Interface DeleteDeliveryStreamRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • deliveryStreamName

        DeleteDeliveryStreamRequest.Builder deliveryStreamName​(String deliveryStreamName)

        The name of the delivery stream.

        deliveryStreamName - The name of the delivery stream.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • allowForceDelete

        DeleteDeliveryStreamRequest.Builder allowForceDelete​(Boolean allowForceDelete)

        Set this to true if you want to delete the delivery stream even if Firehose is unable to retire the grant for the CMK. Firehose might be unable to retire the grant due to a customer error, such as when the CMK or the grant are in an invalid state. If you force deletion, you can then use the RevokeGrant operation to revoke the grant you gave to Firehose. If a failure to retire the grant happens due to an Amazon Web Services KMS issue, Firehose keeps retrying the delete operation.

        The default value is false.

        allowForceDelete - Set this to true if you want to delete the delivery stream even if Firehose is unable to retire the grant for the CMK. Firehose might be unable to retire the grant due to a customer error, such as when the CMK or the grant are in an invalid state. If you force deletion, you can then use the RevokeGrant operation to revoke the grant you gave to Firehose. If a failure to retire the grant happens due to an Amazon Web Services KMS issue, Firehose keeps retrying the delete operation.

        The default value is false.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.