Class UpdateDynamicThingGroupRequest

    • Method Detail

      • thingGroupName

        public final String thingGroupName()

        The name of the dynamic thing group to update.

        The name of the dynamic thing group to update.
      • thingGroupProperties

        public final ThingGroupProperties thingGroupProperties()

        The dynamic thing group properties to update.

        The dynamic thing group properties to update.
      • expectedVersion

        public final Long expectedVersion()

        The expected version of the dynamic thing group to update.

        The expected version of the dynamic thing group to update.
      • indexName

        public final String indexName()

        The dynamic thing group index to update.

        Currently one index is supported: AWS_Things.

        The dynamic thing group index to update.

        Currently one index is supported: AWS_Things.

      • queryString

        public final String queryString()

        The dynamic thing group search query string to update.

        The dynamic thing group search query string to update.
      • queryVersion

        public final String queryVersion()

        The dynamic thing group query version to update.

        Currently one query version is supported: "2017-09-30". If not specified, the query version defaults to this value.

        The dynamic thing group query version to update.

        Currently one query version is supported: "2017-09-30". If not specified, the query version defaults to this value.

      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object