Class UpdateDatabaseRequest

    • Method Detail

      • catalogId

        public final String catalogId()

        The ID of the Data Catalog in which the metadata database resides. If none is provided, the Amazon Web Services account ID is used by default.

        The ID of the Data Catalog in which the metadata database resides. If none is provided, the Amazon Web Services account ID is used by default.
      • name

        public final String name()

        The name of the database to update in the catalog. For Hive compatibility, this is folded to lowercase.

        The name of the database to update in the catalog. For Hive compatibility, this is folded to lowercase.
      • databaseInput

        public final DatabaseInput databaseInput()

        A DatabaseInput object specifying the new definition of the metadata database in the catalog.

        A DatabaseInput object specifying the new definition of the metadata database in the catalog.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object