Class AmazonopensearchserviceBufferingHints

    • Method Detail

      • intervalInSeconds

        public final Integer intervalInSeconds()

        Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300 (5 minutes).

        Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300 (5 minutes).
      • sizeInMBs

        public final Integer sizeInMBs()

        Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5.

        We recommend setting this parameter to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB/sec, the value should be 10 MB or higher.

        Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5.

        We recommend setting this parameter to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB/sec, the value should be 10 MB or higher.

      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object
      • getValueForField

        public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField​(String fieldName,
                                                      Class<T> clazz)