Interface BackupPolicy.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • status

        BackupPolicy.Builder status​(String status)

        Describes the status of the file system's backup policy.

        • ENABLED – EFS is automatically backing up the file system.

        • ENABLING – EFS is turning on automatic backups for the file system.

        • DISABLED – Automatic back ups are turned off for the file system.

        • DISABLING – EFS is turning off automatic backups for the file system.

        status - Describes the status of the file system's backup policy.

        • ENABLED – EFS is automatically backing up the file system.

        • ENABLING – EFS is turning on automatic backups for the file system.

        • DISABLED – Automatic back ups are turned off for the file system.

        • DISABLING – EFS is turning off automatic backups for the file system.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        Status, Status
      • status

        BackupPolicy.Builder status​(Status status)

        Describes the status of the file system's backup policy.

        • ENABLED – EFS is automatically backing up the file system.

        • ENABLING – EFS is turning on automatic backups for the file system.

        • DISABLED – Automatic back ups are turned off for the file system.

        • DISABLING – EFS is turning off automatic backups for the file system.

        status - Describes the status of the file system's backup policy.

        • ENABLED – EFS is automatically backing up the file system.

        • ENABLING – EFS is turning on automatic backups for the file system.

        • DISABLED – Automatic back ups are turned off for the file system.

        • DISABLING – EFS is turning off automatic backups for the file system.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        Status, Status