Interface ProcessorParameter.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • parameterName

        ProcessorParameter.Builder parameterName​(String parameterName)

        The name of the parameter. Currently the following default values are supported: 3 for NumberOfRetries and 60 for the BufferIntervalInSeconds. The BufferSizeInMBs ranges between 0.2 MB and up to 3MB. The default buffering hint is 1MB for all destinations, except Splunk. For Splunk, the default buffering hint is 256 KB.

        parameterName - The name of the parameter. Currently the following default values are supported: 3 for NumberOfRetries and 60 for the BufferIntervalInSeconds. The BufferSizeInMBs ranges between 0.2 MB and up to 3MB. The default buffering hint is 1MB for all destinations, except Splunk. For Splunk, the default buffering hint is 256 KB.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ProcessorParameterName, ProcessorParameterName
      • parameterName

        ProcessorParameter.Builder parameterName​(ProcessorParameterName parameterName)

        The name of the parameter. Currently the following default values are supported: 3 for NumberOfRetries and 60 for the BufferIntervalInSeconds. The BufferSizeInMBs ranges between 0.2 MB and up to 3MB. The default buffering hint is 1MB for all destinations, except Splunk. For Splunk, the default buffering hint is 256 KB.

        parameterName - The name of the parameter. Currently the following default values are supported: 3 for NumberOfRetries and 60 for the BufferIntervalInSeconds. The BufferSizeInMBs ranges between 0.2 MB and up to 3MB. The default buffering hint is 1MB for all destinations, except Splunk. For Splunk, the default buffering hint is 256 KB.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ProcessorParameterName, ProcessorParameterName
      • parameterValue

        ProcessorParameter.Builder parameterValue​(String parameterValue)

        The parameter value.

        parameterValue - The parameter value.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.