Interface DeleteOtaUpdateRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • otaUpdateId

        DeleteOtaUpdateRequest.Builder otaUpdateId​(String otaUpdateId)

        The ID of the OTA update to delete.

        otaUpdateId - The ID of the OTA update to delete.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • deleteStream

        DeleteOtaUpdateRequest.Builder deleteStream​(Boolean deleteStream)

        When true, the stream created by the OTAUpdate process is deleted when the OTA update is deleted. Ignored if the stream specified in the OTAUpdate is supplied by the user.

        deleteStream - When true, the stream created by the OTAUpdate process is deleted when the OTA update is deleted. Ignored if the stream specified in the OTAUpdate is supplied by the user.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • forceDeleteAWSJob

        DeleteOtaUpdateRequest.Builder forceDeleteAWSJob​(Boolean forceDeleteAWSJob)

        When true, deletes the IoT job created by the OTAUpdate process even if it is "IN_PROGRESS". Otherwise, if the job is not in a terminal state ("COMPLETED" or "CANCELED") an exception will occur. The default is false.

        forceDeleteAWSJob - When true, deletes the IoT job created by the OTAUpdate process even if it is "IN_PROGRESS". Otherwise, if the job is not in a terminal state ("COMPLETED" or "CANCELED") an exception will occur. The default is false.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.