Interface DescribeEndpointRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • endpointType

        DescribeEndpointRequest.Builder endpointType​(String endpointType)

        The endpoint type. Valid endpoint types include:

        • iot:Data - Returns a VeriSign signed data endpoint.

        • iot:Data-ATS - Returns an ATS signed data endpoint.

        • iot:CredentialProvider - Returns an IoT credentials provider API endpoint.

        • iot:Jobs - Returns an IoT device management Jobs API endpoint.

        We strongly recommend that customers use the newer iot:Data-ATS endpoint type to avoid issues related to the widespread distrust of Symantec certificate authorities. ATS Signed Certificates are more secure and are trusted by most popular browsers.

        endpointType - The endpoint type. Valid endpoint types include:

        • iot:Data - Returns a VeriSign signed data endpoint.

        • iot:Data-ATS - Returns an ATS signed data endpoint.

        • iot:CredentialProvider - Returns an IoT credentials provider API endpoint.

        • iot:Jobs - Returns an IoT device management Jobs API endpoint.

        We strongly recommend that customers use the newer iot:Data-ATS endpoint type to avoid issues related to the widespread distrust of Symantec certificate authorities. ATS Signed Certificates are more secure and are trusted by most popular browsers.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.