendation only. No score guarantees that your Spot request will be fully or partially fulfilled.

        spotPlacementScores - The Spot placement score for the top 10 Regions or Availability Zones, scored on a scale from 1 to 10. Each score
 reflects how likely it is that each Region or Availability Zone will succeed at fulfilling the specified target capacity
 at the time of the Spot placement score request. A score of 10 means that your Spot capacity request is highly likely to succeed in that Region or Availability Zone.

        If you request a Spot placement score for Regions, a high score assumes that your fleet request will be configured to use all Availability Zones and the capacity-optimized allocation strategy. If you request a Spot placement score for Availability Zones, a high score assumes that your fleet request will be configured to use a single Availability Zone and the capacity-optimized allocation strategy.

 Regions or Availability Zones might return the same score.

        The Spot placement score serves as a recommendation only. No score guarantees that your Spot request will be fully or partially fulfilled.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • spotPlacementScores

        GetSpotPlacementScoresResponse.Builder spotPlacementScores​(SpotPlacementScore... spotPlacementScores)

        The Spot placement score for the top 10 Regions or Availability Zones, scored on a scale from 1 to 10. Each score
 reflects how likely it is that each Region or Availability Zone will succeed at fulfilling the specified target capacity
 at the time of the Spot placement score request. A score of 10 means that your Spot capacity request is highly likely to succeed in that Region or Availability Zone.

        If you request a Spot placement score for Regions, a high score assumes that your fleet request will be configured to use all Availability Zones and the capacity-optimized allocation strategy. If you request a Spot placement score for Availability Zones, a high score assumes that your fleet request will be configured to use a single Availability Zone and the capacity-optimized allocation strategy.

 Regions or Availability Zones might return the same score.

        The Spot placement score serves as a recommendation only. No score guarantees that your Spot request will be fully or partially fulfilled.

        spotPlacementScores - The Spot placement score for the top 10 Regions or Availability Zones, scored on a scale from 1 to 10. Each score
 reflects how likely it is that each Region or Availability Zone will succeed at fulfilling the specified target capacity
 at the time of the Spot placement score request. A score of 10 means that your Spot capacity request is highly likely to succeed in that Region or Availability Zone.

        If you request a Spot placement score for Regions, a high score assumes that your fleet request will be configured to use all Availability Zones and the capacity-optimized allocation strategy. If you request a Spot placement score for Availability Zones, a high score assumes that your fleet request will be configured to use a single Availability Zone and the capacity-optimized allocation strategy.

 Regions or Availability Zones might return the same score.

        The Spot placement score serves as a recommendation only. No score guarantees that your Spot request will be fully or partially fulfilled.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • spotPlacementScores

        GetSpotPlacementScoresResponse.Builder spotPlacementScores​(Consumer<SpotPlacementScore.Builder>... spotPlacementScores)

        The Spot placement score for the top 10 Regions or Availability Zones, scored on a scale from 1 to 10. Each score
 reflects how likely it is that each Region or Availability Zone will succeed at fulfilling the specified target capacity
 at the time of the Spot placement score request. A score of 10 means that your Spot capacity request is highly likely to succeed in that Region or Availability Zone.

        If you request a Spot placement score for Regions, a high score assumes that your fleet request will be configured to use all Availability Zones and the capacity-optimized allocation strategy. If you request a Spot placement score for Availability Zones, a high score assumes that your fleet request will be configured to use a single Availability Zone and the capacity-optimized allocation strategy.

 Regions or Availability Zones might return the same score.

        The Spot placement score serves as a recommendation only. No score guarantees that your Spot request will be fully or partially fulfilled.

        This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the SpotPlacementScore.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via SpotPlacementScore.builder().

        When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to #spotPlacementScores(List).

        spotPlacementScores - a consumer that will call methods on SpotPlacementScore.Builder
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
      • nextToken

        GetSpotPlacementScoresResponse.Builder nextToken​(String nextToken)

        The token to include in another request to get the next page of items. This value is null when there are no more items to return.

        nextToken - The token to include in another request to get the next page of items. This value is null when there are no more items to return.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.