Interface HiveJsonSerDe.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • timestampFormats

        HiveJsonSerDe.Builder timestampFormats​(Collection<String> timestampFormats)

        Indicates how you want Kinesis Data Firehose to parse the date and timestamps that may be present in your input data JSON. To specify these format strings, follow the pattern syntax of JodaTime's DateTimeFormat format strings. For more information, see Class DateTimeFormat. You can also use the special value millis to parse timestamps in epoch milliseconds. If you don't specify a format, Kinesis Data Firehose uses java.sql.Timestamp::valueOf by default.

        timestampFormats - Indicates how you want Kinesis Data Firehose to parse the date and timestamps that may be present in your input data JSON. To specify these format strings, follow the pattern syntax of JodaTime's DateTimeFormat format strings. For more information, see Class DateTimeFormat. You can also use the special value millis to parse timestamps in epoch milliseconds. If you don't specify a format, Kinesis Data Firehose uses java.sql.Timestamp::valueOf by default.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • timestampFormats

        HiveJsonSerDe.Builder timestampFormats​(String... timestampFormats)

        Indicates how you want Kinesis Data Firehose to parse the date and timestamps that may be present in your input data JSON. To specify these format strings, follow the pattern syntax of JodaTime's DateTimeFormat format strings. For more information, see Class DateTimeFormat. You can also use the special value millis to parse timestamps in epoch milliseconds. If you don't specify a format, Kinesis Data Firehose uses java.sql.Timestamp::valueOf by default.

        timestampFormats - Indicates how you want Kinesis Data Firehose to parse the date and timestamps that may be present in your input data JSON. To specify these format strings, follow the pattern syntax of JodaTime's DateTimeFormat format strings. For more information, see Class DateTimeFormat. You can also use the special value millis to parse timestamps in epoch milliseconds. If you don't specify a format, Kinesis Data Firehose uses java.sql.Timestamp::valueOf by default.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.