Interface PartitionIndexDescriptor.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • indexName

        PartitionIndexDescriptor.Builder indexName​(String indexName)

        The name of the partition index.

        indexName - The name of the partition index.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • keys

        PartitionIndexDescriptor.Builder keys​(Collection<KeySchemaElement> keys)

        A list of one or more keys, as KeySchemaElement structures, for the partition index.

        keys - A list of one or more keys, as KeySchemaElement structures, for the partition index.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • keys

        PartitionIndexDescriptor.Builder keys​(KeySchemaElement... keys)

        A list of one or more keys, as KeySchemaElement structures, for the partition index.

        keys - A list of one or more keys, as KeySchemaElement structures, for the partition index.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • indexStatus

        PartitionIndexDescriptor.Builder indexStatus​(String indexStatus)

        The status of the partition index.

        The possible statuses are:

        • CREATING: The index is being created. When an index is in a CREATING state, the index or its table cannot be deleted.

        • ACTIVE: The index creation succeeds.

        • FAILED: The index creation fails.

        • DELETING: The index is deleted from the list of indexes.

        indexStatus - The status of the partition index.

        The possible statuses are:

        • CREATING: The index is being created. When an index is in a CREATING state, the index or its table cannot be deleted.

        • ACTIVE: The index creation succeeds.

        • FAILED: The index creation fails.

        • DELETING: The index is deleted from the list of indexes.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        PartitionIndexStatus, PartitionIndexStatus
      • indexStatus

        PartitionIndexDescriptor.Builder indexStatus​(PartitionIndexStatus indexStatus)

        The status of the partition index.

        The possible statuses are:

        • CREATING: The index is being created. When an index is in a CREATING state, the index or its table cannot be deleted.

        • ACTIVE: The index creation succeeds.

        • FAILED: The index creation fails.

        • DELETING: The index is deleted from the list of indexes.

        indexStatus - The status of the partition index.

        The possible statuses are:

        • CREATING: The index is being created. When an index is in a CREATING state, the index or its table cannot be deleted.

        • ACTIVE: The index creation succeeds.

        • FAILED: The index creation fails.

        • DELETING: The index is deleted from the list of indexes.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        PartitionIndexStatus, PartitionIndexStatus
      • backfillErrors

        PartitionIndexDescriptor.Builder backfillErrors​(Collection<BackfillError> backfillErrors)

        A list of errors that can occur when registering partition indexes for an existing table.

        backfillErrors - A list of errors that can occur when registering partition indexes for an existing table.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • backfillErrors

        PartitionIndexDescriptor.Builder backfillErrors​(BackfillError... backfillErrors)

        A list of errors that can occur when registering partition indexes for an existing table.

        backfillErrors - A list of errors that can occur when registering partition indexes for an existing table.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.