Interface IpPermission.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • fromPort

        IpPermission.Builder fromPort​(Integer fromPort)

        If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the start of the port range. If the protocol is ICMP or ICMPv6, this is the ICMP type or -1 (all ICMP types).

        fromPort - If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the start of the port range. If the protocol is ICMP or ICMPv6, this is the ICMP type or -1 (all ICMP types).
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • ipProtocol

        IpPermission.Builder ipProtocol​(String ipProtocol)

        The IP protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp, icmpv6) or number (see Protocol Numbers).

        Use -1 to specify all protocols. When authorizing security group rules, specifying -1 or a protocol number other than tcp, udp, icmp, or icmpv6 allows traffic on all ports, regardless of any port range you specify. For tcp, udp, and icmp, you must specify a port range. For icmpv6, the port range is optional; if you omit the port range, traffic for all types and codes is allowed.

        ipProtocol - The IP protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp, icmpv6) or number (see Protocol Numbers).

        Use -1 to specify all protocols. When authorizing security group rules, specifying -1 or a protocol number other than tcp, udp, icmp, or icmpv6 allows traffic on all ports, regardless of any port range you specify. For tcp, udp, and icmp, you must specify a port range. For icmpv6, the port range is optional; if you omit the port range, traffic for all types and codes is allowed.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • ipRanges

        IpPermission.Builder ipRanges​(Collection<IpRange> ipRanges)

        The IPv4 address ranges.

        ipRanges - The IPv4 address ranges.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • ipRanges

        IpPermission.Builder ipRanges​(IpRange... ipRanges)

        The IPv4 address ranges.

        ipRanges - The IPv4 address ranges.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • ipv6Ranges

        IpPermission.Builder ipv6Ranges​(Collection<Ipv6Range> ipv6Ranges)

        The IPv6 address ranges.

        ipv6Ranges - The IPv6 address ranges.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • ipv6Ranges

        IpPermission.Builder ipv6Ranges​(Ipv6Range... ipv6Ranges)

        The IPv6 address ranges.

        ipv6Ranges - The IPv6 address ranges.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • prefixListIds

        IpPermission.Builder prefixListIds​(Collection<PrefixListId> prefixListIds)

        The prefix list IDs.

        prefixListIds - The prefix list IDs.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • prefixListIds

        IpPermission.Builder prefixListIds​(PrefixListId... prefixListIds)

        The prefix list IDs.

        prefixListIds - The prefix list IDs.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • toPort

        IpPermission.Builder toPort​(Integer toPort)

        If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the end of the port range. If the protocol is ICMP or ICMPv6, this is the ICMP code or -1 (all ICMP codes). If the start port is -1 (all ICMP types), then the end port must be -1 (all ICMP codes).

        toPort - If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the end of the port range. If the protocol is ICMP or ICMPv6, this is the ICMP code or -1 (all ICMP codes). If the start port is -1 (all ICMP types), then the end port must be -1 (all ICMP codes).
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • userIdGroupPairs

        IpPermission.Builder userIdGroupPairs​(Collection<UserIdGroupPair> userIdGroupPairs)

        The security group and Amazon Web Services account ID pairs.

        userIdGroupPairs - The security group and Amazon Web Services account ID pairs.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • userIdGroupPairs

        IpPermission.Builder userIdGroupPairs​(UserIdGroupPair... userIdGroupPairs)

        The security group and Amazon Web Services account ID pairs.

        userIdGroupPairs - The security group and Amazon Web Services account ID pairs.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.