Class CreateThingRequest

    • Method Detail

      • thingName

        public final String thingName()

        The name of the thing to create.

        You can't change a thing's name after you create it. To change a thing's name, you must create a new thing, give it the new name, and then delete the old thing.

        The name of the thing to create.

        You can't change a thing's name after you create it. To change a thing's name, you must create a new thing, give it the new name, and then delete the old thing.

      • thingTypeName

        public final String thingTypeName()

        The name of the thing type associated with the new thing.

        The name of the thing type associated with the new thing.
      • attributePayload

        public final AttributePayload attributePayload()

        The attribute payload, which consists of up to three name/value pairs in a JSON document. For example:


        The attribute payload, which consists of up to three name/value pairs in a JSON document. For example:


      • billingGroupName

        public final String billingGroupName()

        The name of the billing group the thing will be added to.

        The name of the billing group the thing will be added to.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object