Class UpdateProvisioningTemplateRequest

    • Method Detail

      • templateName

        public final String templateName()

        The name of the provisioning template.

        The name of the provisioning template.
      • description

        public final String description()

        The description of the provisioning template.

        The description of the provisioning template.
      • enabled

        public final Boolean enabled()

        True to enable the provisioning template, otherwise false.

        True to enable the provisioning template, otherwise false.
      • defaultVersionId

        public final Integer defaultVersionId()

        The ID of the default provisioning template version.

        The ID of the default provisioning template version.
      • provisioningRoleArn

        public final String provisioningRoleArn()

        The ARN of the role associated with the provisioning template. This IoT role grants permission to provision a device.

        The ARN of the role associated with the provisioning template. This IoT role grants permission to provision a device.
      • preProvisioningHook

        public final ProvisioningHook preProvisioningHook()

        Updates the pre-provisioning hook template. Only supports template of type FLEET_PROVISIONING. For more information about provisioning template types, see type.

        Updates the pre-provisioning hook template. Only supports template of type FLEET_PROVISIONING. For more information about provisioning template types, see type.
      • removePreProvisioningHook

        public final Boolean removePreProvisioningHook()

        Removes pre-provisioning hook template.

        Removes pre-provisioning hook template.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object