Interface ConnectionTrackingSpecificationResponse.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • tcpEstablishedTimeout

        ConnectionTrackingSpecificationResponse.Builder tcpEstablishedTimeout​(Integer tcpEstablishedTimeout)

        Timeout (in seconds) for idle TCP connections in an established state. Min: 60 seconds. Max: 432000 seconds (5 days). Default: 432000 seconds. Recommended: Less than 432000 seconds.

        tcpEstablishedTimeout - Timeout (in seconds) for idle TCP connections in an established state. Min: 60 seconds. Max: 432000 seconds (5 days). Default: 432000 seconds. Recommended: Less than 432000 seconds.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • udpStreamTimeout

        ConnectionTrackingSpecificationResponse.Builder udpStreamTimeout​(Integer udpStreamTimeout)

        Timeout (in seconds) for idle UDP flows classified as streams which have seen more than one request-response transaction. Min: 60 seconds. Max: 180 seconds (3 minutes). Default: 180 seconds.

        udpStreamTimeout - Timeout (in seconds) for idle UDP flows classified as streams which have seen more than one request-response transaction. Min: 60 seconds. Max: 180 seconds (3 minutes). Default: 180 seconds.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • udpTimeout

        ConnectionTrackingSpecificationResponse.Builder udpTimeout​(Integer udpTimeout)

        Timeout (in seconds) for idle UDP flows that have seen traffic only in a single direction or a single request-response transaction. Min: 30 seconds. Max: 60 seconds. Default: 30 seconds.

        udpTimeout - Timeout (in seconds) for idle UDP flows that have seen traffic only in a single direction or a single request-response transaction. Min: 30 seconds. Max: 60 seconds. Default: 30 seconds.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.