Class ListThingGroupsRequest

    • Method Detail

      • nextToken

        public final String nextToken()

        To retrieve the next set of results, the nextToken value from a previous response; otherwise null to receive the first set of results.

        To retrieve the next set of results, the nextToken value from a previous response; otherwise null to receive the first set of results.
      • maxResults

        public final Integer maxResults()

        The maximum number of results to return at one time.

        The maximum number of results to return at one time.
      • parentGroup

        public final String parentGroup()

        A filter that limits the results to those with the specified parent group.

        A filter that limits the results to those with the specified parent group.
      • namePrefixFilter

        public final String namePrefixFilter()

        A filter that limits the results to those with the specified name prefix.

        A filter that limits the results to those with the specified name prefix.
      • recursive

        public final Boolean recursive()

        If true, return child groups as well.

        If true, return child groups as well.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object