Class GetSnapshotBlockPublicAccessStateResponse

    • Method Detail

      • state

        public final SnapshotBlockPublicAccessState state()

        The current state of block public access for snapshots. Possible values include:

        • block-all-sharing - All public sharing of snapshots is blocked. Users in the account can't request new public sharing. Additionally, snapshots that were already publicly shared are treated as private and are not publicly available.

        • block-new-sharing - Only new public sharing of snapshots is blocked. Users in the account can't request new public sharing. However, snapshots that were already publicly shared, remain publicly available.

        • unblocked - Public sharing is not blocked. Users can publicly share snapshots.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, state will return SnapshotBlockPublicAccessState.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from stateAsString().

        The current state of block public access for snapshots. Possible values include:

        • block-all-sharing - All public sharing of snapshots is blocked. Users in the account can't request new public sharing. Additionally, snapshots that were already publicly shared are treated as private and are not publicly available.

        • block-new-sharing - Only new public sharing of snapshots is blocked. Users in the account can't request new public sharing. However, snapshots that were already publicly shared, remain publicly available.

        • unblocked - Public sharing is not blocked. Users can publicly share snapshots.

        See Also:
      • stateAsString

        public final String stateAsString()

        The current state of block public access for snapshots. Possible values include:

        • block-all-sharing - All public sharing of snapshots is blocked. Users in the account can't request new public sharing. Additionally, snapshots that were already publicly shared are treated as private and are not publicly available.

        • block-new-sharing - Only new public sharing of snapshots is blocked. Users in the account can't request new public sharing. However, snapshots that were already publicly shared, remain publicly available.

        • unblocked - Public sharing is not blocked. Users can publicly share snapshots.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, state will return SnapshotBlockPublicAccessState.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from stateAsString().

        The current state of block public access for snapshots. Possible values include:

        • block-all-sharing - All public sharing of snapshots is blocked. Users in the account can't request new public sharing. Additionally, snapshots that were already publicly shared are treated as private and are not publicly available.

        • block-new-sharing - Only new public sharing of snapshots is blocked. Users in the account can't request new public sharing. However, snapshots that were already publicly shared, remain publicly available.

        • unblocked - Public sharing is not blocked. Users can publicly share snapshots.

        See Also:
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object