Interface SchedulingConfig.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • startTime

        SchedulingConfig.Builder startTime​(String startTime)

        The time a job will begin rollout of the job document to all devices in the target group for a job. The startTime can be scheduled up to a year in advance and must be scheduled a minimum of thirty minutes from the current time. The date and time format for the startTime is YYYY-MM-DD for the date and HH:MM for the time.

        For more information on the syntax for startTime when using an API command or the Command Line Interface, see Timestamp.

        startTime - The time a job will begin rollout of the job document to all devices in the target group for a job. The startTime can be scheduled up to a year in advance and must be scheduled a minimum of thirty minutes from the current time. The date and time format for the startTime is YYYY-MM-DD for the date and HH:MM for the time.

        For more information on the syntax for startTime when using an API command or the Command Line Interface, see Timestamp.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • endTime

        SchedulingConfig.Builder endTime​(String endTime)

        The time a job will stop rollout of the job document to all devices in the target group for a job. The endTime must take place no later than two years from the current time and be scheduled a minimum of thirty minutes from the current time. The minimum duration between startTime and endTime is thirty minutes. The maximum duration between startTime and endTime is two years. The date and time format for the endTime is YYYY-MM-DD for the date and HH:MM for the time.

        For more information on the syntax for endTime when using an API command or the Command Line Interface, see Timestamp.

        endTime - The time a job will stop rollout of the job document to all devices in the target group for a job. The endTime must take place no later than two years from the current time and be scheduled a minimum of thirty minutes from the current time. The minimum duration between startTime and endTime is thirty minutes. The maximum duration between startTime and endTime is two years. The date and time format for the endTime is YYYY-MM-DD for the date and HH:MM for the time.

        For more information on the syntax for endTime when using an API command or the Command Line Interface, see Timestamp.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • endBehavior

        SchedulingConfig.Builder endBehavior​(String endBehavior)

        Specifies the end behavior for all job executions after a job reaches the selected endTime. If endTime is not selected when creating the job, then endBehavior does not apply.

        endBehavior - Specifies the end behavior for all job executions after a job reaches the selected endTime. If endTime is not selected when creating the job, then endBehavior does not apply.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        JobEndBehavior, JobEndBehavior
      • endBehavior

        SchedulingConfig.Builder endBehavior​(JobEndBehavior endBehavior)

        Specifies the end behavior for all job executions after a job reaches the selected endTime. If endTime is not selected when creating the job, then endBehavior does not apply.

        endBehavior - Specifies the end behavior for all job executions after a job reaches the selected endTime. If endTime is not selected when creating the job, then endBehavior does not apply.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        JobEndBehavior, JobEndBehavior
      • maintenanceWindows

        SchedulingConfig.Builder maintenanceWindows​(Collection<MaintenanceWindow> maintenanceWindows)

        An optional configuration within the SchedulingConfig to setup a recurring maintenance window with a predetermined start time and duration for the rollout of a job document to all devices in a target group for a job.

        maintenanceWindows - An optional configuration within the SchedulingConfig to setup a recurring maintenance window with a predetermined start time and duration for the rollout of a job document to all devices in a target group for a job.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • maintenanceWindows

        SchedulingConfig.Builder maintenanceWindows​(MaintenanceWindow... maintenanceWindows)

        An optional configuration within the SchedulingConfig to setup a recurring maintenance window with a predetermined start time and duration for the rollout of a job document to all devices in a target group for a job.

        maintenanceWindows - An optional configuration within the SchedulingConfig to setup a recurring maintenance window with a predetermined start time and duration for the rollout of a job document to all devices in a target group for a job.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • maintenanceWindows

        SchedulingConfig.Builder maintenanceWindows​(Consumer<MaintenanceWindow.Builder>... maintenanceWindows)

        An optional configuration within the SchedulingConfig to setup a recurring maintenance window with a predetermined start time and duration for the rollout of a job document to all devices in a target group for a job.

        This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the MaintenanceWindow.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via MaintenanceWindow.builder().

        When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to #maintenanceWindows(List).

        maintenanceWindows - a consumer that will call methods on MaintenanceWindow.Builder
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also: