Class ListTagsForResourceRequest

    • Method Detail

      • resourceId

        public final String resourceId()

        Specifies the EFS resource you want to retrieve tags for. You can retrieve tags for EFS file systems and access points using this API endpoint.

        Specifies the EFS resource you want to retrieve tags for. You can retrieve tags for EFS file systems and access points using this API endpoint.
      • maxResults

        public final Integer maxResults()

        (Optional) Specifies the maximum number of tag objects to return in the response. The default value is 100.

        (Optional) Specifies the maximum number of tag objects to return in the response. The default value is 100.
      • nextToken

        public final String nextToken()

        (Optional) You can use NextToken in a subsequent request to fetch the next page of access point descriptions if the response payload was paginated.

        (Optional) You can use NextToken in a subsequent request to fetch the next page of access point descriptions if the response payload was paginated.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object